# Ender 5 Pro with BigTreeTech SKR E3 Turbo This folder contains configuration files for Ender 5 Pro using Marlin 2.0.x. To compile, just use these config files and set `default_envs = LPC1769` in `platformio.ini` file. BigTreeTech SKR E3 Turbo is larger than other SKR Mini E3 and Creality boards and interferes with the power supply in the Ender 5 Pro electronics case. I (lpla) did a simple adapter for the power supply that can use short M8 screws and bolts (glued to this adapter): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4676935 That way the PSU gives enough space for the board to be drop-in replace. So all components fit inside the electronics case and are hold properly. Regarding wiring, electronics case fan should be connected to the FAN2 pins. ## BLTouch Support Enable `E5_USE_BLTOUCH` for BLTouch support. BLTouch can be connected like the SKR E3 mini v2.0 to the Z-PROBE pins (check naming: https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-SKR-E3-Turbo/blob/master/Hardware/BTT%20SKR%20E3%20Turbo-Pin.pdf). See a SKR E3 mini v2.0 guide: https://linsomniac.gitlab.io/post/2020-06-20-ender3-pro-skr-v2_0-bltouch-upgrade/