@@ -1,2314 +0,0 @@
-PHP Coding Standards Fixer
-The PHP Coding Standards Fixer (PHP CS Fixer) tool fixes your code to follow standards;
-whether you want to follow PHP coding standards as defined in the PSR-1, PSR-2, etc.,
-or other community driven ones like the Symfony one.
-You can **also** define your (team's) style through configuration.
-It can modernize your code (like converting the ``pow`` function to the ``**`` operator on PHP 5.6)
-and (micro) optimize it.
-If you are already using a linter to identify coding standards problems in your
-code, you know that fixing them by hand is tedious, especially on large
-projects. This tool does not only detect them, but also fixes them for you.
-The PHP CS Fixer is maintained on GitHub at https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer.
-Bug reports and ideas about new features are welcome there.
-You can talk to us at https://gitter.im/PHP-CS-Fixer/Lobby about the project,
-configuration, possible improvements, ideas and questions, please visit us!
-PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP 5.6.0.
-Download the `php-cs-fixer.phar`_ file and store it somewhere on your computer.
-Globally (manual)
-You can run these commands to easily access latest ``php-cs-fixer`` from anywhere on
-your system:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ wget https://cs.symfony.com/download/php-cs-fixer-v2.phar -O php-cs-fixer
-or with specified version:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ wget https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer/releases/download/v2.16.4/php-cs-fixer.phar -O php-cs-fixer
-or with curl:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ curl -L https://cs.symfony.com/download/php-cs-fixer-v2.phar -o php-cs-fixer
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo chmod a+x php-cs-fixer
- $ sudo mv php-cs-fixer /usr/local/bin/php-cs-fixer
-Then, just run ``php-cs-fixer``.
-Globally (Composer)
-To install PHP CS Fixer, `install Composer <https://getcomposer.org/download/>`_ and issue the following command:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
-Then make sure you have the global Composer binaries directory in your ``PATH``. This directory is platform-dependent, see `Composer documentation <https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#composer-home>`_ for details. Example for some Unix systems:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"
-Globally (homebrew)
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ brew install php-cs-fixer
-Locally (PHIVE)
-Install `PHIVE <https://phar.io>`_ and issue the following command:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ phive install php-cs-fixer # use `--global` for global install
-The ``self-update`` command tries to update ``php-cs-fixer`` itself:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar self-update
-Globally (manual)
-You can update ``php-cs-fixer`` through this command:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo php-cs-fixer self-update
-Globally (Composer)
-You can update ``php-cs-fixer`` through this command:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ ./composer.phar global update friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
-Globally (homebrew)
-You can update ``php-cs-fixer`` through this command:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ brew upgrade php-cs-fixer
-Locally (PHIVE)
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ phive update php-cs-fixer
-The ``fix`` command tries to fix as much coding standards
-problems as possible on a given file or files in a given directory and its subdirectories:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/file
-By default ``--path-mode`` is set to ``override``, which means, that if you specify the path to a file or a directory via
-command arguments, then the paths provided to a ``Finder`` in config file will be ignored. You can use ``--path-mode=intersection``
-to merge paths from the config file and from the argument:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --path-mode=intersection /path/to/dir
-The ``--format`` option for the output format. Supported formats are ``txt`` (default one), ``json``, ``xml``, ``checkstyle``, ``junit`` and ``gitlab``.
-NOTE: the output for the following formats are generated in accordance with XML schemas
-* ``junit`` follows the `JUnit xml schema from Jenkins </doc/junit-10.xsd>`_
-* ``checkstyle`` follows the common `"checkstyle" xml schema </doc/checkstyle.xsd>`_
-The ``--quiet`` Do not output any message.
-The ``--verbose`` option will show the applied rules. When using the ``txt`` format it will also display progress notifications.
-NOTE: if there is an error like "errors reported during linting after fixing", you can use this to be even more verbose for debugging purpose
-* ``--verbose=0`` or no option: normal
-* ``--verbose``, ``--verbose=1``, ``-v``: verbose
-* ``--verbose=2``, ``-vv``: very verbose
-* ``--verbose=3``, ``-vvv``: debug
-The ``--rules`` option limits the rules to apply to the
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/project --rules=@PSR2
-By default the PSR1 and PSR2 rules are used.
-The ``--rules`` option lets you choose the exact rules to
-apply (the rule names must be separated by a comma):
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir --rules=line_ending,full_opening_tag,indentation_type
-You can also exclude the rules you don't want by placing a dash in front of the rule name, if this is more convenient,
-using ``-name_of_fixer``:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir --rules=-full_opening_tag,-indentation_type
-When using combinations of exact and exclude rules, applying exact rules along with above excluded results:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/project --rules=@Symfony,-@PSR1,-blank_line_before_statement,strict_comparison
-Complete configuration for rules can be supplied using a ``json`` formatted string.
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/project --rules='{"concat_space": {"spacing": "none"}}'
-The ``--dry-run`` flag will run the fixer without making changes to your files.
-The ``--diff`` flag can be used to let the fixer output all the changes it makes.
-The ``--diff-format`` option allows to specify in which format the fixer should output the changes it makes:
-* ``null``: no diff;
-* ``udiff``: unified diff format.
-The ``--allow-risky`` option (pass ``yes`` or ``no``) allows you to set whether risky rules may run. Default value is taken from config file.
-A rule is considered risky if it could change code behaviour. By default no risky rules are run.
-The ``--stop-on-violation`` flag stops the execution upon first file that needs to be fixed.
-The ``--show-progress`` option allows you to choose the way process progress is rendered:
-* ``none``: disables progress output;
-* ``dots``: multiline progress output with number of files and percentage on each line.
-If the option is not provided, it defaults to ``dots`` unless a config file that disables output is used, in which case it defaults to ``none``. This option has no effect if the verbosity of the command is less than ``verbose``.
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --verbose --show-progress=dots
-The command can also read from standard input, in which case it won't
-automatically fix anything:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ cat foo.php | php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --diff -
-Finally, if you don't need BC kept on CLI level, you might use `PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE` to start using options that
-would be default in next MAJOR release (unified differ, dots, full-width progress indicator):
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE=1 php php-cs-fixer.phar fix -v --diff
-Use the following command to quickly understand what a rule will do to your code:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar describe align_multiline_comment
-To visualize all the rules that belong to a ruleset:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar describe @PSR2
-Choose from the list of available rules:
-* **align_multiline_comment** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Each line of multi-line DocComments must have an asterisk [PSR-5] and
- must be aligned with the first one.
- Configuration options:
- - ``comment_type`` (``'all_multiline'``, ``'phpdocs_like'``, ``'phpdocs_only'``): whether
- to fix PHPDoc comments only (``phpdocs_only``), any multi-line comment
- whose lines all start with an asterisk (``phpdocs_like``) or any
- multi-line comment (``all_multiline``); defaults to ``'phpdocs_only'``
-* **array_indentation** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Each element of an array must be indented exactly once.
-* **array_push** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Converts simple usages of ``array_push($x, $y);`` to ``$x[] = $y;``.
- *Risky rule: risky when the function ``array_push`` is overridden.*
-* **array_syntax** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- PHP arrays should be declared using the configured syntax.
- Configuration options:
- - ``syntax`` (``'long'``, ``'short'``): whether to use the ``long`` or ``short`` array
- syntax; defaults to ``'long'``
-* **backtick_to_shell_exec** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Converts backtick operators to ``shell_exec`` calls.
-* **binary_operator_spaces** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Binary operators should be surrounded by space as configured.
- Configuration options:
- - ``default`` (``'align'``, ``'align_single_space'``, ``'align_single_space_minimal'``,
- ``'no_space'``, ``'single_space'``, ``null``): default fix strategy; defaults to
- ``'single_space'``
- - ``operators`` (``array``): dictionary of ``binary operator`` => ``fix strategy``
- values that differ from the default strategy; defaults to ``[]``
-* **blank_line_after_namespace** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There MUST be one blank line after the namespace declaration.
-* **blank_line_after_opening_tag** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Ensure there is no code on the same line as the PHP open tag and it is
- followed by a blank line.
-* **blank_line_before_statement** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- An empty line feed must precede any configured statement.
- Configuration options:
- - ``statements`` (a subset of ``['break', 'case', 'continue', 'declare',
- 'default', 'die', 'do', 'exit', 'for', 'foreach', 'goto', 'if',
- 'include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once', 'return',
- 'switch', 'throw', 'try', 'while', 'yield', 'yield_from']``): list of
- statements which must be preceded by an empty line; defaults to
- ``['break', 'continue', 'declare', 'return', 'throw', 'try']``
-* **braces** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- The body of each structure MUST be enclosed by braces. Braces should be
- properly placed. Body of braces should be properly indented.
- Configuration options:
- - ``allow_single_line_anonymous_class_with_empty_body`` (``bool``): whether single
- line anonymous class with empty body notation should be allowed;
- defaults to ``false``
- - ``allow_single_line_closure`` (``bool``): whether single line lambda notation
- should be allowed; defaults to ``false``
- - ``position_after_anonymous_constructs`` (``'next'``, ``'same'``): whether the
- opening brace should be placed on "next" or "same" line after anonymous
- constructs (anonymous classes and lambda functions); defaults to ``'same'``
- - ``position_after_control_structures`` (``'next'``, ``'same'``): whether the opening
- brace should be placed on "next" or "same" line after control
- structures; defaults to ``'same'``
- - ``position_after_functions_and_oop_constructs`` (``'next'``, ``'same'``): whether
- the opening brace should be placed on "next" or "same" line after
- classy constructs (non-anonymous classes, interfaces, traits, methods
- and non-lambda functions); defaults to ``'next'``
-* **cast_spaces** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- A single space or none should be between cast and variable.
