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clean ups

SpacePossum 4 years ago

+ 94 - 23

@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ This is guide for upgrade from version 2.x to 3.0 for using the CLI tool.
 CLI options
-| 2.x             | 3.0             | Description                                     | Note                                   |
-| --------------- | --------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| --diff-format   | --diff-format   | Type of differ                                  | Allowed value `sbd` was removed,       |
-|                 |                 |                                                 | new default is `udiff`                 |
-| --show-progress | --show-progress | Type of progress indicator                      | Allowed values were modified:          |
-|                 |                 |                                                 | `run-in` and `estimating` was removed, |
-|                 |                 |                                                 | `estimating-max` was removed to `dots` |
+| 2.x              | 3.0             | Description                                     | Note                                   |
+| ---------------- | --------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| --diff-format    | --diff-format   | Type of differ                                  | Allowed value `sbd` was removed,       |
+|                  |                 |                                                 | new default is `udiff`                 |
+| --show-progress  | --show-progress | Type of progress indicator                      | Allowed values were modified:          |
+|                  |                 |                                                 | `run-in` and `estimating` was removed, |
+|                  |                 |                                                 | `estimating-max` was removed to `dots` |
+| --config --rules |                 |                                                 | No longer allowed to pass both         |
 Changes to rules
@@ -21,15 +22,20 @@ Changes to rules
 Old name | New name | Note
 -------- | -------- | ----
-`blank_line_before_return`                      | `blank_line_before_statement`                 | use configuration `['statements' => ['return']]`
-`hash_to_slash_comment`                         | `single_line_comment_style`                   | use configuration `['comment_types' => ['hash']]`
-`lowercase_constants`                           | `constant_case`                               | use configuration `['case' => 'lower']`
-`method_separation`                             | `class_attributes_separation`                 | use configuration `['elements' => ['method']]`
-`no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines`              | `no_extra_blank_lines`                        |
-`no_short_echo_tag`                             | `echo_tag_syntax`                             | use configuration `['format' => 'long']`
-`php_unit_ordered_covers`                       | `phpdoc_order_by_value`                       | use configuration `['annotations' => [ 'covers' ]]`
-`pre_increment`                                 | `increment_style`                             | use configuration `['style' => 'pre']`
-`silenced_deprecation_error`                    | `error_suppression`                           |
+`blank_line_before_return`                      | `blank_line_before_statement`                                                     | use configuration `['statements' => ['return']]`
+`hash_to_slash_comment`                         | `single_line_comment_style`                                                       | use configuration `['comment_types' => ['hash']]`
+`lowercase_constants`                           | `constant_case`                                                                   | use configuration `['case' => 'lower']`
+`method_separation`                             | `class_attributes_separation`                                                     | use configuration `['elements' => ['method']]`
+`no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines`              | `no_extra_blank_lines`                                                            |
+`no_multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons`     | `multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons`                                          |
+`no_short_echo_tag`                             | `echo_tag_syntax`                                                                 | use configuration `['format' => 'long']`
+`php_unit_ordered_covers`                       | `phpdoc_order_by_value`                                                           | use configuration `['annotations' => [ 'covers' ]]`
+`pre_increment`                                 | `increment_style`                                                                 | use configuration `['style' => 'pre']`
+`psr0`                                          | `psr_autoloading`                                                                 | use configuration `['dir' => x ]`
+`psr4`                                          | `psr_autoloading`                                                                 |
+`silenced_deprecation_error`                    | `error_suppression`                                                               |
+`final_static_access`                           | `self_static_accessor`                                                            |
+`phpdoc_inline_tag`                             | `general_phpdoc_tag_rename`, `phpdoc_inline_tag_normalizer` and `phpdoc_tag_type` |
 ### Removed rootless configuration
@@ -53,13 +59,25 @@ Rule                                 | Root option    | Note
 Rule | Option | Change
 ---- | ------ | ------
-`binary_operator_spaces`           | `align_double_arrow` | option was removed, use `operators` instead
-`binary_operator_spaces`           | `align_equals`       | option was removed use `operators` instead
-`doctrine_annotation_spaces`       | `around_argument_assignments` | option was removed, use `before_argument_assignments` and `after_argument_assignments` instead
