@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-### Describe the problem
-<!--- What happened? What are you seeing? How did you arrive here? -->
-### What did you expect?
-<!--- How would you like this to work instead? -->
-### What version and implementation are you using?
-Version: <!--- Give us the version number here -->
-Browser and version: <!--- If applicable give us the browser specs -->
-- [ ] SVG with JS
-- [ ] Web Fonts with CSS
-- [ ] SVG Sprites
-- [ ] On the Desktop
-### Reproducible test case
-<!--- Insert a URL to your test case - use codepen.io, jsfiddle.net, jsbin.com, codesandbox.io, or whatever -->
-<!--- Describe any details about the test case that we need to know like "whatever you do, don't click the red button" -->
-### Bug report checklist
-- [ ] I have filled out as much of the above information as I can
-- [ ] I have included a test case because my odds go _way_ up that the team can fix this when I do
-- [ ] I have [searched for existing issues](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues) and to the best of my knowledge this is not a duplicate