@@ -221,11 +221,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Import/GlobalNamespaceImportFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Import/GroupImportFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\OrderedImportsFixer\\:\\:getNewOrder\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -281,11 +276,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ListNotation/ListSyntaxFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Variable method call on \\$this\\(PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\ConcatSpaceFixer\\)\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -401,16 +391,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/StatementIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Linter/ProcessLintingResult.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Runner/Runner.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$className \\(string\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getFileInfo\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$class \\(string\\|null\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getFileInfo\\(\\)$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -421,11 +401,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/StdinFileInfo.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#',
- 'count' => 2,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/ArgumentAnalysis.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Foreach overwrites \\$key with its key variable\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -466,11 +441,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 5,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Variable \\$expression might not be defined\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../tests/DocBlock/TypeExpressionTest.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index \\(int\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\TokensWithObservedTransformers\\:\\:offsetSet\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$offset \\(int\\|null\\) of method ArrayAccess\\<int,PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\>\\:\\:offsetSet\\(\\)$#',
'count' => 1,