change_log.txt 138 KB

  1. [4.8.0]
  2. <i>For an overview of the new features in Cura 4.8, please see this video: <a href="">Change log overview</a>.</i>
  3. * New arrange algorithm!
  4. Shout-out to Prusa Research, since they made the libnest2d library for this, and allowed a licence change.
  5. * When opening a project file, pick any matching printer in addition to just exact match and new definition.
  6. Previously, when someone sent you a project, you either had to have the exact same printer under the exact same name, or create an entirely new instance. Now, in the open project dialog, you can specify any printer that has a(n exactly) matching printer-type.
  7. * Show warning message on profiles that where successfully imported, but not supported by the currently active configuration.
  8. People where a bit confused when adding profiles, which then didn't show up. With this new version, when you add a profile that isn't supported by the current instance (but otherwise correctly imported), you get a warning-message.
  9. * Show parts of the model below the build-plate in a different color.
  10. When viewing the build-plate from below, there's now shadow visible anymore. As this helped the user determine what part of the model was below the buildplate, we decided to color that part differently instead.
  11. * Show the familiar striped pattern for objects outside of the build-volume in Preview mode as well.
  12. Models outside of the build-volume can of course not be sliced. In the Prepare mode, this was already visible with solid objects indicated in the familiar grey-yellow striped pattern. Now you can also see the objects that are still in the scene just outside if the build-volume in Preview mode.
  13. * Iron the top-most bottom layer when spiralizing a solid model, contributed by smartavionics
  14. Ironing was only used for top-layers, or every layer. But what is the biggest flat surface in a vase? This helpful pull request made it so that, in this case, the top-most bottom layer is used to iron on.
  15. * Allow scrolling through setting-tooltips, useful for some plugins.
  16. Certain plugins, such as the very useful Settings Guide, occasionally have very large tooltips. This update allows you to scroll through those.
  17. * Bug Fixes
  18. - <u>Fixed under-simplification (blobs, zits) on some printer models.</u> <i>An oversight in 4.6.x resulted in an oversimplification (smoothing) of models. The attempted fix in 4.7.x overcompensated, which gave difficulty (zits, blobs) for some printer models when the resulting gcode became too intricate. This is now fixed, though some profiles might need to be updated, since they where made against 4.6.x, and therefore may rely on the over-simplification.</i>
  19. - Fix percentage text-fields when scaling non-uniformly.
  20. - Fix cloud printer stuck in connect/disconnect loop.
  21. - Fix rare crash when processing stair stepping in support.
  22. - Fix sudden increase in tree support branch diameter.
  23. - Fix cases of tree-support resting against vertical wall.
  24. - Fix conical support missing on printers with 'origin at center' set.
  25. - Fix infill multiplier and connected lines settings not cooperating with each other.
  26. - Fixed an issue with skin-edge support, contributed by smartavionics
  27. - Fix printer renaming didn't always stick after restart.
  28. - Fix move after retraction not changing speed if it's a factor 60 greater.
  29. - Fix Windows file alteration detection (reload file popup message appears again).
  30. - OBJ-file reader now doesn't get confused by legal negative indices.
  31. - Fix off-by-one error that could cause horizontal faces to shift one layer upwards.
  32. - Fix out of bounds array and lost checks for segments ended with mesh vertices, contributed bt skarasov
  33. - Remove redundant 'successful responses' variable, contributed by aerotog
  34. - In rare cases, brim and prime-tower-bim would overlap.
  35. - Fix support for some models when bottom distance and stair step height where both 0 (like with PVA).
  36. - An issue with infill only overlap modifier when the wall line count was overridden in the global settings.
  37. - Filling gaps between walls would also fill between skin and infill.
