dist: xenial os: linux language: php git: depth: 10 cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer - $HOME/bin env: global: - DEFAULT_COMPOSER_FLAGS="--optimize-autoloader --no-interaction --no-progress" - COMPOSER_FLAGS="" before_install: # turn off XDebug - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || return 0 jobs: include: - stage: Deployment php: 7.4 install: ./dev-tools/build.sh script: - PHP_CS_FIXER_TEST_ALLOW_SKIPPING_SMOKE_TESTS=0 vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Smoke/ before_deploy: # ensure that deployment is happening only if tag matches version of PHP CS Fixer - test $(php dev-tools/info-extractor.php | jq .version.vnumber) == "\"$TRAVIS_TAG\"" deploy: provider: releases token: secure: K9NKi7X1OPz898fxtVc1RfWrSI+4hTFFYOik932wTz1jC4dQJ64Khh1LV9frA1+JiDS3+R6TvmQtpzbkX3y4L75UrSnP1ADH5wfMYIVmydG3ZjTMo8SWQWHmRMh3ORAKTMMpjl4Q7EkRkLp6RncKe+FAFPP5mgv55mtIMaE4qUk= file: php-cs-fixer.phar skip_cleanup: true on: repo: FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer tags: true after_deploy: - ./dev-tools/trigger-website.sh ${TRAVIS_TOKEN} ${TRAVIS_TAG}