@@ -212,10 +212,10 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``align_equals`` (``true``, ``false``, ``NULL``): whether to apply, remove or ignore
- equals alignment; defaults to ``false``
- - ``align_double_arrow`` (``true``, ``false``, ``NULL``): whether to apply, remove or
+ - ``align_double_arrow`` (``NULL``, ``false``, ``true``): whether to apply, remove or
ignore double arrows alignment; defaults to ``false``
+ - ``align_equals`` (``NULL``, ``false``, ``true``): whether to apply, remove or ignore
+ equals alignment; defaults to ``false``
* **blank_line_after_namespace** [@PSR2, @Symfony]
@@ -251,12 +251,12 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``singleLine`` (``bool``): whether definitions should be single line; defaults
- to ``false``
- - ``singleItemSingleLine`` (``bool``): whether definitions should be single line
- when including a single item; defaults to ``false``
- ``multiLineExtendsEachSingleLine`` (``bool``): whether definitions should be
multiline; defaults to ``false``
+ - ``singleItemSingleLine`` (``bool``): whether definitions should be single line
+ when including a single item; defaults to ``false``
+ - ``singleLine`` (``bool``): whether definitions should be single line; defaults
+ to ``false``
* **class_keyword_remove**
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``spacing`` (``'one'``, ``'none'``): spacing to apply around concatenation operator;
+ - ``spacing`` (``'none'``, ``'one'``): spacing to apply around concatenation operator;
defaults to ``'none'``
* **declare_equal_normalize** [@Symfony]
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``space`` (``'single'``, ``'none'``): spacing to apply around the equal sign;
+ - ``space`` (``'none'``, ``'single'``): spacing to apply around the equal sign;
defaults to ``'none'``
* **declare_strict_types**
@@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``header`` (``string``): proper header content; required
- ``commentType`` (``'PHPDoc'``, ``'comment'``): comment syntax type; defaults to
- - ``location`` (``'after_open'``, ``'after_declare_strict'``): the location of the
+ - ``header`` (``string``): proper header content; required
+ - ``location`` (``'after_declare_strict'``, ``'after_open'``): the location of the
inserted header; defaults to ``'after_declare_strict'``
- - ``separate`` (``'both'``, ``'top'``, ``'bottom'``, ``'none'``): whether the header should be
+ - ``separate`` (``'both'``, ``'bottom'``, ``'none'``, ``'top'``): whether the header should be
separated from the file content with a new line; defaults to ``'both'``
* **heredoc_to_nowdoc**
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``use`` (``'print'``, ``'echo'``): the desired language construct; defaults to
+ - ``use`` (``'echo'``, ``'print'``): the desired language construct; defaults to
* **no_multiline_whitespace_around_double_arrow** [@Symfony]
@@ -633,10 +633,10 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``sortAlgorithm`` (``'alpha'``, ``'length'``): whether the statements should be
- sorted alphabetically or by length; defaults to ``'alpha'``
- ``importsOrder`` (``array``, ``null``): defines the order of import types; defaults
to ``NULL``
+ - ``sortAlgorithm`` (``'alpha'``, ``'length'``): whether the statements should be
+ sorted alphabetically or by length; defaults to ``'alpha'``
* **php_unit_construct** [@Symfony:risky]
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``space_before`` (``'one'``, ``'none'``): spacing to apply before colon; defaults to
+ - ``space_before`` (``'none'``, ``'one'``): spacing to apply before colon; defaults to
* **self_accessor** [@Symfony]