  38. * Printer definitions and profiles
  39. - <i>Introducing the <b>Ultimaker 2+ Connect</b></i>
  40. - Artillery Sidewinder X1, Artillery Sidewinder Genius, contributed by cataclism
  41. - AnyCubic Kossel, contributed by FoxExe
  42. - BIQU B1, contributed by looxonline
  43. - BLV mgn Cube 300, contributed by wolfgangmauer
  44. - Cocoon Create, Cocoon Create Touch, contributed by thushan
  45. - Creality CR-6 SE, contributed by MatthieuMH
  46. - Flying Bear Ghost 5, contributed by oducceu
  47. - Fused Form 3D (FF300, FF600, FF600+, FFmini), contributed by FusedForm
  48. - Add Acetate profiles for Strateo3D, contributed by KOUBeMT
  49. [4.7.1]
  50. <i>For an overview of the new features in Cura 4.7, please see this video: <a href="">Change log overview</a>.</i>
  51. * Bug fixes
  52. - Fixed a crash when duplicating a built-in profile.
  53. - Having an equals symbol in your start or end g-code would cause part of that g-code to disappear and could cause a crash when loading a model. This is fixed now.
  54. - The MacOS build is now notarized by Apple, to prevent a security warning from popping up when starting Cura for the first time.
  55. - Corrected the orientation of the build plate mesh for Tevo Tarantula Pro.
  56. [4.7.0]
  57. * Rotation widgets
  58. fieldOfView has contributed code that adds 3 pairs of arrow widgets to the Rotate tool handle, to rotate objects by exactly 90 degrees.
  59. * Performance improvements with multiple 3D models
  60. In previous versions many objects on a build plate could cause Cura's performance and response to be slow. We have made some code optimizations to increase the responsiveness of Cura in such cases.
  61. * Cloud connections improvements
  62. Improved the overall UX workflow when a user is using a cloud connection. Check our new enhancements below.
  63. * Moved tree-support from experimental to normal settings
  64. We've made stability fixes and tested thoroughly so that it can be considered stable.
  65. * Improve object list GUI
  66. The object list indicates now the extruder used for each model, the mesh type if the model is not a normal mesh, and the number of per model setting overrides and whether a model is outside of the build plate. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  67. * Support for MacOS Big Sur
  68. Ultimaker Cura will now run on Apple's upcoming operating system.
  69. * Change normal support vs. tree support into a drop-down
  70. There is now the option of easily switching between normal and tree support. You cannot enable both at the same time any more.
  71. * Add "Multiply model" to Edit menu
  72. The option is now also accessible in the Edit menu and not only in the context menu (right-click).
  73. * Add local printer improvements
  74. Whenever the user wants to add a non-networked printer it is now easier to distinguish the scrollbar and some more information regarding the selected printer in our new redesigned layout. Have a look yourself! Brought to us by fieldOfView.
  75. * Show all while searching per object settings
  76. For more ease-of-use, the behavior has been changed so that all settings are visible temporarily, even if initial were hidden.
  77. * Search through setting descriptions
  78. When searching through the custom settings, the results include all the matches found in both the setting names and setting descriptions. This makes some settings easier to find if you don't remember the name.
  79. * Check for account updates manually
  80. A check for update/sync/refresh button was added near the account so that the user can manually check for updates of subscribed Marketplace packages and available Digital Factory printers.
  81. * Always select last write-device
  82. Cura will now remember the last used output device to save the g-code to (to file, USB stick, etc.) Contributed by fieldOfView.
  83. * Improved sync with the Ultimaker Marketplace
  84. Profile picture and links to the Digital Factory have been improved in the account dropdown.
  85. * Add option to sign in with another account while looking for cloud printers
  86. The "Sign in with a different account" link logs the user off both from Cura and the browser, so that they can sign in with another account. In case the other account has extra cloud printers, then these printers are added to Cura and are available for use.
  87. * Show warning in printer management page that removing is temporary
  88. When removing a printer in your Digital Factory, a message pops up to inform the user that the printer will be re-added in the next sync.