- Configuration options:
- - ``space`` (``'none'``, ``'single'``): spacing to apply between cast and variable;
- defaults to ``'single'``
-* **class_attributes_separation** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Class, trait and interface elements must be separated with one or none
- blank line.
- Configuration options:
- - ``elements`` (``array``): dictionary of ``const|method|property`` => ``none|one``
- values; defaults to ``['const' => 'one', 'method' => 'one', 'property' =>
- 'one']``
-* **class_definition** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Whitespace around the keywords of a class, trait or interfaces
- definition should be one space.
- Configuration options:
- - ``multi_line_extends_each_single_line`` (``bool``): whether definitions should
- be multiline; defaults to ``false``; DEPRECATED alias:
- ``multiLineExtendsEachSingleLine``
- - ``single_item_single_line`` (``bool``): whether definitions should be single
- line when including a single item; defaults to ``false``; DEPRECATED alias:
- ``singleItemSingleLine``
- - ``single_line`` (``bool``): whether definitions should be single line; defaults
- to ``false``; DEPRECATED alias: ``singleLine``
-* **class_keyword_remove**
- Converts ``::class`` keywords to FQCN strings.
-* **combine_consecutive_issets** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Using ``isset($var) &&`` multiple times should be done in one call.
-* **combine_consecutive_unsets** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Calling ``unset`` on multiple items should be done in one call.
-* **combine_nested_dirname** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky, @PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky, @PHP74Migration:risky, @PHP80Migration:risky]
- Replace multiple nested calls of ``dirname`` by only one call with second
- ``$level`` parameter. Requires PHP >= 7.0.
- *Risky rule: risky when the function ``dirname`` is overridden.*
-* **comment_to_phpdoc** [@PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Comments with annotation should be docblock when used on structural
- elements.
- *Risky rule: risky as new docblocks might mean more, e.g. a Doctrine entity might have a new column in database.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``ignored_tags`` (``array``): list of ignored tags; defaults to ``[]``
-* **compact_nullable_typehint** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Remove extra spaces in a nullable typehint.
-* **concat_space** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Concatenation should be spaced according configuration.
- Configuration options:
- - ``spacing`` (``'none'``, ``'one'``): spacing to apply around concatenation operator;
- defaults to ``'none'``
-* **constant_case** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- The PHP constants ``true``, ``false``, and ``null`` MUST be written using the
- correct casing.
- Configuration options:
- - ``case`` (``'lower'``, ``'upper'``): whether to use the ``upper`` or ``lower`` case
- syntax; defaults to ``'lower'``
-* **date_time_immutable**
- Class ``DateTimeImmutable`` should be used instead of ``DateTime``.
- *Risky rule: risky when the code relies on modifying ``DateTime`` objects or if any of the ``date_create*`` functions are overridden.*
-* **declare_equal_normalize** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Equal sign in declare statement should be surrounded by spaces or not
- following configuration.
- Configuration options:
- - ``space`` (``'none'``, ``'single'``): spacing to apply around the equal sign;
- defaults to ``'none'``
-* **declare_strict_types** [@PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky, @PHP74Migration:risky, @PHP80Migration:risky]
- Force strict types declaration in all files. Requires PHP >= 7.0.
- *Risky rule: forcing strict types will stop non strict code from working.*
-* **dir_constant** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Replaces ``dirname(__FILE__)`` expression with equivalent ``__DIR__``
- constant.
- *Risky rule: risky when the function ``dirname`` is overridden.*
-* **doctrine_annotation_array_assignment** [@DoctrineAnnotation]
- Doctrine annotations must use configured operator for assignment in
- arrays.
- Configuration options:
- - ``ignored_tags`` (``array``): list of tags that must not be treated as Doctrine
- Annotations; defaults to ``['abstract', 'access', 'code', 'deprec',
- 'encode', 'exception', 'final', 'ingroup', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritDoc',
- 'magic', 'name', 'toc', 'tutorial', 'private', 'static', 'staticvar',
- 'staticVar', 'throw', 'api', 'author', 'category', 'copyright',
- 'deprecated', 'example', 'filesource', 'global', 'ignore', 'internal',
- 'license', 'link', 'method', 'package', 'param', 'property',
- 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'see', 'since', 'source',
- 'subpackage', 'throws', 'todo', 'TODO', 'usedBy', 'uses', 'var',
- 'version', 'after', 'afterClass', 'backupGlobals',
- 'backupStaticAttributes', 'before', 'beforeClass',
- 'codeCoverageIgnore', 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart',
- 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd', 'covers', 'coversDefaultClass',
- 'coversNothing', 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'expectedException',
- 'expectedExceptionCode', 'expectedExceptionMessage',
- 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp', 'group', 'large', 'medium',
- 'preserveGlobalState', 'requires', 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses',
- 'runInSeparateProcess', 'small', 'test', 'testdox', 'ticket', 'uses',
- 'SuppressWarnings', 'noinspection', 'package_version', 'enduml',
- 'startuml', 'fix', 'FIXME', 'fixme', 'override']``
- - ``operator`` (``':'``, ``'='``): the operator to use; defaults to ``'='``
-* **doctrine_annotation_braces** [@DoctrineAnnotation]
- Doctrine annotations without arguments must use the configured syntax.
- Configuration options:
- - ``ignored_tags`` (``array``): list of tags that must not be treated as Doctrine
- Annotations; defaults to ``['abstract', 'access', 'code', 'deprec',
- 'encode', 'exception', 'final', 'ingroup', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritDoc',
- 'magic', 'name', 'toc', 'tutorial', 'private', 'static', 'staticvar',
- 'staticVar', 'throw', 'api', 'author', 'category', 'copyright',
- 'deprecated', 'example', 'filesource', 'global', 'ignore', 'internal',
- 'license', 'link', 'method', 'package', 'param', 'property',
- 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'see', 'since', 'source',
- 'subpackage', 'throws', 'todo', 'TODO', 'usedBy', 'uses', 'var',
- 'version', 'after', 'afterClass', 'backupGlobals',
- 'backupStaticAttributes', 'before', 'beforeClass',
- 'codeCoverageIgnore', 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart',
- 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd', 'covers', 'coversDefaultClass',
- 'coversNothing', 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'expectedException',
- 'expectedExceptionCode', 'expectedExceptionMessage',
- 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp', 'group', 'large', 'medium',
- 'preserveGlobalState', 'requires', 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses',
- 'runInSeparateProcess', 'small', 'test', 'testdox', 'ticket', 'uses',
- 'SuppressWarnings', 'noinspection', 'package_version', 'enduml',
- 'startuml', 'fix', 'FIXME', 'fixme', 'override']``
- - ``syntax`` (``'with_braces'``, ``'without_braces'``): whether to add or remove
- braces; defaults to ``'without_braces'``
-* **doctrine_annotation_indentation** [@DoctrineAnnotation]
- Doctrine annotations must be indented with four spaces.
- Configuration options:
- - ``ignored_tags`` (``array``): list of tags that must not be treated as Doctrine
- Annotations; defaults to ``['abstract', 'access', 'code', 'deprec',
- 'encode', 'exception', 'final', 'ingroup', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritDoc',
- 'magic', 'name', 'toc', 'tutorial', 'private', 'static', 'staticvar',
- 'staticVar', 'throw', 'api', 'author', 'category', 'copyright',
- 'deprecated', 'example', 'filesource', 'global', 'ignore', 'internal',
- 'license', 'link', 'method', 'package', 'param', 'property',
- 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'see', 'since', 'source',
- 'subpackage', 'throws', 'todo', 'TODO', 'usedBy', 'uses', 'var',
- 'version', 'after', 'afterClass', 'backupGlobals',
- 'backupStaticAttributes', 'before', 'beforeClass',
- 'codeCoverageIgnore', 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart',
- 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd', 'covers', 'coversDefaultClass',
- 'coversNothing', 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'expectedException',
- 'expectedExceptionCode', 'expectedExceptionMessage',
- 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp', 'group', 'large', 'medium',
- 'preserveGlobalState', 'requires', 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses',
- 'runInSeparateProcess', 'small', 'test', 'testdox', 'ticket', 'uses',
- 'SuppressWarnings', 'noinspection', 'package_version', 'enduml',
- 'startuml', 'fix', 'FIXME', 'fixme', 'override']``
- - ``indent_mixed_lines`` (``bool``): whether to indent lines that have content
- before closing parenthesis; defaults to ``false``
-* **doctrine_annotation_spaces** [@DoctrineAnnotation]
- Fixes spaces in Doctrine annotations.
