Browse Source

Revert PHPStan level to 5

Julien Falque 4 years ago
3 changed files with 2 additions and 14408 deletions
  1. 1 2
  2. 0 14402
  3. 1 4

+ 1 - 2

@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
         "mi-schi/phpmd-extension": "^4.3",
         "phpmd/phpmd": "^2.6",
         "phpstan/phpstan": "0.12.18",
-        "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^0.12",
-        "phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules": "^0.12"
+        "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^0.12"
     "conflict": {
         "hhvm": "*"

+ 0 - 14402

@@ -1,14402 +0,0 @@
-	ignoreErrors:
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|false given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractAlignFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|false given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractAlignFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer\\:\\:\\$classyElements type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'ignored_tags' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset \\(int\\|string\\) to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer\\:\\:fixAnnotations\\(\\) has parameter \\$doctrineAnnotationTokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isClassy\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function substr expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/AbstractFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFopenFlagFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$argumentEndIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractFopenFlagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFopenFlagFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$argumentStartIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractFopenFlagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/AbstractLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/AbstractLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/AbstractLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|false given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 10
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractNoUselessElseFixer\\:\\:getPreviousBlock\\(\\) should return array\\<int\\> but returns array\\<int, int\\|null\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'type' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractNoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractPhpdocTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getPriority\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FixerInterface\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractProxyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isKeyword\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractPsrAutoloadingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isMagicConstant\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractPsrAutoloadingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractPsrAutoloadingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$subject of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Preg\\:\\:match\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/AbstractPsrAutoloadingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\Cache\\:\\:\\$hashes type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Cache.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\Cache\\:\\:toJson\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Cache.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Cache.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\Directory\\:\\:normalizePath\\(\\) has parameter \\$path with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Directory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/FileCacheManager.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\CacheInterface\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/FileCacheManager.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\FileCacheManager\\:\\:calcHash\\(\\) has parameter \\$content with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/FileCacheManager.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$json of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\Cache\\:\\:fromJson\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/FileHandler.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\Signature\\:\\:\\$rules type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Signature.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\Signature\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$rules with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Signature.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\Signature\\:\\:getRules\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Signature.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\Signature\\:\\:utf8Encode\\(\\) has parameter \\$data with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Signature.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Signature.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/Signature.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\SignatureInterface\\:\\:getRules\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Cache/SignatureInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$cacheFile has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$customFixers has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$finder has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$format has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$hideProgress has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$indent has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$isRiskyAllowed has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$lineEnding has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$name has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$phpExecutable has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$rules has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:\\$usingCache has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$name with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:getRules\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Instanceof between Traversable and Traversable will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to function is_object\\(\\) with \\*NEVER\\* will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Config\\:\\:setRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$rules with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Config.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\ConfigInterface\\:\\:getFinder\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type iterable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/ConfigInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\ConfigInterface\\:\\:getRules\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/ConfigInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\ConfigInterface\\:\\:setRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$rules with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/ConfigInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Application.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 0 does not exist on array\\<string\\>\\|string\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$name of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\DescribeCommand\\:\\:describeSet\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$name of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\DescribeCommand\\:\\:describeRule\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$needle of method PhpCsFixer\\\\WordMatcher\\:\\:match\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function sprintf expects bool\\|float\\|int\\|string\\|null, array\\<string\\>\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function sprintf expects bool\\|float\\|int\\|string\\|null, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$messages of method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\OutputInterface\\:\\:writeln\\(\\) expects iterable\\|string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$input1 of function array_map expects array, array\\<string\\>\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and array will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function lcfirst expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between '\\. \\<error\\>DEPRECATED…' and array\\<string\\>\\|string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, array\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\+\" between int\\|string and 1 results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Console/Command/DescribeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$cwd of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver constructor expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/FixCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/FixCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function is_file expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/FixCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$time of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\ReportSummary constructor expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/FixCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$input1 of function array_map expects array, array\\<int, string\\>\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$input of function array_slice expects array, array\\<int, string\\>\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\HelpCommand\\:\\:toString\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\<string\\>\\|string\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\HelpCommand\\:\\:getDisplayableAllowedValues\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, array\\<string, int\\|string\\>\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\HelpCommand\\:\\:wordwrap\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function sprintf expects bool\\|float\\|int\\|string\\|null, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function lcfirst expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$subject of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Preg\\:\\:replace\\(\\) expects array\\<string\\>\\|string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$input1 of function array_map expects array, array\\<string\\>\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and array will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between '\\: ' and array\\<string\\>\\|string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between '\\. DEPRECATED\\: ' and array\\<string\\>\\|string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Foreach overwrites \\$line with its value variable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\HelpCommand\\:\\:getFixersHelp\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\<string\\>\\|string\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function strlen expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/HelpCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method get\\(\\) on Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Application\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/ReadmeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$replace of function str_replace expects array\\|string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/ReadmeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/ReadmeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between string and array\\<string\\>\\|string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/ReadmeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\ReadmeCommand\\:\\:header\\(\\) has parameter \\$name with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/ReadmeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\ReadmeCommand\\:\\:header\\(\\) has parameter \\$underline with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/ReadmeCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getVersion\\(\\) on Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Application\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$versionA of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\SelfUpdate\\\\NewVersionCheckerInterface\\:\\:compareVersions\\(\\) expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$options type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$cacheFile has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$cacheManager has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$differ has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$directory has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$finder has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$format has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$linter has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$path has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$progress has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$ruleSet has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:\\$usingCache has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$options with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$file of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\FileHandler constructor expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"PhpCsFixer\\\\Differ\\\\NullDiffer\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"PhpCsFixer\\\\Differ\\\\SebastianBergmannDiffer\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"PhpCsFixer\\\\Differ\\\\UnifiedDiffer\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getIndent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\ConfigInterface\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getLineEnding\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\ConfigInterface\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:getRules\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:configFinderIsOverridden\\(\\) should return bool but returns bool\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, string given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:iterableToTraversable\\(\\) has parameter \\$iterable with no value type specified in iterable type iterable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:iterableToTraversable\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type Traversable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:parseRules\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:validateRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$rules with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$haystack of function strpos expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver\\:\\:separatedContextLessInclude\\(\\) has parameter \\$path with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Output/ErrorOutput.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ErrorOutput\\:\\:outputTrace\\(\\) has parameter \\$trace with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Output/ErrorOutput.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ProcessOutput\\:\\:\\$eventStatusMap type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Output/ProcessOutput.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Output/ProcessOutput.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in %, int\\|null given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Output/ProcessOutput.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/Output/ProcessOutput.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\SelfUpdate\\\\GithubClient\\:\\:getTags\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/SelfUpdate/GithubClient.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\SelfUpdate\\\\GithubClientInterface\\:\\:getTags\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/SelfUpdate/GithubClientInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 0 does not exist on array\\<string\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/SelfUpdate/NewVersionChecker.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Argument of an invalid type array\\<string\\>\\|null supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/SelfUpdate/NewVersionChecker.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$versions of static method Composer\\\\Semver\\\\Semver\\:\\:rsort\\(\\) expects array, array\\<int, mixed\\>\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/SelfUpdate/NewVersionChecker.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Console/WarningsDetector.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$format of function sprintf expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Differ/DiffConsoleFormatter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Differ/DiffConsoleFormatter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$text of static method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Formatter\\\\OutputFormatter\\:\\:escape\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Differ/DiffConsoleFormatter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function sprintf expects bool\\|float\\|int\\|string\\|null, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Differ/DiffConsoleFormatter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Annotation\\:\\:\\$end \\(int\\) does not accept int\\|string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/DocBlock/Annotation.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between false and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/DocBlock/Annotation.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$content of method PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\:\\:setContent\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/DocBlock/Annotation.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/DocBlock/Annotation.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\DocBlock\\:\\:findAnnotationLength\\(\\) has parameter \\$start with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/DocBlock/DocBlock.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$pos of method PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\DocBlock\\:\\:getLine\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/DocBlock/DocBlock.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$content of method PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\:\\:setContent\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/DocBlock/Tag.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\TagComparator\\:\\:\\$groups type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/DocBlock/TagComparator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Class PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens extends generic class SplFixedArray but does not specify its types\\: TValue$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\:\\:createFromDocComment\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$length of function substr expects int, float\\|int\\<1, max\\>\\|int\\<min, \\-1\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$length of function substr expects int, float\\|int\\<1, max\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'position' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'value' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$token might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\:\\:offsetSet\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\:\\:offsetSet\\(\\) has parameter \\$token with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\:\\:offsetUnset\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Error\\\\Error\\:\\:\\$appliedFixers type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Error/Error.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Error\\\\Error\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$appliedFixers with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Error/Error.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Error\\\\Error\\:\\:getAppliedFixers\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Error/Error.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Error/ErrorsManager.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Error/ErrorsManager.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to function is_subclass_of\\(\\) with 'Symfony\\\\\\\\Component…' and 'Symfony\\\\\\\\Contracts…' will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Event/Event.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, array\\<string, int\\|string\\>\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FileReader.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FileRemoval\\:\\:\\$files type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FileRemoval.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FileRemoval\\:\\:unlink\\(\\) has parameter \\$path with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FileRemoval.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/BacktickToShellExecFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\BacktickToShellExecFixer\\:\\:fixBackticks\\(\\) has parameter \\$backtickTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/BacktickToShellExecFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/BacktickToShellExecFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$indexStart of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideRange\\(\\) expects int, int\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/BacktickToShellExecFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$indexEnd of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideRange\\(\\) expects int, int\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/BacktickToShellExecFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\EregToPregFixer\\:\\:\\$functions type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/EregToPregFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\EregToPregFixer\\:\\:\\$delimiters type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/EregToPregFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/EregToPregFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/EregToPregFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/EregToPregFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/EregToPregFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\EregToPregFixer\\:\\:getBestDelimiter\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\|string\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/EregToPregFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\MbStrFunctionsFixer\\:\\:\\$functionsMap type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/MbStrFunctionsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/MbStrFunctionsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/MbStrFunctionsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\NoAliasFunctionsFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoAliasFunctionsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'sets' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoAliasFunctionsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoAliasFunctionsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset \\(int\\|string\\) to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoAliasFunctionsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\NoMixedEchoPrintFixer\\:\\:\\$defaultConfig has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\NoMixedEchoPrintFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'use' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable method call on \\$this\\(PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\NoMixedEchoPrintFixer\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'type' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/PowToExponentiationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/PowToExponentiationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/PowToExponentiationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/PowToExponentiationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/PowToExponentiationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/PowToExponentiationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/PowToExponentiationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/PowToExponentiationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\RandomApiMigrationFixer\\:\\:\\$argumentCounts type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/RandomApiMigrationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\RandomApiMigrationFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/RandomApiMigrationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'replacements' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/RandomApiMigrationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/RandomApiMigrationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/RandomApiMigrationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#4 \\$firstArgumentStart of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\SetTypeToCastFixer\\:\\:removeSettypeCall\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#6 \\$secondArgumentStart of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\SetTypeToCastFixer\\:\\:removeSettypeCall\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$argumentToken of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\SetTypeToCastFixer\\:\\:findSettypeNullCall\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$argumentToken of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\SetTypeToCastFixer\\:\\:fixSettypeCall\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Alias/SetTypeToCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ArrayNotation\\\\ArraySyntaxFixer\\:\\:\\$candidateTokenKind has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArraySyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ArrayNotation\\\\ArraySyntaxFixer\\:\\:\\$fixCallback has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArraySyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ArrayNotation\\\\ArraySyntaxFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArraySyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArraySyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable method call on \\$this\\(PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ArrayNotation\\\\ArraySyntaxFixer\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArraySyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArraySyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArraySyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'syntax' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArraySyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoMultilineWhitespaceAroundDoubleArrowFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoMultilineWhitespaceAroundDoubleArrowFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoMultilineWhitespaceAroundDoubleArrowFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoTrailingCommaInSinglelineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoTrailingCommaInSinglelineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoTrailingCommaInSinglelineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeTrailingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoTrailingCommaInSinglelineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'after_heredoc' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ArrayNotation\\\\NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer\\:\\:skipNonArrayElements\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'after_heredoc' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrimArraySpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrimArraySpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrimArraySpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrimArraySpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrimArraySpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrimArraySpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrimArraySpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrimArraySpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/WhitespaceAfterCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/WhitespaceAfterCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/WhitespaceAfterCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/WhitespaceAfterCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ArrayNotation\\\\WhitespaceAfterCommaInArrayFixer\\:\\:skipNonArrayElements\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/WhitespaceAfterCommaInArrayFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 34