  89. * Show cloud connection not available
  90. We now display an offline icon when losing connection to a printer in the Digital Factory.
  91. * Show notification when printer is removed from account
  92. We show a notification when a printer is removed from the account. You can either go to the account page to restore access or remove it from Cura. In order to establish a new connection, the user is directed to the Digital Factory.
  93. * Add an offline printer, linked to an account, to Cura
  94. Printers that are temporarily offline (but previously added to your account) will also be added to Cura. You won't be able to send a print to that printer, but you could slice for it and store the g-code elsewhere.
  95. * Adjust initial layer horizontal expansion
  96. We adjusted the initial layer horizontal expansion for some profiles. This compensates for Elephant's Foot, a small defect where the bottom of the print has a little ridge where it is molten to the build plate.
  97. * Allow a g-code to be inserted before or after pausing
  98. It allows the user to enter a custom g-code before and after a pause at height. Contributed by rodrigosclosa.
  99. * Remove package ratings
  100. The package ratings have been removed from the Marketplace.
  101. * Remove extra skin wall count in concentric
  102. Hide "Extra Skin Wall Count" setting if a concentric pattern is used, and don't let it affect the print any more.
  103. * Support Stair Step Minimum Slope Angle
  104. With this setting you can disable stair stepping on the very bottom of the support, up until the slope of the model has a certain angle.
  105. * Pause at Height scripts combined
  106. Instead of having various scripts to use for different machines, there is now just one Pause at Height post-processing script, so all printers can now have the same features when pausing. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  107. * Pause at Height limited to 1 redo layer
  108. The "redo layers" setting is replaced by a checkbox to redo just the last layer, to prevent colliding the print head with previously printed layers.
  109. * Change at Z improvements
  110. Added support for changing Retract Length and Speed and fixed an issue when multiple changes are stacked on top of each other. Contributed by novamxd.
  111. * Add post-processing script display progress on LCD
  112. The "Display Progress On LCD" post-processing script shows the time left and the percentage on their LCD screen. Contributed by Bostwickenator.
  113. * Add preference for single instance
  114. If enabled, only one instance of Cura will be started at a time. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  115. * Remove spaghetti infill
  116. This setting was rarely used and didn't work well.
  117. * Bug fixes
  118. - Fixed issues with support no longer generated on some parts of the model. Support Stair Steps has caused some support to be missing where it touches the build plate or where it's resting on a shallow surface. It should be complete again.
  119. - Fixed multiple different issues with tree support, where branches would intersect with the model, the wouldn't keep distance when resting on the model, or when printing with Spiralize mode.
  120. - Fixed an issue where Cubic Subdivision infill didn't move along with the model.
  121. - Cubic Subdivision will now rotate according to the Infill Line Directions setting. Contributed by smartavionics.
  122. - X-ray view is now red again, instead of translucent green.
  123. - Improved wording of the "Discard/Keep Changes" dialog for clarity.
  124. - Models assigned to extruders >4 are visible again in layer view.
  125. - Fixed an issue when importing images if the "Base" setting was greater than "Height".
  126. - Cura now outputs a command to cool down the build plate for the second object in one-at-a-time mode even if the Initial Layer Build Plate Temperature is 0.
  127. - Distance between infill and walls and between infill and skin is corrected when using Infill Layer Thickness.
  128. - Fixed a crash when Coasting Minimum Volume is set to 0.
  129. - The usable build volume will no longer be shrunk unnecessarily when not using any adhesion, but using a prime tower with a brim.
  130. - Fixed a slicing crash when combining Randomize Infill Start with an even number for Infill Line Multiplier.
  131. - Improved reduction of model resolution. The Maximum Resolution and Deviation settings should now be more accurate and no longer behave differently in one corner of the model.
  132. - Removed an unintended gap when something was resting on an ironed surface.
  133. - Fix skirt printing out of order, causing unnecessary travel moves. Contributed by smartavionics.
  134. - A fix was added by smartavionics which removes unnecessary long moves that travel towards the outer wall.