- Configuration options:
- - ``after_argument_assignments`` (``null``, ``bool``): whether to add, remove or
- ignore spaces after argument assignment operator; defaults to ``false``
- - ``after_array_assignments_colon`` (``null``, ``bool``): whether to add, remove or
- ignore spaces after array assignment ``:`` operator; defaults to ``true``
- - ``after_array_assignments_equals`` (``null``, ``bool``): whether to add, remove or
- ignore spaces after array assignment ``=`` operator; defaults to ``true``
- - ``around_commas`` (``bool``): whether to fix spaces around commas; defaults to
- ``true``
- - ``around_parentheses`` (``bool``): whether to fix spaces around parentheses;
- defaults to ``true``
- - ``before_argument_assignments`` (``null``, ``bool``): whether to add, remove or
- ignore spaces before argument assignment operator; defaults to ``false``
- - ``before_array_assignments_colon`` (``null``, ``bool``): whether to add, remove or
- ignore spaces before array ``:`` assignment operator; defaults to ``true``
- - ``before_array_assignments_equals`` (``null``, ``bool``): whether to add, remove or
- ignore spaces before array ``=`` assignment operator; defaults to ``true``
- - ``ignored_tags`` (``array``): list of tags that must not be treated as Doctrine
- Annotations; defaults to ``['abstract', 'access', 'code', 'deprec',
- 'encode', 'exception', 'final', 'ingroup', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritDoc',
- 'magic', 'name', 'toc', 'tutorial', 'private', 'static', 'staticvar',
- 'staticVar', 'throw', 'api', 'author', 'category', 'copyright',
- 'deprecated', 'example', 'filesource', 'global', 'ignore', 'internal',
- 'license', 'link', 'method', 'package', 'param', 'property',
- 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'see', 'since', 'source',
- 'subpackage', 'throws', 'todo', 'TODO', 'usedBy', 'uses', 'var',
- 'version', 'after', 'afterClass', 'backupGlobals',
- 'backupStaticAttributes', 'before', 'beforeClass',
- 'codeCoverageIgnore', 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart',
- 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd', 'covers', 'coversDefaultClass',
- 'coversNothing', 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'expectedException',
- 'expectedExceptionCode', 'expectedExceptionMessage',
- 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp', 'group', 'large', 'medium',
- 'preserveGlobalState', 'requires', 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses',
- 'runInSeparateProcess', 'small', 'test', 'testdox', 'ticket', 'uses',
- 'SuppressWarnings', 'noinspection', 'package_version', 'enduml',
- 'startuml', 'fix', 'FIXME', 'fixme', 'override']``
-* **echo_tag_syntax** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Replaces short-echo ``<?=`` with long format ``<?php echo``/``<?php print``
- syntax, or vice-versa.
- Configuration options:
- - ``format`` (``'long'``, ``'short'``): the desired language construct; defaults to
- ``'long'``
- - ``long_function`` (``'echo'``, ``'print'``): the function to be used to expand the
- short echo tags; defaults to ``'echo'``
- - ``shorten_simple_statements_only`` (``bool``): render short-echo tags only in
- case of simple code; defaults to ``true``
-* **elseif** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- The keyword ``elseif`` should be used instead of ``else if`` so that all
- control keywords look like single words.
-* **encoding** [@PSR1, @PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- PHP code MUST use only UTF-8 without BOM (remove BOM).
-* **ereg_to_preg** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Replace deprecated ``ereg`` regular expression functions with ``preg``.
- *Risky rule: risky if the ``ereg`` function is overridden.*
-* **error_suppression** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Error control operator should be added to deprecation notices and/or
- removed from other cases.
- *Risky rule: risky because adding/removing ``@`` might cause changes to code behaviour or if ``trigger_error`` function is overridden.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``mute_deprecation_error`` (``bool``): whether to add ``@`` in deprecation
- notices; defaults to ``true``
- - ``noise_remaining_usages`` (``bool``): whether to remove ``@`` in remaining
- usages; defaults to ``false``
- - ``noise_remaining_usages_exclude`` (``array``): list of global functions to
- exclude from removing ``@``; defaults to ``[]``
-* **escape_implicit_backslashes** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Escape implicit backslashes in strings and heredocs to ease the
- understanding of which are special chars interpreted by PHP and which
- not.
- Configuration options:
- - ``double_quoted`` (``bool``): whether to fix double-quoted strings; defaults to
- ``true``
- - ``heredoc_syntax`` (``bool``): whether to fix heredoc syntax; defaults to ``true``
- - ``single_quoted`` (``bool``): whether to fix single-quoted strings; defaults to
- ``false``
-* **explicit_indirect_variable** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Add curly braces to indirect variables to make them clear to understand.
- Requires PHP >= 7.0.
-* **explicit_string_variable** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Converts implicit variables into explicit ones in double-quoted strings
- or heredoc syntax.
-* **final_class**
- All classes must be final, except abstract ones and Doctrine entities.
- *Risky rule: risky when subclassing non-abstract classes.*
-* **final_internal_class** [@PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Internal classes should be ``final``.
- *Risky rule: changing classes to ``final`` might cause code execution to break.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``annotation_exclude`` (``array``): class level annotations tags that must be
- omitted to fix the class, even if all of the white list ones are used
- as well. (case insensitive); defaults to ``['@final', '@Entity',
- '@ORM\\Entity', '@ORM\\Mapping\\Entity', '@Mapping\\Entity']``;
- DEPRECATED alias: ``annotation-black-list``
- - ``annotation_include`` (``array``): class level annotations tags that must be
- set in order to fix the class. (case insensitive); defaults to
- ``['@internal']``; DEPRECATED alias: ``annotation-white-list``
- - ``consider_absent_docblock_as_internal_class`` (``bool``): should classes
- without any DocBlock be fixed to final?; defaults to ``false``; DEPRECATED
- alias: ``consider-absent-docblock-as-internal-class``
-* **final_public_method_for_abstract_class**
- All ``public`` methods of ``abstract`` classes should be ``final``.
- *Risky rule: risky when overriding ``public`` methods of ``abstract`` classes.*
-* **final_static_access**
- Converts ``static`` access to ``self`` access in ``final`` classes.
- DEPRECATED: use ``self_static_accessor`` instead.
-* **fopen_flag_order** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Order the flags in ``fopen`` calls, ``b`` and ``t`` must be last.
- *Risky rule: risky when the function ``fopen`` is overridden.*
-* **fopen_flags** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- The flags in ``fopen`` calls must omit ``t``, and ``b`` must be omitted or
- included consistently.
- *Risky rule: risky when the function ``fopen`` is overridden.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``b_mode`` (``bool``): the ``b`` flag must be used (``true``) or omitted (``false``);
- defaults to ``true``
-* **full_opening_tag** [@PSR1, @PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- PHP code must use the long ``<?php`` tags or short-echo ``<?=`` tags and not
- other tag variations.
-* **fully_qualified_strict_types** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Transforms imported FQCN parameters and return types in function
- arguments to short version.
-* **function_declaration** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Spaces should be properly placed in a function declaration.
- Configuration options:
- - ``closure_function_spacing`` (``'none'``, ``'one'``): spacing to use before open
- parenthesis for closures; defaults to ``'one'``
-* **function_to_constant** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Replace core functions calls returning constants with the constants.
- *Risky rule: risky when any of the configured functions to replace are overridden.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``functions`` (a subset of ``['get_called_class', 'get_class',
- 'get_class_this', 'php_sapi_name', 'phpversion', 'pi']``): list of
- function names to fix; defaults to ``['get_called_class', 'get_class',
- 'get_class_this', 'php_sapi_name', 'phpversion', 'pi']``
-* **function_typehint_space** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Ensure single space between function's argument and its typehint.
-* **general_phpdoc_annotation_remove**
- Configured annotations should be omitted from PHPDoc.
- Configuration options:
- - ``annotations`` (``array``): list of annotations to remove, e.g. ``["author"]``;
- defaults to ``[]``
-* **general_phpdoc_tag_rename** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Renames PHPDoc tags.
- Configuration options:
- - ``case_sensitive`` (``bool``): whether tags should be replaced only if they have
- exact same casing; defaults to ``false``
- - ``fix_annotation`` (``bool``): whether annotation tags should be fixed; defaults
- to ``true``
- - ``fix_inline`` (``bool``): whether inline tags should be fixed; defaults to ``true``
- - ``replacements`` (``array``): a map of tags to replace; defaults to ``[]``
-* **global_namespace_import**
- Imports or fully qualifies global classes/functions/constants.
- Configuration options:
- - ``import_classes`` (``false``, ``null``, ``true``): whether to import, not import or
- ignore global classes; defaults to ``true``
- - ``import_constants`` (``false``, ``null``, ``true``): whether to import, not import or
- ignore global constants; defaults to ``null``
- - ``import_functions`` (``false``, ``null``, ``true``): whether to import, not import or
- ignore global functions; defaults to ``null``
-* **group_import**
- There MUST be group use for the same namespaces.
-* **header_comment**
- Add, replace or remove header comment.
- Configuration options:
- - ``comment_type`` (``'comment'``, ``'PHPDoc'``): comment syntax type; defaults to
- ``'comment'``; DEPRECATED alias: ``commentType``
- - ``header`` (``string``): proper header content; required
- - ``location`` (``'after_declare_strict'``, ``'after_open'``): the location of the
- inserted header; defaults to ``'after_declare_strict'``
- - ``separate`` (``'both'``, ``'bottom'``, ``'none'``, ``'top'``): whether the header should be
- separated from the file content with a new line; defaults to ``'both'``
-* **heredoc_indentation** [@PHP73Migration, @PHP74Migration, @PHP80Migration]
- Heredoc/nowdoc content must be properly indented. Requires PHP >= 7.3.
- Configuration options:
- - ``indentation`` (``'same_as_start'``, ``'start_plus_one'``): whether the indentation
- should be the same as in the start token line or one level more;
- defaults to ``'start_plus_one'``
-* **heredoc_to_nowdoc** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Convert ``heredoc`` to ``nowdoc`` where possible.
-* **implode_call** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky, @PHP74Migration:risky, @PHP80Migration:risky]
- Function ``implode`` must be called with 2 arguments in the documented
- order.
- *Risky rule: risky when the function ``implode`` is overridden.*
-* **include** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Include/Require and file path should be divided with a single space.
