INSTALL.ArchLinux.txt 2.4 KB

  1. #!/bin/cat
  2. # $Id: INSTALL.ArchLinux.txt,v 1.6 2022/05/17 14:31:44 gilles Exp gilles $
  3. This documentation is also located online at
  6. ==========================================
  7. === Installing imapsync on ArchLinux ===
  8. ==========================================
  9. Thanks to Aldo Villagra!
  10. ---------------------------------
  11. With yaourt and AUR repositories
  12. ---------------------------------
  13. pacman -S --needed base-devel git
  14. git clone
  15. cd package-query
  16. makepkg -si
  17. cd ..
  18. git clone
  19. cd yaourt
  20. makepkg -si
  21. cd ..
  22. After you have installed Yaourt, you can install imapsync:
  23. yaourt -S --needed imapsync
  24. That's all folks!
  25. -----------------------------------------------
  26. With the "pacman" and the standard repositories
  27. community/
  28. extra/
  29. -----------------------------------------------
  30. Commands to run:
  31. pacman -S --needed make lsb-release cpanminus wget
  32. pacman -S --needed community/perl-cgi \
  33. extra/perl-crypt-openssl-rsa \
  34. extra/perl-data-uniqid \
  35. extra/perl-digest-hmac \
  36. community/perl-dist-checkconflicts \
  37. extra/perl-file-copy-recursive \
  38. extra/perl-io-socket-inet6 \
  39. extra/perl-io-socket-ssl \
  40. community/perl-io-tee \
  41. community/perl-json \
  42. extra/perl-html-parser \
  43. extra/perl-libwww \
  44. community/perl-module-implementation \
  45. community/perl-module-runtime \
  46. community/perl-module-scandeps \
  47. extra/perl-net-ssleay \
  48. community/perl-package-stash \
  49. community/perl-package-stash-xs \
  50. community/perl-parse-recdescent \
  51. community/perl-readonly \
  52. community/perl-regexp-common \
  53. extra/perl-term-readkey \
  54. community/perl-test-fatal \
  55. community/perl-test-mockobject \
  56. extra/perl-test-pod \
  57. community/perl-test-requires \
  58. community/perl-test-nowarnings \
  59. community/perl-test-deep \
  60. extra/perl-try-tiny \
  61. extra/perl-uri \
  62. community/perl-file-tail
  63. Mandatory Perl modules via cpanm:
  64. cpanm Mail::IMAPClient \
  65. Unicode::String \
  66. Sys::MemInfo \
  67. Encode::IMAPUTF7
  68. Other Perl modules, needed sometimes:
  69. cpanm Authen::NTLM \
  70. JSON::WebToken \
  71. JSON::WebToken::Crypt::RSA \
  72. Test::Mock::Guard \
  73. Test::Warn \
  74. PAR::Packer \
  75. Proc::ProcessTable