* Dariusz RumiƄski * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests; use PhpCsFixer\Finder; use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo; /** * @internal * * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Finder */ final class FinderTest extends TestCase { public function testThatDefaultFinderDoesNotSpecifyAnyDirectory(): void { $this->expectException(\LogicException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/^You must call (?:the in\(\) method)|(?:one of in\(\) or append\(\)) methods before iterating over a Finder\.$/'); $finder = Finder::create(); $finder->getIterator(); } public function testThatFinderFindsDotFilesWhenConfigured(): void { $finder = Finder::create() ->in(__DIR__.'/..') ->depth(0) ->ignoreDotFiles(false) ; static::assertContains( realpath(__DIR__.'/../.php-cs-fixer.dist.php'), array_map( function (SplFileInfo $file): string { return $file->getRealPath(); }, iterator_to_array($finder->getIterator()) ) ); } }