Browse Source

Add sample js error with sourcemap for testing

David Burke 2 years ago

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+  "exception": {
+    "values": [
+      {
+        "type": "Error",
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+      "Dedupe",
+      "UserAgent"
+    ],
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+    "packages": [{ "name": "npm:@sentry/browser", "version": "6.19.2" }]
+  },
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+      "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0"
+    }
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+ 403 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
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+                    ],
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+                    [8, ""]
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+                    ],
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+                    [6, "throw Error(\"this is an error\");"],
+                    [7, "console.log(foo);"],
+                    [8, ""]
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+                    ],
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+                    [6, "throw Error(\"this is an error\");"],
+                    [7, "console.log(foo);"],
+                    [8, ""]
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+                    ],
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+    "projects": [
+      {
+        "slug": "my-js-project",
+        "name": "My JS Project"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+ 186 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
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+  "dist": null,
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+  "message": "",
+  "datetime": "2022-04-02T19:44:43.501000Z",
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+    ["browser", "Firefox 98.0"],
+    ["", "Firefox"],
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+    ["skippedNormalization", "True"],
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+  ],
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+    "os": { "version": null, "name": "Ubuntu" },
+    "browser": { "version": "98.0", "name": "Firefox" }
+  },
+  "culprit": "?(src/index)",
+  "environment": "production",
+  "exception": {
+    "values": [
+      {
+        "stacktrace": {
+          "frames": [
+            {
+              "abs_path": "webpack://small-js-error-factory/./src/index.ts",
+              "pre_context": [
+                "import * as Sentry from \"@sentry/browser\";",
+                "",
+                "Sentry.init({\"dsn\": \"http://a00ad5cad416418684270e433baf9c77@\", \"release\": \"1.0\"});",
+                "",
+                "let foo = \"bar\";"
+              ],
+              "post_context": ["console.log(foo);", ""],
+              "module": "src/index",
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+              "filename": "webpack://small-js-error-factory/./src/index.ts",
+              "data": {
+                "sourcemap": "http://localhost:8080/dist/"
+              },
+              "context_line": "throw Error(\"this is an error\");"
+            },
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+              "pre_context": [
+                "import * as Sentry from \"@sentry/browser\";",
+                "",
+                "Sentry.init({\"dsn\": \"http://a00ad5cad416418684270e433baf9c77@\", \"release\": \"1.0\"});",
+                "",
+                "let foo = \"bar\";"
+              ],
+              "post_context": ["console.log(foo);", ""],
+              "module": "src/index",
+              "in_app": false,
+              "lineno": 6,
+              "colno": 13,
+              "filename": "webpack://small-js-error-factory/./src/index.ts",
+              "data": {
+                "sourcemap": "http://localhost:8080/dist/"
+              },
+              "context_line": "throw Error(\"this is an error\");"
+            },
+            {
+              "abs_path": "webpack://small-js-error-factory/./src/index.ts",
+              "pre_context": [
+                "import * as Sentry from \"@sentry/browser\";",
+                "",
+                "Sentry.init({\"dsn\": \"http://a00ad5cad416418684270e433baf9c77@\", \"release\": \"1.0\"});",
+                "",
+                "let foo = \"bar\";"
+              ],
+              "post_context": ["console.log(foo);", ""],
+              "module": "src/index",
+              "in_app": false,
+              "lineno": 6,
+              "colno": 7,
+              "filename": "webpack://small-js-error-factory/./src/index.ts",
+              "data": {
+                "sourcemap": "http://localhost:8080/dist/"
+              },
+              "context_line": "throw Error(\"this is an error\");"
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        "raw_stacktrace": {
+          "frames": [
+            {
+              "abs_path": "http://localhost:8080/dist/bundle.js",
+              "pre_context": [
+                "/*! For license information please see bundle.js.LICENSE.txt */"
+              ],
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+              "in_app": false,
+              "lineno": 2,
+              "colno": 74022,
+              "filename": "/dist/bundle.js",
+              "context_line": "{snip} ,(()=>{throw n(185).init({dsn:\"http://a00ad5cad416418684270e433baf9c77@\",release:\"1.0\"}),Error(\"this is an error\")})()})();"
+            },
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+              "abs_path": "http://localhost:8080/dist/bundle.js",
+              "pre_context": [
+                "/*! For license information please see bundle.js.LICENSE.txt */"
+              ],
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+              "lineno": 2,
+              "colno": 74018,
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+              "context_line": "{snip} ,(()=>{throw n(185).init({dsn:\"http://a00ad5cad416418684270e433baf9c77@\",release:\"1.0\"}),Error(\"this is an error\")})()})();"
+            },
+            {
+              "abs_path": "http://localhost:8080/dist/bundle.js",
+              "pre_context": [
+                "/*! For license information please see bundle.js.LICENSE.txt */"
+              ],
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+              "context_line": "{snip} ,(()=>{throw n(185).init({dsn:\"http://a00ad5cad416418684270e433baf9c77@\",release:\"1.0\"}),Error(\"this is an error\")})()})();"
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        "value": "this is an error",
+        "mechanism": { "type": "onerror", "handled": false },
+        "type": "Error"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "extra": { "normalizeDepth": 3 },
+  "fingerprint": ["{{ default }}"],
+  "grouping_config": { "id": "legacy:2019-03-12" },
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+  "key_id": "11",
+  "level": "error",
+  "location": "webpack://small-js-error-factory/./src/index.ts",
+  "logger": "",
+  "metadata": {
+    "type": "Error",
+    "value": "this is an error",
+    "filename": "webpack://small-js-error-factory/./src/index.ts"
+  },
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+    "packages": [{ "version": "6.19.2", "name": "npm:@sentry/browser" }],
+    "integrations": [
+      "InboundFilters",
+      "FunctionToString",
+      "TryCatch",
+      "Breadcrumbs",
+      "GlobalHandlers",
+      "LinkedErrors",
+      "Dedupe",
+      "UserAgent"
+    ]
+  },
+  "timestamp": 1648928683.501,
+  "title": "Error: this is an error",
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+  "user": { "ip_address": "" },
+  "version": "7"

