* Dariusz Rumiński * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Console; use PhpCsFixer\Cache\CacheManagerInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Cache\Directory; use PhpCsFixer\Cache\DirectoryInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Cache\FileCacheManager; use PhpCsFixer\Cache\FileHandler; use PhpCsFixer\Cache\NullCacheManager; use PhpCsFixer\Cache\Signature; use PhpCsFixer\ConfigInterface; use PhpCsFixer\ConfigurationException\InvalidConfigurationException; use PhpCsFixer\Console\Report\FixReport\ReporterFactory; use PhpCsFixer\Console\Report\FixReport\ReporterInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Differ\DifferInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Differ\NullDiffer; use PhpCsFixer\Differ\SebastianBergmannDiffer; use PhpCsFixer\Differ\UnifiedDiffer; use PhpCsFixer\Finder; use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\DeprecatedFixerInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\FixerInterface; use PhpCsFixer\FixerFactory; use PhpCsFixer\Linter\Linter; use PhpCsFixer\Linter\LinterInterface; use PhpCsFixer\RuleSet\RuleSet; use PhpCsFixer\StdinFileInfo; use PhpCsFixer\ToolInfoInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Utils; use PhpCsFixer\WhitespacesFixerConfig; use PhpCsFixer\WordMatcher; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder as SymfonyFinder; /** * The resolver that resolves configuration to use by command line options and config. * * @author Fabien Potencier * @author Katsuhiro Ogawa * @author Dariusz Rumiński * * @internal */ final class ConfigurationResolver { const PATH_MODE_OVERRIDE = 'override'; const PATH_MODE_INTERSECTION = 'intersection'; /** * @var null|bool */ private $allowRisky; /** * @var null|ConfigInterface */ private $config; /** * @var null|string */ private $configFile; /** * @var string */ private $cwd; /** * @var ConfigInterface */ private $defaultConfig; /** * @var null|ReporterInterface */ private $reporter; /** * @var null|bool */ private $isStdIn; /** * @var null|bool */ private $isDryRun; /** * @var null|FixerInterface[] */ private $fixers; /** * @var null|bool */ private $configFinderIsOverridden; /** * @var ToolInfoInterface */ private $toolInfo; /** * @var array */ private $options = [ 'allow-risky' => null, 'cache-file' => null, 'config' => null, 'diff' => null, 'diff-format' => null, 'dry-run' => null, 'format' => null, 'path' => [], 'path-mode' => self::PATH_MODE_OVERRIDE, 'rules' => null, 'show-progress' => null, 'stop-on-violation' => null, 'using-cache' => null, 'verbosity' => null, ]; private $cacheFile; private $cacheManager; private $differ; private $directory; private $finder; private $format; private $linter; private $path; private $progress; private $ruleSet; private $usingCache; /** * @var FixerFactory */ private $fixerFactory; /** * @param string $cwd */ public function __construct( ConfigInterface $config, array $options, $cwd, ToolInfoInterface $toolInfo ) { $this->cwd = $cwd; $this->defaultConfig = $config; $this->toolInfo = $toolInfo; foreach ($options as $name => $value) { $this->setOption($name, $value); } } /** * @return null|string */ public function getCacheFile() { if (!$this->getUsingCache()) { return null; } if (null === $this->cacheFile) { if (null === $this->options['cache-file']) { $this->cacheFile = $this->getConfig()->getCacheFile(); } else { $this->cacheFile = $this->options['cache-file']; } } return $this->cacheFile; } /** * @return CacheManagerInterface */ public function getCacheManager() { if (null === $this->cacheManager) { $cacheFile = $this->getCacheFile(); if (null === $cacheFile) { $this->cacheManager = new NullCacheManager(); } else { $this->cacheManager = new FileCacheManager( new FileHandler($cacheFile), new Signature( PHP_VERSION, $this->toolInfo->getVersion(), $this->getConfig()->getIndent(), $this->getConfig()->getLineEnding(), $this->getRules() ), $this->isDryRun(), $this->getDirectory() ); } } return $this->cacheManager; } /** * @return ConfigInterface */ public function getConfig() { if (null === $this->config) { foreach ($this->computeConfigFiles() as $configFile) { if (!file_exists($configFile)) { continue; } $configFileBasename = basename($configFile); $deprecatedConfigs = [ '.php_cs' => '.php-cs-fixer.php', '.php_cs.dist' => '.php-cs-fixer.dist.php', ]; if (isset($deprecatedConfigs[$configFileBasename])) { $message = "Configuration file `{$configFileBasename}` is deprecated, rename to `{$deprecatedConfigs[$configFileBasename]}`."; Utils::triggerDeprecation(new InvalidConfigurationException($message)); } $config = self::separatedContextLessInclude($configFile); // verify that the config has an instance of Config if (!