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 20
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 21
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 13
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 14
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 15
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of function substr expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'position_after…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 9
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'allow_single_line…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 13
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixer\\:\\:isCommentWithFixableIndentation\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$i might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzer\\:\\:isWhilePartOfDoWhile\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between array\\<string\\>\\|string and string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixer\\:\\:detectIndent\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$structureTokenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixer\\:\\:findParenthesisEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixer\\:\\:findStatementEnd\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixer\\:\\:getControlContinuationTokensForOpeningToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$openingTokenKind with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixer\\:\\:getFinalControlContinuationTokensForOpeningToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$openingTokenKind with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeTrailingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startBraceIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixer\\:\\:fixSingleLineWhitespaceForDeclare\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixer\\:\\:detectIndent\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between '\\$1' and array\\<string\\>\\|string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\EncodingFixer\\:\\:\\$BOM has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\NonPrintableCharacterFixer\\:\\:\\$symbolsReplace has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\NonPrintableCharacterFixer\\:\\:\\$tokens has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'use_escape…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function strtr expects string, array\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$start of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:generatePartialCode\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$subject of function str_replace expects array\\|string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'dir' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function strlen expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr0Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr4Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr4Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$subject of function str_replace expects array\\|string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr4Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Basic/Psr4Fixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Casing\\\\LowercaseConstantsFixer\\:\\:isNeighbourAccepted\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/LowercaseConstantsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/LowercaseConstantsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/LowercaseConstantsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Casing\\\\LowercaseKeywordsFixer\\:\\:\\$excludedTokens has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/LowercaseKeywordsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Casing\\\\MagicMethodCasingFixer\\:\\:\\$magicNames has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/MagicMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/MagicMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isClassy\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/MagicMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/MagicMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/MagicMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/MagicMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/NativeFunctionCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/NativeFunctionCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/NativeFunctionCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/NativeFunctionCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/NativeFunctionCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/NativeFunctionTypeDeclarationCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Casing/NativeFunctionTypeDeclarationCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'space' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/CastSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/CastSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isCast\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/LowercaseCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/LowercaseCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/LowercaseCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/ModernizeTypesCastingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/ModernizeTypesCastingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeTrailingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/ModernizeTypesCastingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/ModernizeTypesCastingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/ModernizeTypesCastingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/NoShortBoolCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/NoShortBoolCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/NoShortBoolCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$i might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/NoShortBoolCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/NoUnsetCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/NoUnsetCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/NoUnsetCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/NoUnsetCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isCast\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/ShortScalarCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/ShortScalarCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/CastNotation/ShortScalarCastFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'elements' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$classEndIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixer\\:\\:fixSpaceBelowClassMethod\\(\\) expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$elementEndIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixer\\:\\:fixSpaceBelowClassMethod\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$classStartIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixer\\:\\:fixSpaceAboveClassElement\\(\\) expects int, int\\|false\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$classEndIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixer\\:\\:fixSpaceBelowClassElement\\(\\) expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$elementEndIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixer\\:\\:fixSpaceBelowClassElement\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$nextNotWhite might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixer\\:\\:correctLineBreaks\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixer\\:\\:correctLineBreaks\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$commentIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixer\\:\\:findCommentBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNonWhitespaceSibling\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isClassy\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:fixClassyDefinitionExtends\\(\\) has parameter \\$classExtendsInfo with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:fixClassyDefinitionExtends\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'single_line' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:makeClassyDefinitionSingleLine\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'single_item_single…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'multi_line_extends…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:makeClassyInheritancePartMultiLine\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:fixClassyDefinitionImplements\\(\\) has parameter \\$classImplementsInfo with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:fixClassyDefinitionImplements\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:fixClassyDefinitionOpenSpacing\\(\\) has parameter \\$classDefInfo with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:fixClassyDefinitionOpenSpacing\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:getClassyDefinitionInfo\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:getClassyInheritanceInfo\\(\\) expects int, int\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:getClassyInheritanceInfo\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, bool\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, bool\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixer\\:\\:makeClassyDefinitionSingleLine\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\FinalInternalClassFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'annotation\\-white…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'annotation\\-black…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'consider\\-absent…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoBlankLinesAfterClassOpeningFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoBlankLinesAfterClassOpeningFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoBlankLinesAfterClassOpeningFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|false given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoBlankLinesAfterClassOpeningFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$classStart of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\NoPhp4ConstructorFixer\\:\\:fixConstructor\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$classStart of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\NoPhp4ConstructorFixer\\:\\:fixParent\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\NoPhp4ConstructorFixer\\:\\:getWrapperMethodSequence\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\NoPhp4ConstructorFixer\\:\\:findFunction\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoPhp4ConstructorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$classOpenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer\\:\\:fixClass\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixer\\:\\:\\$typeHierarchy type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixer\\:\\:\\$specialTypes type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixer\\:\\:\\$typePosition type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'order' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Foreach overwrites \\$pos with its value variable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isClassy\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixer\\:\\:getElements\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixer\\:\\:sortTokens\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'end' does not exist on array\\('start' \\=\\> int, 'visibility' \\=\\> string, 'static' \\=\\> bool, \\?'type' \\=\\> mixed, \\?'end' \\=\\> int, \\?'name' \\=\\> mixed\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixer\\:\\:detectElementType\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixer\\:\\:sortGroupElements\\(\\) has parameter \\$a with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixer\\:\\:sortGroupElements\\(\\) has parameter \\$b with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'sortAlgorithm' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot clone PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideRange\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Foreach overwrites \\$interfaceIndex with its key variable\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method SplFixedArray\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\:\\:offsetExists\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'order' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'direction' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'originalIndex' does not exist on array\\('tokens' \\=\\> array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\>, \\?'normalized' \\=\\> string, \\?'originalIndex' \\=\\> int\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'tokens' does not exist on null\\|array\\('tokens' \\=\\> array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\>, \\?'normalized' \\=\\> string, \\?'originalIndex' \\=\\> int\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$indexEnd of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideRange\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideRange\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ProtectedToPrivateFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ProtectedToPrivateFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$classOpenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ProtectedToPrivateFixer\\:\\:skipClass\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ProtectedToPrivateFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$classOpenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ProtectedToPrivateFixer\\:\\:fixClass\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ProtectedToPrivateFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ProtectedToPrivateFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ProtectedToPrivateFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 9
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#4 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\SelfAccessorFixer\\:\\:replaceNameOccurrences\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\SelfAccessorFixer\\:\\:getClassStart\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\SelfAccessorFixer\\:\\:getClassStart\\(\\) has parameter \\$namespace with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SelfAccessorFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'elements' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzer\\:\\:isArray\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer\\:\\:expandElement\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#4 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer\\:\\:expandElement\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot clone PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer\\:\\:getModifiersSequences\\(\\) should return array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\> but returns array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot clone PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer\\:\\:getCandidates\\(\\) should return array\\<int\\> but returns array\\<int, int\\|null\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'elements' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassUsage/DateTimeImmutableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 11
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassUsage/DateTimeImmutableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassUsage/DateTimeImmutableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassUsage/DateTimeImmutableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassUsage/DateTimeImmutableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ClassUsage/DateTimeImmutableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\CommentsAnalyzer\\:\\:isHeaderComment\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\CommentsAnalyzer\\:\\:isBeforeStructuralElement\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\CommentsAnalyzer\\:\\:getCommentBlockIndices\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$indices of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\CommentToPhpdocFixer\\:\\:isCommentCandidate\\(\\) expects array\\<int\\>, array\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$indices of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\CommentToPhpdocFixer\\:\\:fixComment\\(\\) expects array\\<int\\>, array\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\.\\.\\.\\$arg1 of function max expects array, array\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|false given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Utils\\:\\:calculateTrailingWhitespaceIndent\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\CommentToPhpdocFixer\\:\\:getMessage\\(\\) has parameter \\$content with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'location' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'header' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'comment_type' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'separate' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\HeaderCommentFixer\\:\\:removeHeader\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset \\(float\\|int\\) to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/NoEmptyCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\NoEmptyCommentFixer\\:\\:getCommentBlock\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/NoEmptyCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\NoEmptyCommentFixer\\:\\:getCommentBlock\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/NoEmptyCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/NoEmptyCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/NoEmptyCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/NoEmptyCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\SingleLineCommentStyleFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/SingleLineCommentStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'comment_types' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/SingleLineCommentStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/SingleLineCommentStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between '// ' and array\\<string\\>\\|string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Comment/SingleLineCommentStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ConfigurableFixerInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConstantNotation\\\\NativeConstantInvocationFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'exclude' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'include' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'fix_built_in' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'scope' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\IncludeFixer\\:\\:clearIncludies\\(\\) has parameter \\$includies with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer\\:\\:fixElseif\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer\\:\\:fixElse\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer\\:\\:fixOpenCloseControls\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer\\:\\:findParenthesisEnd\\(\\) has parameter \\$structureTokenIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#4 \\$colonIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer\\:\\:addBraces\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 17
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoBreakCommentFixer\\:\\:isNoBreakComment\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'comment_text' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 16
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoBreakCommentFixer\\:\\:getStructureEnd\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoSuperfluousElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoSuperfluousElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoSuperfluousElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoSuperfluousElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoSuperfluousElseifFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoTrailingCommaInListCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoTrailingCommaInListCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoTrailingCommaInListCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoTrailingCommaInListCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoTrailingCommaInListCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixer\\:\\:\\$loops has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'statements' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'namespaces' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUselessElseFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchCaseSemicolonToColonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchCaseSemicolonToColonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'type' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchCaseSemicolonToColonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchCaseSemicolonToColonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchCaseSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchCaseSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$colonIndex might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchCaseSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchCaseSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchCaseSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 24
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:isOfLowerPrecedence\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:findComparisonEnd\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:findComparisonStart\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 9
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$yoda of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:getCompareFixableInfo\\(\\) expects bool, bool\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$key of function array_key_exists expects int\\|string, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:getCompareFixableInfo\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'always_move_variable' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:getLeftSideCompareFixableInfo\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:getRightSideCompareFixableInfo\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isCast\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:isEmptyAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:isConstant\\(\\) has parameter \\$end with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:isConstant\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'equal' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'identical' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'less_and_greater' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixer\\:\\:fixAnnotations\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'operator' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixer\\:\\:fixAnnotations\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'syntax' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixer\\:\\:addBracesToAnnotations\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixer\\:\\:removesBracesFromAnnotations\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer\\:\\:fixAnnotations\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'indent_mixed_lines' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer\\:\\:getLineBracesCount\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer\\:\\:isClosingLineWithMeaningfulContent\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer\\:\\:indentationCanBeFixed\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'around_argument…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$search of function array_key_exists expects array, array\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'around_array…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer\\:\\:fixAnnotations\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'around_parentheses' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'around_commas' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'before_argument…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'after_argument…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'before_array…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'after_array…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer\\:\\:fixSpacesAroundParentheses\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer\\:\\:fixSpacesAroundCommas\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer\\:\\:fixAroundAssignments\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer\\:\\:updateSpacesAfter\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer\\:\\:updateSpacesBefore\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer\\:\\:updateSpacesAt\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, array\\|bool given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot access offset 'indexes' on \\(array\\)\\|true\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 9