  135. - It wasn't possible to connect to a network printer if two network plugins were enabled simultaneously. Now made possible by Loociano.
  136. - Support settings are now visible when you have support disabled, but a support mesh is present in the scene. Fixed by fieldOfView.
  137. - Fix printing speed after performing a retraction when using the stretch post-processing script. Contributed by sgtnoodle.
  138. - Prevent tool panels from overlapping with scene information. Fix made by smartavionics.
  139. - The values of the machine settings would look cut-off on some Linux distributions. Now fixed by smartavionics.
  140. - Fixed settings sometimes not appearing if they belong to a checkbox setting that is enabled by default (e.g. retraction settings belonging to Enable Retraction).
  141. - We cleaned up our “About...” dialog. It is now up to date.
  142. - Improve performance of loading profile metadata. This fix improves the start-up time of Cura.
  143. - When loading images, the translucency and linear options were swapped. Translucency should now again be tuned for lithophanes, and linear for a height map. Contributed by michalsc.
  144. - Retractions in travel move to next layer were sometimes omitted, but that's fixed now. Contributed by smartavionics.
  145. - Fix initial layer thickness when empty initial layers are removed. Contributed by smartavionics.
  146. - If Brim Replaces Support is enabled, the brim will now also replace support interface.
  147. * Printer definitions and profiles
  148. - Custom printer for Smoothieware firmware. Contributed by grk3010.
  149. - SVT DYITech. Contributed by venkatkamesh.
  150. - HMS434 update. Contributed by maukCC.
  151. - Cubicon Style NEO-A22. Contributed by hunibest-Hyvision.
  152. - Atmat Machines. Contributed by gandzia44.
  153. - Adjusted error limits for some MonoPrice Mini Delta settings. Contributed by PurpleHullPeas.
  154. - Tronxy. Contributed by 64bittuning.
  155. - Uni 3D Series. Contributed by evg33.
  156. - Predator printers and mesh for FLSUN-QQ. Contributed by curso007.
  157. - Fixed bed dimensions for Geeetech A10M and update Geeetech A10. Contributed by gerardrubio and keleticsaba.
  158. - Anycubic Mega Zero. Contributed by kad.
  159. - New Deltacomb models and updates. Contributed by kaleidoscopeit.
  160. - Add 2nd extruder to Tevo Tarantula printers. Contributed by paalex.
  161. - I3 Metal Motion. Contributed by pfelecan.
  162. - Lotmaxx Shark. Contributed by sm3dp.
  163. - Dagoma dual-extrusion printers. Contributed by 0r31.
  164. - Sovol 3D. Contributed by Joyce-lujunxu.
  165. - Tinyboy printers. Contributed by fred2088.
  166. - Beamup L. Contributed by beamup3d.
  167. - Strateo3D material updates. Contributed by KOUBeMT.
  168. - Adjusted firmware speed/acceleration rates for Dagoma Disco. Contributed by Sophist-UK.
  169. [4.6.2]
  170. * Removed Ultibot from Marketplace login screen.
  171. For professionalism, Ultibot has been asked to leave the Marketplace login screen. He's now gone from everything.
  172. * Bug fixes
  173. - We fixed a frustrating bug where a package would keep issuing a badge notification to update, even after the package had been updated.
  174. - The Ultimaker 2+ generated an unwanted travel move that could drag priming material into the start of a print. This is now fixed.
  175. [4.6.1]
  176. * Bug fixes
  177. - Changes to the Simplify() algorithm in 4.6.0 caused Z seam placement issues, which resulted in less-than-perfect results. This has been fixed.
  178. - Added missing nozzle profiles for Ender 3 Pro.
  179. [4.6.0]
  180. THANK YOU to all Ultimaker Cura users helping in the fight against COVID-19 – with 3D printing, volunteering, or just by staying home. Want to get involved? Find out more at
  181. * New Intent profiles.
