pyproject.toml 1.6 KB

  1. [project]
  2. name = "glitchtip-backend"
  3. version = "0.1.0"
  4. description = "Django backend that powers GlitchTip, an open source reimplementation of Sentry"
  5. authors = ["David Burke"]
  6. license = "MIT"
  7. requires-python = ">=3.11"
  8. dependencies = [
  9. "django~=5.1",
  10. "django-allauth[mfa,socialaccount]~=65.0",
  11. "django-cors-headers~=4.0",
  12. "django-environ~=0.11",
  13. "django-extensions~=3.0",
  14. "django-organizations~=2.3",
  15. "django-storages[boto3,azure,google]~=1.12",
  16. "uWSGI~=2.0",
  17. "whitenoise~=6.0",
  18. "sentry-sdk~=2.0",
  19. "celery[redis]~=5.4",
  20. "django-csp~=3.6",
  21. "dj-stripe~=2.8",
  22. "django-anymail~=11.0",
  23. "user-agents~=2.1",
  24. "django-ipware~=7.0",
  25. "anonymizeip~=1.0",
  26. "symbolic~=10.0",
  27. "django-rest-mfa~=1.2",
  28. "aiohttp~=3.7",
  29. "google-cloud-logging~=3.0",
  30. "django-prometheus~=2.2",
  31. "django-sql-utils~=0.7",
  32. "django-redis[hiredis]~=5.2",
  33. "uwsgi-chunked~=0.1",
  34. "django-import-export~=4.1",
  35. "psycopg[c,pool]~=3.1",
  36. "uvicorn~=0.30",
  37. "gunicorn~=23.0",
  38. "django-ninja~=1.3",
  39. "boto3~=1.34",
  40. "orjson~=3.9",
  41. "celery-batches~=0.9",
  42. "pydantic[email]~=2.7",
  43. ]
  44. [tool.uv]
  45. dev-dependencies = [
  46. "locust~=2.10",
  47. "freezegun~=1.1",
  48. "model_bakery~=1.1",
  49. "django-debug-toolbar~=4.0",
  50. "django-stubs[compatible-mypy]~=5.0",
  51. "django-sslserver~=0.22",
  52. "aioresponses~=0.7",
  53. "requests-mock~=1.9",
  54. "memray~=1.9",
  55. "ruff~=0.6",
  56. "tblib~=3.0", # Needed for test --parallel
  57. ]
  58. [tool.ruff.lint]
  59. extend-select = ["I"]
  60. [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores]
  61. "*/migrations/*.py" = ["I"]
  62. [tool.mypy]
  63. plugins = ["mypy_django_plugin.main"]
  64. [tool.django-stubs]
  65. django_settings_module = "glitchtip.settings"
  66. [tool.pyright]
  67. venvPath = "."
  68. venv = ".venv"