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot access offset 'end' on \\(array\\)\\|true\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\CombineNestedDirnameFixer\\:\\:getDirnameInfo\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\CombineNestedDirnameFixer\\:\\:getDirnameInfo\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Implicit array creation is not allowed \\- variable \\$info does not exist\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, array\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\CombineNestedDirnameFixer\\:\\:combineDirnames\\(\\) has parameter \\$dirnameInfoArray with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/CombineNestedDirnameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$argumentStartIndex \\(int\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FopenFlagOrderFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$argumentStartIndex \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFopenFlagFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$argumentEndIndex \\(int\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FopenFlagOrderFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$argumentEndIndex \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFopenFlagFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$argumentStartIndex \\(int\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FopenFlagsFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$argumentStartIndex \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFopenFlagFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$argumentEndIndex \\(int\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FopenFlagsFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$argumentEndIndex \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFopenFlagFixer\\:\\:fixFopenFlagToken\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'b_mode' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FunctionDeclarationFixer\\:\\:\\$supportedSpacings has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FunctionDeclarationFixer\\:\\:\\$singleLineWhitespaceOptions has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'closure_function…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FunctionDeclarationFixer\\:\\:fixParenthesisInnerEdge\\(\\) has parameter \\$end with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FunctionDeclarationFixer\\:\\:fixParenthesisInnerEdge\\(\\) has parameter \\$start with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ImplodeCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ImplodeCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot clone PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ImplodeCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ImplodeCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ImplodeCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ImplodeCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$openParenthesis of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzer\\:\\:getArguments\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ImplodeCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\ImplodeCallFixer\\:\\:getArgumentIndices\\(\\) should return array\\<int, int\\> but returns array\\<int\\|string, int\\|null\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ImplodeCallFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\MethodArgumentSpaceFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'ensure_fully…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'on_multiline' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 10
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isKeyword\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\MethodArgumentSpaceFixer\\:\\:isNewline\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:ensureWhitespaceAtIndex\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'after_heredoc' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'keep_multiple…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$subject of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Preg\\:\\:match\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function ltrim expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NativeFunctionInvocationFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'scope' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'strict' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'exclude' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'include' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function strtolower expects string, string\\|true given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NativeFunctionInvocationFixer\\:\\:normalizeFunctionNames\\(\\) should return array\\<string, true\\> but returns array\\<string\\|true\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoSpacesAfterFunctionNameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoSpacesAfterFunctionNameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoSpacesAfterFunctionNameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoSpacesAfterFunctionNameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoSpacesAfterFunctionNameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'type' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoSpacesAfterFunctionNameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoSpacesAfterFunctionNameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer\\:\\:fixFunctionDefinition\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer\\:\\:removeDefaultArgument\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer\\:\\:clearWhitespacesBeforeIndex\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'scalar_types' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer\\:\\:hasReturnTypeHint\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer\\:\\:fixFunctionDefinition\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'space_before' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ReturnTypeDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ReturnTypeDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ReturnTypeDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ReturnTypeDeclarationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/StaticLambdaFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/StaticLambdaFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/StaticLambdaFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\StaticLambdaFixer\\:\\:hasPossibleReferenceToThis\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/StaticLambdaFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\StaticLambdaFixer\\:\\:hasPossibleReferenceToThis\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/StaticLambdaFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/StaticLambdaFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/StaticLambdaFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\VoidReturnFixer\\:\\:hasReturnTypeHint\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\VoidReturnFixer\\:\\:fixFunctionDefinition\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\VoidReturnFixer\\:\\:hasVoidReturn\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/VoidReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, int given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$type of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer\\:\\:detectAndReplaceTypeWithShortType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, array\\<int\\>\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoLeadingImportSlashFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoLeadingImportSlashFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\NoLeadingImportSlashFixer\\:\\:removeLeadingImportSlash\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoLeadingImportSlashFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoLeadingImportSlashFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoLeadingImportSlashFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of function substr expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\NoUnusedImportsFixer\\:\\:removeUsesInSameNamespace\\(\\) has parameter \\$useDeclarations with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$input of function array_reverse expects array, array\\<int\\>\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$namespace of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\OrderedImportsFixer\\:\\:prepareNamespace\\(\\) expects string, bool\\|int\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function trim expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\OrderedImportsFixer\\:\\:getNewOrder\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'sort_algorithm' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\+\" between int\\|string and 1 results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$k might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$k2 might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getTokenNotOfKindSibling\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'imports_order' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Foreach overwrites \\$indexes with its value variable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\OrderedImportsFixer\\:\\:sortByAlgorithm\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, array\\<int\\>\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\SingleImportPerStatementFixer\\:\\:fixGroupUse\\(\\) expects int, array\\<int\\>\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\SingleImportPerStatementFixer\\:\\:fixGroupUse\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\SingleImportPerStatementFixer\\:\\:fixMultipleUse\\(\\) expects int, array\\<int\\>\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\SingleImportPerStatementFixer\\:\\:fixMultipleUse\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\SingleImportPerStatementFixer\\:\\:detectIndent\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\SingleImportPerStatementFixer\\:\\:getGroupDeclaration\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\+\\=\" between array\\<int\\>\\|int and int results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Utils\\:\\:calculateTrailingWhitespaceIndent\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$start of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:generatePartialCode\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$end of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:generatePartialCode\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ClassKeywordRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer\\:\\:getIssetInfo\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$indexes of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer\\:\\:clearTokens\\(\\) expects array\\<int\\>, array\\<int\\|string, int\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer\\:\\:getIssetInfo\\(\\) should return array\\<int\\> but returns array\\<int, int\\|null\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot clone PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer\\:\\:getTokenClones\\(\\) should return array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\> but returns array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer\\:\\:moveTokens\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$indices of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer\\:\\:clearOffsetTokens\\(\\) expects array\\<int\\>, array\\<int, int\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot clone PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'space' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable method call on \\$this\\(PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DirConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DirConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DirConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DirConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeTrailingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DirConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DirConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DirConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'noise_remaining…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, mixed given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'mute_deprecation…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ExplicitIndirectVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ExplicitIndirectVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ExplicitIndirectVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\FunctionToConstantFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'functions' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\FunctionToConstantFixer\\:\\:getReplaceCandidate\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$braceOpenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\FunctionToConstantFixer\\:\\:getReplacementTokenClones\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$braceCloseIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\FunctionToConstantFixer\\:\\:getReplacementTokenClones\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\FunctionToConstantFixer\\:\\:fixGetClassCall\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\FunctionToConstantFixer\\:\\:getReplacementTokenClones\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeTrailingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'use_yoda_style' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$openParenthesis of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzer\\:\\:getArguments\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer\\:\\:isProperty\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer\\:\\:isProperty\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer\\:\\:getUnsetsInfo\\(\\) should return array\\<array\\<string, bool\\|int\\>\\> but returns array\\<int, array\\<string, bool\\|int\\|null\\>\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, bool\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, bool\\|int given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, bool\\|int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, bool\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, bool\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, bool\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, bool\\|int given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, bool\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ListNotation\\\\ListSyntaxFixer\\:\\:\\$candidateTokenKind has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ListNotation/ListSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, string\\>\\|null\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ListNotation\\\\ListSyntaxFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\|null\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ListNotation/ListSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, string\\>\\|null\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ListNotation\\\\ListSyntaxFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\|null\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ListNotation/ListSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'syntax' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ListNotation/ListSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ListNotation/ListSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ListNotation/ListSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ListNotation/ListSyntaxFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\NamespaceNotation\\\\BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer\\:\\:getIndexToEnsureBlankLineAfter\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/NoBlankLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/NoLeadingNamespaceWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/NoLeadingNamespaceWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/NoLeadingNamespaceWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\NamespaceNotation\\\\NoLeadingNamespaceWhitespaceFixer\\:\\:endsWithWhitespace\\(\\) has parameter \\$str with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/NoLeadingNamespaceWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Naming\\\\NoHomoglyphNamesFixer\\:\\:\\$replacements type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Naming/NoHomoglyphNamesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$from of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper\\:\\:injectArrayAlignmentPlaceholders\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'type' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$start of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:isPartialCodeMultiline\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignDoubleArrowFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignEqualsFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignEqualsFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/AlignEqualsFixerHelper.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer\\:\\:\\$allowedValues has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 12
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 11
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer\\:\\:isEqualPartOfDeclareStatement\\(\\) should return int\\|false but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'default' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'operators' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer\\:\\:resolveOperatorsFromConfig\\(\\) should return array\\<string, string\\> but returns array\\<int\\|string, mixed\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer\\:\\:resolveOldConfig\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer\\:\\:resolveOldConfig\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'type' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$start of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:isPartialCodeMultiline\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$length of function substr expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of function substr expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|false given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|false given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\ConcatSpaceFixer\\:\\:\\$fixCallback has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\ConcatSpaceFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'spacing' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable method call on \\$this\\(PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\ConcatSpaceFixer\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|true given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'style' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot clone non\\-object variable \\$token of type PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\IncrementStyleFixer\\:\\:findEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\IncrementStyleFixer\\:\\:findEnd\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\IncrementStyleFixer\\:\\:findStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getTokenNotOfKindSibling\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\IncrementStyleFixer\\:\\:findStart\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\NewWithBracesFixer\\:\\:insertBracesAfter\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Dynamic call to static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'type' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NewWithBracesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NotOperatorWithSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NotOperatorWithSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NotOperatorWithSuccessorSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/NotOperatorWithSuccessorSpaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ObjectOperatorWithoutWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/ObjectOperatorWithoutWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\StandardizeIncrementFixer\\:\\:findStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$indexEnd of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\StandardizeIncrementFixer\\:\\:clearRangeLeaveComments\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\StandardizeIncrementFixer\\:\\:findStart\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/StandardizeIncrementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer\\:\\:fixIsset\\(\\) expects int, int\\<1, max\\>\\|int\\<min, \\-1\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer\\:\\:isHigherPrecedenceAssociativityOperator\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer\\:\\:getMeaningfulSequence\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$end of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer\\:\\:getMeaningfulSequence\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideRange\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Operator/UnaryOperatorSpacesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/BlankLineAfterOpeningTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/BlankLineAfterOpeningTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/BlankLineAfterOpeningTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/BlankLineAfterOpeningTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$code of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:fromCode\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/FullOpeningTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/FullOpeningTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/LinebreakAfterOpeningTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/LinebreakAfterOpeningTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/LinebreakAfterOpeningTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\-\" between int\\|string\\|null and 1 results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/NoClosingTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/NoClosingTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/NoClosingTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/NoClosingTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/NoShortEchoTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpTag/NoShortEchoTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitConstructFixer\\:\\:\\$assertionFixers has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable method call on \\$this\\(PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitConstructFixer\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isNativeConstant\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$indexStart of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearRange\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer\\:\\:\\$fixMap has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'target' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer\\:\\:fixAssertTrueFalse\\(\\) has parameter \\$assertCall with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$callNSIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer\\:\\:removeFunctionCall\\(\\) expects int\\|false, int\\|false\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$callIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer\\:\\:removeFunctionCall\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#4 \\$openIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer\\:\\:removeFunctionCall\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeTrailingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer\\:\\:fixAssertSameEquals\\(\\) has parameter \\$assertCall with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer\\:\\:\\$typeToDedicatedAssertMap type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isClassy\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitExpectationFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'target' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitExpectationFixer\\:\\:fixExpectation\\(\\) has parameter \\$endIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitExpectationFixer\\:\\:fixExpectation\\(\\) has parameter \\$startIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeTrailingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$openParenthesis of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzer\\:\\:getArguments\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$indexStart of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideRange\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$indexEnd of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideRange\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitExpectationFixer\\:\\:detectIndent\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitFqcnAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitFqcnAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$i of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitInternalClassFixer\\:\\:isAllowedByConfiguration\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitInternalClassFixer\\:\\:getDocBlockIndex\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitInternalClassFixer\\:\\:hasDocBlock\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'types' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitInternalClassFixer\\:\\:createDocBlock\\(\\) has parameter \\$docBlockIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitInternalClassFixer\\:\\:detectIndent\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitInternalClassFixer\\:\\:updateDocBlockIfNeeded\\(\\) has parameter \\$docBlockIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitInternalClassFixer\\:\\:getDocBlockIndex\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array_arg of function end expects array\\|object, array\\<int, string\\>\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function trim expects string, array\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'case' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer\\:\\:getDocBlockIndex\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$content of class PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line constructor expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitMockFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'target' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$openParenthesis of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzer\\:\\:countArguments\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 9
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitNamespacedFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'target' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'target' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer\\:\\:detectIndent\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer\\:\\:detectIndent\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer\\:\\:annotationsToParamList\\(\\) has parameter \\$annotations with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'use_class_const' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitOrderedCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitOrderedCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Possibly invalid array key type array\\<string\\>\\|string\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitOrderedCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#4 \\$replacement of function array_splice expects array\\|string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitOrderedCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSetUpTearDownVisibilityFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSetUpTearDownVisibilityFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSetUpTearDownVisibilityFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$i of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitSizeClassFixer\\:\\:isAbstractClass\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitSizeClassFixer\\:\\:getDocBlockIndex\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitSizeClassFixer\\:\\:hasDocBlock\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitSizeClassFixer\\:\\:createDocBlock\\(\\) has parameter \\$docBlockIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitSizeClassFixer\\:\\:detectIndent\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'group' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitSizeClassFixer\\:\\:updateDocBlockIfNeeded\\(\\) has parameter \\$docBlockIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitSizeClassFixer\\:\\:getDocBlockIndex\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array_arg of function end expects array\\|object, array\\<int, string\\>\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot access offset 0 on array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|string\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitStrictFixer\\:\\:\\$assertionMap has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitStrictFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'assertions' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitStrictFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$openParenthesis of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzer\\:\\:countArguments\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitStrictFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitStrictFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'style' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer\\:\\:getDocBlockIndex\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function lcfirst expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'case' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array_arg of function end expects array\\|object, array\\<int, string\\>\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer\\:\\:detectIndent\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function trim expects string, array\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer\\:\\:findWhereDependsFunctionNameStarts\\(\\) has parameter \\$line with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer\\:\\:\\$allowedValues has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer\\:\\:\\$staticMethods has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer\\:\\:\\$conversionMap has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'call_type' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'methods' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$referenceIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer\\:\\:needsConversion\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer\\:\\:addRequiresCover\\(\\) has parameter \\$startIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function sprintf expects bool\\|float\\|int\\|string\\|null, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between string and array\\<string\\>\\|string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function sprintf expects bool\\|float\\|int\\|string\\|null, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\AlignMultilineCommentFixer\\:\\:\\$tokenKinds has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/AlignMultilineCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\AlignMultilineCommentFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/AlignMultilineCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'comment_type' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/AlignMultilineCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/AlignMultilineCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/AlignMultilineCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/AlignMultilineCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between array\\<string\\>\\|string and string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/AlignMultilineCommentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'annotations' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of function substr expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoEmptyPhpdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 13