- File path should not be placed under brackets.
-* **increment_style** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Pre- or post-increment and decrement operators should be used if
- possible.
- Configuration options:
- - ``style`` (``'post'``, ``'pre'``): whether to use pre- or post-increment and
- decrement operators; defaults to ``'pre'``
-* **indentation_type** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Code MUST use configured indentation type.
-* **is_null** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Replaces ``is_null($var)`` expression with ``null === $var``.
- *Risky rule: risky when the function ``is_null`` is overridden.*
-* **lambda_not_used_import** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Lambda must not import variables it doesn't use.
-* **line_ending** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- All PHP files must use same line ending.
-* **linebreak_after_opening_tag** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Ensure there is no code on the same line as the PHP open tag.
-* **list_syntax**
- List (``array`` destructuring) assignment should be declared using the
- configured syntax. Requires PHP >= 7.1.
- Configuration options:
- - ``syntax`` (``'long'``, ``'short'``): whether to use the ``long`` or ``short`` ``list``
- syntax; defaults to ``'long'``
-* **logical_operators** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Use ``&&`` and ``||`` logical operators instead of ``and`` and ``or``.
- *Risky rule: risky, because you must double-check if using and/or with lower precedence was intentional.*
-* **lowercase_cast** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Cast should be written in lower case.
-* **lowercase_keywords** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- PHP keywords MUST be in lower case.
-* **lowercase_static_reference** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Class static references ``self``, ``static`` and ``parent`` MUST be in lower
- case.
-* **magic_constant_casing** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Magic constants should be referred to using the correct casing.
-* **magic_method_casing** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Magic method definitions and calls must be using the correct casing.
-* **mb_str_functions**
- Replace non multibyte-safe functions with corresponding mb function.
- *Risky rule: risky when any of the functions are overridden.*
-* **method_argument_space** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer, @PHP73Migration, @PHP74Migration, @PHP80Migration]
- In method arguments and method call, there MUST NOT be a space before
- each comma and there MUST be one space after each comma. Argument lists
- MAY be split across multiple lines, where each subsequent line is
- indented once. When doing so, the first item in the list MUST be on the
- next line, and there MUST be only one argument per line.
- Configuration options:
- - ``after_heredoc`` (``bool``): whether the whitespace between heredoc end and
- comma should be removed; defaults to ``false``
- - ``ensure_fully_multiline`` (``bool``): ensure every argument of a multiline
- argument list is on its own line; defaults to ``false``. DEPRECATED: use
- option ``on_multiline`` instead
- - ``keep_multiple_spaces_after_comma`` (``bool``): whether keep multiple spaces
- after comma; defaults to ``false``
- - ``on_multiline`` (``'ensure_fully_multiline'``, ``'ensure_single_line'``, ``'ignore'``):
- defines how to handle function arguments lists that contain newlines;
- defaults to ``'ensure_fully_multiline'``
-* **method_chaining_indentation** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Method chaining MUST be properly indented. Method chaining with
- different levels of indentation is not supported.
-* **modernize_types_casting** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Replaces ``intval``, ``floatval``, ``doubleval``, ``strval`` and ``boolval``
- function calls with according type casting operator.
- *Risky rule: risky if any of the functions ``intval``, ``floatval``, ``doubleval``, ``strval`` or ``boolval`` are overridden.*
-* **multiline_comment_opening_closing** [@PhpCsFixer]
- DocBlocks must start with two asterisks, multiline comments must start
- with a single asterisk, after the opening slash. Both must end with a
- single asterisk before the closing slash.
-* **multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Forbid multi-line whitespace before the closing semicolon or move the
- semicolon to the new line for chained calls.
- Configuration options:
- - ``strategy`` (``'new_line_for_chained_calls'``, ``'no_multi_line'``): forbid
- multi-line whitespace or move the semicolon to the new line for chained
- calls; defaults to ``'no_multi_line'``
-* **native_constant_invocation** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Add leading ``\`` before constant invocation of internal constant to speed
- up resolving. Constant name match is case-sensitive, except for ``null``,
- ``false`` and ``true``.
- *Risky rule: risky when any of the constants are namespaced or overridden.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``exclude`` (``array``): list of constants to ignore; defaults to ``['null',
- 'false', 'true']``
- - ``fix_built_in`` (``bool``): whether to fix constants returned by
- ``get_defined_constants``. User constants are not accounted in this list
- and must be specified in the include one; defaults to ``true``
- - ``include`` (``array``): list of additional constants to fix; defaults to ``[]``
- - ``scope`` (``'all'``, ``'namespaced'``): only fix constant invocations that are made
- within a namespace or fix all; defaults to ``'all'``
- - ``strict`` (``bool``): whether leading ``\`` of constant invocation not meant to
- have it should be removed; defaults to ``false``
-* **native_function_casing** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Function defined by PHP should be called using the correct casing.
-* **native_function_invocation** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Add leading ``\`` before function invocation to speed up resolving.
- *Risky rule: risky when any of the functions are overridden.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``exclude`` (``array``): list of functions to ignore; defaults to ``[]``
- - ``include`` (``array``): list of function names or sets to fix. Defined sets are
- ``@internal`` (all native functions), ``@all`` (all global functions) and
- ``@compiler_optimized`` (functions that are specially optimized by Zend);
- defaults to ``['@compiler_optimized']``
- - ``scope`` (``'all'``, ``'namespaced'``): only fix function calls that are made
- within a namespace or fix all; defaults to ``'all'``
- - ``strict`` (``bool``): whether leading ``\`` of function call not meant to have it
- should be removed; defaults to ``false``
-* **native_function_type_declaration_casing** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Native type hints for functions should use the correct case.
-* **new_with_braces** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- All instances created with new keyword must be followed by braces.
-* **no_alias_functions** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky, @PHP74Migration:risky, @PHP80Migration:risky]
- Master functions shall be used instead of aliases.
- *Risky rule: risky when any of the alias functions are overridden.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``sets`` (a subset of ``['@internal', '@IMAP', '@mbreg', '@all', '@time',
- '@exif']``): list of sets to fix. Defined sets are ``@internal`` (native
- functions), ``@IMAP`` (IMAP functions), ``@mbreg`` (from ``ext-mbstring``)
- ``@all`` (all listed sets); defaults to ``['@internal', '@IMAP']``
-* **no_alias_language_construct_call** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Master language constructs shall be used instead of aliases.
-* **no_alternative_syntax** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Replace control structure alternative syntax to use braces.
-* **no_binary_string** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There should not be a binary flag before strings.
-* **no_blank_lines_after_class_opening** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There should be no empty lines after class opening brace.
-* **no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There should not be blank lines between docblock and the documented
- element.
-* **no_blank_lines_before_namespace**
- There should be no blank lines before a namespace declaration.
-* **no_break_comment** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There must be a comment when fall-through is intentional in a non-empty
- case body.
- Configuration options:
- - ``comment_text`` (``string``): the text to use in the added comment and to
- detect it; defaults to ``'no break'``
-* **no_closing_tag** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- The closing ``?>`` tag MUST be omitted from files containing only PHP.
-* **no_empty_comment** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There should not be any empty comments.
-* **no_empty_phpdoc** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There should not be empty PHPDoc blocks.
-* **no_empty_statement** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Remove useless semicolon statements.
-* **no_extra_blank_lines** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Removes extra blank lines and/or blank lines following configuration.
- Configuration options:
- - ``tokens`` (a subset of ``['break', 'case', 'continue', 'curly_brace_block',
- 'default', 'extra', 'parenthesis_brace_block', 'return',
- 'square_brace_block', 'switch', 'throw', 'use', 'use_trait']``): list of
- tokens to fix; defaults to ``['extra']``
-* **no_homoglyph_names** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Replace accidental usage of homoglyphs (non ascii characters) in names.
- *Risky rule: renames classes and cannot rename the files. You might have string references to renamed code (``$$name``).*
-* **no_leading_import_slash** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Remove leading slashes in ``use`` clauses.
-* **no_leading_namespace_whitespace** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- The namespace declaration line shouldn't contain leading whitespace.
-* **no_mixed_echo_print** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Either language construct ``print`` or ``echo`` should be used.
- Configuration options:
- - ``use`` (``'echo'``, ``'print'``): the desired language construct; defaults to
- ``'echo'``
-* **no_multiline_whitespace_around_double_arrow** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Operator ``=>`` should not be surrounded by multi-line whitespaces.
-* **no_null_property_initialization** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Properties MUST not be explicitly initialized with ``null`` except when
- they have a type declaration (PHP 7.4).
-* **no_php4_constructor** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Convert PHP4-style constructors to ``__construct``.
- *Risky rule: risky when old style constructor being fixed is overridden or overrides parent one.*
-* **no_short_bool_cast** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Short cast ``bool`` using double exclamation mark should not be used.
-* **no_singleline_whitespace_before_semicolons** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Single-line whitespace before closing semicolon are prohibited.
-* **no_spaces_after_function_name** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- When making a method or function call, there MUST NOT be a space between
- the method or function name and the opening parenthesis.
-* **no_spaces_around_offset** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There MUST NOT be spaces around offset braces.
- Configuration options:
- - ``positions`` (a subset of ``['inside', 'outside']``): whether spacing should be
- fixed inside and/or outside the offset braces; defaults to ``['inside',
- 'outside']``
-* **no_spaces_inside_parenthesis** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There MUST NOT be a space after the opening parenthesis. There MUST NOT
- be a space before the closing parenthesis.
-* **no_superfluous_elseif** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Replaces superfluous ``elseif`` with ``if``.
