@@ -2802,6 +2802,153 @@ class MyTestWithAnonymousClass extends TestCase
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideGetLastTokenIndexOfArrowFunctionCases
+ *
+ * @param array<int, int> $expectations
+ */
+ public function testGetLastTokenIndexOfArrowFunction(array $expectations, string $source): void
+ {
+ $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($source);
+ $tokensAnalyzer = new TokensAnalyzer($tokens);
+ $indices = [];
+ foreach ($expectations as $index => $expectedEndIndex) {
+ $indices[$index] = $tokensAnalyzer->getLastTokenIndexOfArrowFunction($index);
+ }
+ self::assertSame($expectations, $indices);
+ }
+ public static function provideGetLastTokenIndexOfArrowFunctionCases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield 'simple cases' => [
+ [
+ 2 => 11,
+ 16 => 25,
+ 28 => 39,
+ 46 => 61,
+ ],
+ '<?php
+ fn(array $x) => $x;
+ static fn(): int => $x;
+ fn($x = 42) => $x;
+ $eq = fn ($x, $y) => $x == $y;
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'references, splat and arrow cases' => [
+ [
+ 2 => 10,
+ 13 => 21,
+ 24 => 35,
+ 42 => 51,
+ 65 => 77,
+ ],
+ '<?php
+ fn(&$x) => $x;
+ fn&($x) => $x;
+ fn($x, ...$rest) => $rest;
+ $fn = fn(&$x) => $x++;
+ $y = &$fn($x);
+ fn($x, &...$rest) => 1;
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'different endings' => [
+ [
+ 9 => 21,
+ 31 => 43,
+ ],
+ '<?php
+ $results = array_map(
+ fn ($item) => $item * 2,
+ $list
+ );
+ return fn ($y) => $x * $y ?>
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'nested arrow function' => [
+ [
+ 1 => 26,
+ 14 => 25,
+ ],
+ '<?php fn(array $x, $z) => (fn(int $z):bool => $z);',
+ ];
+ yield 'arrow function as argument' => [
+ [
+ 5 => 14,
+ ],
+ '<?php return foo(fn(array $x) => $x);',
+ ];
+ yield 'arrow function as collection item' => [
+ [
+ 9 => 18,
+ 26 => 35,
+ 46 => 55,
+ 62 => 69,
+ ],
+ '<?php return [
+ [1, fn(array $x) => $x1, 1],
+ [fn(array $x) => $x2, 1],
+ [1, fn(array $x) => $x3],
+ ([(fn($x4) => $x5)]),
+ ];',
+ ];
+ yield 'nested inside anonymous class' => [
+ [
+ 1 => 46,
+ 33 => 41,
+ ],
+ '<?php fn($x) => $a = new class($x) { public function foo() { return fn(&$x) => $x; } };',
+ ];
+ yield 'array destructuring' => [
+ [
+ 4 => 13,
+ ],
+ '<?php return [fn(array $x) => $x1] = $x;',
+ ];
+ yield 'array_map() callback with different token blocks' => [
+ [
+ 9 => 28,
+ ],
+ '<?php
+ $a = array_map(
+ fn (array $item) => $item[\'callback\']($item[\'value\']),
+ [/* items */]
+ );
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'arrow function returning array' => [
+ [
+ 5 => 21,
+ ],
+ '<?php $z = fn ($a) => [0, 1, $a];',
+ ];
+ }
+ public function testCannotGetLastTokenIndexOfArrowFunctionForNonFnToken(): void
+ {
+ $tokens = Tokens::fromCode('<?php echo 1;');
+ $tokensAnalyzer = new TokensAnalyzer($tokens);
+ $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class);
+ $tokensAnalyzer->getLastTokenIndexOfArrowFunction(1);
+ }
* @param array<int, bool> $expected