@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Default ruleset was changed from Symfony standard to more generic PSR2. You can
The term of risky fixers was introduced. Risky fixer is a fixer that may change the meaning of code (like `StrictComparisonFixer` fixer, which will change `==` into `===`). No rules that are followed by risky fixers are run by default. You need to explicitly permit risky fixers to run them.
The term of risky fixers was introduced. Risky fixer is a fixer that may change the meaning of code (like `StrictComparisonFixer` fixer, which will change `==` into `===`). No rules that are followed by risky fixers are run by default. You need to explicitly permit risky fixers to run them.
-Default configuraton changes
+Default configuration changes
By default, PSR2 rules are used instead of Symfony rules.
By default, PSR2 rules are used instead of Symfony rules.
Files that will be fixed are php/phpt/twig instead of php/twig/xml/yml.
Files that will be fixed are php/phpt/twig instead of php/twig/xml/yml.
@@ -71,13 +71,15 @@ Config and Finder classes
All off `Symfony\CS\Config\*` and `Symfony\CS\Finder\*` classes have been removed, instead use `PhpCsFixer\Config` and `PhpCsFixer\Finder`.
All off `Symfony\CS\Config\*` and `Symfony\CS\Finder\*` classes have been removed, instead use `PhpCsFixer\Config` and `PhpCsFixer\Finder`.
-For that reason you can not set config class by `--config` CLI argument, from now it is used to set configuration file. Thanks to this the `--config-file` CLI argument is no longer available.
+For that reason you can not set config class by `--config` CLI argument, from now it is used to set configuration file. Therefor the `--config-file` CLI argument is no longer available.
Renamed rules
Renamed rules
Old name | New name | Note
Old name | New name | Note
-------- | -------- | ----
-------- | -------- | ----
+align_double_arrow | binary_operator_spaces | use configuration option 'align_double_arrow: true'
+align_equals | binary_operator_spaces | use configuration option 'align_equals: true'
array_element_no_space_before_comma | no_whitespace_before_comma_in_array
array_element_no_space_before_comma | no_whitespace_before_comma_in_array
array_element_white_space_after_comma | whitespace_after_comma_in_array
array_element_white_space_after_comma | whitespace_after_comma_in_array
blankline_after_open_tag | blank_line_after_opening_tag
blankline_after_open_tag | blank_line_after_opening_tag
@@ -123,6 +125,8 @@ standardize_not_equal | standardize_not_equals
strict | strict_comparison
strict | strict_comparison
ternary_spaces | ternary_operator_spaces
ternary_spaces | ternary_operator_spaces
trailing_spaces | no_trailing_whitespace
trailing_spaces | no_trailing_whitespace
+unalign_double_arrow | binary_operator_spaces | use configuration option 'align_double_arrow: false'
+unalign_equals | binary_operator_spaces | use configuration option 'align_equals: false'
unary_operators_spaces | unary_operator_spaces
unary_operators_spaces | unary_operator_spaces
unneeded_control_parentheses | no_unneeded_control_parentheses
unneeded_control_parentheses | no_unneeded_control_parentheses
unused_use | no_unused_imports
unused_use | no_unused_imports