-`doctrine_annotation_spaces`       | `around_array_assignments`    | option was removed, use `after_array_assignments_colon`, `after_array_assignments_equals`, `before_array_assignments_colon` and `before_array_assignments_equals` instead
-`is_null`                          | `use_yoda_style` | option was removed, use `yoda_style` rule instead
-`no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines` | `tokens`    | one of possible values, `useTrait`, was renamed to `use_trait`
-`php_unit_dedicate_assert`         | `functions` | option was removed, use `target` instead
+`binary_operator_spaces`                 | `align_double_arrow`                         | option was removed, use `operators` instead
+`binary_operator_spaces`                 | `align_equals`                               | option was removed use `operators` instead
+`blank_line_before_statement`            | `statements: die`                            | option `die` was removed from `statements`, use `exit` instead
+`class_definition`                       | `multiLineExtendsEachSingleLine`             | option was renamed to  `multi_line_extends_each_single_line`
+`class_definition`                       | `singleItemSingleLine`                       | option was renamed to  `single_item_single_line`
+`class_definition`                       | `singleLine`                                 | option was renamed to  `single_line`
+`doctrine_annotation_spaces`             | `around_argument_assignments`                | option was removed, use `before_argument_assignments` and `after_argument_assignments` instead
+`doctrine_annotation_spaces`             | `around_array_assignments`                   | option was removed, use `after_array_assignments_colon`, `after_array_assignments_equals`, `before_array_assignments_colon` and `before_array_assignments_equals` instead
+`final_internal_class`                   | `annotation-black-list`                      | option was renamed, use `annotation_exclude`
+`final_internal_class`                   | `annotation-white-list`                      | option was renamed, use `annotation_include`
+`final_internal_class`                   | `consider-absent-docblock-as-internal-class` | option was renamed, use `consider_absent_docblock_as_internal_class`
+`header_comment`                         | `commentType`                                | option was renamed to `comment_type`
+`is_null`                                | `use_yoda_style`                             | option was removed, use `yoda_style` rule instead
+`no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines`       | `tokens`                                     | one of possible values, `useTrait`, was renamed to `use_trait`
+`ordered_class_elements`                 | `sortAlgorithm`                              | option was renamed, use `sort_algorithm` instead
+`ordered_imports`                        | `importsOrder`                               | option was renamed, use `imports_order`
+`ordered_imports`                        | `sortAlgorithm`                              | option was renamed, use `sort_algorithm`
+`php_unit_dedicate_assert_internal_type` | `target`                                     | option was removed, it was not used
+`php_unit_dedicate_assert`               | `functions`                                  | option was removed, use `target` instead
 ### Changed default values of options
@@ -67,12 +85,65 @@ Rule | Option | Old value | New value
 ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
 `function_to_constant` | `functions` | `['get_class', 'php_sapi_name', 'phpversion', 'pi']` | `['get_called_class', 'get_class', 'php_sapi_name', 'phpversion', 'pi']`
 `method_argument_space` | `on_multiline` | `'ignore'` | `'ensure_fully_multiline'`
+`native_function_casing` | `include` | `@internal` | `@compiler_optimized`
 `native_function_invocation` | `include` | `@internal` | `@compiler_optimized`
 `php_unit_dedicate_assert` | `target` | `5.0` | `newest`
 `phpdoc_align` | `tags` | `['param', 'return', 'throws', 'type', 'var']` | `['method', 'param', 'property', 'return', 'throws', 'type', 'var']`
+`phpdoc_scalar` | `types` | `['boolean', 'double', 'integer', 'real', 'str']` | `['boolean', 'callback', 'double', 'integer', 'real', 'str']`
+### Updated rule sets
+- `@PHPUnit50MigrationRiskySet`
+- `@SymfonyRiskySet`
+- `@SymfonySet`
 ### Removed rule sets
 Rule set | Note
 -------- | ----
 `@PHP56Migration` | was empty
+### Rule behavior changes
+- `no_unused_imports` now runs all files defined in the configuration (used to exclude some hardcoded directories)
+### Various
+- `udiff` output now includes the file name in the output (if applicable)
+Code BC changes
+### Removed; various
+- class `AbstractAlignFixerHelper` has been removed
+- class `AccessibleObject` has been removed
+- class `AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper` has been removed
+- class `AlignEqualsFixerHelper` has been removed
+- class `FixerConfigurationResolverRootless` has been removed
+- `HeaderCommentFixer` deprecated properties have been removed
+- `MethodArgumentSpaceFixer` deprecated methods have been removed
+- `NoMixedEchoPrintFixer` the property `$defaultConfig` has been removed
+- class `Tokens`, the following methods has been removed:
+    - `current()`
+    - `key()`
+    - `next()`
+    - `rewind()`
+    - `valid()`
+### Interface changes
+- `ConfigurableFixerInterface` has been updated
+- `ConfigurationDefinitionFixerInterface` has been removed in favor of the updated `ConfigurableFixerInterface`
+- `DefinedFixerInterface` has been removed, related methods are now part of the updated `FixerInterface` interface
+- `DifferInterface` has been updated
+- `FixerInterface` interface has been updated
+- `PhpCsFixer\RuleSetInterface` has been removed in favor of `\PhpCsFixer\RuleSet\RuleSetInterface`
+### BC breaks; various
+- class `Token` is now `final`
+- class `Tokens` is now `final`
+- method `create` of class `Config` has been removed, use the constructor
+- method `create` of class `RuleSet` has been removed, use the constructor
+- method `getSetDefinitionNames` of class `RuleSet` has been removed, use `RuleSets::getSetDefinitionNames()`