  182. In version 4.4 we introduced Intent profiles for the Ultimaker S3 and Ultimaker S5 which allow you to start prints at the click of a button without a lot of configuration steps. Due to popular demand, version 4.6 expands the range of Engineering Intent profiles to include more of the Ultimaker material portfolio: PC, Nylon, CPE, and CPE+. These work with 0.4 print cores.
  183. * Show active post processing scripts.
  184. fieldOfview has contributed an ease of use improvement to the post processing plugin. The number of enabled post processing scripts will now display as a badge notification over the post processing scripts icon. A tooltip gives extra information about which scripts are enabled for quick and easy inspection, so there's no need to open the post processing dialog.
  185. * Hole Horizontal Expansion.
  186. smartavionics has contributed a new setting that applies an offset to all holes on each layer, allowing you to manually enlarge or contract holes to compensate for horizontal expansion.
  187. * Per-model settings.
  188. The "Infill only" checkbox has been changed to a dropdown selection: “Infill mesh only” or “Cutting mesh”.
  189. * Transparent support rendering.
  190. In preview mode with ‘Line type’ selected, support material will render with transparency so you can easily see what’s being supported.
  191. * No stair stepping for PVA profiles.
  192. Stair stepping is intended to reduce the adhesion between support and the model, where the support rests on the model, and to reduce scarring. As PVA doesn't suffer from scarring or adhesion issues due to its water-solubility, this value has been set to 0 for PVA profiles. A known issue with the stair stepping algorithm causes support to disappear sometimes, so doing this reduces the chance of that happening when PVA is used.
  193. * Separators in extensions menu.
  194. fieldOfview has contributed a method for plugin authors to add separators between menu items in the “Extensions” submenu. The method is backwards-compatible so changes don’t have to be made in Cura and Uranium together.
  195. * Ultimaker account sign in prompt.
  196. Added clearer text to the sign in popup and first use flow to highlight the benefits of using an Ultimaker account with Cura.
  197. * Updated installer.
  198. Small fixes have been made to the installer. To keep up with the times, we’ve also updated the images to display an Ultimaker S3 instead of an Ultimaker 3.
  199. * Infill mesh ordering.
  200. When you have three objects overlapping each other and you set two of them to "Modify settings for infill of other models", then the setting "Infill Mesh Order" determines which of the two infill meshes gets priority where they overlap. This was broken for cutting meshes, so BagelOrb contributed a fix.
  201. * Backups storage size.
  202. We’ve put a hard limit on backup file size in this release to prevent other files being stored there.
  203. * 3MF gcode comments removed.
  204. Fixed a bug where comments were removed from Start/End G-codes when opening from a 3MF.
  205. * Print monitor preheat fields.
  206. Values in the print monitor preheat fields were broken in previous versions, they have now been fixed by fieldOfview.
  207. * Stepper motor disarming during pause at height.
  208. Some printers automatically disable their steppers after a pause after a certain time. This script makes it possible to set that in the pause script (instead of relying on default behavior of the firmware).
  209. * Crash if logging in on two instances at the same time.
  210. During the beta period we caught a critical bug where logging in to an Ultimaker account with two instances of Cura would crash the second instance. It crashes because while the web page is open, Cura opens a web server in the local host. The web page redirects to that web server when you've logged in, so that it knows that the log-in was successful and what the credentials are. Both instances try to create a web server on the same port, which is impossible.
  211. * "Changes detected from your Ultimaker account" message.
  212. We fixed a bug on MacOS where duplicate "Changes detected from your Ultimaker account" popups would appear at a single time.
  213. * Crashes when inactive.
  214. Some people reported experiencing crashes when the computer had been inactive for a long time, or when the laptop got suspended or went to sleep. This has been fixed.
  215. * Support blocker is not blocking support.
  216. Fixed an issue where the support blocker was not blocking support.
  217. * Sending slice message takes too long when using mesh helpers.
  218. Fixed an issue where it would take too long to trigger a slice when using the mesh helpers and support blocker.
  219. * Flying Bear printers.