-* **no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Removes ``@param``, ``@return`` and ``@var`` tags that don't provide any
- useful information.
- Configuration options:
- - ``allow_mixed`` (``bool``): whether type ``mixed`` without description is allowed
- (``true``) or considered superfluous (``false``); defaults to ``false``
- - ``allow_unused_params`` (``bool``): whether ``param`` annotation without actual
- signature is allowed (``true``) or considered superfluous (``false``);
- defaults to ``false``
- - ``remove_inheritdoc`` (``bool``): remove ``@inheritDoc`` tags; defaults to ``false``
-* **no_trailing_comma_in_list_call** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Remove trailing commas in list function calls.
-* **no_trailing_comma_in_singleline_array** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- PHP single-line arrays should not have trailing comma.
-* **no_trailing_whitespace** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Remove trailing whitespace at the end of non-blank lines.
-* **no_trailing_whitespace_in_comment** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There MUST be no trailing spaces inside comment or PHPDoc.
-* **no_trailing_whitespace_in_string** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- There must be no trailing whitespace in strings.
- *Risky rule: changing the whitespaces in strings might affect string comparisons and outputs.*
-* **no_unneeded_control_parentheses** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Removes unneeded parentheses around control statements.
- Configuration options:
- - ``statements`` (``array``): list of control statements to fix; defaults to
- ``['break', 'clone', 'continue', 'echo_print', 'return', 'switch_case',
- 'yield']``
-* **no_unneeded_curly_braces** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Removes unneeded curly braces that are superfluous and aren't part of a
- control structure's body.
- Configuration options:
- - ``namespaces`` (``bool``): remove unneeded curly braces from bracketed
- namespaces; defaults to ``false``
-* **no_unneeded_final_method** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky, @PHP80Migration:risky]
- A ``final`` class must not have ``final`` methods and ``private`` methods must
- not be ``final``.
- *Risky rule: risky when child class overrides a ``private`` method.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``private_methods`` (``bool``): private methods of non-``final`` classes must not
- be declared ``final``; defaults to ``true``
-* **no_unreachable_default_argument_value** [@PhpCsFixer:risky]
- In function arguments there must not be arguments with default values
- before non-default ones.
- *Risky rule: modifies the signature of functions; therefore risky when using systems (such as some Symfony components) that rely on those (for example through reflection).*
-* **no_unset_cast** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer, @PHP80Migration]
- Variables must be set ``null`` instead of using ``(unset)`` casting.
-* **no_unset_on_property** [@PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Properties should be set to ``null`` instead of using ``unset``.
- *Risky rule: risky when relying on attributes to be removed using ``unset`` rather than be set to ``null``. Changing variables to ``null`` instead of unsetting means these still show up when looping over class variables and reference properties remain unbroken. With PHP 7.4, this rule might introduce ``null`` assignments to properties whose type declaration does not allow it.*
-* **no_unused_imports** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Unused ``use`` statements must be removed.
-* **no_useless_else** [@PhpCsFixer]
- There should not be useless ``else`` cases.
-* **no_useless_return** [@PhpCsFixer]
- There should not be an empty ``return`` statement at the end of a
- function.
-* **no_whitespace_before_comma_in_array** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer, @PHP73Migration, @PHP74Migration, @PHP80Migration]
- In array declaration, there MUST NOT be a whitespace before each comma.
- Configuration options:
- - ``after_heredoc`` (``bool``): whether the whitespace between heredoc end and
- comma should be removed; defaults to ``false``
-* **no_whitespace_in_blank_line** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Remove trailing whitespace at the end of blank lines.
-* **non_printable_character** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky, @PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky, @PHP74Migration:risky, @PHP80Migration:risky]
- Remove Zero-width space (ZWSP), Non-breaking space (NBSP) and other
- invisible unicode symbols.
- *Risky rule: risky when strings contain intended invisible characters.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``use_escape_sequences_in_strings`` (``bool``): whether characters should be
- replaced with escape sequences in strings; defaults to ``false``
-* **normalize_index_brace** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer, @PHP74Migration, @PHP80Migration]
- Array index should always be written by using square braces.
-* **not_operator_with_space**
- Logical NOT operators (``!``) should have leading and trailing
- whitespaces.
-* **not_operator_with_successor_space**
- Logical NOT operators (``!``) should have one trailing whitespace.
-* **nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value**
- Adds or removes ``?`` before type declarations for parameters with a
- default ``null`` value.
- Configuration options:
- - ``use_nullable_type_declaration`` (``bool``): whether to add or remove ``?``
- before type declarations for parameters with a default ``null`` value;
- defaults to ``true``
-* **object_operator_without_whitespace** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There should not be space before or after object ``T_OBJECT_OPERATOR``
- ``->``.
-* **operator_linebreak** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Operators - when multiline - must always be at the beginning or at the
- end of the line.
- Configuration options:
- - ``only_booleans`` (``bool``): whether to limit operators to only boolean ones;
- defaults to ``false``
- - ``position`` (``'beginning'``, ``'end'``): whether to place operators at the
- beginning or at the end of the line; defaults to ``'beginning'``
-* **ordered_class_elements** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Orders the elements of classes/interfaces/traits.
- Configuration options:
- - ``order`` (a subset of ``['use_trait', 'public', 'protected', 'private',
- 'constant', 'constant_public', 'constant_protected',
- 'constant_private', 'property', 'property_static', 'property_public',
- 'property_protected', 'property_private', 'property_public_static',
- 'property_protected_static', 'property_private_static', 'method',
- 'method_abstract', 'method_static', 'method_public',
- 'method_protected', 'method_private', 'method_public_abstract',
- 'method_protected_abstract', 'method_public_abstract_static',
- 'method_protected_abstract_static', 'method_public_static',
- 'method_protected_static', 'method_private_static', 'construct',
- 'destruct', 'magic', 'phpunit']``): list of strings defining order of
- elements; defaults to ``['use_trait', 'constant_public',
- 'constant_protected', 'constant_private', 'property_public',
- 'property_protected', 'property_private', 'construct', 'destruct',
- 'magic', 'phpunit', 'method_public', 'method_protected',
- 'method_private']``
- - ``sort_algorithm`` (``'alpha'``, ``'none'``): how multiple occurrences of same type
- statements should be sorted; defaults to ``'none'``; DEPRECATED alias:
- ``sortAlgorithm``
-* **ordered_imports** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Ordering ``use`` statements.
- Configuration options:
- - ``imports_order`` (``array``, ``null``): defines the order of import types; defaults
- to ``null``; DEPRECATED alias: ``importsOrder``
- - ``sort_algorithm`` (``'alpha'``, ``'length'``, ``'none'``): whether the statements
- should be sorted alphabetically or by length, or not sorted; defaults
- to ``'alpha'``; DEPRECATED alias: ``sortAlgorithm``
-* **ordered_interfaces**
- Orders the interfaces in an ``implements`` or ``interface extends`` clause.
- *Risky rule: risky for ``implements`` when specifying both an interface and its parent interface, because PHP doesn't break on ``parent, child`` but does on ``child, parent``.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``direction`` (``'ascend'``, ``'descend'``): which direction the interfaces should
- be ordered; defaults to ``'ascend'``
- - ``order`` (``'alpha'``, ``'length'``): how the interfaces should be ordered;
- defaults to ``'alpha'``
-* **ordered_traits** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Trait ``use`` statements must be sorted alphabetically.
-* **php_unit_construct** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- PHPUnit assertion method calls like ``->assertSame(true, $foo)`` should be
- written with dedicated method like ``->assertTrue($foo)``.
- *Risky rule: fixer could be risky if one is overriding PHPUnit's native methods.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``assertions`` (a subset of ``['assertSame', 'assertEquals',
- 'assertNotEquals', 'assertNotSame']``): list of assertion methods to fix;
- defaults to ``['assertEquals', 'assertSame', 'assertNotEquals',
- 'assertNotSame']``
-* **php_unit_dedicate_assert** [@PHPUnit30Migration:risky, @PHPUnit32Migration:risky, @PHPUnit35Migration:risky, @PHPUnit43Migration:risky, @PHPUnit48Migration:risky, @PHPUnit50Migration:risky, @PHPUnit52Migration:risky, @PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky, @PHPUnit84Migration:risky]
- PHPUnit assertions like ``assertInternalType``, ``assertFileExists``, should
- be used over ``assertTrue``.
- *Risky rule: fixer could be risky if one is overriding PHPUnit's native methods.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``target`` (``'3.0'``, ``'3.5'``, ``'5.0'``, ``'5.6'``, ``'newest'``): target version of
- PHPUnit; defaults to ``'newest'``
-* **php_unit_dedicate_assert_internal_type** [@PHPUnit75Migration:risky, @PHPUnit84Migration:risky]
- PHPUnit assertions like ``assertIsArray`` should be used over
- ``assertInternalType``.
- *Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit methods are overridden or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``target`` (``'7.5'``, ``'newest'``): target version of PHPUnit; defaults to
- ``'newest'``. DEPRECATED: option was not used
-* **php_unit_expectation** [@PHPUnit52Migration:risky, @PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky, @PHPUnit84Migration:risky]
- Usages of ``->setExpectedException*`` methods MUST be replaced by
- ``->expectException*`` methods.
- *Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``target`` (``'5.2'``, ``'5.6'``, ``'8.4'``, ``'newest'``): target version of PHPUnit;
- defaults to ``'newest'``
-* **php_unit_fqcn_annotation** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- PHPUnit annotations should be a FQCNs including a root namespace.
