name: CI on: - pull_request - push permissions: contents: read # to fetch code (actions/checkout) concurrency: group: ci-${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }} # will be canceled on subsequent pushes in pull requests but not branches cancel-in-progress: true env: PHP_MAX: '8.3' PHP_MIN: '7.4' jobs: entrypoint-low-php-compat: name: Entrypoint low-PHP compat runs-on: 'ubuntu-24.04' steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup PHP uses: ./.github/composite-actions/setup-php with: version: 7.0 - name: Verify entrypoint file(s) can be run on low-end unsupported runtime run: php -l $(cat composer.json | jq -r '.bin[]') tests: continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.operating-system == 'macos-latest' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '7.4' job-description: 'Fixer with lowest deps' run-fixer: 'yes' composer-flags: '--prefer-lowest' # should be checked on the lowest supported PHP version execute-flex-with-symfony-version: '^5' # explicit check for Symfony 5.x compatibility - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '7.4' job-description: 'tests with lowest deps' run-tests: 'yes' composer-flags: '--prefer-lowest' # should be checked on the lowest supported PHP version execute-flex-with-symfony-version: '^5' # explicit check for Symfony 5.x compatibility - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.0' job-description: 'Fixer' run-fixer: 'yes' - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.0' job-description: 'tests' run-tests: 'yes' - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.1' job-description: 'Fixer with Symfony ^6' run-fixer: 'yes' execute-flex-with-symfony-version: '^6' # explicit check for Symfony 6.x compatibility - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.1' job-description: 'tests with Symfony ^6' run-tests: 'yes' execute-flex-with-symfony-version: '^6' # explicit check for Symfony 6.x compatibility - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.2' job-description: 'Fixer' run-fixer: 'yes' - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.2' job-description: 'tests' run-tests: 'yes' - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'Fixer' run-fixer: 'yes' - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'tests' run-tests: 'yes' - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'Fixer with migration rules' run-fixer: 'yes' run-migration-rules: 'yes' # should be checked on the highest supported PHP version - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'tests with migration rules' run-tests: 'yes' run-migration-rules: 'yes' # should be checked on the highest supported PHP version - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'Fixer with Symfony ^7' run-fixer: 'yes' execute-flex-with-symfony-version: '^7' # explicit check for Symfony 7.x compatibility - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'tests with Symfony ^7' run-tests: 'yes' execute-flex-with-symfony-version: '^7' # explicit check for Symfony 7.x compatibility - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'code coverage' run-tests: 'yes' collect-code-coverage: 'yes' - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'mutation tests' run-mutation-tests: 'yes' - operating-system: 'windows-latest' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'Fixer on Windows' run-fixer: 'yes' FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: 1 # we need full syntax check on one job at least, no need to do it on additional - operating-system: 'windows-latest' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'tests on Windows' run-tests: 'yes' FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: 1 # we need full syntax check on one job at least, no need to do it on additional systems - operating-system: 'macos-latest' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'Fixer on macOS' run-fixer: 'yes' FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: 1 # we need full syntax check on one job at least, no need to do it on additional systems - operating-system: 'macos-latest' php-version: '8.3' job-description: 'tests on macOS' run-tests: 'yes' FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: 1 # we need full syntax check on one job at least, no need to do it on additional - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.4' job-description: 'Fixer' run-fixer: 'yes' PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV: 1 - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.4' job-description: 'tests' run-tests: 'yes' PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV: 1 - operating-system: 'ubuntu-24.04' php-version: '8.4' job-description: 'tests using PHPUnit 12' install-phpunit-12: 'yes' run-tests: 'yes' PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV: 1 name: PHP ${{ matrix.php-version }} ${{ matrix.job-description }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.operating-system }} steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Remove Infection requirement if not needed # TODO: Fix it properly. It somehow stopped working on MacOS (Composer not available) if: matrix.operating-system != 'macos-latest' && != 'yes' run: composer remove --dev infection/infection --no-update - name: Setup PHP with Composer deps uses: ./.github/composite-actions/setup-php-with-composer-deps with: os: ${{ runner.os }} php: ${{ matrix.php-version }} php-coverage: ${{ matrix.collect-code-coverage || }} composer-flags: ${{ matrix.composer-flags }} composer-flex-with-symfony-version: ${{ matrix.execute-flex-with-symfony-version }} # Execute migration rules before running tests and self-fixing, # so we know that our codebase is future-ready. # Should be checked on the highest supported PHP version. - name: Run PHP CS Fixer with migration rules if: env.PHP_MAX == matrix.php-version && == 'yes' env: PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE: 1 run: php php-cs-fixer fix --diff --config .php-cs-fixer.php-highest.php - name: Custom PHPUnit config for code coverage if: matrix.collect-code-coverage == 'yes' || run: sed -e 's/enforceTimeLimit="true"/enforceTimeLimit="false"/g' -e 's/coverage/source/g' phpunit.xml.dist > phpunit.xml - name: Disable time limit for tests under Windows # due to if: matrix.operating-system == 'windows-latest' run: (Get-Content phpunit.xml.dist) -replace 'enforceTimeLimit="true"', 'enforceTimeLimit="false"' | Out-File phpunit.xml - name: Fix PHP 8.4 deprecations for tests if: == 'yes' && matrix.php-version == '8.4' env: PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV: ${{ matrix.PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV }} run: php php-cs-fixer fix --rules=no_unreachable_default_argument_value,nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value --diff vendor - name: Install PHPUnit 12 if: == 'yes' && matrix.install-phpunit-12 == 'yes' env: PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV: ${{ matrix.PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV }} FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: ${{ matrix.FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES }} run: | composer require --dev --with-all-dependencies phpunit/phpunit:^12.0.2 php php-cs-fixer fix --quiet --rules=php_unit_attributes - name: Run tests if: == 'yes' && matrix.collect-code-coverage != 'yes' env: PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV: ${{ matrix.PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV }} FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: ${{ matrix.FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES }} run: vendor/bin/paraunit run --testsuite unit,integration - name: Run tests with "short_open_tag" enabled if: == 'yes' && matrix.collect-code-coverage != 'yes' env: PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV: ${{ matrix.PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV }} FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: ${{ matrix.FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES }} run: composer test:short-open-tag - name: Run tests and collect code coverage if: == 'yes' && matrix.collect-code-coverage == 'yes' env: FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: 1 run: vendor/bin/paraunit coverage --testsuite unit --pass-through=--exclude-group=covers-nothing --clover=build/logs/clover.xml - name: Run mutation tests (Infection) # Run only on pull requests because we run mutations tests only for diff between branches if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' && == 'yes' env: FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: 1 run: | git fetch origin $GITHUB_BASE_REF vendor/bin/infection --threads=max --map-source-class-to-test --git-diff-lines --git-diff-base=origin/$GITHUB_BASE_REF --ignore-msi-with-no-mutations --only-covered - name: Upload coverage results to Coveralls if: == 'yes' && matrix.collect-code-coverage == 'yes' env: COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} run: php vendor/bin/php-coveralls --verbose - name: Run PHP CS Fixer if: == 'yes' env: PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV: ${{ matrix.PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV }} PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE: 1 run: php php-cs-fixer check --diff -v # Should be checked on the lowest supported PHP version. # If any type can be converted from PHPDoc to native type on lowest supported PHP, we should commit such change. - name: Run PHP CS Fixer with PHPDoc to type rules if: env.PHP_MIN == matrix.php-version && == 'yes' env: PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE: 1 run: php php-cs-fixer check --diff -vvv --config .php-cs-fixer.php-lowest.php deployment: needs: tests name: Deployment checks runs-on: 'ubuntu-24.04' env: php-version: '8.3' steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup PHP with Composer deps uses: ./.github/composite-actions/setup-php-with-composer-deps with: os: ${{ runner.os }} php: ${{ env.php-version }} - name: Cache dev-tools uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: dev-tools/bin/ key: Build-${{ hashFiles('dev-tools/') }} - name: Build phar run: ./dev-tools/ - name: Run smoke tests env: FAST_LINT_TEST_CASES: 1 run: vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite smoke