$config instanceof ConfigInterface) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('The config file: "%s" does not return a "PhpCsFixer\ConfigInterface" instance. Got: "%s".', $configFile, \is_object($config) ? \get_class($config) : \gettype($config))); } $this->config = $config; $this->configFile = $configFile; break; } if (null === $this->config) { $this->config = $this->defaultConfig; } } return $this->config; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getConfigFile() { if (null === $this->configFile) { $this->getConfig(); } return $this->configFile; } /** * @return DifferInterface */ public function getDiffer() { if (null === $this->differ) { $mapper = [ 'null' => static function () { return new NullDiffer(); }, 'sbd' => static function () { return new SebastianBergmannDiffer(); }, 'udiff' => static function () { return new UnifiedDiffer(); }, ]; if (!$this->options['diff']) { $defaultOption = 'null'; } elseif (getenv('PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE')) { $defaultOption = 'udiff'; } else { $defaultOption = 'sbd'; // @TODO: 3.0 change to udiff as default } $option = isset($this->options['diff-format']) ? $this->options['diff-format'] : $defaultOption; if (!\is_string($option)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf( '"diff-format" must be a string, "%s" given.', \gettype($option) )); } if (is_subclass_of($option, DifferInterface::class)) { $this->differ = new $option(); } elseif (!isset($mapper[$option])) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf( '"diff-format" must be any of "%s", got "%s".', implode('", "', array_keys($mapper)), $option )); } else { $this->differ = $mapper[$option](); } } return $this->differ; } /** * @return DirectoryInterface */ public function getDirectory() { if (null === $this->directory) { $path = $this->getCacheFile(); if (null === $path) { $absolutePath = $this->cwd; } else { $filesystem = new Filesystem(); $absolutePath = $filesystem->isAbsolutePath($path) ? $path : $this->cwd.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path; } $this->directory = new Directory(\dirname($absolutePath)); } return $this->directory; } /** * @return FixerInterface[] An array of FixerInterface */ public function getFixers() { if (null === $this->fixers) { $this->fixers = $this->createFixerFactory() ->useRuleSet($this->getRuleSet()) ->setWhitespacesConfig(new WhitespacesFixerConfig($this->config->getIndent(), $this->config->getLineEnding())) ->getFixers() ; if (false === $this->getRiskyAllowed()) { $riskyFixers = array_map( static function (FixerInterface $fixer) { return $fixer->getName(); }, array_filter( $this->fixers, static function (FixerInterface $fixer) { return $fixer->isRisky(); } ) ); if (\count($riskyFixers)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('The rules contain risky fixers ("%s"), but they are not allowed to run. Perhaps you forget to use --allow-risky=yes option?', implode('", "', $riskyFixers))); } } } return $this->fixers; } /** * @return LinterInterface */ public function getLinter() { if (null === $this->linter) { $this->linter = new Linter($this->getConfig()->getPhpExecutable()); } return $this->linter; } /** * Returns path. * * @return string[] */ public function getPath() { if (null === $this->path) { $filesystem = new Filesystem(); $cwd = $this->cwd; if (1 === \count($this->options['path']) && '-' === $this->options['path'][0]) { $this->path = $this->options['path']; } else { $this->path = array_map( static function ($rawPath) use ($cwd, $filesystem) { $path = trim($rawPath); if ('' === $path) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid path: \"{$rawPath}\"."); } $absolutePath = $filesystem->isAbsolutePath($path) ? $path : $cwd.