@@ -30,138 +30,114 @@ final class PhpdocTypesFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
+ *
+ * @param array<string, mixed> $configuration
- public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
+ public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $configuration = []): void
+ $this->fixer->configure($configuration);
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
- public function testWindowsLinebreaks(): void
+ public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
- $this->doTest(
+ yield 'windows line breaks' => [
"<?php /**\r\n * @param string|string[] \$bar\r\n *\r\n * @return int[]\r\n */\r\n",
- "<?php /**\r\n * @param STRING|String[] \$bar\r\n *\r\n * @return inT[]\r\n */\r\n"
- );
- }
+ "<?php /**\r\n * @param STRING|String[] \$bar\r\n *\r\n * @return inT[]\r\n */\r\n",
+ ];
- public function testConversion(): void
- {
- $expected = <<<'EOF'
+ yield 'conversion' => [
+ '<?php
* @param boolean|array|Foo $bar
* @return int|float
- $input = <<<'EOF'
+ '<?php
* @param Boolean|Array|Foo $bar
* @return inT|Float
- $this->doTest($expected, $input);
- }
+ ];
- public function testArrayStuff(): void
- {
- $expected = <<<'EOF'
+ yield 'array stuff' => [
+ '<?php
* @param string|string[] $bar
* @return int[]
- $input = <<<'EOF'
+ '<?php
* @param STRING|String[] $bar
* @return inT[]
- $this->doTest($expected, $input);
- }
+ ];
- public function testNestedArrayStuff(): void
- {
- $expected = <<<'EOF'
+ yield 'nested array stuff' => [
+ '<?php
* @return int[][][]
- $input = <<<'EOF'
+ '<?php
* @return INT[][][]
- $this->doTest($expected, $input);
- }
+ ];
- public function testMixedAndVoid(): void
- {
- $expected = <<<'EOF'
+ yield 'mixed and void' => [
+ '<?php
* @param mixed $foo
* @return void
- $input = <<<'EOF'
+ '<?php
* @param Mixed $foo
* @return Void
- $this->doTest($expected, $input);
- }
+ ];
- public function testIterableFix(): void
- {
- $expected = <<<'EOF'
+ yield 'iterable' => [
+ '<?php
* @param iterable $foo
* @return Itter
- $input = <<<'EOF'
+ '<?php
* @param Iterable $foo
* @return Itter
- $this->doTest($expected, $input);
- }
+ ];
- public function testMethodAndPropertyFix(): void
- {
- $expected = <<<'EOF'
+ yield 'method and property' => [
+ '<?php
* @method self foo()
* @property int $foo
@@ -169,10 +145,8 @@ EOF;
* @property-write mixed $baz
- $input = <<<'EOF'
+ '<?php
* @method Self foo()
* @property Int $foo
@@ -180,36 +154,26 @@ EOF;
* @property-write MIXED $baz
- $this->doTest($expected, $input);
- }
+ ];
- public function testThrows(): void
- {
- $expected = <<<'EOF'
+ yield 'throws' => [
+ '<?php
* @throws static
- $input = <<<'EOF'
+ '<?php
* @throws STATIC
- $this->doTest($expected, $input);
- }
+ ];
- public function testInlineDoc(): void
- {
- $expected = <<<'EOF'
+ yield 'inline doc' => [
+ '<?php
* Does stuff with stuffs.
@@ -219,10 +183,8 @@ EOF;
* }
- $input = <<<'EOF'
+ '<?php
* Does stuff with stuffs.
@@ -232,41 +194,30 @@ EOF;
* }
- $this->doTest($expected, $input);
- }
+ ];
- public function testWithConfig(): void
- {
- $expected = <<<'EOF'
+ yield 'with config' => [
+ '<?php
* @param self|array|Foo $bar
* @return int|float|callback
- $input = <<<'EOF'
+ '<?php
* @param SELF|Array|Foo $bar
* @return inT|Float|callback
- $this->fixer->configure(['groups' => ['simple', 'meta']]);
- $this->doTest($expected, $input);
- }
+ ['groups' => ['simple', 'meta']],
+ ];
- public function testGenerics(): void
- {
- $this->fixer->configure(['groups' => ['simple', 'meta']]);
- $this->doTest(
+ yield 'generics' => [
* @param array<int, object> $a
@@ -288,12 +239,10 @@ EOF;
* @param iterable<BOOLBOOLBOOL|INTINTINT|ARRAY_BOOL_INT_STRING_> $thisShouldNotBeChangedNeither
* @return ARRAY<INT, ARRAY<STRING, ARRAY<INT, DoNotChangeThisAsThisIsAClass>>>
- */'
- );
- }
+ */',
+ ['groups' => ['simple', 'meta']],
+ ];
- public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
- {
yield 'callable' => [
'<?php /**
* @param callable() $a
@@ -306,6 +255,15 @@ EOF;
+ yield 'array shape with key name being also type name' => [
+ '<?php /**
+ * @return array{FOO: bool, NULL: null|int, BAR: string|BAZ}
+ */',
+ '<?php /**
+ * @return array{FOO: BOOL, NULL: NULL|INT, BAR: STRING|BAZ}
+ */',
+ ];
public function testWrongConfig(): void