-* **php_unit_internal_class** [@PhpCsFixer]
- All PHPUnit test classes should be marked as internal.
- Configuration options:
- - ``types`` (a subset of ``['normal', 'final', 'abstract']``): what types of
- classes to mark as internal; defaults to ``['normal', 'final']``
-* **php_unit_method_casing** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Enforce camel (or snake) case for PHPUnit test methods, following
- configuration.
- Configuration options:
- - ``case`` (``'camel_case'``, ``'snake_case'``): apply camel or snake case to test
- methods; defaults to ``'camel_case'``
-* **php_unit_mock** [@PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky, @PHPUnit84Migration:risky]
- Usages of ``->getMock`` and
- ``->getMockWithoutInvokingTheOriginalConstructor`` methods MUST be
- replaced by ``->createMock`` or ``->createPartialMock`` methods.
- *Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``target`` (``'5.4'``, ``'5.5'``, ``'newest'``): target version of PHPUnit; defaults to
- ``'newest'``
-* **php_unit_mock_short_will_return** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Usage of PHPUnit's mock e.g. ``->will($this->returnValue(..))`` must be
- replaced by its shorter equivalent such as ``->willReturn(...)``.
- *Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.*
-* **php_unit_namespaced** [@PHPUnit48Migration:risky, @PHPUnit50Migration:risky, @PHPUnit52Migration:risky, @PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky, @PHPUnit84Migration:risky]
- PHPUnit classes MUST be used in namespaced version, e.g.
- ``\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase`` instead of ``\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase``.
- *Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``target`` (``'4.8'``, ``'5.7'``, ``'6.0'``, ``'newest'``): target version of PHPUnit;
- defaults to ``'newest'``
-* **php_unit_no_expectation_annotation** [@PHPUnit32Migration:risky, @PHPUnit35Migration:risky, @PHPUnit43Migration:risky, @PHPUnit48Migration:risky, @PHPUnit50Migration:risky, @PHPUnit52Migration:risky, @PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky, @PHPUnit84Migration:risky]
- Usages of ``@expectedException*`` annotations MUST be replaced by
- ``->setExpectedException*`` methods.
- *Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``target`` (``'3.2'``, ``'4.3'``, ``'newest'``): target version of PHPUnit; defaults to
- ``'newest'``
- - ``use_class_const`` (``bool``): use ::class notation; defaults to ``true``
-* **php_unit_set_up_tear_down_visibility** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Changes the visibility of the ``setUp()`` and ``tearDown()`` functions of
- PHPUnit to ``protected``, to match the PHPUnit TestCase.
- *Risky rule: this fixer may change functions named ``setUp()`` or ``tearDown()`` outside of PHPUnit tests, when a class is wrongly seen as a PHPUnit test.*
-* **php_unit_size_class**
- All PHPUnit test cases should have ``@small``, ``@medium`` or ``@large``
- annotation to enable run time limits.
- Configuration options:
- - ``group`` (``'large'``, ``'medium'``, ``'small'``): define a specific group to be used
- in case no group is already in use; defaults to ``'small'``
-* **php_unit_strict** [@PhpCsFixer:risky]
- PHPUnit methods like ``assertSame`` should be used instead of
- ``assertEquals``.
- *Risky rule: risky when any of the functions are overridden or when testing object equality.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``assertions`` (a subset of ``['assertAttributeEquals',
- 'assertAttributeNotEquals', 'assertEquals', 'assertNotEquals']``): list
- of assertion methods to fix; defaults to ``['assertAttributeEquals',
- 'assertAttributeNotEquals', 'assertEquals', 'assertNotEquals']``
-* **php_unit_test_annotation** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Adds or removes @test annotations from tests, following configuration.
- *Risky rule: this fixer may change the name of your tests, and could cause incompatibility with abstract classes or interfaces.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``style`` (``'annotation'``, ``'prefix'``): whether to use the @test annotation or
- not; defaults to ``'prefix'``
-* **php_unit_test_case_static_method_calls** [@PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Calls to ``PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase`` static methods must all be of the
- same type, either ``$this->``, ``self::`` or ``static::``.
- *Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit methods are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``call_type`` (``'self'``, ``'static'``, ``'this'``): the call type to use for referring
- to PHPUnit methods; defaults to ``'static'``
- - ``methods`` (``array``): dictionary of ``method`` => ``call_type`` values that
- differ from the default strategy; defaults to ``[]``
-* **php_unit_test_class_requires_covers** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Adds a default ``@coversNothing`` annotation to PHPUnit test classes that
- have no ``@covers*`` annotation.
-* **phpdoc_add_missing_param_annotation** [@PhpCsFixer]
- PHPDoc should contain ``@param`` for all params.
- Configuration options:
- - ``only_untyped`` (``bool``): whether to add missing ``@param`` annotations for
- untyped parameters only; defaults to ``true``
-* **phpdoc_align** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- All items of the given phpdoc tags must be either left-aligned or (by
- default) aligned vertically.
- Configuration options:
- - ``align`` (``'left'``, ``'vertical'``): align comments; defaults to ``'vertical'``
- - ``tags`` (a subset of ``['param', 'property', 'property-read',
- 'property-write', 'return', 'throws', 'type', 'var', 'method']``): the
- tags that should be aligned; defaults to ``['method', 'param',
- 'property', 'return', 'throws', 'type', 'var']``
-* **phpdoc_annotation_without_dot** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- PHPDoc annotation descriptions should not be a sentence.
-* **phpdoc_indent** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Docblocks should have the same indentation as the documented subject.
-* **phpdoc_inline_tag**
- Fix PHPDoc inline tags, make ``@inheritdoc`` always inline. DEPRECATED:
- use ``general_phpdoc_tag_rename``, ``phpdoc_inline_tag_normalizer`` and
- ``phpdoc_tag_type`` instead.
-* **phpdoc_inline_tag_normalizer** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Fixes PHPDoc inline tags.
- Configuration options:
- - ``tags`` (``array``): the list of tags to normalize; defaults to ``['example',
- 'id', 'internal', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritdocs', 'link', 'source', 'toc',
- 'tutorial']``
-* **phpdoc_line_span**
- Changes doc blocks from single to multi line, or reversed. Works for
- class constants, properties and methods only.
- Configuration options:
- - ``const`` (``'multi'``, ``'single'``): whether const blocks should be single or
- multi line; defaults to ``'multi'``
- - ``method`` (``'multi'``, ``'single'``): whether method doc blocks should be single
- or multi line; defaults to ``'multi'``
- - ``property`` (``'multi'``, ``'single'``): whether property doc blocks should be
- single or multi line; defaults to ``'multi'``
-* **phpdoc_no_access** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- ``@access`` annotations should be omitted from PHPDoc.
-* **phpdoc_no_alias_tag** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- No alias PHPDoc tags should be used.
- Configuration options:
- - ``replacements`` (``array``): mapping between replaced annotations with new
- ones; defaults to ``['property-read' => 'property', 'property-write' =>
- 'property', 'type' => 'var', 'link' => 'see']``
-* **phpdoc_no_empty_return** [@PhpCsFixer]
- ``@return void`` and ``@return null`` annotations should be omitted from
- PHPDoc.
-* **phpdoc_no_package** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- ``@package`` and ``@subpackage`` annotations should be omitted from PHPDoc.
-* **phpdoc_no_useless_inheritdoc** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Classy that does not inherit must not have ``@inheritdoc`` tags.
-* **phpdoc_order** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Annotations in PHPDoc should be ordered so that ``@param`` annotations
- come first, then ``@throws`` annotations, then ``@return`` annotations.
-* **phpdoc_order_by_value** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Order phpdoc tags by value.
- Configuration options:
- - ``annotations`` (a subset of ``['author', 'covers', 'coversNothing',
- 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'group', 'internal', 'requires', 'uses']``):
- list of annotations to order, e.g. ``["covers"]``; defaults to ``['covers']``
-* **phpdoc_return_self_reference** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- The type of ``@return`` annotations of methods returning a reference to
- itself must the configured one.
- Configuration options:
- - ``replacements`` (``array``): mapping between replaced return types with new
- ones; defaults to ``['this' => '$this', '@this' => '$this', '$self' =>
- 'self', '@self' => 'self', '$static' => 'static', '@static' =>
- 'static']``
-* **phpdoc_scalar** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Scalar types should always be written in the same form. ``int`` not
- ``integer``, ``bool`` not ``boolean``, ``float`` not ``real`` or ``double``.
- Configuration options:
- - ``types`` (a subset of ``['boolean', 'callback', 'double', 'integer', 'real',
- 'str']``): a map of types to fix; defaults to ``['boolean', 'double',
- 'integer', 'real', 'str']``
-* **phpdoc_separation** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Annotations in PHPDoc should be grouped together so that annotations of
- the same type immediately follow each other, and annotations of a
- different type are separated by a single blank line.
-* **phpdoc_single_line_var_spacing** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Single line ``@var`` PHPDoc should have proper spacing.
-* **phpdoc_summary** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- PHPDoc summary should end in either a full stop, exclamation mark, or
- question mark.
-* **phpdoc_tag_casing**
- Fixes casing of PHPDoc tags.
- Configuration options:
- - ``tags`` (``array``): list of tags to fix with their expected casing; defaults
- to ``['inheritDoc']``
-* **phpdoc_tag_type** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Forces PHPDoc tags to be either regular annotations or inline.
