FAQ.Passwords_on_Windows.txt 2.2 KB

  1. #!/bin/cat
  2. $Id: FAQ.Passwords_on_Windows.txt,v 1.5 2018/06/11 22:35:10 gilles Exp gilles $
  3. This document is also available online at
  4. https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/
  5. https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Passwords_on_Windows.txt
  6. =======================================================================
  7. Imapsync issues with passwords on Windows.
  8. =======================================================================
  9. Related documentation:
  10. http://www.robvanderwoude.com/escapechars.php
  11. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3288552/how-can-i-escape-an-exclamation-mark-in-cmd-scripts
  12. In case you're brave and relentless, understand and try this:
  13. http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1733
  14. =======================================================================
  15. Q. On Windows, some passwords contain $ or other special characters
  16. like one more of the nine characters $%&<>|^"!
  17. Login fails.
  18. R0. Change the password so that only normal characters remain.
  19. It's often a quick and good solution. If you care about
  20. strong password policy, just make it longer.
  21. If you can't avoid special characters use no problematic
  22. characters such as underscore _ or minus - or comma , or dot.
  23. If you can't change passwords then read on and good luck!
  24. R1. Enclose passwords between ""
  25. imapsync ... --password1 "zzz$zz$$z"
  26. R2. Prefix each $ character with a ^ since ^ is the escape character
  27. on Windows
  28. imapsync ... --password1 zzz^$zz^$^$z
  29. For a password that is exactly the 8 characters string $%&<>|^"
  30. you have to enter
  31. imapsync ... --password1 "$%%&<>|^"^"
  32. The exclamation mark ! does not have to be escaped sometimes,
  33. so have a try.
  34. =======================================================================
  35. Q. On Windows, some passwords begin with an equal = character.
  36. Login fails. What can I do?
  37. R. Use twice equals == characters instead; For example, if =secret
  38. is the password then use:
  39. imapsync ... --password1 ==secret
  40. or even
  41. imapsync ... --password1 "==secret"
  42. =======================================================================
  43. =======================================================================