@@ -2317,6 +2317,145 @@ class TestClass {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideIsEnumCaseCases
+ *
+ * @param array<int, bool> $expected
+ *
+ * @requires PHP 8.1
+ */
+ public function testIsEnumCase(string $source, array $expected): void
+ {
+ $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($source);
+ $tokensAnalyzer = new TokensAnalyzer($tokens);
+ foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
+ if (!$token->isGivenKind(T_CASE)) {
+ try {
+ $tokensAnalyzer->isEnumCase($index);
+ self::fail('TokensAnalyzer::isEnumCase() did not throw LogicException.');
+ } catch (\Throwable $e) {
+ self::assertInstanceOf(\LogicException::class, $e);
+ self::assertMatchesRegularExpression('/^No T_CASE given at index \d+, got \S+ instead\.$/', $e->getMessage());
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ self::assertSame($expected[$index], $tokensAnalyzer->isEnumCase($index));
+ }
+ }
+ public static function provideIsEnumCaseCases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield 'switch only' => [
+ '<?php
+function bar(string $a): string
+ switch ($a) {
+ case \'one\':
+ return $a;
+ case \'two\':
+ default:
+ return strtoupper($a);
+ }
+ [
+ 23 => false,
+ 33 => false,
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'pure enum' => [
+ '<?php
+enum Foo
+ case One;
+ case Two;
+ [
+ 7 => true,
+ 12 => true,
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'pure enum with switch' => [
+ '<?php
+enum Foo
+ case One;
+ case Two;
+ public static function getLowerName(self $instance): string
+ {
+ switch ($instance->name) {
+ case \'One\':
+ case \'Two\':
+ return strtolower($instance->name);
+ }
+ }
+ [
+ 7 => true,
+ 12 => true,
+ 45 => false,
+ 50 => false,
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'backed enum' => [
+ '<?php
+enum Suit: string
+ case Hearts = \'hearts\';
+ case Spades = \'spades\';
+ case Clubs = \'clubs\';
+ case Diamonds = \'diamonds\';
+ [
+ 10 => true,
+ 19 => true,
+ 28 => true,
+ 37 => true,
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'backed enum with switch' => [
+ '<?php
+enum Suit: string
+ case Hearts = \'hearts\';
+ case Spades = \'spades\';
+ case Clubs = \'clubs\';
+ case Diamonds = \'diamonds\';
+ public static function getUppercasedValue(self $instance): string
+ {
+ switch ($instance->value) {
+ case \'hearts\':
+ case \'spades\':
+ return strtoupper($instance->value);
+ default:
+ return $instance->value;
+ }
+ }
+ [
+ 10 => true,
+ 19 => true,
+ 28 => true,
+ 37 => true,
+ 74 => false,
+ 79 => false,
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
* @param array<int, list<int>>|list<int> $expected