* Dariusz RumiƄski * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Console\Command; use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream; use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamDirectory; use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamException; use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamWrapper; use PhpCsFixer\Console\Application; use PhpCsFixer\Console\Command\SelfUpdateCommand; use PhpCsFixer\Console\SelfUpdate\GithubClientInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Console\SelfUpdate\NewVersionChecker; use PhpCsFixer\Console\SelfUpdate\NewVersionCheckerInterface; use PhpCsFixer\PharCheckerInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Tests\TestCase; use PhpCsFixer\ToolInfoInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; use Symfony\Component\Console\Tester\CommandTester; /** * @internal * * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Console\Command\SelfUpdateCommand */ final class SelfUpdateCommandTest extends TestCase { private ?vfsStreamDirectory $root = null; protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->root = vfsStream::setup(); file_put_contents($this->getToolPath(), 'Current PHP CS Fixer.'); file_put_contents($this->root->url().'/'.self::getNewMinorReleaseVersion().'.phar', 'New minor version of PHP CS Fixer.'); file_put_contents($this->root->url().'/'.self::getNewMajorReleaseVersion().'.phar', 'New major version of PHP CS Fixer.'); } protected function tearDown(): void { parent::tearDown(); $this->root = null; try { vfsStreamWrapper::unregister(); } catch (vfsStreamException $exception) { // ignored } } /** * @dataProvider provideCommandNameCases */ public function testCommandName(string $name): void { $command = new SelfUpdateCommand( $this->createNewVersionCheckerDouble(), $this->createToolInfoDouble(), $this->createPharCheckerDouble(), ); $application = new Application(); $application->add($command); self::assertSame($command, $application->find($name)); } /** * @return iterable */ public static function provideCommandNameCases(): iterable { yield ['self-update']; yield ['selfupdate']; } /** * @param array $input * * @dataProvider provideExecuteCases */ public function testExecute( string $latestVersion, ?string $latestMinorVersion, array $input, bool $decorated, string $expectedFileContents, string $expectedDisplay ): void { $versionChecker = $this->createNewVersionCheckerDouble($latestVersion, $latestMinorVersion); $command = new SelfUpdateCommand( $versionChecker, $this->createToolInfoDouble(), $this->createPharCheckerDouble(), ); $commandTester = $this->execute($command, $input, $decorated); self::assertSame($expectedFileContents, file_get_contents($this->getToolPath())); self::assertDisplay($expectedDisplay, $commandTester); self::assertSame(0, $commandTester->getStatusCode()); } public static function provideExecuteCases(): iterable { $currentVersion = Application::VERSION; $minorRelease = self::getNewMinorReleaseVersion(); $majorRelease = self::getNewMajorReleaseVersion(); $major = self::getNewMajorVersion(); $currentContents = 'Current PHP CS Fixer.'; $minorContents = 'New minor version of PHP CS Fixer.'; $majorContents = 'New major version of PHP CS Fixer.'; $upToDateDisplay = "\033[32mPHP CS Fixer is already up-to-date.\033[39m\n"; $newMinorDisplay = "\033[32mPHP CS Fixer updated\033[39m (\033[33m{$currentVersion}\033[39m -> \033[33m{$minorRelease}\033[39m)\n"; $newMajorDisplay = "\033[32mPHP CS Fixer updated\033[39m (\033[33m{$currentVersion}\033[39m -> \033[33m{$majorRelease}\033[39m)\n"; $majorInfoNoMinorDisplay = << \033[33m{$minorRelease}\033[39m) OUTPUT; // no new version available yield [Application::VERSION, Application::VERSION, [], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield [Application::VERSION, Application::VERSION, [], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield [Application::VERSION, Application::VERSION, ['--force' => true], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield [Application::VERSION, Application::VERSION, ['-f' => true], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; // new minor version available yield [$minorRelease, $minorRelease, [], true, $minorContents, $newMinorDisplay]; yield [$minorRelease, $minorRelease, ['--force' => true], true, $minorContents, $newMinorDisplay]; yield [$minorRelease, $minorRelease, ['-f' => true], true, $minorContents, $newMinorDisplay]; yield [$minorRelease, $minorRelease, [], false, $minorContents, $newMinorDisplay]; yield [$minorRelease, $minorRelease, ['--force' => true], false, $minorContents, $newMinorDisplay]; yield [$minorRelease, $minorRelease, ['-f' => true], false, $minorContents, $newMinorDisplay]; // new major version available yield [$majorRelease, Application::VERSION, [], true, $currentContents, $majorInfoNoMinorDisplay]; yield [$majorRelease, Application::VERSION, [], false, $currentContents, $majorInfoNoMinorDisplay]; yield [$majorRelease, Application::VERSION, ['--force' => true], true, $majorContents, $newMajorDisplay]; yield [$majorRelease, Application::VERSION, ['-f' => true], false, $majorContents, $newMajorDisplay]; // new minor version and new major version available yield [$majorRelease, $minorRelease, [], true, $minorContents, $majorInfoNewMinorDisplay]; yield [$majorRelease, $minorRelease, [], false, $minorContents, $majorInfoNewMinorDisplay]; yield [$majorRelease, $minorRelease, ['--force' => true], true, $majorContents, $newMajorDisplay]; yield [$majorRelease, $minorRelease, ['-f' => true], false, $majorContents, $newMajorDisplay]; // weird/unexpected versions yield ['v0.1.0', 'v0.1.0', [], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', 'v0.1.0', [], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', 'v0.1.0', ['--force' => true], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', 'v0.1.0', ['-f' => true], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', null, [], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', null, [], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', null, ['--force' => true], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', null, ['-f' => true], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', Application::VERSION, [], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', Application::VERSION, [], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', Application::VERSION, ['--force' => true], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield ['v0.1.0', Application::VERSION, ['-f' => true], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield [Application::VERSION, 'v0.1.0', [], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield [Application::VERSION, 'v0.1.0', [], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield [Application::VERSION, 'v0.1.0', ['--force' => true], true, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; yield [Application::VERSION, 'v0.1.0', ['-f' => true], false, $currentContents, $upToDateDisplay]; } /** * @param array $input * * @dataProvider provideExecuteWhenNotAbleToGetLatestVersionsCases */ public function testExecuteWhenNotAbleToGetLatestVersions( bool $latestMajorVersionSuccess, bool $latestMinorVersionSuccess, array $input, bool $decorated ): void { $versionChecker = $this->createNewVersionCheckerDouble( self::getNewMajorReleaseVersion(), self::getNewMinorReleaseVersion(), $latestMajorVersionSuccess, $latestMinorVersionSuccess, ); $command = new SelfUpdateCommand( $versionChecker, $this->createToolInfoDouble(), $this->createPharCheckerDouble(), ); $commandTester = $this->execute($command, $input, $decorated); self::assertDisplay( "\033[37;41mUnable to determine newest version: Foo.\033[39;49m\n", $commandTester ); self::assertSame(1, $commandTester->getStatusCode()); } public static function provideExecuteWhenNotAbleToGetLatestVersionsCases(): iterable { yield [false, false, [], true]; yield [false, false, ['--force' => true], true]; yield [false, false, ['-f' => true], true]; yield [false, false, [], false]; yield [false, false, ['--force' => true], false]; yield [false, false, ['-f' => true], false]; yield [true, false, [], true]; yield [true, false, ['--force' => true], true]; yield [true, false, ['-f' => true], true]; yield [true, false, [], false]; yield [true, false, ['--force' => true], false]; yield [true, false, ['-f' => true], false]; yield [false, true, [], true]; yield [false, true, ['--force' => true], true]; yield [false, true, ['-f' => true], true]; yield [false, true, [], false]; yield [false, true, ['--force' => true], false]; yield [false, true, ['-f' => true], false]; } /** * @param array $input * * @dataProvider provideExecuteWhenNotInstalledAsPharCases */ public function testExecuteWhenNotInstalledAsPhar(array $input, bool $decorated): void { $command = new SelfUpdateCommand( $this->createNewVersionCheckerDouble(), $this->createToolInfoDouble(false), $this->createPharCheckerDouble(), ); $commandTester = $this->execute($command, $input, $decorated); self::assertDisplay( "\033[37;41mSelf-update is available only for PHAR version.