  220. oducceu has contributed a machine definition for the Flying Bear Ghost 4S Printer.
  221. * Magicfirm printers.
  222. jeffkyjin has contributed machine definitions for MBot Grid II+, MBot Grid II+ (dual), MBot Grid IV+ and MBot Grid IV+ (dual).
  223. * HMS434.
  224. Updates to the HMS434 machine definition have been contributed by maukcc.
  225. * FabX Pro.
  226. hussainsail2002 has contributed machine definitions for FabX Pro and print profiles for REDD materials.
  227. * Disclaimer: Third-party machine definitions are accepted as contributed, and are not tested or maintained in any way by the Cura development team.
  228. [4.5.0]
  229. * Ultimaker Marketplace sync.
  230. Plugins and print profiles downloaded from the Ultimaker Marketplace will now become associated with your Ultimaker account when logged in. If changes are detected in your installation after logging in, an option to sync a list of available packages will become available. You can also add packages to your installation using the web-based Ultimaker Marketplace.
  231. * Layer preview number.
  232. The layer slider number in preview mode is now at the top, instead of on the left, for a neater fit next to the settings panel.
  233. * Project name in window title.
  234. In the same way your browser shows the page title next to the name of the application, Cura now shows the name of the loaded file in the title bar.
  235. * Fuzzy skin outside only.
  236. When enabled, this option prevents fuzzy skin inside holes. This way you can still fit your prints around other things – useful for printing grips or similar applications.
  237. * Brim distance.
  238. This new setting contributed by SmartAvionics allows you to define a gap between the brim and the model for easier brim removal and reduced chance of leaving a mark on the finished piece.
  239. * 'Skin Edge Support' settings.
  240. It’s now possible to add an extra line inside your infill that supports the edge of the skin better. Two new settings contributed by SmartAvionics control this feature: ‘Skin Edge Support Thickness’ and ‘Skin Edge Support Layers’. Find these under ‘Infill settings’.
  241. * Bridge over low density infill.
  242. SmartAvionics has contributed a new setting that determines if the infill density in a location is lower than the specified infill density, skin and walls above it should be treated as bridging.
  243. * Shared heater.
  244. A new ‘Shared heater’ checkbox has been added to the machine settings page to support printers that have one nozzle and one heater, but multiple feeders. When enabled, heating and pre-heating procedures act differently so that the nozzle doesn’t cool down for the stand-by temperature or the initial/final printing temperatures. Contributed by SmartAvionics.
  245. * Material mixing.
  246. A new post-processing script can be used to mix materials if you have a mixing nozzle. Mix materials of different colors in order to print in a different color than either of your currently loaded materials. Contributed by Hrybmo.
  247. * Infill mesh planning.
  248. Another contribution from SmartAvionics optimizes the order in which infill meshes print their parts. It now takes the previous location into account instead of always the starting location.
  249. * Automatic extruder values.
  250. Automatic extruder values are now added for dual extrusion when slicing via the command line.
  251. * Gamma correction for lithopanes.
  252. Loading an image file into Cura creates a heightmap that can be used to make lithopanes. BagelOrb has altered the method of calculating this to apply gamma correction, so that the lightness of the pane is more truthful to the original lightness.
  253. * Support for alpha channels in ImageReader.
  254. Added support for images with transparency, such as PNGs. When using an image with transparency, the contours of the transparent layer will be followed. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  255. * Speed up plugin loading.
  256. fieldOfView has contributed a code optimization to load plugins faster on start. Mileage may vary, but Cura’s startup speed should see a marked improvement.
  257. * Crash logging.
  258. We switched to a more robust provider for crash analytics, so we can develop a more stable product for you. We also added some extra datapoints to crash reports.
  259. * Scene re-rendering.
  260. A new performance enhancement that limits re-rendering of the application interface from ‘constant’ to ‘only-when-necessary’.
  261. * HTTP request handling.
  262. Previous versions used different ways of handling HTTP requests. This version uses a unified method, for better performance.
