@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+# Change Log
+All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
+**Note that references to the Font-Awesome-Pro repository refer to a GitHub
+repository that is by invitation only. You will get a 404 - Not Found if you do
+not have access**
+## [5.0.6](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.6) - 2018-01-25
+### Fixed
+* @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro-light missing submodules
+## [5.0.5](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.5) - 2018-01-25
+### Added
+* New Sports category
+* New Chess category
+* Added brand icons for flipboard, php, quinscape, and hips
+### Fixed
+* Sass and Less mixin fa-icon() now uses ems instead of percentage
+* Corrected misspelling of "Alternate" in category labels
+* Improved TypeScript definitions for @fortawesome/fontawesome
+* Server-side rendering was failing due to DOM-specific object access
+* SVG attributes "data-fa-processed" renamed to "data-fa-i2svg", only applies if rendered with i2svg() method
+## [5.0.4](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.4) - 2018-01-10
+### Changed
+* Updating all NPM package READMEs
+### Fixed
+* Improving TypeScript exports and fixing some incorrect definitions
+* TypeScript error when importing entire style Fort-Awesome/Font-Awesome#12072
+* Pseudo-elements erasing text contents in parent container Fort-Awesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#11995
+* fa-layers-text misalignment when using Bootstrap Fort-Awesome/Font-Awesome#11871
+## [5.0.3](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.3) - 2018-01-08
+### Added
+* Adding elementor, youtube-square brand icons
+* Adding window-minimize to the Free subset
+* TypeScript support for all NPM packages
+### Fixed
+* Corrected uneven spacing in university, address-book, address-card, id-badge, id-card, mouse-pointer, phone-volume, portrait, user-alt, user-circle, user-md, user-plus, user-times, user , users
+* Corrected uneven spacing in brand icons behance-square, dashcube, discourse, ember, erlang, fort-awesome, js-square, laravel, mix, patreon, palfed, phoenix-framework, node-js, skyatlas, stack-exchange, stripe, viber, weixin, yahoo , yoast
+## [5.0.2](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.2) - 2017-12-19
+### Added
+* Adding amazon-pay, cc-amazon-pay, korvue, ethereum brand icons
+* Adding stopwatch to Free version
+### Changed
+* Ligatures now support capital case, all caps, and title case
+### Fixed
+* NPM packages now behave the same way as CDN and browser-specific packages FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#727 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#896 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#891
+* Icon doesn't change when pseudo-element content changes FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#839
+* Invalid XML in sprites FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#927
+* Incorrect version in Sass and Less variable files
+## [5.0.1](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.1) - 2017-12-08
+### Added
+* Adding font-awesome-flag, lock-open, redo-alt, sync-alt, undo-alt to the Free version
+* New NPM packages `fontawesome-free-webfonts` and `fontawesome-pro-webfonts`
+* Adding old icon names to search terms for renamed icons
+* Extensive metadata added to the `advanced-options` directory
+* Adding stripe-s brand icon
+* Adding typo3 brand icon
+### Changed
+* Updated dropbox brand icon to match new branding guidelines
+* Updated firefox brand icon
+* Updated strava brand icon
+* OTF font file now include a space character
+### Fixed
+* OTF font file now supports different styles in Windows
+* OTF font file "j" character now has correct space on the right
+* Modifying the `class` attribute on an existing `<svg>` allows you to change the icon
+## [5.0.0](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0) - 2017-12-01
+### Added
+* License information
+### Changed
+* CSS vertical-align now "em"-based instead of percentage making it more consistent
+* fa-ul width now closer to default browser size
+## [5.0.0-rc5](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-rc5) - 2017-11-28
+**This release includes breaking changes**
+### Added
+* Brand icons: gitter, cc-stripe, stripe, hooli, aviato, strava, ember, angular, font-awesome-flag
+* Icons compress-alt and expand-alt
+* Adding calendar to Font Awesome 5 Free
+* SASS function that makes it easier to use variables FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#824
+### Changed
+* BREAKING Renamed icon composition to mask ("data-fa-compose" becomes "data-fa-mask")
+* BREAKING Re-organized directory structure to match upcoming documentation
+* BREAKING Font Awesome styles inserted into the `<head>` will now precede other link and style definitions
+* BREAKING `fontawesome.text` and `fontawesome.icon` now use `styles` param instead of `style`
+* Updated sizing for twitter, discord, youtube
+* Class fa-li now respects line-height and has new recommended markup (see included docs)
+### Fixed
+* Duplicate `style` tags being added in the head FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#858
+* Error with icon composition/masking that caused a confusing error message
+* An error when using pseudo elements and the element is empty (Array.reduce error)
+* Icons not being replaced with SVG if the text content is not empty
+## [5.0.0-rc4](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-rc4) - 2017-10-27
+### Added
+* Ligature support in the OTF font
+* Vue.js brand icon
+* Sass and Less brand icons
+* Autoprefixer brand icon
+* Individual icon imports in icon packages FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#808
+### Changed
+* Better poo eyes
+* Renamed HTML status classes to `fontawesome-i2svg-active`, `fontawesome-i2svg-pending`, `fontawesome-i2svg-complete`
+* HTML status class for active is added only after the first batch of icon replacements occur
+* Added mention of newer versions of iOS in documentation FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#810
