1. # Unreleased
  2. - Upgrade to django-allauth 65.0.0
  3. # v4.1.4
  4. - Fix bug where release names with special chars did not allow release assemble to work
  5. # v4.1.3
  6. - Optimize alert sending logic to only consider recently ingested issues
  7. - Fixed
  8. # 4.1.2
  9. - Save performance transaction data in bulk, instead of one at a time
  10. - Fix migration that would fail in Postgres 13, which we still aim to support
  11. # 4.1.0
  12. - Remove event migration tool from 3.x. To migrate event data from 3.x to 4.1, first upgrade to 4.0.12. If event data doesn't need migrated, it's safe to upgrade from 3.x to any 4.x version.
  13. - Migrate MFA to django-allauth
  14. - Upgrade to django 5.1
  15. - Add support for django postgres pooling via env vars DATABASE_POOL, DATABASE_POOL_MIN_SIZE, and DATABASE_POOL_MAX_SIZE