""" Roughly a replacement of sentry/plugins/sentry_useragents but for contexts instead of tags """ from typing import Dict, Optional from user_agents import parse class UserAgentContextProcessor: """Abstract class for processing user agent related contexts""" def get_context(self, event) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: headers = event.get("request", {}).get("headers", {}) try: ua_string = next(x[1] for x in headers if x[0] == "User-Agent") except StopIteration: return # Not found if isinstance(ua_string, list) and len(ua_string) > 0: ua_string = ua_string[0] if not ua_string: return ua = parse(ua_string) return self.get_context_from_ua(ua) @property def name(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_context_from_ua(self, ua): raise NotImplementedError() class BrowserContextProcessor(UserAgentContextProcessor): """ Browser name (aka family) and version """ name = "browser" def get_context_from_ua(self, ua): context = {"name": ua.browser.family} if ua.browser.version: context["version"] = ua.browser.version_string return context class OsContextProcessor(UserAgentContextProcessor): """ Operating System name (aka family) and version """ name = "os" def get_context_from_ua(self, ua): context = {"name": ua.os.family} if ua.os.version: context["version"] = ua.os.version_string return context class DeviceContextProcessor(UserAgentContextProcessor): """ Device model, brand, family This field is fairly unreliable as browsers such as Firefox do not share it """ name = "device" def get_context_from_ua(self, ua): context = { "family": ua.device.family, } if ua.device.model: context["model"] = ua.device.model if ua.device.brand: context["brand"] = ua.device.brand return context EVENT_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = [ BrowserContextProcessor, OsContextProcessor, DeviceContextProcessor, ]