=========== Config file =========== Instead of using command line options to customize rules and rule sets, you can save the project configuration in a ``.php-cs-fixer.dist.php`` file in the root directory of your project. The file must return an instance of `PhpCsFixer\\ConfigInterface <../src/ConfigInterface.php>`_ which lets you configure the rules, the files and directories that need to be analyzed. You may also create ``.php-cs-fixer.php`` file, which is the local configuration that will be used instead of the project configuration. It is a good practice to add that file into your ``.gitignore`` file. With the ``--config`` option you can specify the path to the ``.php-cs-fixer.php`` file. The example below will add two rules to the default list of PSR2 set rules: .. code-block:: php exclude('somedir') ->notPath('src/Symfony/Component/Translation/Tests/fixtures/resources.php') ->in(__DIR__) ; $config = new PhpCsFixer\Config(); return $config->setRules([ '@PSR12' => true, 'strict_param' => true, 'array_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'short'], ]) ->setFinder($finder) ; **NOTE**: ``exclude`` will work only for directories, so if you need to exclude file, try ``notPath``. Both ``exclude`` and ``notPath`` methods accept only relative paths to the ones defined with the ``in`` method. See `Symfony\\Finder `_ online documentation for other `Finder` methods. You may also use an exclude list for the rules instead of the above shown include approach. The following example shows how to use all ``Symfony`` rules but the ``full_opening_tag`` rule. .. code-block:: php in(__DIR__) ->exclude('somedir') ; $config = new PhpCsFixer\Config(); return $config->setRules([ '@Symfony' => true, 'full_opening_tag' => false, ]) ->setFinder($finder) ; You may want to use non-linux whitespaces in your project. Then you need to configure them in your config file. .. code-block:: php setIndent("\t") ->setLineEnding("\r\n") ;