+ 26 - 14

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
     # Upgrade functions handle intentional differences between GlitchTip and Sentry OSS
     def upgrade_title(self, value: str):
-        """ Sentry OSS uses ... while GlitchTip uses unicode …"""
+        """Sentry OSS uses ... while GlitchTip uses unicode …"""
         if value[-1] == "…":
             return value[:-4]
         return value.strip("...")
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
         return value
     def upgrade_data(self, data: Union[str, dict, list]):
-        """ A recursive replace function """
+        """A recursive replace function"""
         if isinstance(data, dict):
             return {k: self.upgrade_data(v) for k, v in data.items()}
         elif isinstance(data, list):
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
         return data
     def assertCompareData(self, data1: Dict, data2: Dict, fields: List[str]):
-        """ Compare data of two dict objects. Compare only provided fields list """
+        """Compare data of two dict objects. Compare only provided fields list"""
         for field in fields:
             field_value1 = data1.get(field)
             field_value2 = data2.get(field)
@@ -86,11 +86,13 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
                 field_value1 = self.upgrade_metadata(field_value1)
                 field_value2 = self.upgrade_metadata(field_value2)
-                field_value1, field_value2, f"Failed for field '{field}'",
+                field_value1,
+                field_value2,
+                f"Failed for field '{field}'",
     def get_json_test_data(self, name: str):
-        """ Get incoming event, sentry json, sentry api event """
+        """Get incoming event, sentry json, sentry api event"""
         event = self.get_json_data(f"{TEST_DATA_DIR}/incoming_events/{name}.json")
         sentry_json = self.get_json_data(f"{TEST_DATA_DIR}/oss_sentry_json/{name}.json")
         # Force captured test data to match test generated data
@@ -179,7 +181,8 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
         self.assertCompareData(res_data, sentry_data, ["datetime"])
         self.assertEqual(res_data["entries"][1].get("type"), "breadcrumbs")
-            res_data["entries"][1], self.upgrade_data(sentry_data["entries"][1]),
+            res_data["entries"][1],
+            self.upgrade_data(sentry_data["entries"][1]),
     def test_dotnet_error(self):
@@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(["entries"][1], data["entries"][1])
     def test_csp_event_glitchtip_key(self):
-        """ Check compatibility for using glitchtip_key or sentry_key interchangably """
+        """Check compatibility for using glitchtip_key or sentry_key interchangably"""
         key = self.project.projectkey_set.first().public_key
         csp_store_url = (
             reverse("csp_store", args=[]) + "?glitchtip_key=" + key.hex
@@ -240,7 +243,7 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
     def test_message_event(self):
-        """ A generic message made with the Sentry SDK. Generally has less data than exceptions. """
+        """A generic message made with the Sentry SDK. Generally has less data than exceptions."""
         # Don't mimic this test, use self.get_jest_test_data instead
         res =, message, format="json")
         self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
     def test_python_logging(self):
-        """ Test Sentry SDK logging integration based event """
+        """Test Sentry SDK logging integration based event"""
         sdk_error, sentry_json, sentry_data = self.get_json_test_data("python_logging")
         res =, sdk_error, format="json")
         event = Event.objects.get(["id"])
@@ -297,7 +300,9 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
         res = self.client.get(url)
         self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
-  , sentry_data, ["title", "culprit", "type", "metadata", "platform"],
+  ,
+            sentry_data,
+            ["title", "culprit", "type", "metadata", "platform"],
     def test_very_small_event(self):
@@ -393,7 +398,14 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
-            ["eventID", "title", "culprit", "platform", "type", "metadata",],
+            [
+                "eventID",
+                "title",
+                "culprit",
+                "platform",
+                "type",
+                "metadata",
+            ],
         res_exception = next(filter(is_exception,["entries"]), None)
         sentry_exception = next(filter(is_exception, sentry_data["entries"]), None)
@@ -463,7 +475,7 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
         self.assertCompareData(res.json(), sentry_data, ["context", "user"])
     def test_elixir_stacktrace(self):
-        """ The elixir SDK does things differently """
+        """The elixir SDK does things differently"""
         sdk_error, sentry_json, sentry_data = self.get_json_test_data("elixir_error")
         res =, sdk_error, format="json")
         event = Event.objects.get(["id"])
@@ -475,7 +487,7 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
     def test_small_js_error(self):
-        """ A small example to test stacktraces """
+        """A small example to test stacktraces"""
         sdk_error, sentry_json, sentry_data = self.get_json_test_data("small_js_error")
         res =, sdk_error, format="json")
         event = Event.objects.get(["id"])
@@ -483,5 +495,5 @@ class SentryAPICompatTestCase(GlitchTipTestCase):
+            ["type", "values", "exception"],