from datetime import timedelta from celery import shared_task from django.conf import settings from django.utils.timezone import now from apps.organizations_ext.models import Organization from .assemble import assemble_artifacts from .models import FileBlob @shared_task def assemble_artifacts_task(org_id, version, checksum, chunks, **kwargs): """ Creates release files from an uploaded artifact bundle. """ organization = Organization.objects.get(pk=org_id) assemble_artifacts(organization, version, checksum, chunks) def cleanup_old_files(): """ Delete files in both the database and media storage Deletion only occurs when the creation date of the following are older than max file life days - FileBlob - Any related File objects - Any related events attached to the project, release, release file This operation has minor risk of deleting a file that is still desired, if it hasn't been used for a long time and have no recent event data """ days_ago = now() - timedelta(days=settings.GLITCHTIP_MAX_FILE_LIFE_DAYS) while True: file_blobs = ( FileBlob.objects.filter(created__lt=days_ago) .exclude(file__created__gte=days_ago) .exclude( file__debugsymbolbundle__release__projects__issues__last_seen__gte=days_ago ) ).only("id", "blob")[:1000] ids = [] for file_blob in file_blobs: ids.append( file_blob.blob.delete() # Delete actual file if ids: FileBlob.objects.filter(id__in=ids).delete() else: break