- Configuration options:
- - ``tags`` (``array``): the list of tags to fix; defaults to ``['api' =>
- 'annotation', 'author' => 'annotation', 'copyright' => 'annotation',
- 'deprecated' => 'annotation', 'example' => 'annotation', 'global' =>
- 'annotation', 'inheritDoc' => 'annotation', 'internal' => 'annotation',
- 'license' => 'annotation', 'method' => 'annotation', 'package' =>
- 'annotation', 'param' => 'annotation', 'property' => 'annotation',
- 'return' => 'annotation', 'see' => 'annotation', 'since' =>
- 'annotation', 'throws' => 'annotation', 'todo' => 'annotation', 'uses'
- => 'annotation', 'var' => 'annotation', 'version' => 'annotation']``
-* **phpdoc_to_comment** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Docblocks should only be used on structural elements.
-* **phpdoc_to_param_type**
- EXPERIMENTAL: Takes ``@param`` annotations of non-mixed types and adjusts
- accordingly the function signature. Requires PHP >= 7.0.
- *Risky rule: this rule is EXPERIMENTAL and [1] is not covered with backward compatibility promise. [2] ``@param`` annotation is mandatory for the fixer to make changes, signatures of methods without it (no docblock, inheritdocs) will not be fixed. [3] Manual actions are required if inherited signatures are not properly documented.*
-* **phpdoc_to_return_type**
- EXPERIMENTAL: Takes ``@return`` annotation of non-mixed types and adjusts
- accordingly the function signature. Requires PHP >= 7.0.
- *Risky rule: this rule is EXPERIMENTAL and [1] is not covered with backward compatibility promise. [2] ``@return`` annotation is mandatory for the fixer to make changes, signatures of methods without it (no docblock, inheritdocs) will not be fixed. [3] Manual actions are required if inherited signatures are not properly documented. [4] ``@inheritdocs`` support is under construction.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``scalar_types`` (``bool``): fix also scalar types; may have unexpected
- behaviour due to PHP bad type coercion system; defaults to ``true``
-* **phpdoc_trim** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- PHPDoc should start and end with content, excluding the very first and
- last line of the docblocks.
-* **phpdoc_trim_consecutive_blank_line_separation** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Removes extra blank lines after summary and after description in PHPDoc.
-* **phpdoc_types** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- The correct case must be used for standard PHP types in PHPDoc.
- Configuration options:
- - ``groups`` (a subset of ``['simple', 'alias', 'meta']``): type groups to fix;
- defaults to ``['simple', 'alias', 'meta']``
-* **phpdoc_types_order** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Sorts PHPDoc types.
- Configuration options:
- - ``null_adjustment`` (``'always_first'``, ``'always_last'``, ``'none'``): forces the
- position of ``null`` (overrides ``sort_algorithm``); defaults to
- ``'always_first'``
- - ``sort_algorithm`` (``'alpha'``, ``'none'``): the sorting algorithm to apply;
- defaults to ``'alpha'``
-* **phpdoc_var_annotation_correct_order** [@PhpCsFixer]
- ``@var`` and ``@type`` annotations must have type and name in the correct
- order.
-* **phpdoc_var_without_name** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- ``@var`` and ``@type`` annotations of classy properties should not contain
- the name.
-* **pow_to_exponentiation** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky, @PHP56Migration:risky, @PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky, @PHP74Migration:risky, @PHP80Migration:risky]
- Converts ``pow`` to the ``**`` operator.
- *Risky rule: risky when the function ``pow`` is overridden.*
-* **protected_to_private** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Converts ``protected`` variables and methods to ``private`` where possible.
-* **psr0**
- Classes must be in a path that matches their namespace, be at least one
- namespace deep and the class name should match the file name.
- DEPRECATED: use ``psr_autoloading`` instead.
- *Risky rule: this fixer may change your class name, which will break the code that depends on the old name.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``dir`` (``string``): the directory where the project code is placed; defaults
- to ``''``
-* **psr4**
- Class names should match the file name. DEPRECATED: use
- ``psr_autoloading`` instead.
- *Risky rule: this fixer may change your class name, which will break the code that depends on the old name.*
-* **psr_autoloading** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Classes must be in a path that matches their namespace, be at least one
- namespace deep and the class name should match the file name.
- *Risky rule: this fixer may change your class name, which will break the code that depends on the old name.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``dir`` (``null``, ``string``): if provided, the directory where the project code is
- placed; defaults to ``null``
-* **random_api_migration** [@PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky, @PHP74Migration:risky, @PHP80Migration:risky]
- Replaces ``rand``, ``srand``, ``getrandmax`` functions calls with their ``mt_*``
- analogs.
- *Risky rule: risky when the configured functions are overridden.*
- Configuration options:
- - ``replacements`` (``array``): mapping between replaced functions with the new
- ones; defaults to ``['getrandmax' => 'mt_getrandmax', 'rand' =>
- 'mt_rand', 'srand' => 'mt_srand']``
-* **regular_callable_call**
- Callables must be called without using ``call_user_func*`` when possible.
- *Risky rule: risky when the ``call_user_func`` or ``call_user_func_array`` function is overridden or when are used in constructions that should be avoided, like ``call_user_func_array('foo', ['bar' => 'baz'])`` or ``call_user_func($foo, $foo = 'bar')``.*
-* **return_assignment** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Local, dynamic and directly referenced variables should not be assigned
- and directly returned by a function or method.
-* **return_type_declaration** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There should be one or no space before colon, and one space after it in
- return type declarations, according to configuration.
- Configuration options:
- - ``space_before`` (``'none'``, ``'one'``): spacing to apply before colon; defaults to
- ``'none'``
-* **self_accessor** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Inside class or interface element ``self`` should be preferred to the
- class name itself.
- *Risky rule: risky when using dynamic calls like get_called_class() or late static binding.*
-* **self_static_accessor**
- Inside a ``final`` class or anonymous class ``self`` should be preferred to
- ``static``.
-* **semicolon_after_instruction** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Instructions must be terminated with a semicolon.
-* **set_type_to_cast** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Cast shall be used, not ``settype``.
- *Risky rule: risky when the ``settype`` function is overridden or when used as the 2nd or 3rd expression in a ``for`` loop .*
-* **short_scalar_cast** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer, @PHP74Migration]
- Cast ``(boolean)`` and ``(integer)`` should be written as ``(bool)`` and
- ``(int)``, ``(double)`` and ``(real)`` as ``(float)``, ``(binary)`` as
- ``(string)``.
-* **simple_to_complex_string_variable** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Converts explicit variables in double-quoted strings and heredoc syntax
- from simple to complex format (``${`` to ``{$``).
-* **simplified_if_return**
- Simplify ``if`` control structures that return the boolean result of their
- condition.
-* **simplified_null_return**
- A return statement wishing to return ``void`` should not return ``null``.
-* **single_blank_line_at_eof** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- A PHP file without end tag must always end with a single empty line
- feed.
-* **single_blank_line_before_namespace** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There should be exactly one blank line before a namespace declaration.
-* **single_class_element_per_statement** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There MUST NOT be more than one property or constant declared per
- statement.
- Configuration options:
- - ``elements`` (a subset of ``['const', 'property']``): list of strings which
- element should be modified; defaults to ``['const', 'property']``
-* **single_import_per_statement** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- There MUST be one use keyword per declaration.
-* **single_line_after_imports** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Each namespace use MUST go on its own line and there MUST be one blank
- line after the use statements block.
-* **single_line_comment_style** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Single-line comments and multi-line comments with only one line of
- actual content should use the ``//`` syntax.
- Configuration options:
- - ``comment_types`` (a subset of ``['asterisk', 'hash']``): list of comment types
- to fix; defaults to ``['asterisk', 'hash']``
-* **single_line_throw** [@Symfony]
- Throwing exception must be done in single line.
-* **single_quote** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Convert double quotes to single quotes for simple strings.
- Configuration options:
- - ``strings_containing_single_quote_chars`` (``bool``): whether to fix
- double-quoted strings that contains single-quotes; defaults to ``false``
-* **single_space_after_construct** [@PhpCsFixer]
- Ensures a single space after language constructs.
- Configuration options:
- - ``constructs`` (a subset of ``['abstract', 'as', 'break', 'case', 'catch',
- 'class', 'clone', 'const', 'const_import', 'continue', 'do', 'echo',
- 'else', 'elseif', 'extends', 'final', 'finally', 'for', 'foreach',
- 'function', 'function_import', 'global', 'goto', 'if', 'implements',
- 'include', 'include_once', 'instanceof', 'insteadof', 'interface',
- 'new', 'open_tag_with_echo', 'php_open', 'print', 'private',
- 'protected', 'public', 'require', 'require_once', 'return', 'static',
- 'throw', 'trait', 'try', 'use', 'use_lambda', 'use_trait', 'var',
- 'while', 'yield', 'yield_from']``): list of constructs which must be
- followed by a single space; defaults to ``['abstract', 'as', 'break',
- 'case', 'catch', 'class', 'clone', 'const', 'const_import', 'continue',
- 'do', 'echo', 'else', 'elseif', 'extends', 'final', 'finally', 'for',
- 'foreach', 'function', 'function_import', 'global', 'goto', 'if',
- 'implements', 'include', 'include_once', 'instanceof', 'insteadof',
- 'interface', 'new', 'open_tag_with_echo', 'php_open', 'print',
- 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'require', 'require_once', 'return',
- 'static', 'throw', 'trait', 'try', 'use', 'use_lambda', 'use_trait',
- 'var', 'while', 'yield', 'yield_from']``
-* **single_trait_insert_per_statement** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Each trait ``use`` must be done as single statement.