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:fixFunctionDocComment\\(\\) has parameter \\$shortNames with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:fixPropertyDocComment\\(\\) has parameter \\$shortNames with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:getPropertyTypeInfo\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:parseTypeHint\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:getReturnTypeInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$closingParenthesisIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:getPropertyTypeInfo\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:parseTypeHint\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:annotationIsSuperfluous\\(\\) has parameter \\$info with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'allow_mixed' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:toComparableNames\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$openParenthesis of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzer\\:\\:getArguments\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'only_untyped' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer\\:\\:prepareArgumentInformation\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAlignFixer\\:\\:\\$alignableTags has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAlignFixer\\:\\:\\$tagsWithName has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAlignFixer\\:\\:\\$tagsWithMethodSignature has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAlignFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'tags' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'align' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function strlen expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 0 does not exist on string\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer\\:\\:\\$tags has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Utils\\:\\:calculateTrailingWhitespaceIndent\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isArray\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function ltrim expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocIndentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocInlineTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'replacements' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoAliasTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$types of method PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\DocBlock\\:\\:getAnnotationsOfType\\(\\) expects array\\<string\\>\\|string, array\\<int, int\\|string\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoAliasTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoAliasTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoAliasTagFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoEmptyReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$classOpenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer\\:\\:isExtendingOrImplementing\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$classOpenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer\\:\\:isUsingTrait\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$classOpenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer\\:\\:fixClassyInside\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$tokenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer\\:\\:fixToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer\\:\\:\\$toTypes has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'replacements' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocScalarFixer\\:\\:\\$types type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocScalarFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'types' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocScalarFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method remove\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method addBlank\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocSingleLineVarSpacingFixer\\:\\:fixTokenContent\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\<string\\>\\|string\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocSingleLineVarSpacingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocSingleLineVarSpacingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocSummaryFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocSummaryFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$to of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer\\:\\:removeExtraBlankLinesBetween\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$current of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer\\:\\:removeExtraBlankLine\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line, PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$next of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer\\:\\:removeExtraBlankLine\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line, PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Foreach overwrites \\$index with its key variable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer\\:\\:findFirstAnnotationOrEnd\\(\\) should return int but returns int\\|string\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method containsUsefulContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocTrimFixer\\:\\:fixStart\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\<string\\>\\|string\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTrimFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocTrimFixer\\:\\:fixEnd\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\<string\\>\\|string\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTrimFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocTypesFixer\\:\\:\\$typesToFix type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocTypesFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'groups' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'sort_algorithm' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str1 of function strcasecmp expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$str2 of function strcasecmp expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'null_adjustment' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/NoUselessReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/NoUselessReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ReturnNotation\\\\NoUselessReturnFixer\\:\\:fixFunction\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/NoUselessReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/NoUselessReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/NoUselessReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/NoUselessReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearTokenAndMergeSurroundingWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/NoUselessReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 10
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$functionOpenIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ReturnNotation\\\\ReturnAssignmentFixer\\:\\:fixFunction\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ReturnNotation\\\\ReturnAssignmentFixer\\:\\:isSuperGlobal\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$assignVarIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ReturnNotation\\\\ReturnAssignmentFixer\\:\\:simplifyReturnStatement\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#5 \\$returnVarEndIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ReturnNotation\\\\ReturnAssignmentFixer\\:\\:simplifyReturnStatement\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ReturnNotation\\\\ReturnAssignmentFixer\\:\\:clearIfSave\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/ReturnAssignmentFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/SimplifiedNullReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/SimplifiedNullReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/SimplifiedNullReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/SimplifiedNullReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/SimplifiedNullReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/SimplifiedNullReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/SimplifiedNullReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/ReturnNotation/SimplifiedNullReturnFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'strategy' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$curlyCloseIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Semicolon\\\\NoEmptyStatementFixer\\:\\:fixSemicolonAfterCurlyBraceClose\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isClassy\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzer\\:\\:isAnonymousClass\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoSinglelineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoSinglelineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/NoSinglelineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SemicolonAfterInstructionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SemicolonAfterInstructionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SemicolonAfterInstructionFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'remove_in_empty_for…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, mixed given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/DeclareStrictTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/DeclareStrictTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/DeclareStrictTypesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Strict\\\\StrictParamFixer\\:\\:fixFunction\\(\\) has parameter \\$functionIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Strict\\\\StrictParamFixer\\:\\:fixFunction\\(\\) has parameter \\$functionParams with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'single_quoted' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'double_quoted' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'heredoc_syntax' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/ExplicitStringVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/ExplicitStringVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\StringNotation\\\\ExplicitStringVariableFixer\\:\\:isStringPartToken\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/ExplicitStringVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/ExplicitStringVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/ExplicitStringVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/ExplicitStringVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/HeredocToNowdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/HeredocToNowdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/HeredocToNowdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/HeredocToNowdocFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$items of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideRange\\(\\) expects array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens, array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'strings_containing…' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/SingleQuoteFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/StringNotation/SingleQuoteFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:findArrayTokenRanges\\(\\) has parameter \\$from with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:findArrayTokenRanges\\(\\) has parameter \\$to with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:computeArrayLineSignificantBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$array with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:getLineSignificantBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$array with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:getLineSignificantBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:isClosingLineWithMeaningfulContent\\(\\) has parameter \\$newLineIndex with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:getLineIndentation\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:extractIndent\\(\\) has parameter \\$content with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:getPreviousNewlineTokenIndex\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:newlineIsInArrayScope\\(\\) has parameter \\$array with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:newlineIsInArrayScope\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:indexIsInArrayTokenRanges\\(\\) has parameter \\$array with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:indexIsInArrayTokenRanges\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:isNewLineToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixer\\:\\:computeNewLineContent\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between array\\<string\\>\\|string and string results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer\\:\\:\\$tokenMap type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer\\:\\:\\$fixTokenMap type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'statements' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$prevNonWhitespace of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer\\:\\:shouldAddBlankLine\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/CompactNullableTypehintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/CompactNullableTypehintFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/HeredocIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/HeredocIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\HeredocIndentationFixer\\:\\:fixIndentation\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/HeredocIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/HeredocIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/HeredocIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$index might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/HeredocIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/HeredocIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/IndentationTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/IndentationTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/IndentationTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$content of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\IndentationTypeFixer\\:\\:getExpectedIndent\\(\\) expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/IndentationTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function substr expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/IndentationTypeFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/LineEndingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/LineEndingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/LineEndingFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\<0, max\\>\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\MethodChainingIndentationFixer\\:\\:getIndentAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\MethodChainingIndentationFixer\\:\\:currentLineRequiresExtraIndentLevel\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$end of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\MethodChainingIndentationFixer\\:\\:currentLineRequiresExtraIndentLevel\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\MethodChainingIndentationFixer\\:\\:getIndentContentAt\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'tokens' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:fixByToken\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:fixByToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable method call on \\$this\\(PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixer\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:removeBetweenUse\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:removeMultipleBlankLines\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:fixAfterToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzer\\:\\:isLambda\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int\\<1, max\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzer\\:\\:isAnonymousClass\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int\\<1, max\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'type' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:removeEmptyLinesAfterLineWithTokenAt\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$end might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|false given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:\\$fixer has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:getConfigurationDefinition\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\FixerConfigurationResolverInterface\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurationDefinitionFixerInterface\\:\\:getConfigurationDefinition\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'positions' does not exist on array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoTrailingWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoTrailingWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoTrailingWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoTrailingWhitespaceFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoWhitespaceInBlankLineFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoWhitespaceInBlankLineFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoWhitespaceInBlankLineFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/SingleBlankLineAtEofFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Fixer/Whitespace/SingleBlankLineAtEofFixer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\AliasedFixerOption\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$alias with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/AliasedFixerOption.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\AliasedFixerOption\\:\\:getAllowedValues\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/AliasedFixerOption.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\AliasedFixerOptionBuilder\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$alias with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/AliasedFixerOptionBuilder.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\AliasedFixerOptionBuilder\\:\\:setAllowedValues\\(\\) has parameter \\$allowedValues with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/AliasedFixerOptionBuilder.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\AllowedValueSubset\\:\\:\\$allowedValues has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/AllowedValueSubset.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\AllowedValueSubset\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$allowedValues with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/AllowedValueSubset.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\DeprecatedFixerOption\\:\\:getAllowedValues\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/DeprecatedFixerOption.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerConfigurationResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerConfigurationResolverRootless.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerConfigurationResolverRootless.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerConfigurationResolverRootless.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\FixerOption\\:\\:\\$allowedValues type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerOption.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\FixerOption\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$allowedValues with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerOption.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\FixerOption\\:\\:getAllowedValues\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerOption.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\FixerOptionBuilder\\:\\:\\$allowedValues type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerOptionBuilder.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\FixerOptionBuilder\\:\\:setAllowedValues\\(\\) has parameter \\$allowedValues with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerOptionBuilder.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\FixerOptionInterface\\:\\:getAllowedValues\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerConfiguration/FixerOptionInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\CodeSample\\:\\:\\$configuration type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/CodeSample.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\CodeSample\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/CodeSample.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\CodeSample\\:\\:getConfiguration\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/CodeSample.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\CodeSampleInterface\\:\\:getConfiguration\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/CodeSampleInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FileSpecificCodeSample\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FileSpecificCodeSample.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FileSpecificCodeSample\\:\\:getConfiguration\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FileSpecificCodeSample.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinition\\:\\:\\$riskyDescription has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FixerDefinition.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinition\\:\\:\\$configurationDescription has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FixerDefinition.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinition\\:\\:\\$defaultConfiguration has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FixerDefinition.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinition\\:\\:\\$codeSamples has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FixerDefinition.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinition\\:\\:\\$summary has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FixerDefinition.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinition\\:\\:\\$description has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FixerDefinition.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinition\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$defaultConfiguration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FixerDefinition.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinition\\:\\:getDefaultConfiguration\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FixerDefinition.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinitionInterface\\:\\:getDefaultConfiguration\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/FixerDefinitionInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\VersionSpecificCodeSample\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/VersionSpecificCodeSample.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\VersionSpecificCodeSample\\:\\:getConfiguration\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/VersionSpecificCodeSample.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to function is_int\\(\\) with int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/FixerDefinition/VersionSpecification.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with array will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$arr1 of function array_intersect expects array, array\\<string\\>\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$fixerConflicts of method PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerFactory\\:\\:generateConflictMessage\\(\\) expects array\\<string, array\\<string\\>\\>, array\\<int\\|string, array\\<mixed, mixed\\>\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/FixerFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Indicator\\\\PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator\\:\\:isPhpUnitClass\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Indicator/PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Indicator/PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getName\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Indicator/PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Indicator/PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Indicator/PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Indicator/PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Indicator\\\\PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator\\:\\:findPhpUnitClasses\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type Generator\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Indicator/PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function crc32 expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/CachingLinter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\ProcessLinter\\:\\:createProcessForFile\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Process\\\\Process\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLinter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\ProcessLinter\\:\\:createProcessForSource\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Process\\\\Process\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLinter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\ProcessLinter\\:\\:\\$temporaryFile \\(string\\|null\\) does not accept string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLinter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$path of method PhpCsFixer\\\\FileRemoval\\:\\:observe\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLinter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$file of function file_put_contents expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLinter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#4 \\$path of class Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Filesystem\\\\Exception\\\\IOException constructor expects string\\|null, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLinter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$path of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\ProcessLinter\\:\\:createProcessForFile\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLinter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\ProcessLinterProcessBuilder\\:\\:build\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Process\\\\Process\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLinterProcessBuilder.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\ProcessLintingResult\\:\\:\\$process type has no value type specified in iterable type Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Process\\\\Process\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLintingResult.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\ProcessLintingResult\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$process with no value type specified in iterable type Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Process\\\\Process\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLintingResult.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$code of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\LintingException constructor expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLintingResult.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Linter/ProcessLintingResult.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$pattern of function preg_match expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Preg.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$pattern of function preg_match_all expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Preg.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$pattern of function preg_split expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Preg.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Preg\\:\\:addUtf8Modifier\\(\\) should return array\\<string\\>\\|string but returns array\\<array\\<string\\>\\|string\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Preg.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Preg\\:\\:removeUtf8Modifier\\(\\) should return array\\<string\\>\\|string but returns array\\<array\\<string\\>\\|string\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Preg.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of function substr expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Preg.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$length of function substr expects int, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Preg.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'message' does not exist on array\\('type' \\=\\> int, 'message' \\=\\> string, 'file' \\=\\> string, 'line' \\=\\> int\\)\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Preg.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\CheckstyleReporter\\:\\:generate\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/CheckstyleReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$text of static method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Formatter\\\\OutputFormatter\\:\\:escape\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/CheckstyleReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\GitlabReporter\\:\\:generate\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/GitlabReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$text of static method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Formatter\\\\OutputFormatter\\:\\:escape\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/GitlabReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/JsonReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Report/JsonReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\JsonReporter\\:\\:generate\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/JsonReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$text of static method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Formatter\\\\OutputFormatter\\:\\:escape\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/JsonReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Report/JunitReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\JunitReporter\\:\\:generate\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/JunitReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$text of static method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Formatter\\\\OutputFormatter\\:\\:escape\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/JunitReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\JunitReporter\\:\\:createFailedTestCase\\(\\) has parameter \\$fixResult with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/JunitReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$value of method DOMElement\\:\\:setAttribute\\(\\) expects string, array\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/JunitReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/JunitReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\ReportSummary\\:\\:\\$changed type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/ReportSummary.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\ReportSummary\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$changed with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/ReportSummary.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\ReportSummary\\:\\:getChanged\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/ReportSummary.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/ReporterFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\TextReporter\\:\\:getAppliedFixers\\(\\) has parameter \\$fixResult with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/TextReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\TextReporter\\:\\:getDiff\\(\\) has parameter \\$fixResult with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/TextReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/TextReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/XmlReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\XmlReporter\\:\\:generate\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/XmlReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$text of static method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Formatter\\\\OutputFormatter\\:\\:escape\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/XmlReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\XmlReporter\\:\\:createAppliedFixersElement\\(\\) has parameter \\$fixResult with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/XmlReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\XmlReporter\\:\\:createDiffElement\\(\\) has parameter \\$fixResult with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Report/XmlReporter.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:\\$setDefinitions has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:\\$set type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:\\$rules type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$set with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:create\\(\\) has parameter \\$set with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:getRuleConfiguration\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:getRules\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:getSetDefinitionNames\\(\\) should return array\\<string\\> but returns array\\<int, int\\|string\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:getSetDefinition\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot access offset 0 on \\(int\\|string\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSet\\:\\:resolveSubset\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSet.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSetInterface\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$set with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSetInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSetInterface\\:\\:create\\(\\) has parameter \\$set with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSetInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSetInterface\\:\\:getRuleConfiguration\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSetInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\RuleSetInterface\\:\\:getRules\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/RuleSetInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\FileCachingLintingIterator\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$iterator with no value type specified in iterable type Iterator\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/FileCachingLintingIterator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$path of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\LinterInterface\\:\\:lintFile\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/FileCachingLintingIterator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\FileFilterIterator\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$iterator with no value type specified in iterable type Traversable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/FileFilterIterator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\FileFilterIterator\\:\\:accept\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(bool\\) of method FilterIterator\\:\\:accept\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/FileFilterIterator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Array \\(array\\<string, bool\\>\\) does not accept key 0\\|string\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/FileFilterIterator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filePath of method PhpCsFixer\\\\FileReader\\:\\:read\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/FileFilterIterator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Instanceof between Symfony\\\\Component\\\\EventDispatcher\\\\EventDispatcherInterface and Symfony\\\\Contracts\\\\EventDispatcher\\\\EventDispatcherInterface will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/FileFilterIterator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\FileLintingIterator\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$iterator with no value type specified in iterable type Iterator\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/FileLintingIterator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method lintFile\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\LinterInterface\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/FileLintingIterator.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\Runner\\:\\:\\$finder type has no value type specified in iterable type Traversable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\Runner\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$finder with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\Runner\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$fixers with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\Runner\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$isDryRun with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\Runner\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$stopOnViolation with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\Runner\\:\\:fix\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filePath of method PhpCsFixer\\\\FileReader\\:\\:read\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$file of function file_put_contents expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#4 \\$path of class Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Filesystem\\\\Exception\\\\IOException constructor expects string\\|null, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, array\\<string, int\\|string\\>\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, array\\<string, array\\<int, string\\>\\|string\\>\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Instanceof between Symfony\\\\Component\\\\EventDispatcher\\\\EventDispatcherInterface and Symfony\\\\Contracts\\\\EventDispatcher\\\\EventDispatcherInterface will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Runner/Runner.php
-		-
-			message: "#^PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) does not call parent constructor from SplFileInfo\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getRealPath\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(string\\|false\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getRealPath\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getATime\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(int\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getATime\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getBasename\\(\\) has parameter \\$suffix with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getBasename\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(string\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getBasename\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getCTime\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(int\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getCTime\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getExtension\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(string\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getExtension\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getFileInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$className with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getFileInfo\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(SplFileInfo\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getFileInfo\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getFilename\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(string\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getFilename\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getGroup\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(int\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getGroup\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getInode\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(int\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getInode\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getLinkTarget\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(string\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getLinkTarget\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getMTime\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(int\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getMTime\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getOwner\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(int\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getOwner\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getPath\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(string\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getPath\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getPathInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$className with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getPathInfo\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(SplFileInfo\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getPathInfo\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getPathname\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(string\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getPathname\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getPerms\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(int\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getPerms\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getSize\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(int\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getSize\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:getType\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(string\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:getType\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:isDir\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(bool\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:isDir\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:isExecutable\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(bool\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:isExecutable\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:isFile\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(bool\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:isFile\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:isLink\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(bool\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:isLink\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:isReadable\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(bool\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:isReadable\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:isWritable\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(bool\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:isWritable\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:openFile\\(\\) has parameter \\$context with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:openFile\\(\\) has parameter \\$openMode with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:openFile\\(\\) has parameter \\$useIncludePath with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:openFile\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(SplFileObject\\) of method SplFileInfo\\:\\:openFile\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:setFileClass\\(\\) has parameter \\$className with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\StdinFileInfo\\:\\:setInfoClass\\(\\) has parameter \\$className with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/StdinFileInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AbstractFixerTestCase\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$data with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AbstractIntegrationTestCase\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$data with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\:\\:\\$object has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\:\\:\\$reflection has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\:\\:__call\\(\\) has parameter \\$arguments with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\:\\:__call\\(\\) has parameter \\$name with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\:\\:__isset\\(\\) has parameter \\$name with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable property access on \\$this\\(PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\:\\:__get\\(\\) has parameter \\$name with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\:\\:__set\\(\\) has parameter \\$name with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\:\\:__set\\(\\) has parameter \\$value with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\AccessibleObject\\:\\:create\\(\\) has parameter \\$object with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/AccessibleObject.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$requirements with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$settings with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:getRequirement\\(\\) has parameter \\$name with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function substr expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/AbstractTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/ArgumentAnalysis.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis\\:\\:\\$reservedTypes type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/TypeAnalysis.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$name of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\ArgumentAnalysis constructor expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$nameIndex of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\ArgumentAnalysis constructor expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis constructor expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis constructor expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\BlocksAnalyzer\\:\\:getBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/BlocksAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 11
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevNonWhitespace\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\CommentsAnalyzer\\:\\:isStructuralElement\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$docsToken of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\CommentsAnalyzer\\:\\:isValidControl\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$docsToken of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\CommentsAnalyzer\\:\\:isValidLanguageConstruct\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\CommentsAnalyzer\\:\\:getCommentBlockIndices\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\FunctionsAnalyzer\\:\\:\\$functionsAnalysis type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$openParenthesis of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzer\\:\\:getArguments\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$startIndex of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis constructor expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis constructor expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method SplFixedArray\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\:\\:offsetExists\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\NamespaceUsesAnalyzer\\:\\:getDeclarations\\(\\) has parameter \\$useIndexes with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespaceUsesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$endIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\NamespaceUsesAnalyzer\\:\\:parseDeclaration\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespaceUsesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\NamespaceUseAnalysis\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespaceUsesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespaceUsesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespaceUsesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespaceUsesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespaceUsesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespaceUsesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespacesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespacesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespacesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespacesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespacesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$shortName of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\NamespaceAnalysis constructor expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespacesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#4 \\$endIndex of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\NamespaceAnalysis constructor expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespacesAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Resolver/TypeShortNameResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Resolver/TypeShortNameResolver.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$token with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to function is_string\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to function is_object\\(\\) with \\*NEVER\\* will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:equals\\(\\) has parameter \\$other with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:equalsAny\\(\\) has parameter \\$others with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:getPrototype\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:override\\(\\) has parameter \\$other with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:toJson\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:getTokenKindsForNames\\(\\) should return array\\<int, int\\> but returns array\\<int\\|string, mixed\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Token.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:\\$cache type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, string\\|false given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, bool\\|null given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset \\(int\\|string\\) to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getBlockEdgeDefinitions\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Return type \\(mixed\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:setSize\\(\\) should be covariant with return type \\(bool\\) of method SplFixedArray\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\:\\:setSize\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:unregisterFoundToken\\(\\) expects array\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|string, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index \\(int\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:offsetSet\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$index \\(int\\|null\\) of method SplFixedArray\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\:\\:offsetSet\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index \\(int\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:offsetSet\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$offset \\(int\\|null\\) of method ArrayAccess\\<int,PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\:\\:offsetSet\\(\\)$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$count might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 9
