@@ -3,6 +3,78 @@ CHANGELOG for PHP CS Fixer
This file contains changelogs for stable releases only.
+Changelog for v2.12.5
+* bug #3968 SelfAccessorFixer - support FQCN (kubawerlos)
+* bug #3974 Psr4Fixer - class with anonymous class (kubawerlos)
+* bug #3987 Run HeaderCommentFixer after NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer (StanAngeloff)
+* bug #4009 TypeAlternationTransformer - Fix pipes in function call with constants being classified incorrectly (ntzm, SpacePossum)
+* bug #4022 NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer - refactor and bugfixes (kubawerlos)
+* bug #4036 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - fixes for backticks and for 2 variables next to each other (kubawerlos, Slamdunk)
+* bug #4038 CommentToPhpdocFixer - handling nested PHPDoc (kubawerlos)
+* bug #4071 DX: do not insert Token when calling removeLeadingWhitespace/removeTrailingWhitespace from Tokens (kubawerlos)
+* bug #4073 IsNullFixer - fix function detection (kubawerlos)
+* bug #4074 FileFilterIterator - do not filter out files that need fixing (SpacePossum)
+* bug #4076 EregToPregFixer - fix function detection (kubawerlos)
+* bug #4084 MethodChainingIndentation - fix priority with Braces (dmvdbrugge)
+* bug #4099 HeaderCommentFixer - throw exception on invalid header configuration (SpacePossum)
+* bug #4100 PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer - Handle variable number of arguments and pass by reference cases (SpacePossum)
+* bug #4101 ReturnAssignmentFixer - do not touch invalid code (SpacePossum)
+* bug #4104 Change transformers order, fixing untransformed T_USE (dmvdbrugge)
+* bug #4107 Preg::split - fix for non-UTF8 subject (ostrolucky, kubawerlos)
+* bug #4109 NoBlankLines*: fix removing lines consisting only of spaces (kubawerlos, keradus)
+* bug #4114 VisibilityRequiredFixer - don't remove comments (kubawerlos)
+* bug #4116 OrderedImportsFixer - fix sorting without any grouping (SpacePossum)
+* bug #4119 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - fix extracting content from annotation (kubawerlos)
+* bug #4127 LowercaseConstantsFixer - Fix case with properties using constants as their name (srathbone)
+* bug #4134 [7.3] SquareBraceTransformer - nested array destructuring not handled correctly (SpacePossum)
+* bug #4153 PhpUnitFqcnAnnotationFixer - handle only PhpUnit classes (kubawerlos)
+* bug #4169 DirConstantFixer - Fixes for PHP7.3 syntax (SpacePossum)
+* bug #4181 MultilineCommentOpeningClosingFixer - fix handling empty comment (kubawerlos)
+* bug #4186 Tokens - fix removal of leading/trailing whitespace with empty token in collection (kubawerlos)
+* minor #3436 Add a handful of integration tests (BackEndTea)
+* minor #3774 PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer - Remove unneeded loop and use phpunit indicator class (BackEndTea, SpacePossum)
+* minor #3778 DX: Throw an exception if FileReader::read fails (ntzm)
+* minor #3916 New ruleset "@PhpCsFixer" (gharlan)
+* minor #4007 Fixes cookbook for fixers (greeflas)
+* minor #4031 Correct FixerOptionBuilder::getOption return type (ntzm)
+* minor #4046 Token - Added fast isset() path to token->equals() (staabm)
+* minor #4047 Token - inline $other->getPrototype() to speedup equals() (staabm, keradus)
+* minor #4048 Tokens - inlined extractTokenKind() call on the hot path (staabm)
+* minor #4069 DX: Add dev-tools directory to gitattributes as export-ignore (alexmanno)
+* minor #4070 Docs: Add link to a VS Code extension in readme (jakebathman)
+* minor #4077 DX: cleanup - NoAliasFunctionsFixer - use FunctionsAnalyzer (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4088 Add Travis test with strict types (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4091 Adjust misleading sentence in CONTRIBUTING.md (ostrolucky)
+* minor #4092 UseTransformer - simplify/optimize (SpacePossum)
+* minor #4095 DX: Use ::class (keradus)
+* minor #4097 DX: namespace casing (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4110 Enhancement: Update localheinz/composer-normalize (localheinz)
+* minor #4115 Changes for upcoming Travis' infra migration (sergeyklay)
+* minor #4122 DX: AppVeyor - Update Composer download link (SpacePossum)
+* minor #4128 DX: cleanup - AbstractFunctionReferenceFixer - use FunctionsAnalyzer (SpacePossum, kubawerlos)
+* minor #4129 Fix: Symfony 4.2 deprecations (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4139 DX: Fix CircleCI (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4143 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - Add PHPUnit 7.5 new assertions (Slamdunk)
+* minor #4149 [7.3] ArgumentsAnalyzer - PHP7.3 support (SpacePossum)
+* minor #4161 DX: CI - show packages installed via Composer (keradus)
+* minor #4162 DX: Drop symfony/lts (keradus)
+* minor #4166 DX: do not use AbstractFunctionReferenceFixer when no need to (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4171 Fix CircleCI cache (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4173 [7.3] PowToExponentiationFixer - add support for PHP7.3 (SpacePossum)
+* minor #4175 Fixing typo (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4177 CI: Check that tag is matching version of PHP CS Fixer during deployment (keradus)
+* minor #4182 DX: update php-cs-fixer file style (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4187 [7.3] IsNullFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4188 DX: cleanup (keradus)
+* minor #4189 Travis - add PHP 7.3 job (keradus)
+* minor #4190 Travis CI - fix config (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4194 [7.3] NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4195 [7.3] SetTypeToCastFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos)
+* minor #4196 Update website (keradus)
+* minor #4197 [7.3] StrictParamFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos)
Changelog for v2.12.4