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path; if (!file_exists($absolutePath)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf( 'The path "%s" is not readable.', $path )); } return $absolutePath; }, $this->options['path'] ); } } return $this->path; } /** * @throws InvalidConfigurationException * * @return string */ public function getProgress() { if (null === $this->progress) { if (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $this->options['verbosity'] && 'txt' === $this->getFormat()) { $progressType = $this->options['show-progress']; $progressTypes = ['none', 'run-in', 'estimating', 'estimating-max', 'dots']; if (null === $progressType) { $default = 'run-in'; if (getenv('PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE')) { $default = 'dots'; } $progressType = $this->getConfig()->getHideProgress() ? 'none' : $default; } elseif (!\in_array($progressType, $progressTypes, true)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf( 'The progress type "%s" is not defined, supported are "%s".', $progressType, implode('", "', $progressTypes) )); } elseif (\in_array($progressType, ['estimating', 'estimating-max', 'run-in'], true)) { Utils::triggerDeprecation(new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Passing `estimating`, `estimating-max` or `run-in` is deprecated and will not be supported in 3.0, use `none` or `dots` instead.' )); } $this->progress = $progressType; } else { $this->progress = 'none'; } } return $this->progress; } /** * @return ReporterInterface */ public function getReporter() { if (null === $this->reporter) { $reporterFactory = new ReporterFactory(); $reporterFactory->registerBuiltInReporters(); $format = $this->getFormat(); try { $this->reporter = $reporterFactory->getReporter($format); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $formats = $reporterFactory->getFormats(); sort($formats); throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('The format "%s" is not defined, supported are "%s".', $format, implode('", "', $formats))); } } return $this->reporter; } /** * @return bool */ public function getRiskyAllowed() { if (null === $this->allowRisky) { if (null === $this->options['allow-risky']) { $this->allowRisky = $this->getConfig()->getRiskyAllowed(); } else { $this->allowRisky = $this->resolveOptionBooleanValue('allow-risky'); } } return $this->allowRisky; } /** * Returns rules. * * @return array */ public function getRules() { return $this->getRuleSet()->getRules(); } /** * @return bool */ public function getUsingCache() { if (null === $this->usingCache) { if (null === $this->options['using-cache']) { $this->usingCache = $this->getConfig()->getUsingCache(); } else { $this->usingCache = $this->resolveOptionBooleanValue('using-cache'); } } $this->usingCache = $this->usingCache && ($this->toolInfo->isInstalledAsPhar() || $this->toolInfo->isInstalledByComposer()); return $this->usingCache; } public function getFinder() { if (null === $this->finder) { $this->finder = $this->resolveFinder(); } return $this->finder; } /** * Returns dry-run flag. * * @return bool */ public function isDryRun() { if (null === $this->isDryRun) { if ($this->isStdIn()) { // Can't write to STDIN $this->isDryRun = true; } else { $this->isDryRun = $this->options['dry-run']; } } return $this->isDryRun; } public function shouldStopOnViolation() { return $this->options['stop-on-violation']; } /** * @return bool */ public function configFinderIsOverridden() { if (null === $this->configFinderIsOverridden) { $this->resolveFinder(); } return $this->configFinderIsOverridden; } /** * Compute file candidates for config file. * * @return string[] */ private function computeConfigFiles() { $configFile = $this->options['config']; if (null !