@@ -113,6 +113,10 @@
"@composer normalize --working-dir=dev-tools --dry-run ../composer.json",
"@composer normalize --working-dir=dev-tools --dry-run ../composer.json",
"@composer normalize --working-dir=dev-tools --dry-run composer.json"
"@composer normalize --working-dir=dev-tools --dry-run composer.json"
+ "normalize:fix": [
+ "@composer normalize --working-dir=dev-tools ../composer.json",
+ "@composer normalize --working-dir=dev-tools composer.json"
+ ],
"phpstan": "@php -d memory_limit=512M dev-tools/vendor/bin/phpstan analyse",
"phpstan": "@php -d memory_limit=512M dev-tools/vendor/bin/phpstan analyse",
"phpstan:baseline": "@php -d memory_limit=512M dev-tools/vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --generate-baseline=./dev-tools/phpstan/baseline.php",
"phpstan:baseline": "@php -d memory_limit=512M dev-tools/vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --generate-baseline=./dev-tools/phpstan/baseline.php",
"qa": "@quality-assurance",
"qa": "@quality-assurance",
@@ -179,7 +183,8 @@
"infection": "Alias for 'test:mutation'",
"infection": "Alias for 'test:mutation'",
"install-tools": "Install DEV tools",
"install-tools": "Install DEV tools",
"mess-detector": "Analyse code with Mess Detector",
"mess-detector": "Analyse code with Mess Detector",
- "normalize": "Run normalization for composer.json files",
+ "normalize": "Check normalization for composer.json files",
+ "normalize:fix": "Run normalization for composer.json files",
"phpstan": "Run PHPStan analysis",
"phpstan": "Run PHPStan analysis",
"phpstan:baseline": "Dump PHPStan baseline file - use only for updating, do not add new errors when possible",
"phpstan:baseline": "Dump PHPStan baseline file - use only for updating, do not add new errors when possible",
"post-autoload-dump": "Run additional tasks after installing/updating main dependencies",
"post-autoload-dump": "Run additional tasks after installing/updating main dependencies",