@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+ * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
+ *
+ * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
+ * Dariusz Rumiński <dariusz.ruminski@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
+ * with this source code in the file LICENSE.
+ */
+namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\Whitespace;
+use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
+ * @internal
+ *
+ * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Whitespace\BlankLineBetweenImportGroupsFixer
+ */
+final class BlankLineBetweenImportGroupsFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFixTypesOrderAndWhitespaceCases
+ */
+ public function testFixTypesOrderAndNewlines(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public function provideFixTypesOrderAndWhitespaceCases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use Some\Cloz;
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use function some\a\{fn_x};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use Some\Cloz;
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use function some\a\{fn_x};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use Some\Cloz;
+use function some\a\{fn_x};
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use Some\Cloz;
+use function some\a\{fn_x};
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+#use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use Some\Cloz;
+use function some\a\{fn_x};
+/** Import ConstA to do some nice magic */
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+#use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use Some\Cloz;
+use function some\a\{fn_x};
+/** Import ConstA to do some nice magic */
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+ */
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use Some\Cloz;
+// Ignore the following content
+// use function some\a\{fn_x};
+// use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+ */
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use Some\Cloz;
+// Ignore the following content
+// use function some\a\{fn_x};
+// use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+/*use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use Some\Cloz;
+use function some\a\{fn_x};
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+/*use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use Some\Cloz;
+use function some\a\{fn_x};
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+use function some\b\{
+ fn_c,
+ fn_d
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+use function some\b\{
+ fn_c,
+ fn_d
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b}; // Do this because of reasons
+use function some\b\{
+ fn_c,
+ fn_d
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b}; // Do this because of reasons
+use function some\b\{
+ fn_c,
+ fn_d
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+/** Beginning of line comment as well */use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+use function some\b\{
+ fn_c,
+ fn_d
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+/** Beginning of line comment as well */use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+use function some\b\{
+ fn_c,
+ fn_d
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use /* x */ function /* x */ Psl\Str\trim;
+use /* x */ Psl\Str /* x */;
+use /* x */ const /* x */ Psl\Str\OTHER_ALPHABET;
+use /* x */ const /* x */ Psl\Str\ALPHABET;
+use /* x */ function /* x */ Psl\Str\ /* x */ {
+ /* x */ trim_left /* x */,
+ /* x */ trim_right /* x */,
+ '<?php
+use /* x */ function /* x */ Psl\Str\trim;
+use /* x */ Psl\Str /* x */;
+use /* x */ const /* x */ Psl\Str\OTHER_ALPHABET;
+use /* x */ const /* x */ Psl\Str\ALPHABET;
+use /* x */ function /* x */ Psl\Str\ /* x */ {
+ /* x */ trim_left /* x */,
+ /* x */ trim_right /* x */,
+ ];
+ yield 'lots of inserts in same namespace' => [
+ '<?php
+namespace A\B6 {
+ use C1\B1;
+use const C6\Z1;
+use C2\B2;
+use const C7\Z2;
+use C3\B3;
+use const C8\Z3;
+use C4\B4;
+use const C9\Z4;
+use C5\B5;
+use const C0\Z5;
+ ',
+ '<?php
+namespace A\B6 {
+ use C1\B1;use const C6\Z1;
+ use C2\B2;use const C7\Z2;
+ use C3\B3;use const C8\Z3;
+ use C4\B4;use const C9\Z4;
+ use C5\B5;use const C0\Z5;
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'lots of inserts in multiple namespaces' => [
+ '<?php
+namespace A\B1 {
+ use C\B;
+use const C\Z;
+namespace A\B2 {
+ use C\B;
+use const C\Z;
+namespace A\B3 {
+ use C\B;
+use const C\Z;
+namespace A\B4 {
+ use C\B;
+use const C\Z;
+namespace A\B5 {
+ use C\B;
+use const C\Z;
+ ',
+ '<?php
+namespace A\B1 {
+ use C\B;use const C\Z;
+namespace A\B2 {
+ use C\B;use const C\Z;
+namespace A\B3 {
+ use C\B;use const C\Z;
+namespace A\B4 {
+ use C\B;use const C\Z;
+namespace A\B5 {
+ use C\B;use const C\Z;
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php use A\B; /*1*/
+use const C\D;',
+ '<?php use A\B; /*1*/ use const C\D;',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+namespace Foo;
+use A\B; /* foo */ /* A */ /* B */ # X
+use const C\D; // bar
+ '<?php
+namespace Foo;
+use A\B; /* foo */ /* A */ /* B */ # X
+use const C\D; // bar
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFixPre80Cases
+ * @requires PHP <8.0
+ */
+ public function testFixPre80(string $expected, string $input = null): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public function provideFixPre80Cases(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+use Some\/**Namespace*/Weird\Be/**ha*/;
+use function Other\/**Namespace*/Weird\/**Comments*/have;
+ '<?php
+use Some\/**Namespace*/Weird\Be/**ha*/;
+use function Other\/**Namespace*/Weird\/**Comments*/have;
+ ];
+ }