{% extends "email/email_base.html" %} {% load humanize static settings %} {% block title_text %} {% if product %} Met event quota for {{ organization.name|striptags }} {% else %} Choose a GlitchTip subscription for {{ organization.name|striptags }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if product %} {% else %} {% endif %}

Hello and thank you for using GlitchTip. We noticed your organization {{ organization.name|striptags }} has exceeded its monthly event limit on your {{ product.name }} and wanted to give you a heads up. Your plan allows for {{ event_limit|intcomma }} events, but for the current billing period we have received {{ organization.total_event_count|intcomma }} events for your organization. Here are a couple options to avoid this in the future.

  • Upgrade to a new plan for more events
  • Read about reducing the number of events your app sends out

In the meantime, we have placed a {{ organization.event_throttle_rate }}% throttle on incoming events from projects on your organization account for this billing period. If you choose to upgrade your plan, this throttle will be removed. Otherwise, it will reset at the beginning of your next billing cycle.

Hello and thank you for using GlitchTip. We noticed you recently created an account for your organization {{ organization.name|striptags }}, but that you haven't yet signed up for a subscription plan. We invite you to check out our subscription options and choose the right one for your organization.

Your organization won't be able to receive events on GlitchTip until you choose a subscription, so please do sign up to get started.

{% endblock %}