@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ $bar;',
['<?php /* @var User $bar */ list($bar) = a();'],
['<?php /* @var User $bar */ list($bar) = a();'],
['<?php /* Before anonymous function */ $fn = fn($x) => $x + 1;'],
['<?php /* Before anonymous function */ $fn = fn($x) => $x + 1;'],
['<?php /* Before anonymous function */ fn($x) => $x + 1;'],
['<?php /* Before anonymous function */ fn($x) => $x + 1;'],
+ ['<?php /* @var int $x */ [$x] = [2];'],
@@ -291,25 +292,10 @@ $bar;',
+ ['<?php /* @var int $a */ [$b] = [2];'],
- public function testPhpdocCandidate71(): void
- {
- $tokens = Tokens::fromCode('<?php /* @var int $x */ [$x] = [2];');
- $analyzer = new CommentsAnalyzer();
- self::assertTrue($analyzer->isHeaderComment($tokens, 1));
- }
- public function testNotPhpdocCandidate71(): void
- {
- $tokens = Tokens::fromCode('<?php /* @var int $a */ [$b] = [2];');
- $analyzer = new CommentsAnalyzer();
- self::assertFalse($analyzer->isBeforeStructuralElement($tokens, 1));
- }
* @dataProvider providePhpdocCandidatePhp80Cases
* @dataProvider providePhpdocCandidatePhp80Cases
@@ -384,4 +370,41 @@ Class MyAnnotation3 {}'],
'<?php /* Before enum */ enum Foo {}',
'<?php /* Before enum */ enum Foo {}',
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideNotPhpdocCandidatePhp811Cases
+ *
+ * @requires PHP 8.1
+ */
+ public function testNotPhpdocCandidatePhp81(string $code): void
+ {
+ $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($code);
+ $index = $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind(0, [[T_COMMENT], [T_DOC_COMMENT]]);
+ $analyzer = new CommentsAnalyzer();
+ self::assertFalse($analyzer->isBeforeStructuralElement($tokens, $index));
+ }
+ public static function provideNotPhpdocCandidatePhp811Cases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield 'enum and switch' => [
+ '<?php
+ enum E {}
+ switch ($x) {
+ /* */
+ case 1: return 2;
+ }
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'switch and enum' => [
+ '<?php
+ switch ($x) {
+ /* */
+ case 1: return 2;
+ }
+ enum E {}
+ ',
+ ];
+ }