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findGivenKind\\(\\) has parameter \\$possibleKind with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findGivenKind\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextTokenOfKind\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevTokenOfKind\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getTokenOfKindSibling\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getTokenNotOfKindSibling\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findSequence\\(\\) has parameter \\$sequence with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$key of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:isKeyCaseSensitive\\(\\) expects int, int\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and int will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Foreach overwrites \\$key with its key variable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findSequence\\(\\) should return array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\>\\|null but returns array\\<int, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\>\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:registerFoundToken\\(\\) expects array\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|string, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:clearAt\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:overrideAt\\(\\) has parameter \\$token with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method override\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:isAllTokenKindsFound\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokenKinds with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:isAnyTokenKindsFound\\(\\) has parameter \\$tokenKinds with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeWhitespaceSafely\\(\\) has parameter \\$direction with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeWhitespaceSafely\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:removeWhitespaceSafely\\(\\) has parameter \\$whitespaces with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\-, int\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Variable \\$index might not be defined\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:registerFoundToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$token with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:unregisterFoundToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$token with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:extractTokenKind\\(\\) has parameter \\$token with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Tokens.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isClassy\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$classIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzer\\:\\:findClassyElements\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzer\\:\\:findClassyElements\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 36
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 18
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, array\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzer\\:\\:getMethodAttributes\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getName\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-decrement, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevTokenOfKind\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isArray\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzer\\:\\:findClassyElements\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, float\\|int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ArrayTypehintTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/ArrayTypehintTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/ArrayTypehintTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\BraceClassInstantiationTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/BraceClassInstantiationTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/BraceClassInstantiationTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/BraceClassInstantiationTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ClassConstantTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/ClassConstantTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/ClassConstantTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\CurlyBraceTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\CurlyBraceTransformer\\:\\:transformIntoDollarCloseBrace\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\CurlyBraceTransformer\\:\\:transformIntoDynamicPropBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset \\(float\\|int\\) to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\CurlyBraceTransformer\\:\\:transformIntoDynamicVarBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\CurlyBraceTransformer\\:\\:transformIntoCurlyIndexBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\CurlyBraceTransformer\\:\\:transformIntoGroupUseBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$index with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ImportTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/ImportTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/ImportTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\NamespaceOperatorTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/NamespaceOperatorTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/NamespaceOperatorTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\NullableTypeTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/NullableTypeTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/NullableTypeTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ReturnRefTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/ReturnRefTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/ReturnRefTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\SquareBraceTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equalsAny\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot assign offset int\\|null to PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getNextMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Offset 'type' does not exist on array\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\TypeAlternationTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeAlternationTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeAlternationTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeAlternationTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeAlternationTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\TypeColonTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeColonTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeColonTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockStart\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeColonTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeColonTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:getPrevMeaningfulToken\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeColonTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\UseTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/UseTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/UseTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$searchIndex of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:findBlockEnd\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/UseTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in pre\\-increment, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/UseTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/UseTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/UseTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\WhitespacyCommentTransformer\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformer/WhitespacyCommentTransformer.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TransformerInterface\\:\\:getCustomTokens\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/TransformerInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformers.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Tokenizer/Transformers.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\ToolInfo\\:\\:\\$composerInstallationDetails type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/ToolInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$json of function json_decode expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/ToolInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\ToolInfo\\:\\:getPharDownloadUri\\(\\) has parameter \\$version with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/ToolInfo.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\ToolInfoInterface\\:\\:getPharDownloadUri\\(\\) has parameter \\$version with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/ToolInfoInterface.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function strtolower expects string, array\\<string\\>\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Utils.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Utils.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: src/Utils.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Utils.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Utils.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, array\\<int\\|string, mixed\\> given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/Utils.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\WhitespacesFixerConfig\\:\\:\\$indent has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/WhitespacesFixerConfig.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\WhitespacesFixerConfig\\:\\:\\$lineEnding has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: src/WhitespacesFixerConfig.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase\\:\\:testConfigureWithInvalidConfiguration\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase\\:\\:provideInvalidConfigurationCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase\\:\\:createTestCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AbstractFunctionReferenceFixerTest\\:\\:\\$fixer has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AbstractFunctionReferenceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Dynamic call to static method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\Command\\:\\:getDefaultName\\(\\)\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/CommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/CommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/CommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$json of function json_decode expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ComposerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerFactoryTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$file of class Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Finder\\\\SplFileInfo constructor expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerFactoryTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerFactoryTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only numeric types are allowed in \\+, int\\|false given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerFactoryTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AutoReview\\\\FixerTest\\:\\:\\$allowedRequiredOptions has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AutoReview\\\\FixerTest\\:\\:\\$allowedFixersWithoutDefaultCodeSample has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer\\\\\\\\Fixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with arguments 'PhpCsFixer…', PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\CodeSampleInterface and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with arguments 'string', string and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with arguments 'array', array and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to function array_search\\(\\) requires parameter \\#3 to be true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\FixerConfigurationResolverInterface will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\FixerOptionInterface will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Argument of an invalid type \\(array\\|null\\) supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with arguments 'int', int and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with arguments 'bool', bool and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: tests/AutoReview/FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 9
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$argument of class ReflectionClass constructor expects class\\-string\\<T of object\\>\\|T of object, string given\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$content of class PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\DocBlock constructor expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Construct empty\\(\\) is not allowed\\. Use more strict comparison\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$code of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:fromCode\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function file_get_contents expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\DocBlock\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AutoReview\\\\ProjectCodeTest\\:\\:getUsedDataProviderMethodNames\\(\\) has parameter \\$testClassName with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Binary operation \"\\.\" between array\\|string and '\\.php' results in an error\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AutoReview\\\\ProjectCodeTest\\:\\:getPublicMethodNames\\(\\) has parameter \\$rc with generic class ReflectionClass but does not specify its types\\: T$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer\\\\\\\\Config' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Config will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/ProjectFixerConfigurationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with arguments 'string', string and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with arguments 'int', int and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with arguments 'array', array and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AutoReview\\\\TravisTest\\:\\:assertUpcomingPhpVersionIsCoveredByCiJob\\(\\) has parameter \\$ciVersions with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AutoReview\\\\TravisTest\\:\\:assertUpcomingPhpVersionIsCoveredByCiJob\\(\\) has parameter \\$lastSupportedVersion with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AutoReview\\\\TravisTest\\:\\:assertSupportedPhpVersionsAreCoveredByCiJobs\\(\\) has parameter \\$ciVersions with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AutoReview\\\\TravisTest\\:\\:assertSupportedPhpVersionsAreCoveredByCiJobs\\(\\) has parameter \\$supportedVersions with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\AutoReview\\\\TravisTest\\:\\:convertPhpVerIdToNiceVer\\(\\) has parameter \\$verId with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$code of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:fromCode\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$input of static method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Yaml\\\\Yaml\\:\\:parse\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/AutoReview/TravisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Cache\\\\CacheTest\\:\\:testFromJsonThrowsInvalidArgumentExceptionIfJsonIsMissingKey\\(\\) has parameter \\$data with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Cache/CacheTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$json of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\Cache\\:\\:fromJson\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Cache/CacheTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Cache\\\\CacheTest\\:\\:provideMissingDataCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Cache/CacheTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Cache/CacheTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Cache/FileCacheManagerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer\\\\\\\\Cache…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Cache\\\\FileHandler will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Cache/FileHandlerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$cwd of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolver constructor expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/ConfigTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$it of function iterator_to_array expects Traversable, iterable given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/ConfigTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\ConfigTest\\:\\:testRegisterCustomFixers\\(\\) has parameter \\$suite with no value type specified in iterable type iterable\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/ConfigTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer\\\\\\\\Finder' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Finder will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/ConfigTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\ConfigTest\\:\\:provideRegisterCustomFixersCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/ConfigTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'InvalidArgumentExce…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\ConfigurationException\\\\InvalidConfigurationException will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/ConfigurationException/InvalidConfigurationExceptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\ConfigurationException\\\\InvalidFixerConfigurationException will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/ConfigurationException/InvalidFixerConfigurationExceptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\ConfigurationException\\\\InvalidForEnvFixerConfigurationException will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/ConfigurationException/InvalidForEnvFixerConfigurationExceptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\ConfigurationException\\\\RequiredFixerConfigurationException will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/ConfigurationException/RequiredFixerConfigurationExceptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Console/Command/DescribeCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'InvalidArgumentExce…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\DescribeNameNotFoundException will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/DescribeNameNotFoundExceptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\FixCommandTest\\:\\:doTestExecute\\(\\) has parameter \\$arguments with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/FixCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$string of static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertNotRegExp\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/ReadmeCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function file_get_contents expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/ReadmeCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\SelfUpdateCommandTest\\:\\:testExecute\\(\\) has parameter \\$input with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\SelfUpdateCommandTest\\:\\:testExecuteWhenNotAbleToGetLatestVersions\\(\\) has parameter \\$input with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\SelfUpdateCommandTest\\:\\:testExecuteWhenNotInstalledAsPhar\\(\\) has parameter \\$input with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\SelfUpdateCommandTest\\:\\:execute\\(\\) has parameter \\$decorated with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\SelfUpdateCommandTest\\:\\:execute\\(\\) has parameter \\$input with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\SelfUpdateCommandTest\\:\\:assertDisplay\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedDisplay with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\SelfUpdateCommandTest\\:\\:createToolInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$isInstalledAsPhar with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method url\\(\\) on org\\\\bovigo\\\\vfs\\\\vfsStreamDirectory\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Console/Command/SelfUpdateCommandTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:testResolveIntersectionOfPaths\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:testResolveIntersectionOfPaths\\(\\) has parameter \\$path with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array_arg of function sort expects array, array\\|Exception given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:testConfigFinderIsOverridden\\(\\) has parameter \\$options with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:testDeprecatedFixerConfigured\\(\\) has parameter \\$ruleConfig with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:normalizePath\\(\\) has parameter \\$path with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:assertSameRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$actual with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:assertSameRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:assertSameRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$message with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:createConfigurationResolver\\(\\) has parameter \\$cwdPath with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\ConfigurationResolverTest\\:\\:createConfigurationResolver\\(\\) has parameter \\$options with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/ConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$object of function get_class expects object, Throwable\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Output/ErrorOutputTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getMessage\\(\\) on Throwable\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Output/ErrorOutputTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getCode\\(\\) on Throwable\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Output/ErrorOutputTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$stream of class Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\StreamOutput constructor expects resource, resource\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Output/ErrorOutputTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$subject of function str_replace expects array\\|string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Output/ErrorOutputTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ProcessOutputTest\\:\\:testProcessProgressOutput\\(\\) has parameter \\$statuses with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Output/ProcessOutputTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Console/Output/ProcessOutputTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ProcessOutputTest\\:\\:testProcessProgressOutputWithNumbers\\(\\) has parameter \\$statuses with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Output/ProcessOutputTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ProcessOutputTest\\:\\:foreachStatus\\(\\) has parameter \\$statuses with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Console/Output/ProcessOutputTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Annotation\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/DocBlock/AnnotationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getStart\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Annotation\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/AnnotationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getEnd\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Annotation\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/AnnotationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getTag\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Annotation\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/AnnotationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method remove\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Annotation\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/DocBlock/AnnotationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/DocBlock/AnnotationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with 'array' and array\\<string\\> will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/AnnotationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with 'string' and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/AnnotationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with 'array' and array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\> will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/DocBlockTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer\\\\\\\\DocBlock…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/DocBlockTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with 'array' and array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Annotation\\> will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: tests/DocBlock/DocBlockTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer\\\\\\\\DocBlock…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Annotation will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/DocBlockTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/LineTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isTheStart\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/LineTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isTheEnd\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/LineTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method containsUsefulContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/LineTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method containsATag\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\DocBlock\\\\Line\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/DocBlock/LineTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\TokenTest\\:\\:provideIsTypeCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Doctrine/Annotation/TokenTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\TokenTest\\:\\:provideIsNotTypeCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Doctrine/Annotation/TokenTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertNotSame\\(\\) with 1 and 2 will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Error/ErrorTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with 'array' and array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Error\\\\Error\\> will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Error/ErrorsManagerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'Symfony\\\\\\\\Contracts…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Event\\\\Event will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Event/EventTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FileReader will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FileReaderTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Alias/NoAliasFunctionsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: tests/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$actualClassOrObject of static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertAttributeSame\\(\\) expects object\\|string, PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Alias/NoMixedEchoPrintFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: tests/Fixer/Alias/RandomApiMigrationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$object of static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:getObjectAttribute\\(\\) expects object, PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Alias/RandomApiMigrationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\RandomApiMigrationFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Alias/RandomApiMigrationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\RandomApiMigrationFixerTest\\:\\:testFix73\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Alias/RandomApiMigrationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: tests/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArraySyntaxFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ArrayNotation\\\\NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixerTest\\:\\:testFix73\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ArrayNotation/NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ArrayNotation\\\\TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixerTest\\:\\:testFix73\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ArrayNotation/TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:\\$configurationOopPositionSameLine has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:\\$configurationCtrlStructPositionNextLine has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:\\$configurationAnonymousPositionNextLine has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 17
