=================================== Rule ``doctrine_annotation_spaces`` =================================== Fixes spaces in Doctrine annotations. Description ----------- There must not be any space around parentheses; commas must be preceded by no space and followed by one space; there must be no space around named arguments assignment operator; there must be one space around array assignment operator. Configuration ------------- ``after_argument_assignments`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether to add, remove or ignore spaces after argument assignment operator. Allowed types: ``null`` and ``bool`` Default value: ``false`` ``after_array_assignments_colon`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether to add, remove or ignore spaces after array assignment ``:`` operator. Allowed types: ``null`` and ``bool`` Default value: ``true`` ``after_array_assignments_equals`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether to add, remove or ignore spaces after array assignment ``=`` operator. Allowed types: ``null`` and ``bool`` Default value: ``true`` ``around_commas`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether to fix spaces around commas. Allowed types: ``bool`` Default value: ``true`` ``around_parentheses`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether to fix spaces around parentheses. Allowed types: ``bool`` Default value: ``true`` ``before_argument_assignments`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether to add, remove or ignore spaces before argument assignment operator. Allowed types: ``null`` and ``bool`` Default value: ``false`` ``before_array_assignments_colon`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether to add, remove or ignore spaces before array ``:`` assignment operator. Allowed types: ``null`` and ``bool`` Default value: ``true`` ``before_array_assignments_equals`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether to add, remove or ignore spaces before array ``=`` assignment operator. Allowed types: ``null`` and ``bool`` Default value: ``true`` ``ignored_tags`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List of tags that must not be treated as Doctrine Annotations. Allowed types: ``array`` Default value: ``['abstract', 'access', 'code', 'deprec', 'encode', 'exception', 'final', 'ingroup', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritDoc', 'magic', 'name', 'toc', 'tutorial', 'private', 'static', 'staticvar', 'staticVar', 'throw', 'api', 'author', 'category', 'copyright', 'deprecated', 'example', 'filesource', 'global', 'ignore', 'internal', 'license', 'link', 'method', 'package', 'param', 'property', 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'see', 'since', 'source', 'subpackage', 'throws', 'todo', 'TODO', 'usedBy', 'uses', 'var', 'version', 'after', 'afterClass', 'backupGlobals', 'backupStaticAttributes', 'before', 'beforeClass', 'codeCoverageIgnore', 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart', 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd', 'covers', 'coversDefaultClass', 'coversNothing', 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'expectedException', 'expectedExceptionCode', 'expectedExceptionMessage', 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp', 'group', 'large', 'medium', 'preserveGlobalState', 'requires', 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses', 'runInSeparateProcess', 'small', 'test', 'testdox', 'ticket', 'uses', 'SuppressWarnings', 'noinspection', 'package_version', 'enduml', 'startuml', 'psalm', 'phpstan', 'template', 'fix', 'FIXME', 'fixme', 'override']`` Examples -------- Example #1 ~~~~~~~~~~ *Default* configuration. .. code-block:: diff --- Original +++ New false, 'before_array_assignments_equals' => false]``. .. code-block:: diff --- Original +++ New `_ with config: ``['before_array_assignments_colon' => false]`` References ---------- - Fixer class: `PhpCsFixer\\Fixer\\DoctrineAnnotation\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer <./../../../src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php>`_ - Test class: `PhpCsFixer\\Tests\\Fixer\\DoctrineAnnotation\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest <./../../../tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest.php>`_ The test class defines officially supported behaviour. Each test case is a part of our backward compatibility promise.