@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+import requests
+import tablib
+from django.db.models import Q
+from django.urls import reverse
+from organizations_ext.admin import OrganizationResource, OrganizationUserResource
+from organizations_ext.models import OrganizationUser, OrganizationUserRole
+from projects.admin import ProjectKeyResource, ProjectResource
+from projects.models import Project
+from teams.admin import TeamResource
+from users.admin import UserResource
+from users.models import User
+from .exceptions import ImporterException
+class GlitchTipImporter:
+ """
+ Generic importer tool to use with cli or web
+ If used by a non server admin, it's important to assume all incoming
+ JSON is hostile and not from a real GT server. Foreign Key ids could be
+ faked and used to elevate privileges. Always confirm new data is associated with
+ appropriate organization. Also assume user is at least an org admin, no need to
+ double check permissions when creating assets within the organization.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, url: str, auth_token: str, organization_slug: str):
+ self.api_root_url = reverse("api-root-view")
+ self.url = url
+ self.headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}"}
+ self.create_users = True # Very unsafe outside of superuser usage
+ self.organization_slug = organization_slug
+ self.organization_id = None
+ self.organization_url = reverse(
+ "organization-detail", kwargs={"slug": self.organization_slug}
+ )
+ self.organization_users_url = reverse(
+ "organization-users-list",
+ kwargs={"organization_slug": self.organization_slug},
+ )
+ self.projects_url = reverse(
+ "organization-projects-list",
+ kwargs={"organization_slug": self.organization_slug},
+ )
+ self.teams_url = reverse(
+ "organization-teams-list",
+ kwargs={"organization_slug": self.organization_slug},
+ )
+ def run(self):
+ self.check_auth()
+ self.import_organization()
+ self.import_organization_users()
+ self.import_projects()
+ self.import_teams()
+ def get(self, url):
+ return requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+ def import_organization(self):
+ resource = OrganizationResource()
+ res = self.get(self.url + self.organization_url)
+ data = res.json()
+ self.organization_id = data["id"] # TODO unsafe for web usage
+ dataset = tablib.Dataset()
+ dataset.dict = [data]
+ resource.import_data(dataset, raise_errors=True)
+ def import_organization_users(self):
+ resource = OrganizationUserResource()
+ res = self.get(self.url + self.organization_users_url)
+ org_users = res.json()
+ if self.create_users:
+ user_resource = UserResource()
+ users_list = [
+ org_user["user"] for org_user in org_users if org_user is not None
+ ]
+ users = [
+ {k: v for k, v in user.items() if k in ["id", "email", "name"]}
+ for user in users_list
+ ]
+ dataset = tablib.Dataset()
+ dataset.dict = users
+ user_resource.import_data(dataset, raise_errors=True)
+ for org_user in org_users:
+ org_user["organization"] = self.organization_id
+ org_user["role"] = OrganizationUserRole.from_string(org_user["role"])
+ if self.create_users:
+ org_user["user"] = (
+ User.objects.filter(email=org_user["user"]["email"])
+ .values_list("pk", flat=True)
+ .first()
+ )
+ else:
+ org_user["user"] = None
+ dataset = tablib.Dataset()
+ dataset.dict = org_users
+ resource.import_data(dataset, raise_errors=True)
+ def import_projects(self):
+ project_resource = ProjectResource()
+ project_key_resource = ProjectKeyResource()
+ res = self.get(self.url + self.projects_url)
+ projects = res.json()
+ project_keys = []
+ for project in projects:
+ project["organization"] = self.organization_id
+ keys = self.get(
+ self.url
+ + reverse(
+ "project-keys-list",
+ kwargs={
+ "project_pk": f"{self.organization_slug}/{project['slug']}",
+ },
+ )
+ ).json()
+ for key in keys:
+ key["project"] = project["id"]
+ key["public_key"] = key["public"]
+ project_keys += keys
+ dataset = tablib.Dataset()
+ dataset.dict = projects
+ project_resource.import_data(dataset, raise_errors=True)
+ owned_project_ids = Project.objects.filter(
+ organization_id=self.organization_id,
+ pk__in=[d["projectID"] for d in project_keys],
+ ).values_list("pk", flat=True)
+ project_keys = list(
+ filter(lambda key: key["projectID"] in owned_project_ids, project_keys)
+ )
+ dataset.dict = project_keys
+ project_key_resource.import_data(dataset, raise_errors=True)
+ def import_teams(self):
+ resource = TeamResource()
+ res = self.get(self.url + self.teams_url)
+ teams = res.json()
+ for team in teams:
+ team["organization"] = self.organization_id
+ team["projects"] = ",".join(
+ map(
+ str,
+ Project.objects.filter(
+ organization_id=self.organization_id,
+ pk__in=[int(d["id"]) for d in team["projects"]],
+ ).values_list("id", flat=True),
+ )
+ )
+ team_members = self.get(
+ self.url
+ + reverse(
+ "team-members-list",
+ kwargs={"team_pk": f"{self.organization_slug}/{team['slug']}"},
+ )
+ ).json()
+ team_member_emails = [d["email"] for d in team_members]
+ team["members"] = ",".join(
+ [
+ str(i)
+ for i in OrganizationUser.objects.filter(
+ organization_id=self.organization_id
+ )
+ .filter(
+ Q(email__in=team_member_emails)
+ | Q(user__email__in=team_member_emails)
+ )
+ .values_list("pk", flat=True)
+ ]
+ )
+ dataset = tablib.Dataset()
+ dataset.dict = teams
+ resource.import_data(dataset, raise_errors=True)
+ def check_auth(self):
+ res = requests.get(self.url + self.api_root_url, headers=self.headers)
+ data = res.json()
+ if res.status_code != 200 or not data["user"]:
+ raise ImporterException("Bad auth token")