  263. * Job names less sensitive to being touched.
  264. A contribution from fieldOfview has fixed an issue where the jobname in the bottom-left of the scene is no longer made static by clicking on it. If you load a model and change to another printer, the prefix is now correctly updated.
  265. * Property checks on instance containers.
  266. A new speed optimization for reading setting values from profiles.
  267. * Native support has been added for the following third-party printers. Find them in the ‘Add printer’ list.
  268. - BeamUp S. Contributed by Beamup3D.
  269. - Anet3D. Contributed by springtiger.
  270. - Lotmaxx. Contributed by sm3dp.
  271. - eMotionTech. KOUBeMT has contributed updates to eMotionTech materials and the Strateo3D printer.
  272. - HMS434. Updates contributed by maukcc.
  273. - 3D Tech. Contributed by dvdsouza.
  274. - Skriware 2. Contributed by skriDude.
  275. - Leapfrog Bolt. Contributed by VincentRiemens.
  276. - Makeblock mCreate. Contributed by pkz0313.
  277. - Voron2. Contributed by Fulg.
  278. * Bug fixes
  279. - Fixed a bug in some Windows graphics drivers that would prevent Cura from starting.
  280. - Round interpolated Z values when spiralizing. Contributed by SmartAvionics.
  281. - Corrected build plate temperature limits for Ultimaker S-line printers.
  282. - Fixed delete button on Apple keyboards to delete selected models.
  283. - Fixed an issue where selecting ‘all settings’ visibility in custom mode would override a custom selection of settings when switching back.
  284. - Min x/y distance on sloped walls. Contribution from SmartAvionics that uses minimum x/y distance when the layer below protrudes beyond current layer (i.e. sloped walls).
  285. - Speed up for determining the print order when many parts are in the scene. Another contribution from SmartAvionics.
  286. - Fixed an issue where overlapping volumes interfered with each other when in surface mode. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  287. - Fixed a wrong extrusion move between the last x/y position and the ‘park head to take a photo’ position in the timelapse post-processing script.
  288. - Fixed an issue where window sizes weren’t saved when closing Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  289. - Fixed an issue where a duplicate brim was created when adhesion and a prime tower brim was enabled at the same time. Contributed by SmartAvionics.
  290. - Fixed an issue where settings are lost when switching between printers within a group of network-connected printers.
  291. - Fixed an issue where one-at-a-time mode was marking models as unprintable even though they were.
  292. - Fixed an issue where there was a huge extrusion move after bridge wall lines.
  293. - Prevent "Minimum Support Area" causing support to intersect with the model. This has been fixed by SmartAvionics.
  294. - Fixed running Qt with alternative Qt versions. This has been fixed by SmartAvionics.
  295. - Fixed "Retraction Minimum Travel". This has been fixed by SmartAvionics.
  296. - The model no longer flips upside-down when using Lay Flat on a mirrored object.
  297. - Improved the spinning animation in the splash screen.
  298. - The horizontal layer progress bar no longer gets obscured by the print action panel.
  299. - Fixed an issue where the specified extruder for brims would not extrude for every brim when working with multiple models in one-at-a-time mode.
  300. - Fixed style inconsistencies when using dark mode with the intent profile selection.
  301. - Fixed pause at height pausing too late.
  302. - Fixed the Material Volume Between Wipes setting not functioning at all.
  303. - Fixed an issue where comments were stripped out of G-code in start/end G-code fields.
  304. - Fixed an issue where changes did not show up when creating, deleting, renaming, or duplicating print profiles for some printers.
  305. - Removed hidden printers from the user's profile folder, which were causing Cura to slow down sometimes.
  306. - Improved performance of discovering printers on the network using Zeroconf.
  307. - The ‘Support Wall Line Count’ setting now applies to tree support as well. The specific setting for Tree Support has been removed.
  308. - Fixed random crashes when loading project files for custom FFF printers.