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixControlContinuationBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixMissingBracesAndIndent\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixClassyBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixAnonFunctionInShortArraySyntax\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixCommentBeforeBrace\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixCommentBeforeBrace70\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixWhitespaceBeforeBrace\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixFunctions\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixMultiLineStructures\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixSpaceAroundToken\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFinally\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFunctionImport\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testFix70\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testPreserveLineAfterControlBrace\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\BracesFixerTest\\:\\:testMessyWhitespaces\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\EncodingFixerTest\\:\\:prepareTestCase\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedFilename with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\EncodingFixerTest\\:\\:prepareTestCase\\(\\) has parameter \\$inputFilename with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function file_get_contents expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, SplFileInfo\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/Basic/Psr0FixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: tests/Fixer/CastNotation/CastSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\CastNotation\\\\LowercaseCastFixerTest\\:\\:createCasesFor\\(\\) has parameter \\$type with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/CastNotation/LowercaseCastFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\CastNotation\\\\ShortScalarCastFixerTest\\:\\:createCasesFor\\(\\) has parameter \\$from with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/CastNotation/ShortScalarCastFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\CastNotation\\\\ShortScalarCastFixerTest\\:\\:createCasesFor\\(\\) has parameter \\$to with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/CastNotation/ShortScalarCastFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$class of class ReflectionMethod constructor expects object\\|string, PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method toJson\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassAttributesSeparationFixerTest\\:\\:testWithConfig\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassAttributesSeparationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixerTest\\:\\:testClassyDefinitionInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$class of class ReflectionMethod constructor expects object\\|string, PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixerTest\\:\\:testClassyInheritanceInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixerTest\\:\\:testClassyInheritanceInfo7\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixerTest\\:\\:doTestClassyInheritanceInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixerTest\\:\\:doTestClassyInheritanceInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$label with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixerTest\\:\\:doTestClassyInheritanceInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$source with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixerTest\\:\\:provideClassyCases\\(\\) has parameter \\$classy with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ClassDefinitionFixerTest\\:\\:provideClassyExtendingCases\\(\\) has parameter \\$classy with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\FinalInternalClassFixerTest\\:\\:testFixWithConfig\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/MethodSeparationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/NoBlankLinesAfterClassOpeningFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixerTest\\:\\:testFix71\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 7
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixerTest\\:\\:testLegacyFixWithConfiguration\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixerTest\\:\\:testFixWithConfiguration\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixerTest\\:\\:testFixWithSortingAlgorithm\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\OrderedClassElementsFixerTest\\:\\:testFix74\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedInterfacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\ProtectedToPrivateFixerTest\\:\\:getAttributesAndMethods\\(\\) has parameter \\$original with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/ProtectedToPrivateFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\SingleClassElementPerStatementFixerTest\\:\\:testLegacyFixWithConfiguration\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\SingleClassElementPerStatementFixerTest\\:\\:testFixWithConfiguration\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\VisibilityRequiredFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixMethods70Cases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\VisibilityRequiredFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixMethodsCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassNotation/VisibilityRequiredFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassUsage\\\\DateTimeImmutableFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ClassUsage/DateTimeImmutableFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\HeaderCommentFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: tests/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\HeaderCommentFixerTest\\:\\:testMisconfiguration\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractFixerWithAliasedOptionsTestCase\\:\\:configureFixerWithAliasedOptions\\(\\) expects array, array\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\HeaderCommentFixerTest\\:\\:testMessyWhitespaces\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isComment\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Comment/NoEmptyCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$class of class ReflectionMethod constructor expects object\\|string, PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Comment/NoEmptyCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/Comment/SingleLineCommentStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 13
-			path: tests/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ConstantNotation\\\\NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideInvalidConfigurationElementCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ConstantNotation\\\\NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithDefaultConfigurationCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ConstantNotation\\\\NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFix70WithDefaultConfigurationCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ConstantNotation\\\\NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFix71WithDefaultConfigurationCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ConstantNotation\\\\NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithConfiguredCustomIncludeCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ConstantNotation\\\\NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithConfiguredOnlyIncludeCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ConstantNotation\\\\NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithConfiguredExcludeCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function strtoupper expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixerTest\\:\\:\\$defaultStatements has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, string\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\NoUselessElseFixerTest\\:\\:testBlockDetection\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUselessElseFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$class of class ReflectionMethod constructor expects object\\|string, PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUselessElseFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$argument of class ReflectionObject constructor expects object, PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoUselessElseFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$extraConfig with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 12
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixerTest\\:\\:testFixInverse\\(\\) has parameter \\$extraConfig with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixerTest\\:\\:testInvalidConfig\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getName\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixerTest\\:\\:provideInvalidConfigurationCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FixerDefinitionInterface will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getDefinition\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixerTest\\:\\:testWithConfig\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixerTest\\:\\:testPHP74CasesInverse\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithColonCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithBracesCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithoutBracesCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithIndentedMixedLinesCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 26
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixAllCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixAroundParenthesesOnlyCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixAroundCommasOnlyCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixAroundArgumentAssignmentsOnlyCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\DoctrineAnnotation\\\\DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixAroundArrayAssignmentsOnlyCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FopenFlagsFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FopenFlagsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FunctionDeclarationFixerTest\\:\\:\\$configurationClosureSpacingNone has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FunctionDeclarationFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FunctionDeclarationFixerTest\\:\\:test70\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\FunctionDeclarationFixerTest\\:\\:test74\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/FunctionDeclarationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and string will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an elseif condition, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest\\:\\:testFixWithDifferentLineEndings\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest\\:\\:testFix73\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest\\:\\:testFix74\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideInvalidConfigurationElementCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function preg_quote expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithDefaultConfigurationCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithConfiguredExcludeCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:testFixWithConfiguredInclude\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithConfiguredIncludeCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NativeFunctionInvocationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest\\:\\:provideFix56Cases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest\\:\\:provideFix71Cases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest\\:\\:provideFix74Cases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\PhpdocToReturnTypeFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$expected of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractFixerTestCase\\:\\:doTest\\(\\) expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/PhpdocToReturnTypeFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: tests/Fixer/FunctionNotation/ReturnTypeDeclarationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\OrderedImportsFixerTest\\:\\:testFix70\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\OrderedImportsFixerTest\\:\\:testInvalidSortAlgorithm\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\OrderedImportsFixerTest\\:\\:testFix72\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Import/OrderedImportsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Import/SingleImportPerStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Import/SingleLineAfterImportsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\DeclareEqualNormalizeFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\DeclareEqualNormalizeFixerTest\\:\\:testInvalidConfig\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/DeclareEqualNormalizeFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\ErrorSuppressionFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/ErrorSuppressionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\FunctionToConstantFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\LanguageConstruct\\\\FunctionToConstantFixerTest\\:\\:testInvalidConfigurationKeys\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/FunctionToConstantFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$object of static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:getObjectAttribute\\(\\) expects object, PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/LanguageConstruct/IsNullFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: tests/Fixer/ListNotation/ListSyntaxFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/NoBlankLinesBeforeNamespaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\NamespaceNotation\\\\NoBlankLinesBeforeNamespaceFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/NoBlankLinesBeforeNamespaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/NoLeadingNamespaceWhitespaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\NamespaceNotation\\\\SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespaceFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/NamespaceNotation/SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixerTest\\:\\:testWithTabs\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 19
-			path: tests/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixerTest\\:\\:testConfigured\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixerTest\\:\\:testPHP71Cases\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\BinaryOperatorSpacesFixerTest\\:\\:testFixPhp74\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Operator/BinaryOperatorSpacesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: tests/Fixer/Operator/ConcatSpaceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Operator/IncrementStyleFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpTag/BlankLineAfterOpeningTagFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpTag/LinebreakAfterOpeningTagFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpTag/NoClosingTagFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpTag/NoShortEchoTagFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, string\\|null given on the left side\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitConstructFixerTest\\:\\:generateCases\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTemplate with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitConstructFixerTest\\:\\:generateCases\\(\\) has parameter \\$inputTemplate with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitConstructFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitExpectationFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitExpectationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitInternalClassFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitInternalClassFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitMethodCasingFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMethodCasingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitMockFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitNamespacedFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method fix\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$haystack of function strpos expects string, int\\|string given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitSetUpTearDownVisibilityFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSetUpTearDownVisibilityFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitSizeClassFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitSizeClassFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitStrictFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:testFixLegacyCaseOption\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixLegacyCaseOptionCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:testMessyWhitespaces\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/AlignMultilineCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/AlignMultilineCommentFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixerTest\\:\\:testFixPhp74\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 8
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:provideConfigureRejectsInvalidConfigurationValueCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:testFix70\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:testFix71\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest\\:\\:testMessyWhitespaces\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 38
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAlignFixerTest\\:\\:testMessyWhitespaces\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAlignFixerTest\\:\\:testVariadicParams\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAlignFixerTest\\:\\:testInvalidPhpdocsAreUnchanged\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Foreach overwrites \\$tag with its value variable\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocInlineTagFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocInlineTagFixerTest\\:\\:testFixInheritDoc\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocInlineTagFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocInlineTagFixerTest\\:\\:testFixInheritDoc\\(\\) has parameter \\$input with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocInlineTagFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 11
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoAliasTagFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 6
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixerTest\\:\\:testLegacyFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixerTest\\:\\:testInvalidConfiguration\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocScalarFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocSummaryFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: tests/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesOrderFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/ReturnNotation/BlankLineBeforeReturnFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 5
-			path: tests/Fixer/Semicolon/MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Semicolon/MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Semicolon/NoEmptyStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Semicolon/NoMultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Semicolon/SemicolonAfterInstructionFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Strict/DeclareStrictTypesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\StringNotation\\\\EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixerTest\\:\\:testFix\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/StringNotation/EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/StringNotation/EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\StringNotation\\\\SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/StringNotation/SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/StringNotation/SingleQuoteFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/StringNotation/StringLineEndingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixerTest\\:\\:withLongArraySyntaxCases\\(\\) has parameter \\$cases with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\ArrayIndentationFixerTest\\:\\:toLongArraySyntax\\(\\) has parameter \\$php with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 24
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideInvalidControlStatementCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithBreakCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithCaseCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithContinueCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithDeclareCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithDefaultCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithDieCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithDoCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithExitCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithGotoCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithIfCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithIncludeCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithIncludeOnceCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithRequireCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithRequireOnceCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithReturnCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithReturnAndMessyWhitespacesCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithSwitchCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithThrowCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithTryCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest\\:\\:provideFixWithWhileCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/HeredocIndentationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/IndentationTypeFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$expected of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractFixerTestCase\\:\\:doTest\\(\\) expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/IndentationTypeFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/IndentationTypeFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/LineEndingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/LineEndingFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest\\:\\:\\$template has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 16
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest\\:\\:testLegacyWithConfig\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest\\:\\:testWithConfig\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest\\:\\:testBraces\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest\\:\\:testMessyWhitespaces\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest\\:\\:testInSwitchStatement\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest\\:\\:removeLinesFromString\\(\\) has parameter \\$input with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest\\:\\:removeLinesFromString\\(\\) has parameter \\$lineNumbers with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixerTest\\:\\:testLegacyFixWithConfiguration\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method configure\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixerTest\\:\\:testFixWithConfiguration\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixerTest\\:\\:testPHP71\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/NoWhitespaceInBlankLineFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method setWhitespacesConfig\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Fixer/Whitespace/SingleBlankLineAtEofFixerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/AliasedFixerOptionBuilderTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\AliasedFixerOption will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/AliasedFixerOptionBuilderTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\AliasedFixerOptionTest\\:\\:testGetAllowedTypes\\(\\) has parameter \\$allowedTypes with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/AliasedFixerOptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\AliasedFixerOptionTest\\:\\:testGetAllowedValues\\(\\) has parameter \\$allowedValues with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/AliasedFixerOptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/AliasedFixerOptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\DeprecatedFixerOption will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/DeprecatedFixerOptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/DeprecatedFixerOptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/FixerConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/FixerConfigurationResolverTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/FixerOptionBuilderTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/FixerOptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'Symfony\\\\\\\\Component…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerConfiguration\\\\InvalidOptionsForEnvException will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerConfiguration/InvalidOptionsForEnvExceptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$code of class PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FileSpecificCodeSample constructor expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/FixerDefinition/FileSpecificCodeSampleTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\FileSpecificCodeSample will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerDefinition/FileSpecificCodeSampleTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\VersionSpecificCodeSampleTest\\:\\:provideIsSuitableForVersionUsesVersionSpecificationCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerDefinition/VersionSpecificCodeSampleTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\VersionSpecificationTest\\:\\:provideInvalidVersionCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerDefinition/VersionSpecificationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\VersionSpecificationTest\\:\\:provideIsSatisfiedByReturnsTrueCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerDefinition/VersionSpecificationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\FixerDefinition\\\\VersionSpecificationTest\\:\\:provideIsSatisfiedByReturnsFalseCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerDefinition/VersionSpecificationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerFactory will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerFactoryTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\FixerFactoryTest\\:\\:createFixerDouble\\(\\) has parameter \\$name with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerFactoryTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\FixerFactoryTest\\:\\:createFixerDouble\\(\\) has parameter \\$priority with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/FixerFactoryTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Linter\\\\AbstractLinterTestCase\\:\\:provideLintFileCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Linter/AbstractLinterTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Linter\\\\AbstractLinterTestCase\\:\\:provideLintSourceCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Linter/AbstractLinterTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'RuntimeException' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\LintingException will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Linter/LintingExceptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'RuntimeException' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\UnavailableLinterException will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Linter/UnavailableLinterExceptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$string of static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertStringStartsWith\\(\\) expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/PharCheckerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'RuntimeException' and