@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ echo 1;'
public function testMisconfiguration($configuration, $exceptionMessage)
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('[header_comment] '.$exceptionMessage);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp("#^\\[header_comment\\] {$exceptionMessage}$#");
@@ -516,35 +516,35 @@ echo 1;'
[[], 'Missing required configuration: The required option "header" is missing.'],
['header' => 1],
- 'Invalid configuration: The option "header" with value 1 is expected to be of type "string", but is of type "integer".',
+ 'Invalid configuration: The option "header" with value 1 is expected to be of type "string", but is of type "(int|integer)"\.',
'header' => '',
'comment_type' => 'foo',
- 'Invalid configuration: The option "comment_type" with value "foo" is invalid. Accepted values are: "PHPDoc", "comment".',
+ 'Invalid configuration: The option "comment_type" with value "foo" is invalid\. Accepted values are: "PHPDoc", "comment"\.',
'header' => '',
'comment_type' => new \stdClass(),
- 'Invalid configuration: The option "comment_type" with value stdClass is invalid. Accepted values are: "PHPDoc", "comment".',
+ 'Invalid configuration: The option "comment_type" with value stdClass is invalid\. Accepted values are: "PHPDoc", "comment"\.',
'header' => '',
'location' => new \stdClass(),
- 'Invalid configuration: The option "location" with value stdClass is invalid. Accepted values are: "after_open", "after_declare_strict".',
+ 'Invalid configuration: The option "location" with value stdClass is invalid\. Accepted values are: "after_open", "after_declare_strict"\.',
'header' => '',
'separate' => new \stdClass(),
- 'Invalid configuration: The option "separate" with value stdClass is invalid. Accepted values are: "both", "top", "bottom", "none".',
+ 'Invalid configuration: The option "separate" with value stdClass is invalid\. Accepted values are: "both", "top", "bottom", "none"\.',