\033[39;49m\n", $commandTester ); self::assertSame(1, $commandTester->getStatusCode()); } public static function provideExecuteWhenNotInstalledAsPharCases(): iterable { yield [[], true]; yield [['--force' => true], true]; yield [['-f' => true], true]; yield [[], false]; yield [['--force' => true], false]; yield [['-f' => true], false]; } /** * @param array $input */ private function execute(Command $command, array $input, bool $decorated): CommandTester { $application = new Application(); $application->add($command); $input = ['command' => $command->getName()] + $input; $commandTester = new CommandTester($command); $realPath = $_SERVER['argv'][0]; $_SERVER['argv'][0] = $this->getToolPath(); $commandTester->execute($input, ['decorated' => $decorated]); $_SERVER['argv'][0] = $realPath; return $commandTester; } private static function assertDisplay(string $expectedDisplay, CommandTester $commandTester): void { if (!$commandTester->getOutput()->isDecorated()) { $expectedDisplay = preg_replace("/\033\\[(\\d+;)*\\d+m/", '', $expectedDisplay); } self::assertSame( $expectedDisplay, $commandTester->getDisplay(true) ); } private function createToolInfoDouble(bool $isInstalledAsPhar = true): ToolInfoInterface { return new class($this->root, $isInstalledAsPhar) implements ToolInfoInterface { private vfsStreamDirectory $directory; private bool $isInstalledAsPhar; public function __construct(vfsStreamDirectory $directory, bool $isInstalledAsPhar) { $this->directory = $directory; $this->isInstalledAsPhar = $isInstalledAsPhar; } public function getComposerInstallationDetails(): array { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function getComposerVersion(): string { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function getVersion(): string { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function isInstalledAsPhar(): bool { return $this->isInstalledAsPhar; } public function isInstalledByComposer(): bool { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function isRunInsideDocker(): bool { return false; } public function getPharDownloadUri(string $version): string { return \sprintf('%s/%s.phar', $this->directory->url(), $version); } }; } private function getToolPath(): string { return "{$this->root->url()}/php-cs-fixer"; } private static function getCurrentMajorVersion(): int { return (int) preg_replace('/^v?(\d+).*$/', '$1', Application::VERSION); } private static function getNewMinorReleaseVersion(): string { return self::getCurrentMajorVersion().'.999.0'; } private static function getNewMajorVersion(): int { return self::getCurrentMajorVersion() + 1; } private static function getNewMajorReleaseVersion(): string { return self::getNewMajorVersion().'.0.0'; } private function createNewVersionCheckerDouble( string $latestVersion = Application::VERSION, ?string $latestMinorVersion = Application::VERSION, bool $latestMajorVersionSuccess = true, bool $latestMinorVersionSuccess = true ): NewVersionCheckerInterface { return new class($latestVersion, $latestMinorVersion, $latestMajorVersionSuccess, $latestMinorVersionSuccess) implements NewVersionCheckerInterface { private string $latestVersion; private ?string $latestMinorVersion; private bool $latestMajorVersionSuccess; private bool $latestMinorVersionSuccess; public function __construct( string $latestVersion, ?string $latestMinorVersion, bool $latestMajorVersionSuccess = true, bool $latestMinorVersionSuccess = true ) { $this->latestVersion = $latestVersion; $this->latestMinorVersion = $latestMinorVersion; $this->latestMajorVersionSuccess = $latestMajorVersionSuccess; $this->latestMinorVersionSuccess = $latestMinorVersionSuccess; } public function getLatestVersion(): string { if ($this->latestMajorVersionSuccess) { return $this->latestVersion; } throw new \RuntimeException('Foo.'); } public function getLatestVersionOfMajor(int $majorVersion): ?string { TestCase::assertSame((int) preg_replace('/^v?(\d+).*$/', '$1', Application::VERSION), $majorVersion); if ($this->latestMinorVersionSuccess) { return $this->latestMinorVersion; } throw new \RuntimeException('Foo.'); } public function compareVersions(string $versionA, string $versionB): int { return (new NewVersionChecker( new class implements GithubClientInterface { public function getTags(): array { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } } ))->compareVersions($versionA, $versionB); } }; } private function createPharCheckerDouble(): PharCheckerInterface { return new class implements PharCheckerInterface { public function checkFileValidity(string $filename): ?string { return null; } }; } }