PhpCsFixer\\\\PregException will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/PregExceptionTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/PregTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/PregTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getFormat\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\ReporterInterface\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/AbstractReporterTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method generate\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Report\\\\ReporterInterface\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/AbstractReporterTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Report\\\\AbstractReporterTestCase\\:\\:provideGenerateCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/AbstractReporterTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Static property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Report\\\\CheckstyleReporterTest\\:\\:\\$xsd \\(string\\|null\\) does not accept string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/CheckstyleReporterTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$xsd of class PhpCsFixer\\\\PhpunitConstraintXmlMatchesXsd\\\\Constraint\\\\XmlMatchesXsdForV7 constructor expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/CheckstyleReporterTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/JsonReporterTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Static property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Report\\\\JunitReporterTest\\:\\:\\$xsd \\(string\\|null\\) does not accept string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/JunitReporterTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$xsd of class PhpCsFixer\\\\PhpunitConstraintXmlMatchesXsd\\\\Constraint\\\\XmlMatchesXsdForV7 constructor expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/JunitReporterTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Report\\\\ReporterFactoryTest\\:\\:createReporterDouble\\(\\) has parameter \\$format with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/ReporterFactoryTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Static property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Report\\\\XmlReporterTest\\:\\:\\$xsd \\(string\\|null\\) does not accept string\\|false\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/XmlReporterTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$xsd of class PhpCsFixer\\\\PhpunitConstraintXmlMatchesXsd\\\\Constraint\\\\XmlMatchesXsdForV7 constructor expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Report/XmlReporterTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:testIfAllRulesInSetsExists\\(\\) has parameter \\$ruleConfig with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\) expects array\\|null, array\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:testThatDefaultConfigIsNotPassed\\(\\) has parameter \\$ruleConfig with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:provideSetDefinitionNameCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"array\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:testRiskyRulesInSet\\(\\) has parameter \\$set with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:testResolveRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:testResolveRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$rules with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"bool\"\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:findInSets\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:findInSets\\(\\) has parameter \\$ruleName with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:findInSets\\(\\) has parameter \\$sets with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:expendSet\\(\\) has parameter \\$resolvedSets with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:expendSet\\(\\) has parameter \\$setDefinitions with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:expendSet\\(\\) has parameter \\$setName with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:expendSet\\(\\) has parameter \\$setValue with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:assertSameRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$actual with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:assertSameRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:assertSameRules\\(\\) has parameter \\$message with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:sort\\(\\) has parameter \\$data with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:allInteger\\(\\) has parameter \\$values with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\RuleSetTest\\:\\:createRuleSetToTestWith\\(\\) has parameter \\$rules with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str1 of function strcmp expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/RuleSetTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"void\"\\.$#"
-			count: 4
-			path: tests/Runner/FileFilterIteratorTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\FixerFileProcessedEvent will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Runner/FileFilterIteratorTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer\\\\\\\\Error…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Error\\\\Error will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Runner/RunnerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\AbstractSmokeTest\\:\\:markTestSkippedOrFail\\(\\) has parameter \\$message with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/AbstractSmokeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/AbstractSmokeTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\CiIntegrationTest\\:\\:\\$fixtureDir has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/CiIntegrationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$subject of function str_replace expects array\\|string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/CiIntegrationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\CiIntegrationTest\\:\\:executeCommand\\(\\) has parameter \\$command with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/CiIntegrationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\CiIntegrationTest\\:\\:executeScript\\(\\) has parameter \\$scriptParts with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/CiIntegrationTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\InstallViaComposerTest\\:\\:\\$stepsToVerifyInstallation has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/InstallViaComposerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function unlink expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Smoke/InstallViaComposerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$dirs of method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Filesystem\\\\Filesystem\\:\\:mkdir\\(\\) expects iterable\\|string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Smoke/InstallViaComposerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$files of method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Filesystem\\\\Filesystem\\:\\:remove\\(\\) expects iterable\\|string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Smoke/InstallViaComposerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$json of function json_decode expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/InstallViaComposerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\InstallViaComposerTest\\:\\:assertCommandsWork\\(\\) has parameter \\$commands with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/InstallViaComposerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\InstallViaComposerTest\\:\\:assertCommandsWork\\(\\) has parameter \\$cwd with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/InstallViaComposerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\PharTest\\:\\:\\$pharCwd has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/PharTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\PharTest\\:\\:\\$pharName has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/PharTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$subject of function str_replace expects array\\|string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/PharTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$path of function basename expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/StdinTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Smoke\\\\StdinTest\\:\\:unifyFooter\\(\\) should return string but returns string\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Smoke/StdinTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method supports\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isCandidate\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method fix\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\AbstractFixer\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$constraint of static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertThat\\(\\) expects PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Constraint\\\\Constraint, PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Constraint\\\\IsIdentical\\|PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsIdentical given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method lintSource\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\LinterInterface\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$other of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:equals\\(\\) expects array\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|string, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method toJson\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$tokenKind of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:isTokenKindFound\\(\\) expects int\\|string, int\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$id of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:getNameForId\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractFixerWithAliasedOptionsTestCase\\:\\:configureFixerWithAliasedOptions\\(\\) has parameter \\$configuration with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractFixerWithAliasedOptionsTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory\\:\\:determineConfig\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory\\:\\:determineRequirements\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory\\:\\:determineSettings\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory\\:\\:parseJson\\(\\) has parameter \\$template with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory\\:\\:parseJson\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$json of function json_decode expects string, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationCaseFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method delete\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\FileRemoval\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function is_dir expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$dirs of method Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Finder\\\\Finder\\:\\:in\\(\\) expects array\\<string\\>\\|string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#6 \\$linter of class PhpCsFixer\\\\Runner\\\\Runner constructor expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\LinterInterface, PhpCsFixer\\\\Linter\\\\LinterInterface\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$constraint of static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertThat\\(\\) expects PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Constraint\\\\Constraint, PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Constraint\\\\IsIdentical\\|PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsIdentical given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$fixedInputCode of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractIntegrationTestCase\\:\\:assertRevertedOrderFixing\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#3 \\$fixedInputCodeWithReversedFixers of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractIntegrationTestCase\\:\\:assertRevertedOrderFixing\\(\\) expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractIntegrationTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractTransformerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractTransformerTestCase\\:\\:doTest\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractTransformerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractTransformerTestCase\\:\\:doTest\\(\\) has parameter \\$observedKindsOrPrototypes with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractTransformerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractTransformerTestCase\\:\\:doTest\\(\\) has parameter \\$source with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractTransformerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractTransformerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getName\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractTransformerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method toJson\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractTransformerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractTransformerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\AbstractTransformerTestCase\\:\\:countTokenPrototypes\\(\\) has parameter \\$prototypes with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/AbstractTransformerTestCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$other of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:equals\\(\\) expects array\\|PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|string, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method toJson\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$tokenKind of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:isTokenKindFound\\(\\) expects int\\|string, int\\|string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$id of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\:\\:getNameForId\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensTest\\:\\:testFindSequence\\(\\) has parameter \\$caseSensitive with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensTest\\:\\:testFindSequence\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensTest\\:\\:testFindSequenceException\\(\\) has parameter \\$sequence with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isWhitespace\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInternalType\\(\\) with 'array' and array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\> will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^PHPDoc tag @var for variable \\$found has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensTest\\:\\:testTokenOfKindSibling\\(\\) has parameter \\$findTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method equals\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:insertAt\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$token of static method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Tokens\\:\\:detectBlockType\\(\\) expects PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:\\$config has no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:\\$requirements type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Property PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:\\$settings type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$config with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$requirements with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\IntegrationCase\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has parameter \\$settings with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/IntegrationCase.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Test\\\\InternalIntegrationCaseFactory\\:\\:determineSettings\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Test/InternalIntegrationCaseFactory.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function substr expects string, string\\|false given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/TextDiffTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getName\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/ArgumentAnalysisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getStartIndex\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/ArgumentAnalysisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getEndIndex\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/ArgumentAnalysisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\NamespaceAnalysis will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/NamespaceAnalysisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\NamespaceUseAnalysis will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/NamespaceUseAnalysisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Call to static method PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Assert\\:\\:assertInstanceOf\\(\\) with 'PhpCsFixer…' and PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\Analysis\\\\TypeAnalysis will always evaluate to true\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/TypeAnalysisTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testArguments\\(\\) has parameter \\$arguments with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testArgumentInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\ArgumentsAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testArguments73\\(\\) has parameter \\$arguments with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\CommentsAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testComments\\(\\) has parameter \\$borders with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$index of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\CommentsAnalyzer\\:\\:isBeforeStructuralElement\\(\\) expects int, int\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 3
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/CommentsAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\FunctionsAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testFunctionArgumentInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\FunctionsAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testFunctionReturnTypeInfo\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\FunctionsAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testFunctionArgumentInfoPhp74\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\FunctionsAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testFunctionReturnTypeInfoPhp74\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/FunctionsAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\NamespaceUsesAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testUsesFromTokens\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespaceUsesAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Analyzer\\\\NamespacesAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testNamespaces\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Analyzer/NamespacesAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Generator\\\\NamespacedStringTokenGeneratorTest\\:\\:testGenerator\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Generator/NamespacedStringTokenGeneratorTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Generator/NamespacedStringTokenGeneratorTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string\\|null given\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokenTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokenTest\\:\\:testEquals\\(\\) has parameter \\$other with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokenTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokenTest\\:\\:testEqualsAny\\(\\) has parameter \\$other with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokenTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokenTest\\:\\:testIsKeyCaseSensitive\\(\\) has parameter \\$caseSensitive with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokenTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokenTest\\:\\:testToArray\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokenTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsAnonymousClass\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsLambda\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsLambda70\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsLambda74\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsLambda71\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsConstantInvocation\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsConstantInvocation70\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsConstantInvocation71\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsUnarySuccessorOperator\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsUnaryPredecessorOperator\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsBinaryOperator\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsBinaryOperator70\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsBinaryOperator71\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testIsBinaryOperator74\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testGetFunctionProperties\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testGetImportUseIndexes\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testGetImportUseIndexesPHP70\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TokensAnalyzerTest\\:\\:testGetImportUseIndexesPHP72\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TokensAnalyzerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ArrayTypehintTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/ArrayTypehintTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ArrayTypehintTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcessPhp74\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/ArrayTypehintTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\BraceClassInstantiationTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/BraceClassInstantiationTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\BraceClassInstantiationTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$observedKinds with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/BraceClassInstantiationTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ClassConstantTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/ClassConstantTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\CurlyBraceTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\CurlyBraceTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess70\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/CurlyBraceTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ImportTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/ImportTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\NamespaceOperatorTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/NamespaceOperatorTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\NullableTypeTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/NullableTypeTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\NullableTypeTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess74\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/NullableTypeTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\NullableTypeTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcessPhp74\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/NullableTypeTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ReturnRefTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/ReturnRefTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\ReturnRefTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcessPhp74\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/ReturnRefTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 2
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method toJson\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\SquareBraceTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/SquareBraceTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\TypeAlternationTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeAlternationTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\TypeColonTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeColonTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\TypeColonTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcessPhp74\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/TypeColonTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Transformer\\\\WhitespacyCommentTransformerTest\\:\\:testProcess\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokens with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/WhitespacyCommentTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getContent\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/WhitespacyCommentTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method getId\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/Transformer/WhitespacyCommentTransformerTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\Tokenizer\\\\TransformersTest\\:\\:testTransform\\(\\) has parameter \\$expectedTokenKinds with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TransformersTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Cannot call method isGivenKind\\(\\) on PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/Tokenizer/TransformersTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\UtilsTest\\:\\:provideCamelCaseToUnderscoreCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\UtilsTest\\:\\:testCalculateTrailingWhitespaceIndent\\(\\) has parameter \\$input with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\UtilsTest\\:\\:testStableSort\\(\\) has parameter \\$elements with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\UtilsTest\\:\\:testStableSort\\(\\) has parameter \\$expected with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"string\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Anonymous function should have native return typehint \"int\"\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\UtilsTest\\:\\:testNaturalLanguageJoinWithBackticks\\(\\) has parameter \\$names with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\UtilsTest\\:\\:testCalculateBitmask\\(\\) has parameter \\$options with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\UtilsTest\\:\\:createFixerDouble\\(\\) has parameter \\$name with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\UtilsTest\\:\\:createFixerDouble\\(\\) has parameter \\$priority with no typehint specified\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/UtilsTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\WordMatcherTest\\:\\:testMatch\\(\\) has parameter \\$candidates with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/WordMatcherTest.php
-		-
-			message: "#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Tests\\\\WordMatcherTest\\:\\:provideMatchCases\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#"
-			count: 1
-			path: tests/WordMatcherTest.php

+ 1 - 4

@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@ includes:
     - dev-tools/vendor/jangregor/phpstan-prophecy/src/extension.neon
     - dev-tools/vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon
     - dev-tools/vendor/phpstan/phpstan-phpunit/extension.neon
-    - dev-tools/vendor/phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules/rules.neon
-    - phpstan-baseline.neon
-    level: 8
+    level: 5
         - src
         - tests
@@ -48,5 +46,4 @@ parameters:
             message: '/^Parameter #1 \$finder of method PhpCsFixer\\Config::setFinder\(\) expects iterable<string>, int given\.$/'
             path: tests/ConfigTest.php
-        - '/has no return typehint specified\.$/'
     tipsOfTheDay: false