+### Fixed
+* Performance and missing features with mutation observer (should fix FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#813)
+* Incorrect handling of icon class and style attributes when using autoReplace = 'nest' FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#809
+* Pseudo elements not added or removed when class mutations occur FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#821
+## [5.0.0-rc3](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-rc3) - 2017-10-13
+### Added
+* Node.js brand icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#779
+* React brand icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#780
+* OSI brand icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#748
+* Add a class to the html element when icon replacement is complete FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#778
+* Add support for symbols in API including ability to name the symbol
+* Use CSS pseudo elements (:before and :after) to make trigger SVG replacements
+### Changed
+* Switched the locations of fork and knife in utensils-alt FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#466
+* Updated the AWS brand icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#735
+* Updated Apple App Store icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#728
+### Fixed
+* Do not throw an error if icon is missing when calling icon() method in API
+* Ensure that unicode values do not change between releases
+* Version field is missing in fontawesome-pro-brands/package.json FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#781
+* Repeated commenting out of fa-layers when i2svg is called FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#788
+* Title not showing up correctly for SVG FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#786
+## [5.0.0-rc2](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-rc2) - 2017-09-22
+### Added
+* Brand icons: accusoft, ns8, uniregistry
+### Fixed
+* Link to the npm package in the docs FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#729
+* Incorrect reference to fontawesome-pro.js in docs
+## [5.0.0-rc1](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-rc1) - 2017-09-15
+### Changed
+* New Bitbucket logo FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#720
+* Modifed the star icons to match use case better FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#710
+* Switched names of css3 and css3-alt to reflect correct branding
+### Fixed
+* Correct whitespace with the Visa logo FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#719
+* Improve OTF support by passing through FontForge FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#565
+* Fonts with "undefined" name FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#711
+* Shims will only function if using old prefix of "fa" FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#692
+* Added missing "youtube" icon to categories
+## [5.0.0-beta7](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta7) - 2017-09-11
+### Added
+* Ability to nest the `<svg>` tag within the `<i>` FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#624
+* Define icons as symbols and leverage SVG sprites FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#629
+* Added alternative CSS3 logo FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#682
+### Changed
+* Power Transforms now execute inside the SVG instead of on the root element
+* Filenames have changed to reflect a better division between Font Awesome Free and Pro
+### Fixed
+* More improvements to the version 4 shim FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#673 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#678 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#686 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#687 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#692
+* Animation support for inline SVG now works as expected FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#662
+## [5.0.0-beta6](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta6) - 2017-09-01
+### Added
+* Ability to flip horizontal and vertical with CSS classes fa-flip-horizontal and fa-flip-vertical
+* New film-alt icon that allows for layering other icons
+* Microsoft brand
+### Changed
+* New YouTube branding FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#646
+### Fixed
+* Fixed a bunch of shim-related issues
+* Cogs off center FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#663
+* Corrected icons/categories.yml with canonical names
+## [5.0.0-beta5](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta5) - 2017-08-25
+### Added
+* Full parity with Font Awesome 4! 616 total core icons in each style
+* 297 total brand and logo icons
+* Separate CSS file to accompany the SVG Framework FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#627
+* Alternative to the dots icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#608
+* Made window icons consistent FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#611
+### Fixed
+* Production builds not correctly being detected FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#631
+## [5.0.0-beta4](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta4) - 2017-08-18
+### Added
+* 590 total core icons in each style
+* 291 total brand and logo icons
+### Fixed
+* Reduced the size of JS file from 66 to 22 kb
+* Regression caused by with web font alignment FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#460
+## [5.0.0-beta3](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta3) - 2017-08-15
+### Added
+* 583 total core icons in each style
+### Fixed
+* Documentation improvements and fixes FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#586
+* Vertical alignment of TTF and OTF fonts FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#460
+* The "fa_500px" icon should be named "fa500px" FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#578
+## [5.0.0-beta2](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta2) - 2017-08-11
+### Added
+* 570 total core icons in each style
+* 291 total brand and logo icons
