@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Console;
use PhpCsFixer\Config;
use PhpCsFixer\Console\ConfigurationResolver;
+use PhpCsFixer\Finder;
use PhpCsFixer\Fixer;
use PhpCsFixer\Test\AccessibleObject;
+use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo;
* @author Katsuhiro Ogawa <ko.fivestar@gmail.com>
@@ -235,8 +237,7 @@ final class ConfigurationResolverTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testResolveConfigFileChooseFileWithInvalidFile()
- $dirBase = realpath($dirBase);
->setOption('path', $dirBase.'/case_5')
@@ -250,6 +251,159 @@ final class ConfigurationResolverTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$this->assertSame(__DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Command', $this->resolver->getPath());
+ $this->resolver
+ ->setCwd(dirname(__DIR__))
+ ->setOption('path', basename(__DIR__))
+ ->resolve();
+ $this->assertSame(__DIR__, $this->resolver->getPath());
+ }
+ public function testResolvePathWithFileThatIsExcludedDirectly()
+ {
+ $this->config->getFinder()
+ ->in(__DIR__)
+ ->notPath(basename(__FILE__));
+ $this->resolver
+ ->setOption('path', __FILE__)
+ ->resolve();
+ $this->assertCount(0, $this->resolver->getConfig()->getFinder());
+ }
+ public function testResolvePathWithFileThatIsExcludedByDir()
+ {
+ $dir = dirname(__DIR__);
+ $this->config->getFinder()
+ ->in($dir)
+ ->exclude(basename(__DIR__));
+ $this->resolver
+ ->setOption('path', __FILE__)
+ ->resolve();
+ $this->assertCount(0, $this->resolver->getConfig()->getFinder());
+ }
+ public function testResolvePathWithFileThatIsNotExcluded()
+ {
+ $dir = __DIR__;
+ $this->config->getFinder()
+ ->in($dir)
+ ->notPath('foo-'.basename(__FILE__));
+ $this->resolver
+ ->setOption('path', __FILE__)
+ ->resolve();
+ $this->assertCount(1, $this->resolver->getConfig()->getFinder());
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideResolveIntersectionOfPathsCases
+ */
+ public function testResolveIntersectionOfPaths($expectedIntersectionItems, $configFinder, $option)
+ {
+ $this->config->finder($configFinder);
+ $this->resolver
+ ->setOption('path', $option)
+ ->resolve()
+ ;
+ $intersectionItems = array_map(
+ function (SplFileInfo $file) {
+ return $file->getRealPath();
+ },
+ iterator_to_array($this->resolver->getConfig()->getFinder(), false)
+ );
+ sort($expectedIntersectionItems);
+ sort($intersectionItems);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedIntersectionItems, $intersectionItems);
+ }
+ public function provideResolveIntersectionOfPathsCases()
+ {
+ $dir = __DIR__.'/../Fixtures/ConfigurationResolverPathsIntersection';
+ $cb = function (array $items) use ($dir) {
+ return array_map(
+ function ($item) use ($dir) {
+ return realpath($dir.'/'.$item);
+ },
+ $items
+ );
+ };
+ return array(
+ // configured only by finder
+ array(
+ $cb(array('a1.php', 'a2.php', 'b/b1.php', 'b/b2.php', 'b_b/b_b1.php', 'c/c1.php', 'c/d/cd1.php')),
+ Finder::create()
+ ->in($dir),
+ null,
+ ),
+ // configured only by argument
+ array(
+ $cb(array('a1.php', 'a2.php', 'b/b1.php', 'b/b2.php', 'b_b/b_b1.php', 'c/c1.php', 'c/d/cd1.php')),
+ Finder::create(),
+ $dir,
+ ),
+ // configured by finder, filtered by argument which is dir
+ array(
+ $cb(array('c/c1.php', 'c/d/cd1.php')),
+ Finder::create()
+ ->in($dir),
+ $dir.'/c',
+ ),
+ // configured by finder, filtered by argument which is file
+ array(
+ $cb(array('c/c1.php')),
+ Finder::create()
+ ->in($dir),
+ $dir.'/c/c1.php',
+ ),
+ // finder points to one dir while argument to another, not connected
+ array(
+ array(),
+ Finder::create()
+ ->in($dir.'/b'),
+ $dir.'/c',
+ ),
+ // finder with excluded dir, argument point to excluded file
+ array(
+ array(),
+ Finder::create()
+ ->in($dir)
+ ->exclude('c'),
+ $dir.'/c/d/cd1.php',
+ ),
+ // finder with excluded dir, argument point to excluded parent
+ array(
+ $cb(array('c/c1.php')),
+ Finder::create()
+ ->in($dir)
+ ->exclude('c/d'),
+ $dir.'/c',
+ ),
+ // finder with excluded file, argument point to excluded parent
+ array(
+ $cb(array('c/d/cd1.php')),
+ Finder::create()
+ ->in($dir)
+ ->notPath('c/c1.php'),
+ $dir.'/c',
+ ),
+ // finder with excluded file, argument point to excluded parent
+ array(
+ $cb(array('b/b1.php', 'b/b2.php')),
+ Finder::create()
+ ->in($dir),
+ $dir.'/b',
+ ),
+ );
public function testResolveIsDryRunViaStdIn()