=========================== Rule ``no_alias_functions`` =========================== Master functions shall be used instead of aliases. Warning ------- Using this rule is risky ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Risky when any of the alias functions are overridden. Configuration ------------- ``sets`` ~~~~~~~~ List of sets to fix. Defined sets are: * ``@all`` (all listed sets); * ``@internal`` (native functions); * ``@exif`` (EXIF functions); * ``@ftp`` (FTP functions); * ``@IMAP`` (IMAP functions); * ``@ldap`` (LDAP functions); * ``@mbreg`` (from ``ext-mbstring``); * ``@mysqli`` (mysqli functions); * ``@oci`` (oci functions); * ``@odbc`` (odbc functions); * ``@openssl`` (openssl functions); * ``@pcntl`` (PCNTL functions); * ``@pg`` (pg functions); * ``@posix`` (POSIX functions); * ``@snmp`` (SNMP functions); * ``@sodium`` (libsodium functions); * ``@time`` (time functions). Allowed values: a subset of ``['@all', '@exif', '@ftp', '@IMAP', '@internal', '@ldap', '@mbreg', '@mysqli', '@oci', '@odbc', '@openssl', '@pcntl', '@pg', '@posix', '@snmp', '@sodium', '@time']`` Default value: ``['@internal', '@IMAP', '@pg']`` Examples -------- Example #1 ~~~~~~~~~~ *Default* configuration. .. code-block:: diff --- Original +++ New ['@mbreg']]``. .. code-block:: diff --- Original +++ New `_ - `@PHP80Migration:risky <./../../ruleSets/PHP80MigrationRisky.rst>`_ with config: ``['sets' => ['@all']]`` - `@PhpCsFixer:risky <./../../ruleSets/PhpCsFixerRisky.rst>`_ with config: ``['sets' => ['@all']]`` - `@Symfony:risky <./../../ruleSets/SymfonyRisky.rst>`_