+* NPM (ES6, CommonJS, AMD) packages for use with other JavaScript libraries and tools FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#574
+* Added a guide to choosing which implementation is best for you FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#532
+### Changed
+* Showing a missing icon is now configurable FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#569
+### Fixed
+* Composition framework now works in browsers that do not support transform-origin FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#564
+## [5.0.0-beta1](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta1) - 2017-08-04
+### Added
+* 524 total core icons in each style
+* 289 total brand and logo icons
+* New composition framework FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#537
+* Animated indicator if you use an icon that does not exist
+### Changed
+* Basic linting for Sass and Less files
+* Add JavaScript guard block to prevent leaking errors
+* Add support for automatic accessibility to SVG Framework Layers
+### Fixed
+* Regression where stacks and pulled and bordered were not working in SVG Framework
+* SVG sprite example had confusing inline styles FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#549
+* Make getting started page more consistent between examples FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#544
+* Added missing sizes fa-[6-10], xs, sm FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#546
+* Title tag missing in SVG sprites FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#536
+## [5.0.0-alpha7](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-alpha7) - 2017-07-28
+### Added
+* 451 total core icons in each style
+* 281 total brand and logo icons
+* Less support is back!
+* OpenType (.otf) file formats for web fonts
+### Changed
+* Changes the fa-spin animation to go from 0deg to 360deg to eliminate hitch FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#522
+* Improved mutation handling FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#517
+### Fixed
+* fa-fw now works correctly with the SVG framework FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#530
+* Removed execute bit on some icon files FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#520
+## [5.0.0-alpha6](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-alpha6) - 2017-07-21
+### Added
+* 410 total core icons in each style
+* 270 total brand and logo icons
+* All new Font Awesome 4 shim file
+* Beginnings of a public JS API FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#512
+### Changed
+* Added Firefox ESR and Chrome for Businesses to browser compatibility FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#506
+### Fixed
+* Ensure that SVG title attributes are unique
+* Fixed incorrect viewBox sizes FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#492
+* Fix chart-area alignment in the solid style FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#508
+* Add missing xmlns attributes in some SVGs FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#509
+## [5.0.0-alpha5](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-alpha5) - 2017-07-14
+### Added
+* 228 total brand and logo icons
+* New transform framework for sizing, moving, rotating, and flipping icons
+* New icon counters
+* New layers framework
+* New text overlays
+* Auto-comments with the original source icons alongside SVG replacements
+### Changed
+* Autoprefixer to correctly add browser prefixes for supported browsers
+* Removed browser-specific CSS properties in Sass source files (now relies on autoprefixer)
+### Fixed
+* The rotation on checkmark icons
+* Other icon feedback from previous weeks
+* Correct fixed width settings to 1.25em (based on the new 16px grid)
+* Icons displaying as block instead of inline-block in IE and older Safari
+## [5.0.0-alpha4](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-alpha4) - 2017-07-07
+### Added
+* 93 brand icons
+## [5.0.0-alpha3](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-alpha3) - 2017-06-30
+### Added
+* 95 additional icons; including file types, directional, and some existing and new brand icons
+### Fixed
+* Wrong content type in generated CSS FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#458
+* Removal of query string from static resources FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#458
+* SVG font ID's are incorrect in webfont implementation FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#474
+## [5.0.0-alpha2](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-alpha2) - 2017-06-27
+### Added
+* How/When to upgrade from FA4 to FA5 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#454
+### Fixed
+* Links to SVG files broken in the example files FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#456
+* Misnamed icon names in examples FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#445
+* Mangled HTML in the Getting Started example FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#442
+* Bad grammar and typos FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#443
+* fas-arrow-to-top is identical to fas-arrow-to-right FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#423
+* Vertical alignment issues with webfont implementation FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#444
+* Add browser compatibility tables to demo FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#435
+* Remove MAC OS feces from builds FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#437
+* TTF naming issues that prevent correct usage/installation FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#450
+* Correct CSS for SVG framework stacking, was reversed from normal FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#452
+## [5.0.0-alpha1](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/releases/tag/5.0.0-alpha1) - 2017-06-23
+### Added
+* 300+ more icons
+* Brands pack
+* New JavaScript based SVG Framework
+* New SVG Sprites based framework
+* Source SVGs
+* Documentation with a convenient build-in web server
+### Changed
+* New directory structure