@@ -271,10 +271,12 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``align_double_arrow`` (``false``, ``null``, ``true``): (deprecated) Whether to apply,
- remove or ignore double arrows alignment; defaults to ``false``
- - ``align_equals`` (``false``, ``null``, ``true``): (deprecated) Whether to apply, remove
- or ignore equals alignment; defaults to ``false``
+ - ``align_double_arrow`` (``false``, ``null``, ``true``): whether to apply, remove or
+ ignore double arrows alignment; defaults to ``false``. DEPRECATED: use
+ options ``operators`` and ``default`` instead
+ - ``align_equals`` (``false``, ``null``, ``true``): whether to apply, remove or ignore
+ equals alignment; defaults to ``false``. DEPRECATED: use options
+ ``operators`` and ``default`` instead
- ``default`` (``'align'``, ``'align_single_space'``, ``'align_single_space_minimal'``,
``'single_space'``, ``null``): default fix strategy; defaults to ``'single_space'``
- ``operators`` (``array``): dictionary of ``binary operator`` => ``fix strategy``
@@ -517,12 +519,13 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
- ``after_array_assignments_equals`` (``null``, ``bool``): whether to add, remove or
ignore spaces after array assignment ``=`` operator; defaults to ``true``
- ``around_argument_assignments`` (``bool``): whether to fix spaces around
- argument assignment operator (deprecated, use
- ``before_argument_assignments`` and ``after_argument_assignments`` options
- instead); defaults to ``true``
+ argument assignment operator; defaults to ``true``. DEPRECATED: use options
+ ``before_argument_assignments`` and ``after_argument_assignments`` instead
- ``around_array_assignments`` (``bool``): whether to fix spaces around array
- assignment operators (deprecated, use ``before_array_assignments_*`` and
- ``after_array_assignments_*`` options instead); defaults to ``true``
+ assignment operators; defaults to ``true``. DEPRECATED: use options
+ ``before_array_assignments_equals``, ``after_array_assignments_equals``,
+ ``before_array_assignments_colon`` and ``after_array_assignments_colon``
+ instead
- ``around_commas`` (``bool``): whether to fix spaces around commas; defaults to
- ``around_parentheses`` (``bool``): whether to fix spaces around parentheses;
@@ -701,8 +704,8 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``use_yoda_style`` (``bool``): (deprecated) Whether Yoda style conditions should
- be used; defaults to ``true``
+ - ``use_yoda_style`` (``bool``): whether Yoda style conditions should be used;
+ defaults to ``true``. DEPRECATED: use ``yoda_style`` fixer instead
* **line_ending** [@PSR2, @Symfony]
@@ -1094,8 +1097,8 @@ Choose from the list of available rules:
Configuration options:
- - ``functions`` (``null``): (deprecated, use ``target`` instead) List of assertions
- to fix (overrides ``target``); defaults to ``null``
+ - ``functions`` (``null``): list of assertions to fix (overrides ``target``);
+ defaults to ``null``. DEPRECATED: use option ``target`` instead
- ``target`` (``'3.0'``, ``'3.5'``, ``'5.0'``, ``'5.6'``, ``'newest'``): target version of
PHPUnit; defaults to ``'5.0'``