== $configFile) { if (false === file_exists($configFile) || false === is_readable($configFile)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('Cannot read config file "%s".', $configFile)); } return [$configFile]; } $path = $this->getPath(); if ($this->isStdIn() || 0 === \count($path)) { $configDir = $this->cwd; } elseif (1 < \count($path)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException('For multiple paths config parameter is required.'); } elseif (!is_file($path[0])) { $configDir = $path[0]; } else { $dirName = pathinfo($path[0], PATHINFO_DIRNAME); $configDir = $dirName ?: $path[0]; } $candidates = [ $configDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.php-cs-fixer.php', $configDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.php-cs-fixer.dist.php', $configDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.php_cs', // old v2 config, present here only to throw nice error message later $configDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.php_cs.dist', // old v2 config, present here only to throw nice error message later ]; if ($configDir !== $this->cwd) { $candidates[] = $this->cwd.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.php-cs-fixer.php'; $candidates[] = $this->cwd.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.php-cs-fixer.dist.php'; $candidates[] = $this->cwd.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.php_cs'; // old v2 config, present here only to throw nice error message later $candidates[] = $this->cwd.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.php_cs.dist'; // old v2 config, present here only to throw nice error message later } return $candidates; } /** * @return FixerFactory */ private function createFixerFactory() { if (null === $this->fixerFactory) { $fixerFactory = new FixerFactory(); $fixerFactory->registerBuiltInFixers(); $fixerFactory->registerCustomFixers($this->getConfig()->getCustomFixers()); $this->fixerFactory = $fixerFactory; } return $this->fixerFactory; } /** * @return string */ private function getFormat() { if (null === $this->format) { $this->format = null === $this->options['format'] ? $this->getConfig()->getFormat() : $this->options['format']; } return $this->format; } private function getRuleSet() { if (null === $this->ruleSet) { $rules = $this->parseRules(); $this->validateRules($rules); $this->ruleSet = new RuleSet($rules); } return $this->ruleSet; } /** * @return bool */ private function isStdIn() { if (null === $this->isStdIn) { $this->isStdIn = 1 === \count($this->options['path']) && '-' === $this->options['path'][0]; } return $this->isStdIn; } /** * @param iterable $iterable * * @return \Traversable */ private function iterableToTraversable($iterable) { return \is_array($iterable) ? new \ArrayIterator($iterable) : $iterable; } /** * Compute rules. * * @return array */ private function parseRules() { if (null === $this->options['rules']) { return $this->getConfig()->getRules(); } $rules = trim($this->options['rules']); if ('' === $rules) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException('Empty rules value is not allowed.'); } if ('{' === $rules[0]) { $rules = json_decode($rules, true); if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('Invalid JSON rules input: "%s".', json_last_error_msg())); } return $rules; } $rules = []; foreach (explode(',', $this->options['rules']) as $rule) { $rule = trim($rule); if ('' === $rule) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException('Empty rule name is not allowed.'); } if ('-' === $rule[0]) { $rules[substr($rule, 1)] = false; } else { $rules[$rule] = true; } } return $rules; } /** * @throws InvalidConfigurationException */ private function validateRules(array $rules) { /** * Create a ruleset that contains all configured rules, even when they originally have been disabled. * * @see RuleSet::resolveSet() */ $ruleSet = []; foreach ($rules as $key => $value) { if (\is_int($key)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('Missing value for "%s" rule/set.', $value)); } $ruleSet[$key] = true; } $ruleSet = new RuleSet($ruleSet); /** @var string[] $configuredFixers */ $configuredFixers = array_keys($ruleSet->getRules()); $fixers = $this->createFixerFactory()->getFixers(); /** @var string[] $availableFixers */ $availableFixers = array_map(static function (FixerInterface $fixer) { return $fixer->getName(); }, $fixers); $unknownFixers = array_diff( $configuredFixers, $availableFixers ); if (\count($unknownFixers)) { $matcher = new WordMatcher($availableFixers); $message = 'The rules contain unknown fixers: '; foreach ($unknownFixers as $unknownFixer) { $alternative = $matcher->match($unknownFixer); $message .