* Dariusz Rumiński * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\DocBlock; use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\Annotation; use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\DocBlock; use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\Line; use PhpCsFixer\Tests\TestCase; use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Analyzer\Analysis\NamespaceAnalysis; use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Analyzer\Analysis\NamespaceUseAnalysis; /** * @author Graham Campbell * @author Dariusz Rumiński * * @internal * * @covers \PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\Annotation */ final class AnnotationTest extends TestCase { /** * This represents the content an entire docblock. * * @var string */ private static $sample = '/** * Test docblock. * * @param string $hello * @param bool $test Description * extends over many lines * * @param adkjbadjasbdand $asdnjkasd * * @throws \Exception asdnjkasd * * asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd * kasdkasdkbasdasdasdjhbasdhbasjdbjasbdjhb * * @return void */'; /** * This represents the content of each annotation. * * @var list */ private static $content = [ " * @param string \$hello\n", " * @param bool \$test Description\n * extends over many lines\n", " * @param adkjbadjasbdand \$asdnjkasd\n", " * @throws \\Exception asdnjkasd\n *\n * asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd\n * kasdkasdkbasdasdasdjhbasdhbasjdbjasbdjhb\n", " * @return void\n", ]; /** * This represents the start indexes of each annotation. * * @var list */ private static $start = [3, 4, 7, 9, 14]; /** * This represents the start indexes of each annotation. * * @var list */ private static $end = [3, 5, 7, 12, 14]; /** * This represents the tag type of each annotation. * * @var list */ private static $tags = ['param', 'param', 'param', 'throws', 'return']; /** * @dataProvider provideGetContentCases */ public function testGetContent(int $index, string $content): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotation = $doc->getAnnotation($index); self::assertSame($content, $annotation->getContent()); self::assertSame($content, (string) $annotation); } public static function provideGetContentCases(): iterable { foreach (self::$content as $index => $content) { yield [$index, $content]; } } /** * @dataProvider provideStartCases */ public function testStart(int $index, int $start): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotation = $doc->getAnnotation($index); self::assertSame($start, $annotation->getStart()); } public static function provideStartCases(): iterable { foreach (self::$start as $index => $start) { yield [$index, $start]; } } /** * @dataProvider provideEndCases */ public function testEnd(int $index, int $end): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotation = $doc->getAnnotation($index); self::assertSame($end, $annotation->getEnd()); } public static function provideEndCases(): iterable { foreach (self::$end as $index => $end) { yield [$index, $end]; } } /** * @dataProvider provideGetTagCases */ public function testGetTag(int $index, string $tag): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotation = $doc->getAnnotation($index); self::assertSame($tag, $annotation->getTag()->getName()); } public static function provideGetTagCases(): iterable { foreach (self::$tags as $index => $tag) { yield [$index, $tag]; } } /** * @dataProvider provideRemoveCases */ public function testRemove(int $index, int $start, int $end): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotation = $doc->getAnnotation($index); $annotation->remove(); self::assertSame('', $annotation->getContent()); self::assertSame('', $doc->getLine($start)->getContent()); self::assertSame('', $doc->getLine($end)->getContent()); } public static function provideRemoveCases(): iterable { foreach (self::$start as $index => $start) { yield [$index, $start, self::$end[$index]]; } } /** * @dataProvider provideRemoveEdgeCasesCases */ public function testRemoveEdgeCases(string $expected, string $input): void { $doc = new DocBlock($input); $annotation = $doc->getAnnotation(0); $annotation->remove(); self::assertSame($expected, $doc->getContent()); } public static function provideRemoveEdgeCasesCases(): iterable { // Single line yield ['', '/** @return null*/']; yield ['', '/** @return null */']; yield ['', '/** @return null */']; // Multi line, annotation on start line yield [ '/** */', '/** @return null */', ]; yield [ '/** */', '/** @return null '.' */', ]; // Multi line, annotation on end line yield [ '/** */', '/** * @return null*/', ]; yield [ '/** */', '/** * @return null */', ]; } /** * @param list $expected * * @dataProvider provideTypeParsingCases */ public function testTypeParsing(array $expected, string $input): void { $tag = new Annotation([new Line($input)]); self::assertSame($expected, $tag->getTypes()); } public static function provideTypeParsingCases(): iterable { yield [ ['int'], ' * @method int method()', ]; yield [ ['int[]'], " * @return int[]\r", ]; yield [ ['int[]'], " * @return int[]\r\n", ]; yield [ ['Foo[][]'], ' * @method Foo[][] method()', ]; yield [ ['int[]'], ' * @method int[] method()', ]; yield [ ['int[]', 'null'], ' * @method int[]|null method()', ]; yield [ ['int[]', 'null', '?int', 'array'], ' * @method int[]|null|?int|array method()', ]; yield [ ['null', 'Foo\Bar', '\Baz\Bax', 'int[]'], ' * @method null|Foo\Bar|\Baz\Bax|int[] method()', ]; yield [ ['gen'], ' * @method gen method()', ]; yield [ ['int', 'gen'], ' * @method int|gen method()', ]; yield [ ['\int', '\gen<\int, \bool>'], ' * @method \int|\gen<\int, \bool> method()', ]; yield [ ['gen'], ' * @method gen method()', ]; yield [ ['gen'], ' * @method gen method()', ]; yield [ ['gen'], ' * @method gen method() <> a', ]; yield [ ['gen>'], ' * @method gen> method() foo ', ]; yield [ ['gen>'], ' * @method gen> method()', ]; yield [ ['null', 'gen>', 'int', 'string[]'], ' * @method null|gen>|int|string[] method() foo ', ]; yield [ ['null', 'gen>', 'int', 'array', 'string[]'], ' * @method null|gen>|int|array|string[] method() foo ', ]; yield [ ['this'], '/** @return this */', ]; yield [ ['@this'], '/** @return @this */', ]; yield [ ['$SELF', 'int'], '/** @return $SELF|int */', ]; yield [ ['array'], '/** @var array', ]; yield [ ['int'], " * @return int\n", ]; yield [ ['int'], " * @return int\r\n", ]; yield [ ['Collection, Foo>'], '/** @var Collection, Foo>', ]; yield [ ['int', 'string'], '/** @var int | string', ]; yield [ ['Foo::*'], '/** @var Foo::*', ]; yield [ ['Foo::A'], '/** @var Foo::A', ]; yield [ ['Foo::A', 'Foo::B'], '/** @var Foo::A|Foo::B', ]; yield [ ['Foo::A*'], '/** @var Foo::A*', ]; yield [ ['array', 'null'], '/** @var array|null', ]; yield [ ['null', 'true', 'false', '1', '-1', '1.5', '-1.5', '.5', '1.', "'a'", '"b"'], '/** @var null|true|false|1|-1|1.5|-1.5|.5|1.|\'a\'|"b"', ]; yield [ ['int', '"a"', 'A, E>'], '/** @param int | "a" | A, E> $foo */', ]; yield [ ['class-string'], '/** @var class-string */', ]; yield [ ['A', 'B'], '/** @var A&B */', ]; yield [ ['A', 'B'], '/** @var A & B */', ]; yield [ ['array{1: bool, 2: bool}'], '/** @var array{1: bool, 2: bool} */', ]; yield [ ['array{a: int|string, b?: bool}'], '/** @var array{a: int|string, b?: bool} */', ]; yield [ ['array{\'a\': "a", "b"?: \'b\'}'], '/** @var array{\'a\': "a", "b"?: \'b\'} */', ]; yield [ ['array { a : int | string , b ? : A }'], '/** @var array { a : int | string , b ? : A } */', ]; yield [ ['callable(string)'], '/** @param callable(string) $function', ]; yield [ ['callable(string): bool'], '/** @param callable(string): bool $function', ]; yield [ ['callable(array, array): bool'], '/** @param callable(array, array): bool $function', ]; yield [ ['array'], '/** @param array $function', ]; yield [ ['callable(string): callable(int)'], '/** @param callable(string): callable(int) $function', ]; yield [ ['callable(string) : callable(int) : bool'], '/** @param callable(string) : callable(int) : bool $function', ]; yield [ ['TheCollection', 'string[]', 'null'], '* @param TheCollection|string[]|null $x', ]; yield [ ['Closure(string)'], '/** @param Closure(string) $function', ]; yield [ ['closure()'], '/** @param closure() $function', ]; yield [ ['array < int , callable ( string ) : bool >'], '/** @param array < int , callable ( string ) : bool > $function', ]; } /** * @param list $expected * @param list $new * * @dataProvider provideTypesCases */ public function testTypes(array $expected, array $new, string $input, string $output): void { $line = new Line($input); $tag = new Annotation([$line]); self::assertSame($expected, $tag->getTypes()); $tag->setTypes($new); self::assertSame($new, $tag->getTypes()); self::assertSame($output, $line->getContent()); } public static function provideTypesCases(): iterable { yield [['Foo', 'null'], ['Bar[]'], ' * @param Foo|null $foo', ' * @param Bar[] $foo']; yield [['false'], ['bool'], '* @return false', '* @return bool']; yield [['RUNTIMEEEEeXCEPTION'], [\Throwable::class], "* \t@throws\t \t RUNTIMEEEEeXCEPTION\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n", "* \t@throws\t \t Throwable\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n"]; yield [['RUNTIMEEEEeXCEPTION'], [\Throwable::class], "*\t@throws\t \t RUNTIMEEEEeXCEPTION\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n", "*\t@throws\t \t Throwable\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n"]; yield [['RUNTIMEEEEeXCEPTION'], [\Throwable::class], "*@throws\t \t RUNTIMEEEEeXCEPTION\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n", "*@throws\t \t Throwable\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n"]; yield [['string'], ['string', 'null'], ' * @method string getString()', ' * @method string|null getString()']; yield [['Foo', 'Bar'], ['Bar', 'Foo'], ' * @param Foo&Bar $x', ' * @param Bar&Foo $x']; } /** * @param list $expected * * @dataProvider provideNormalizedTypesCases */ public function testNormalizedTypes(array $expected, string $input): void { $line = new Line($input); $tag = new Annotation([$line]); self::assertSame($expected, $tag->getNormalizedTypes()); } public static function provideNormalizedTypesCases(): iterable { yield [['null', 'string'], '* @param StRiNg|NuLl $foo']; yield [['void'], '* @return Void']; yield [['bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'null', 'qux'], '* @return Foo|Bar|Baz|Qux|null']; yield [['bool', 'int'], '* @param bool|int $foo']; yield [['bool', 'int'], '* @param bool|int ...$foo']; yield [['bool', 'int'], '* @param bool|int &$foo']; yield [['bool', 'int'], '* @param bool|int &...$foo']; yield [['bool', 'int'], '* @param bool|int$foo']; yield [['bool', 'int'], '* @param bool|int&$foo']; yield [['bool', 'int'], '* @param bool|int&...$foo']; yield [['bar', 'baz', 'foo'], '* @param Foo|Bar&Baz&$param']; } public function testGetTypesOnBadTag(): void { $this->expectException(\RuntimeException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('This tag does not support types'); $tag = new Annotation([new Line(' * @deprecated since Symfony 1.2')]); $tag->getTypes(); } public function testSetTypesOnBadTag(): void { $this->expectException(\RuntimeException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('This tag does not support types'); $tag = new Annotation([new Line(' * @author Chuck Norris')]); $tag->setTypes(['string']); } public function testGetTagsWithTypes(): void { $tags = Annotation::getTagsWithTypes(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { self::assertIsString($tag); self::assertNotEmpty($tag); } } /** * @param list $namespaceUses * * @dataProvider provideGetTypeExpressionCases */ public function testGetTypeExpression(string $line, ?NamespaceAnalysis $namespace, array $namespaceUses, ?string $expectedCommonType): void { $annotation = new Annotation([new Line($line)], $namespace, $namespaceUses); $result = $annotation->getTypeExpression(); self::assertSame($expectedCommonType, $result->getCommonType()); } public static function provideGetTypeExpressionCases(): iterable { $appNamespace = new NamespaceAnalysis('App', 'App', 0, 999, 0, 999); $useTraversable = new NamespaceUseAnalysis(NamespaceUseAnalysis::TYPE_CLASS, \Traversable::class, \Traversable::class, false, false, 0, 999); yield ['* @param array|Traversable $foo', null, [], 'iterable']; yield ['* @param array|Traversable $foo', $appNamespace, [], null]; yield ['* @param array|Traversable $foo', $appNamespace, [$useTraversable], 'iterable']; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetVariableNameCases */ public function testGetVariableName(string $line, ?string $expectedVariableName): void { $annotation = new Annotation([new Line($line)]); self::assertSame($expectedVariableName, $annotation->getVariableName()); } public static function provideGetVariableNameCases(): iterable { yield ['* @param int $foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int $foo some description', '$foo']; yield ['/** @param int $foo*/', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int', null]; yield ['* @var int $foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @var int $foo some description', '$foo']; yield ['/** @var int $foo*/', '$foo']; yield ['* @var int', null]; yield ['* @param $foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param &$foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param & $foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int &$foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int & $foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int ...$foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int ... $foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int&...$foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int &...$foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int & ...$foo', '$foo']; yield ['* @param int & ... $foo', '$foo']; } }