FAQ.Passwords_on_Mac.txt 1.6 KB

  1. #!/bin/cat
  2. $Id: FAQ.Passwords_on_Mac.txt,v 1.1 2020/02/12 11:25:48 gilles Exp gilles $
  3. This document is also available online at
  4. https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/
  5. https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Passwords_on_Mac.txt
  6. =======================================================================
  7. Imapsync issues with passwords on Mac OS X.
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  10. Q. On Mac, some passwords contain some weird *()",;&~ characters.
  11. Login fails.
  12. R1. Enclose the password within single-quotes in the imapsync
  13. command line:
  14. imapsync ... --password1 'passw*()",;&rd~'
  15. CAVEAT: Be careful to use quotes and double-quotes characters encoded
  16. from the ASCII table. How to be sure of that?
  17. Mac OS X has a "use smart quotes" option. This is particularly handy
  18. when typesetting and the system automatically substitutes opening and
  19. closing quotes. It isn't handy when editing the imapsync command line.
  20. Disable "use smart quotes and dashes" in the Keyboard configuration,
  21. located in the "Text" tab. It will fix this unfortunate character
  22. transformation. You can put it back later.
  23. R2. Change the password in order to keep only f...ing normal characters,
  24. ie, alphanumerics like aAzZ-_09, and minus and underscore.
  25. Make it long and random if strong security is your concern.
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