

 * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 *     Dariusz Rumiński <dariusz.ruminski@gmail.com>
 * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file LICENSE.

namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\Whitespace;

use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;

 * @author Marc Aubé
 * @internal
 * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Whitespace\NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer
 * @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Whitespace\NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer>
final class NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
     * @dataProvider provideFixCases
    public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public function testLeaveNewLinesAlone(): void
        $expected = <<<'EOF'

            class Foo
                private function bar()
                    if (foo(
                        'foo' ,
                        'bar'    ,
                        [1, 2, 3],
                        'baz' // a comment just to mix things up
                    )) {
                        return 1;

     * @return iterable<array{0: string, 1?: string}>
    public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
        yield [
            '<?php foo();',
            '<?php foo( );',

        yield [
if (true) {
    // if body
if ( true ) {
    // if body

        yield [
if (true) {
    // if body
if (     true   ) {
    // if body

        yield [
function foo($bar, $baz)
    // function body
function foo( $bar, $baz )
    // function body

        yield [
$foo->bar($arg1, $arg2);',
$foo->bar(  $arg1, $arg2   );',

        yield [
$var = array( 1, 2, 3 );

        yield [
$var = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

        // list call with trailing comma - need to leave alone
        yield [
            '<?php list($path, $mode, ) = foo();',

        yield [
            '<?php list($path, $mode,) = foo();',

        yield [
$a = $b->test(  // do not remove space
    $e          // between `(` and `)`
                // and this comment

     * @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
     * @requires PHP 8.0
    public function testFix80(string $expected, string $input): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

     * @return iterable<array{string, string}>
    public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
        yield [
            '<?php function foo(mixed $a){}',
            '<?php function foo( mixed $a ){}',

     * @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
     * @requires PHP 8.1
    public function testFix81(string $expected, string $input): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

     * @return iterable<string, array{string, string}>
    public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
        yield 'first callable class' => [
            '<?php $a = strlen(...);',
            '<?php $a = strlen( ... );',