+ 0 - 61

@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Rule ``psr0``
-.. warning:: This rule is deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
-   You should use ``psr_autoloading`` instead.
-Classes must be in a path that matches their namespace, be at least one
-namespace deep and the class name should match the file name.
-.. warning:: Using this rule is risky.
-   This fixer may change your class name, which will break the code that depends
-   on the old name.
-The directory where the project code is placed.
-Allowed types: ``string``
-Default value: ``''``
-Example #1
-*Default* configuration.
-.. code-block:: diff
-   --- Original
-   +++ New
-   @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-    <?php
-    namespace PhpCsFixer\FIXER\Basic;
-   -class InvalidName {}
-   +class PsrAutoloadingFixer {}
-Example #2
-With configuration: ``['dir' => './src']``.
-.. code-block:: diff
-   --- Original
-   +++ New
-   @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-    <?php
-   -namespace PhpCsFixer\FIXER\Basic;
-   -class InvalidName {}
-   +namespace PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Basic;
-   +class PsrAutoloadingFixer {}

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Rule ``psr4``
-.. warning:: This rule is deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
-   You should use ``psr_autoloading`` instead.
-Class names should match the file name.
-.. warning:: Using this rule is risky.
-   This fixer may change your class name, which will break the code that depends
-   on the old name.
-Example #1
-.. code-block:: diff
-   --- Original
-   +++ New
-   @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-    <?php
-    namespace PhpCsFixer\FIXER\Basic;
-   -class InvalidName {}
-   +class PsrAutoloadingFixer {}

+ 0 - 6

@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ Configuration
 Whether definitions should be multiline.
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``multiLineExtendsEachSingleLine`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed types: ``bool``
 Default value: ``false``
@@ -24,8 +22,6 @@ Default value: ``false``
 Whether definitions should be single line when including a single item.
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``singleItemSingleLine`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed types: ``bool``
 Default value: ``false``
@@ -35,8 +31,6 @@ Default value: ``false``
 Whether definitions should be single line.
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``singleLine`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed types: ``bool``
 Default value: ``false``

+ 0 - 6

@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ Configuration
 Class level annotations tags that must be set in order to fix the class. (case
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``annotation-white-list`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed types: ``array``
 Default value: ``['@internal']``
@@ -29,8 +27,6 @@ Default value: ``['@internal']``
 Class level annotations tags that must be omitted to fix the class, even if all
 of the white list ones are used as well. (case insensitive)
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``annotation-black-list`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed types: ``array``
 Default value: ``['@final', '@Entity', '@ORM\\Entity', '@ORM\\Mapping\\Entity', '@Mapping\\Entity']``
@@ -40,8 +36,6 @@ Default value: ``['@final', '@Entity', '@ORM\\Entity', '@ORM\\Mapping\\Entity',
 Should classes without any DocBlock be fixed to final?
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``consider-absent-docblock-as-internal-class`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed types: ``bool``
 Default value: ``false``

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Rule ``final_static_access``
-.. warning:: This rule is deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
-   You should use ``self_static_accessor`` instead.
-Converts ``static`` access to ``self`` access in ``final`` classes.
-Example #1
-.. code-block:: diff
-   --- Original
-   +++ New
-   @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
-    {
-        public function getFoo()
-        {
-   -        return static::class;
-   +        return self::class;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 2

@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ Default value: ``['use_trait', 'constant_public', 'constant_protected', 'constan
 How multiple occurrences of same type statements should be sorted
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``sortAlgorithm`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed values: ``'alpha'``, ``'none'``
 Default value: ``'none'``

+ 0 - 2

@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ This option is required.
 Comment syntax type.
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``commentType`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed values: ``'comment'``, ``'PHPDoc'``
 Default value: ``'comment'``

+ 0 - 11

@@ -20,17 +20,6 @@ Allowed types: ``bool``
 Default value: ``false``
-.. warning:: This option is deprecated and will be removed on next major version. Use option ``on_multiline`` instead.
-ensure every argument of a multiline argument list is on its own line
-Allowed types: ``bool``
-Default value: ``false``

+ 0 - 4

@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ Configuration
 whether the statements should be sorted alphabetically or by length, or not
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``sortAlgorithm`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed values: ``'alpha'``, ``'length'``, ``'none'``
 Default value: ``'alpha'``
@@ -24,8 +22,6 @@ Default value: ``'alpha'``
 Defines the order of import types.
-.. note:: The previous name of this option was ``importsOrder`` but it is now deprecated and will be removed on next major version.
 Allowed types: ``array``, ``null``
 Default value: ``null``

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff