import copy
import random
import uuid

from django.utils import timezone

from glitchtip.utils import get_random_string

from . import django_error_factory
from .csp import mdn_sample_csp

events = django_error_factory.all_django_events

things = ["a", "b", "c", None]

def make_event_unique(event, unique_issue=False):
    """Assign event a random new event_id and current timestamp"""
    new_event = copy.deepcopy(event)
    new_event["event_id"] = uuid.uuid4().hex
    new_event["timestamp"] =
    new_event["release"] = random.choice(things)
    new_event["environment"] = random.choice(things)
    if unique_issue:
        title = get_random_string()
        if "message" in new_event:
            new_event["message"] = title
        elif "exception" in new_event:
            new_event["exception"]["values"][0]["value"] = title
        elif "csp-report" in new_event:
            new_event["csp-report"]["document-uri"] = title
    return new_event

def generate_random_event(unique_issue=False):
    """Return a random event from library of samples with unique event id"""
    event = random.choice(events)  # nosec
    result = make_event_unique(event, unique_issue)

    return result

def get_seeded_benchmark_events(quantity=100, seed=1337):
    """Non-random events that attempt to simulate common use cases"""
    result = []
    for i in range(quantity):
        every_other = i % 2
    return result