@@ -274,6 +274,33 @@ Changelog for v2.16.0
* minor #4619 Fix PHP 7.3 strict mode warnings (keradus)
* minor #4621 Add single_line_throw to Symfony ruleset (keradus)
+Changelog for v2.15.10
+* bug #5095 Annotation - fix for Windows line endings (SpacePossum)
+* bug #5221 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - fix for single line PHPDoc (kubawerlos)
+* bug #5225 TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer - fix for alternative control structures (kubawerlos)
+* bug #5235 ArrayIndentationFixer - fix for nested arrays (kubawerlos)
+* bug #5248 NoBreakCommentFixer - fix throw detect (SpacePossum)
+* bug #5250 SwitchAnalyzer - fix for semicolon after case/default (kubawerlos)
+* bug #5253 IO - fix cache info message (SpacePossum)
+* bug #5274 TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer - concat precedence fix (SpacePossum)
+* feature #5216 Add RuleSets to docs (SpacePossum)
+* minor #5226 Applied CS fixes from 2.17-dev (GrahamCampbell)
+* minor #5229 Fixed incorrect phpdoc (GrahamCampbell)
+* minor #5231 CS: unify styling with younger branches (keradus)
+* minor #5232 PHP8 - throw expression support (SpacePossum)
+* minor #5233 DX: simplify check_file_permissions.sh (kubawerlos)
+* minor #5236 Improve handling of unavailable code samples (julienfalque, keradus)
+* minor #5239 PHP8 - Allow trailing comma in parameter list support (SpacePossum)
+* minor #5254 PHP8 - mixed type support (SpacePossum)
+* minor #5255 Tests: do not skip documentation test (keradus)
+* minor #5261 Do not update Composer twice (sanmai)
+* minor #5263 PHP8 support (SpacePossum)
+* minor #5266 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - PHPUnit 9.x support (sanmai)
+* minor #5267 Improve InstallViaComposerTest (sanmai)
+* minor #5276 PHP8 - add NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer to risky set (SpacePossum)
Changelog for v2.15.9