= sprintf( '"%s"%s, ', $unknownFixer, null === $alternative ? '' : ' (did you mean "'.$alternative.'"?)' ); } throw new InvalidConfigurationException(substr($message, 0, -2).'.'); } foreach ($fixers as $fixer) { $fixerName = $fixer->getName(); if (isset($rules[$fixerName]) && $fixer instanceof DeprecatedFixerInterface) { $successors = $fixer->getSuccessorsNames(); $messageEnd = [] === $successors ? sprintf(' and will be removed in version %d.0.', Application::getMajorVersion() + 1) : sprintf('. Use %s instead.', str_replace('`', '"', Utils::naturalLanguageJoinWithBackticks($successors))); Utils::triggerDeprecation(new \RuntimeException("Rule \"{$fixerName}\" is deprecated{$messageEnd}")); } } } /** * Apply path on config instance. */ private function resolveFinder() { $this->configFinderIsOverridden = false; if ($this->isStdIn()) { return new \ArrayIterator([new StdinFileInfo()]); } $modes = [self::PATH_MODE_OVERRIDE, self::PATH_MODE_INTERSECTION]; if (!\in_array( $this->options['path-mode'], $modes, true )) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf( 'The path-mode "%s" is not defined, supported are "%s".', $this->options['path-mode'], implode('", "', $modes) )); } $isIntersectionPathMode = self::PATH_MODE_INTERSECTION === $this->options['path-mode']; $paths = array_filter(array_map( static function ($path) { return realpath($path); }, $this->getPath() )); if (!\count($paths)) { if ($isIntersectionPathMode) { return new \ArrayIterator([]); } return $this->iterableToTraversable($this->getConfig()->getFinder()); } $pathsByType = [ 'file' => [], 'dir' => [], ]; foreach ($paths as $path) { if (is_file($path)) { $pathsByType['file'][] = $path; } else { $pathsByType['dir'][] = $path.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } $nestedFinder = null; $currentFinder = $this->iterableToTraversable($this->getConfig()->getFinder()); try { $nestedFinder = $currentFinder instanceof \IteratorAggregate ? $currentFinder->getIterator() : $currentFinder; } catch (\Exception $e) { } if ($isIntersectionPathMode) { if (null === $nestedFinder) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( 'Cannot create intersection with not-fully defined Finder in configuration file.' ); } return new \CallbackFilterIterator( new \IteratorIterator($nestedFinder), static function (\SplFileInfo $current) use ($pathsByType) { $currentRealPath = $current->getRealPath(); if (\in_array($currentRealPath, $pathsByType['file'], true)) { return true; } foreach ($pathsByType['dir'] as $path) { if (0 === strpos($currentRealPath, $path)) { return true; } } return false; } ); } if (null !== $this->getConfigFile() && null !== $nestedFinder) { $this->configFinderIsOverridden = true; } if ($currentFinder instanceof SymfonyFinder && null === $nestedFinder) { // finder from configuration Symfony finder and it is not fully defined, we may fulfill it return $currentFinder->in($pathsByType['dir'])->append($pathsByType['file']); } return Finder::create()->in($pathsByType['dir'])->append($pathsByType['file']); } /** * Set option that will be resolved. * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value */ private function setOption($name, $value) { if (!\array_key_exists($name, $this->options)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('Unknown option name: "%s".', $name)); } $this->options[$name] = $value; } /** * @param string $optionName * * @return bool */ private function resolveOptionBooleanValue($optionName) { $value = $this->options[$optionName]; if (\is_bool($value)) { return $value; } if (!\is_string($value)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(sprintf('Expected boolean or string value for option "%s".', $optionName)); } if ('yes' === $value) { return true; } if ('no' === $value) { return false; } Utils::triggerDeprecation(new InvalidConfigurationException( sprintf('Expected "yes" or "no" for option "%s", other values are deprecated and support will be removed in 3.0. Got "%s", this implicitly set the option to "false".', $optionName, $value) )); return false; } private static function separatedContextLessInclude($path) { return include $path; } }