import hashlib from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union from django.core.cache import cache from .schema import EventMessage if TYPE_CHECKING: from apps.issue_events.models import IssueEventType def default_hash_input(title: str, culprit: str, type: "IssueEventType") -> str: return title + culprit + str(type) def generate_hash( title: str, culprit: str, type: "IssueEventType", extra: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> str: """Generate insecure hash used for grouping issues""" if extra: hash_input = "".join( [ default_hash_input(title, culprit, type) if part == "{{ default }}" else part for part in extra ] ) else: hash_input = default_hash_input(title, culprit, type) return hashlib.md5(hash_input.encode()).hexdigest() def transform_parameterized_message(message: Union[str, EventMessage]) -> str: """ Accept str or Event Message interface Returns formatted string with interpolation Both examples would return "Hello there": { "message": "Hello %s", "params": ["there"] } { "message": "Hello {foo}", "params": {"foo": "there"} } """ if isinstance(message, str): return message if not message.formatted and message.message: params = message.params if isinstance(params, list) and params: return message.message % tuple(params) elif isinstance(params, dict): return message.message.format(**params) else: # Params not provided, return message as is return message.message return message.formatted def cache_set_nx(key, value, timeout: Optional[int] = 300) -> bool: """ django-redis style cache set with nx, but with fallback for non-redis """ try: return cache.set(key, value, timeout, nx=True) except TypeError: if cache.get(key): return False cache.set(key, value, timeout) return True