-* **space_after_semicolon** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Fix whitespace after a semicolon.
- Configuration options:
- - ``remove_in_empty_for_expressions`` (``bool``): whether spaces should be removed
- for empty ``for`` expressions; defaults to ``false``
-* **standardize_increment** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Increment and decrement operators should be used if possible.
-* **standardize_not_equals** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Replace all ``<>`` with ``!=``.
-* **static_lambda**
- Lambdas not (indirect) referencing ``$this`` must be declared ``static``.
- *Risky rule: risky when using ``->bindTo`` on lambdas without referencing to ``$this``.*
-* **strict_comparison** [@PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Comparisons should be strict.
- *Risky rule: changing comparisons to strict might change code behavior.*
-* **strict_param** [@PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Functions should be used with ``$strict`` param set to ``true``.
- *Risky rule: risky when the fixed function is overridden or if the code relies on non-strict usage.*
-* **string_line_ending** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- All multi-line strings must use correct line ending.
- *Risky rule: changing the line endings of multi-line strings might affect string comparisons and outputs.*
-* **switch_case_semicolon_to_colon** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- A case should be followed by a colon and not a semicolon.
-* **switch_case_space** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Removes extra spaces between colon and case value.
-* **switch_continue_to_break** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Switch case must not be ended with ``continue`` but with ``break``.
-* **ternary_operator_spaces** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Standardize spaces around ternary operator.
-* **ternary_to_elvis_operator** [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]
- Use the Elvis operator ``?:`` where possible.
- *Risky rule: risky when relying on functions called on both sides of the ``?`` operator.*
-* **ternary_to_null_coalescing** [@PHP70Migration, @PHP71Migration, @PHP73Migration, @PHP74Migration, @PHP80Migration]
- Use ``null`` coalescing operator ``??`` where possible. Requires PHP >= 7.0.
-* **trailing_comma_in_multiline_array** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer, @PHP73Migration, @PHP74Migration, @PHP80Migration]
- PHP multi-line arrays should have a trailing comma.
- Configuration options:
- - ``after_heredoc`` (``bool``): whether a trailing comma should also be placed
- after heredoc end; defaults to ``false``
-* **trim_array_spaces** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Arrays should be formatted like function/method arguments, without
- leading or trailing single line space.
-* **unary_operator_spaces** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Unary operators should be placed adjacent to their operands.
-* **use_arrow_functions** [@PHP74Migration:risky]
- Anonymous functions with one-liner return statement must use arrow
- functions.
- *Risky rule: risky when using ``isset()`` on outside variables that are not imported with ``use ()``.*
-* **visibility_required** [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer, @PHP71Migration, @PHP73Migration, @PHP74Migration, @PHP80Migration]
- Visibility MUST be declared on all properties and methods; ``abstract``
- and ``final`` MUST be declared before the visibility; ``static`` MUST be
- declared after the visibility.
- Configuration options:
- - ``elements`` (a subset of ``['property', 'method', 'const']``): the structural
- elements to fix (PHP >= 7.1 required for ``const``); defaults to
- ``['property', 'method']``
-* **void_return** [@PHP71Migration:risky, @PHP74Migration:risky, @PHP80Migration:risky]
- Add ``void`` return type to functions with missing or empty return
- statements, but priority is given to ``@return`` annotations. Requires
- PHP >= 7.1.
- *Risky rule: modifies the signature of functions.*
-* **whitespace_after_comma_in_array** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- In array declaration, there MUST be a whitespace after each comma.
-* **yoda_style** [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]
- Write conditions in Yoda style (``true``), non-Yoda style (``false``) or
- ignore those conditions (``null``) based on configuration.
- Configuration options:
- - ``always_move_variable`` (``bool``): whether variables should always be on non
- assignable side when applying Yoda style; defaults to ``false``
- - ``equal`` (``bool``, ``null``): style for equal (``==``, ``!=``) statements; defaults to
- ``true``
- - ``identical`` (``bool``, ``null``): style for identical (``===``, ``!==``) statements;
- defaults to ``true``
- - ``less_and_greater`` (``bool``, ``null``): style for less and greater than (``<``,
- ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=``) statements; defaults to ``null``
-The ``--dry-run`` option displays the files that need to be
-fixed but without actually modifying them:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/code --dry-run
-Config file
-Instead of using command line options to customize the rule, you can save the
-project configuration in a ``.php_cs.dist`` file in the root directory of your project.
-The file must return an instance of `PhpCsFixer\\ConfigInterface <https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer/blob/v2.16.4/src/ConfigInterface.php>`_
-which lets you configure the rules, the files and directories that
-need to be analyzed. You may also create ``.php_cs`` file, which is
-the local configuration that will be used instead of the project configuration. It
-is a good practice to add that file into your ``.gitignore`` file.
-With the ``--config`` option you can specify the path to the
-``.php_cs`` file.
-The example below will add two rules to the default list of PSR2 set rules:
-.. code-block:: php
- <?php
- $finder = PhpCsFixer\Finder::create()
- ->exclude('somedir')
- ->notPath('src/Symfony/Component/Translation/Tests/fixtures/resources.php')
- ->in(__DIR__)
- ;
- return (new PhpCsFixer\Config())
- ->setRules([
- '@PSR2' => true,
- 'strict_param' => true,
- 'array_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'short'],
- ])
- ->setFinder($finder)
- ;
-**NOTE**: ``exclude`` will work only for directories, so if you need to exclude file, try ``notPath``.
-Both ``exclude`` and ``notPath`` methods accept only relative paths to the ones defined with the ``in`` method.
-See `Symfony\\Finder <https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/finder.html>`_
-online documentation for other `Finder` methods.
-You may also use an exclude list for the rules instead of the above shown include approach.
-The following example shows how to use all ``Symfony`` rules but the ``full_opening_tag`` rule.
-.. code-block:: php
- <?php
- $finder = PhpCsFixer\Finder::create()
- ->exclude('somedir')
- ->in(__DIR__)
- ;
- return (new PhpCsFixer\Config())
- ->setRules([
- '@Symfony' => true,
- 'full_opening_tag' => false,
- ])
- ->setFinder($finder)
- ;
-You may want to use non-linux whitespaces in your project. Then you need to
-configure them in your config file.
-.. code-block:: php
- <?php
- return (new PhpCsFixer\Config())
- ->setIndent("\t")
- ->setLineEnding("\r\n")
- ;
-By using ``--using-cache`` option with ``yes`` or ``no`` you can set if the caching
-mechanism should be used.
-The caching mechanism is enabled by default. This will speed up further runs by
-fixing only files that were modified since the last run. The tool will fix all
-files if the tool version has changed or the list of rules has changed.
-Cache is supported only for tool downloaded as phar file or installed via
-Cache can be disabled via ``--using-cache`` option or config file:
-.. code-block:: php
- <?php
- return (new PhpCsFixer\Config())
- ->setUsingCache(false)
- ;
-Cache file can be specified via ``--cache-file`` option or config file:
-.. code-block:: php
- <?php
- return (new PhpCsFixer\Config())
- ->setCacheFile(__DIR__.'/.php_cs.cache')
- ;
-Using PHP CS Fixer on CI
-Require ``friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer`` as a ``dev`` dependency:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ ./composer.phar require --dev friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
-Then, add the following command to your CI:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ IFS='
- $ '
- $ CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRTUXB "${COMMIT_RANGE}")
- $ if ! echo "${CHANGED_FILES}" | grep -qE "^(\\.php_cs(\\.dist)?|composer\\.lock)$"; then EXTRA_ARGS=$(printf -- '--path-mode=intersection\n--\n%s' "${CHANGED_FILES}"); else EXTRA_ARGS=''; fi
- $ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php_cs.dist -v --dry-run --stop-on-violation --using-cache=no ${EXTRA_ARGS}
-Where ``$COMMIT_RANGE`` is your range of commits, e.g. ``$TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE`` or ``HEAD~..HEAD``.
-Exit code
-Exit code is built using following bit flags:
-* 0 - OK.
-* 1 - General error (or PHP minimal requirement not matched).
-* 4 - Some files have invalid syntax (only in dry-run mode).
-* 8 - Some files need fixing (only in dry-run mode).
-* 16 - Configuration error of the application.
-* 32 - Configuration error of a Fixer.
-* 64 - Exception raised within the application.
-(Applies to exit code of the ``fix`` command only)
-Dedicated plugins exist for:
-* `Atom`_
-* `NetBeans`_
-* `PhpStorm`_
-* `Sublime Text`_
-* `Vim`_
-* `VS Code`_
-The tool comes with quite a few built-in fixers, but everyone is more than
-welcome to `contribute`_ more of them.
-A *fixer* is a class that tries to fix one CS issue (a ``Fixer`` class must
-implement ``FixerInterface``).
-A *config* knows about the CS rules and the files and directories that must be
-scanned by the tool when run in the directory of your project. It is useful for
-projects that follow a well-known directory structures (like for Symfony
-projects for instance).
-.. _php-cs-fixer.phar: https://cs.symfony.com/download/php-cs-fixer-v2.phar
-.. _Atom: https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify
-.. _NetBeans: http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/49042/php-cs-fixer
-.. _PhpStorm: https://medium.com/@valeryan/how-to-configure-phpstorm-to-use-php-cs-fixer-1844991e521f
-.. _Sublime Text: https://github.com/benmatselby/sublime-phpcs
-.. _Vim: https://github.com/stephpy/vim-php-cs-fixer
-.. _VS Code: https://github.com/junstyle/vscode-php-cs-fixer
-.. _contribute: https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md