@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ use Foo\Bor\{
- '[ordered_imports] Invalid configuration: The option "sortAlgorithm" with value %s is invalid. Accepted values are: "alpha", "length".',
+ '[ordered_imports] Invalid configuration: The option "sortAlgorithm" with value %s is invalid. Accepted values are: "alpha", "length", "none".',
@@ -1700,6 +1700,77 @@ use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFix70TypesOrderAndNoneCases
+ * @requires PHP 7.0
+ *
+ * @param string $expected
+ * @param null|string $input
+ * @param string[] $importOrder
+ */
+ public function testFix70TypesOrderAndNone($expected, $input = null, array $importOrder = null)
+ {
+ $this->fixer->configure([
+ 'sortAlgorithm' => OrderedImportsFixer::SORT_NONE,
+ 'importsOrder' => $importOrder,
+ ]);
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public function provideFix70TypesOrderAndNoneCases()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use Some\Cloz;
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use function some\a\{fn};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ '<?php
+use Aaa\Ccc;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use function some\f\{fn_g, fn_h, fn_i};
+use some\a\{ClassA};
+use some\b\{ClassD, ClassB, ClassC as C};
+use Bar\Biz\Boooz\Bum;
+use function some\c\{fn_f};
+use some\b\{
+ ClassF,
+ ClassG
+use const some\a\{ConstD};
+use Some\Cloz;
+use function some\a\{fn};
+use const some\a\{ConstA};
+use function some\b\{fn_c, fn_d, fn_e};
+use const some\a\{ConstB, ConstC as CC};
+use Aaa\Bbb;
+use const some\b\{ConstE};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b};
+ [OrderedImportsFixer::IMPORT_TYPE_CLASS, OrderedImportsFixer::IMPORT_TYPE_CONST, OrderedImportsFixer::IMPORT_TYPE_FUNCTION],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
* @param string $expected
* @param null|string $input
@@ -1767,6 +1838,70 @@ use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b, fn_c,};
'importsOrder' => [OrderedImportsFixer::IMPORT_TYPE_CLASS, OrderedImportsFixer::IMPORT_TYPE_CONST, OrderedImportsFixer::IMPORT_TYPE_FUNCTION],
+ [
+ '<?php use A\{B,};
+use some\y\{ClassA, ClassB, ClassC as C,};
+use C\{D,E,};
+use const some\Z\{ConstAA,ConstBB,ConstCC,};
+use const some\X\{ConstA,ConstB,ConstC,ConstF};
+use function some\a\{fn_a, fn_b, fn_c,};
+ $input,
+ [
+ 'sortAlgorithm' => OrderedImportsFixer::SORT_NONE,
+ 'importsOrder' => [OrderedImportsFixer::IMPORT_TYPE_CLASS, OrderedImportsFixer::IMPORT_TYPE_CONST, OrderedImportsFixer::IMPORT_TYPE_FUNCTION],
+ ],
+ ],
+ public function testFixByNone()
+ {
+ $this->fixer->configure([
+ 'sortAlgorithm' => OrderedImportsFixer::SORT_NONE,
+ 'importsOrder' => null,
+ ]);
+ $expected = <<<'EOF'
+The normal
+use of this fixer
+should not change this sentence nor those statements below
+use Zoo\Bar as ZooBar;
+use Foo\Bar;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use Foo\Bar\FooBar as FooBaz;
+use Zoo\Bar as ZooBar, Zoo\Tar;
+ use Foo\Bar;
+use Foo\Zar\Baz;
+use Symfony\Annotation\Template;
+ use Foo\Bar\Foo as Fooo, Foo\Bir as FBB;
+use SomeClass;
+$a = new Bar();
+$a = new FooBaz();
+$a = new someclass();
+use Symfony\Doctrine\Entities\Entity;
+class AnnotatedClass
+ /**
+ * @Template(foobar=21)
+ * @param Entity $foo
+ */
+ public function doSomething($foo)
+ {
+ $bar = $foo->toArray();
+ /** @var ArrayInterface $bar */
+ return function () use ($bar, $foo) {};
+ }
+ $this->doTest($expected);
+ }