urls.py 604 B

  1. """
  2. .. module:: dj-stripe.contrib.rest_framework.urls.
  3. :synopsis: URL routes for the dj-stripe REST API.
  4. Wire this into the root URLConf this way::
  5. path(
  6. 'api/v1/stripe/',
  7. include('djstripe.contrib.rest_framework.urls', namespace="rest_djstripe")
  8. ),
  9. # url can be changed
  10. # Call to 'djstripe.contrib.rest_framework.urls' and 'namespace' must stay as is
  11. """
  12. from django.urls import path
  13. from . import views
  14. app_name = "djstripe_rest_framework"
  15. urlpatterns = [
  16. # REST api
  17. path("subscription/", views.SubscriptionRestView.as_view(), name="subscription")
  18. ]