@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Rule ``php_unit_assert_new_names``
+Rename deprecated PHPUnit assertions like ``assertFileNotExists`` to new methods
+like ``assertFileDoesNotExist``.
+Using this rule is risky
+Fixer could be risky if one is overriding PHPUnit's native methods.
+Example #1
+.. code-block:: diff
+ --- Original
+ +++ New
+ <?php
+ final class MyTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ {
+ public function testSomeTest()
+ {
+ - $this->assertFileNotExists("test.php");
+ - $this->assertNotIsWritable("path.php");
+ + $this->assertFileDoesNotExist("test.php");
+ + $this->assertIsNotWritable("path.php");
+ }
+ }
+Rule sets
+The rule is part of the following rule sets:
+- `@PHPUnit91Migration:risky <./../../ruleSets/PHPUnit91MigrationRisky.rst>`_
+- `@PHPUnit100Migration:risky <./../../ruleSets/PHPUnit100MigrationRisky.rst>`_
+- Fixer class: `PhpCsFixer\\Fixer\\PhpUnit\\PhpUnitAssertNewNamesFixer <./../../../src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitAssertNewNamesFixer.php>`_
+- Test class: `PhpCsFixer\\Tests\\Fixer\\PhpUnit\\PhpUnitAssertNewNamesFixerTest <./../../../tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitAssertNewNamesFixerTest.php>`_
+The test class defines officially supported behaviour. Each test case is a part of our backward compatibility promise.