* Dariusz RumiƄski * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\DoctrineAnnotation; use PhpCsFixer\Tests\AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase; /** * @internal * * @covers \PhpCsFixer\AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Doctrine\Annotation\DocLexer * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\DoctrineAnnotation\DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixer */ final class DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixerTest extends AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase { /** * @dataProvider provideFixWithBracesCases */ public function testFixWithBraces(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void { $this->fixer->configure(['syntax' => 'with_braces']); $this->doTest($expected, $input); } public static function provideFixWithBracesCases(): iterable { yield from self::createTestCases([ [' /** * @Foo() */'], [' /** * @Foo () */'], [' /** * @Foo * ( * ) */'], [' /** * Foo. * * @author John Doe * * @Foo() */', ' /** * Foo. * * @author John Doe * * @Foo */'], [ '/** @Foo() */', '/** @Foo */', ], [' /** * @Foo(@Bar()) */', ' /** * @Foo(@Bar) */'], [' /** * @Foo( * @Bar() * ) */', ' /** * @Foo( * @Bar * ) */'], [' /** * @Foo( * @Bar(), * "baz" * ) */', ' /** * @Foo( * @Bar, * "baz" * ) */'], [' /** * @Foo( * @Bar\Baz() * ) */', ' /** * @Foo( * @Bar\Baz * ) */'], [' /** * @Foo() @Bar\Baz() */', ' /** * @Foo @Bar\Baz */'], [' /** * @Foo("@Bar") */'], [' /** * Description with a single " character. * * @Foo("string "" with inner quote") * * @param mixed description with a single " character. */'], [' /** * @Foo(@Bar */'], [' /** * @Foo())@Bar) */', ' /** * @Foo)@Bar) */'], [' /** * See {@link https://help Help} or {@see BarClass} for details. */'], [' /** * @var int */'], [' /** * // PHPDocumentor 1 * @abstract * @access * @code * @deprec * @encode * @exception * @final * @ingroup * @inheritdoc * @inheritDoc * @magic * @name * @toc * @tutorial * @private * @static * @staticvar * @staticVar * @throw * * // PHPDocumentor 2 * @api * @author * @category * @copyright * @deprecated * @example * @filesource * @global * @ignore * @internal * @license * @link * @method * @package * @param * @property * @property-read * @property-write * @return * @see * @since * @source * @subpackage * @throws * @todo * @TODO * @usedBy * @uses * @var * @version * * // PHPUnit * @after * @afterClass * @backupGlobals * @backupStaticAttributes * @before * @beforeClass * @codeCoverageIgnore * @codeCoverageIgnoreStart * @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd * @covers * @coversDefaultClass * @coversNothing * @dataProvider * @depends * @expectedException * @expectedExceptionCode * @expectedExceptionMessage * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp * @group * @large * @medium * @preserveGlobalState * @requires * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses * @runInSeparateProcess * @small * @test * @testdox * @ticket * @uses * * // PHPCheckStyle * @SuppressWarnings * * // PHPStorm * @noinspection * * // PEAR * @package_version * * // PlantUML * @enduml * @startuml * * // Psalm * @psalm * @psalm-param * * // PHPStan * @phpstan * @phpstan-param * * // other * @fix * @FIXME * @fixme * @fixme: foo * @override * @todo: foo */'], ]); yield [ 'doTest($expected, $input); $this->fixer->configure(['syntax' => 'without_braces']); $this->doTest($expected, $input); } public static function provideFixWithoutBracesCases(): iterable { yield from self::createTestCases([ [' /** * Foo. * * @author John Doe * * @Baz\Bar */', ' /** * Foo. * * @author John Doe * * @Baz\Bar ( ) */'], [ '/** @Foo */', '/** @Foo () */', ], [' /** * @Foo("bar") */'], [' /** * @Foo */', ' /** * @Foo * ( * ) */'], [' /** * @Foo(@Bar) */', ' /** * @Foo(@Bar()) */'], [' /** * @Foo( * @Bar * ) */', ' /** * @Foo( * @Bar() * ) */'], [' /** * @Foo( * @Bar, * "baz" * ) */', ' /** * @Foo( * @Bar(), * "baz" * ) */'], [' /** * @Foo( * @Bar\Baz * ) */', ' /** * @Foo( * @Bar\Baz() * ) */'], [' /** * @Foo @Bar\Baz */', ' /** * @Foo() @Bar\Baz() */'], [' /** * @\Foo @\Bar\Baz */', ' /** * @\Foo() @\Bar\Baz() */'], [' /** * @Foo("@Bar()") */'], [' /** * Description with a single " character. * * @Foo("string "" with inner quote") * * @param mixed description with a single " character. */'], [' /** * @Foo( */'], [' /** * @Foo) */'], [' /** * @Foo(@Bar() */'], [' /** * @Foo * @Bar * @Baz */', ' /** * @Foo() * @Bar() * @Baz() */'], [' /** * @FIXME () * @fixme () * @TODO () * @todo () */'], [' /** * // PHPDocumentor 1 * @abstract() * @access() * @code() * @deprec() * @encode() * @exception() * @final() * @ingroup() * @inheritdoc() * @inheritDoc() * @magic() * @name() * @toc() * @tutorial() * @private() * @static() * @staticvar() * @staticVar() * @throw() * * // PHPDocumentor 2 * @api() * @author() * @category() * @copyright() * @deprecated() * @example() * @filesource() * @global() * @ignore() * @internal() * @license() * @link() * @method() * @package() * @param() * @property() * @property-read() * @property-write() * @return() * @see() * @since() * @source() * @subpackage() * @throws() * @todo() * @TODO() * @usedBy() * @uses() * @var() * @version() * * // PHPUnit * @after() * @afterClass() * @backupGlobals() * @backupStaticAttributes() * @before() * @beforeClass() * @codeCoverageIgnore() * @codeCoverageIgnoreStart() * @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd() * @covers() * @coversDefaultClass() * @coversNothing() * @dataProvider() * @depends() * @expectedException() * @expectedExceptionCode() * @expectedExceptionMessage() * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp() * @group() * @large() * @medium() * @preserveGlobalState() * @requires() * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses() * @runInSeparateProcess() * @small() * @test() * @testdox() * @ticket() * @uses() * * // PHPCheckStyle * @SuppressWarnings() * * // PHPStorm * @noinspection() * * // PEAR * @package_version() * * // PlantUML * @enduml() * @startuml() * * // Psalm * @psalm() * @psalm-param() * * // PHPStan * @phpstan() * @psalm-param() * * * // other * @fix() * @FIXME() * @fixme() * @fixme: foo() * @override() * @todo: foo() */'], ]); yield [ 'doTest($expected, $input); } public static function provideFix82Cases(): iterable { yield [ '