  309. - Fixed an issue where a duplicated material profile would assign values in the wrong fields.
  310. - Fixed an issue where large areas of concentric skin would accumulate small errors. Contributed by SmartAvionics.
  311. [4.4.1]
  312. * Bug fixes
  313. - Fixed problem where wrong material was selected by default.
  314. - Fixed a problem where custom profiles were disappearing when loading a project without a nozzle profile.
  315. [4.4.0]
  316. *Intent profiles.
  317. What’s the intent of your print? A rapid prototype? A visual prototype? An end-use part with specific holes sizes? Intent profiles accelerate the CAD-CAM workflow by preconfiguring all the right settings in Ultimaker Cura for each of these use cases. Simply select a profile that matches the intent of your design, slice, and you’re ready to print immediately, without the need to adjust the typical settings. For now, there are three Intent profiles:
  318. *‘Draft’
  319. Intended for initial prototypes and concept validation, and will print your design in the shortest time possible.
  320. *‘Engineering’
  321. Intended for high-dimensional accuracy, to print functional prototypes and mechanical end-use parts.
  322. *‘Visual’
  323. Intended for visual prototypes and prints that need excellent aesthetic quality.
  324. For now, these profiles work for the Ultimaker S5 and Ultimaker S3 with Ultimaker PLA, Tough PLA, and ABS materials, and include PVA and Breakaway combinations. More profiles will follow over time.
  325. *Per-model settings.
  326. Per-model settings are a set of very powerful features for users who need to tweak specific settings in specific parts of the model. In previous releases these were buried in the interface somewhat, so this release has made them more discoverable with clear icons in the toolbar, so everyone can discover them. The per-model settings can now be accessed both when working from the recommended and the custom print settings mode.
  327. *Specify network printer.
  328. When connected to an Ultimaker Connect group of multiple printers, Ultimaker Cura once again shows a pop-up to select a designated printer for your printjob. This functionality had been disabled in the last version to ensure reliability when printing remotely.
  329. *Performance improvements.
  330. Various tweaks under the hood for a snappier, more responsive interface. This improvement is most noticeable when switching extruders, print profiles, hovering over tooltips and when scrolling through the print settings list.
  331. *SDK version increment.
  332. The changes made in version 4.4 (mainly for intents but also other things) are so thorough that we needed to do a major increment of the SDK version. Contributors – please update your packages!
  333. *Pause at height message.
  334. A setting has been added to the pause at height script that displays a custom message on screen. This can be used to give instructions to operators to perform an action during the pause, e.g. ‘Place 626 bearings in slots now’.
  335. *Restore window preference.
  336. has contributed a new preference around restoring the previous window position/size to the last used position/size on start up. This would be a workaround for those setups where starting Ultimaker Cura on a secondary screen will prevent it from working.
  337. *Group Linux instances.
  338. has contributed a fix so that multiple instances of Ultimaker Cura get grouped in one application group in Gnome (the Linux front-end). It adds a bit of metadata to the .desktop file so that the windows can be grouped.
  339. * Known bugs
  340. Cura not starting on Windows 10. Some users started reporting that Ultimaker Cura 4.3 and higher did not start properly, fur unknown reasons. We have implemented some code to get a better understanding of the issue, but we have not been able to fix it just yet.
  341. As a quick fix: Go to the install path, by default “C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.4”. Right click Cura.exe and select ‘properties’. Click the ‘compatibility’ tab and select “Run This Program in Compatibility Mode For: Windows 8”. If this does not fix your issue, please contact your service provider.
  342. * Minor improvements
  343. - Reweighting stages.
  344. - Small plug-in system improvements
  345. - Add RetractContinue post-processing script.
  346. - Add DisplayRemainingTimeOnLCD post-processing script by
  347. - Thickness of the very bottom layer
  348. * Updated third party printers
  349. - Strateo3D. has updated the machine profile for Strateo3D.
  350. - Key3D Tyro. has created a definition, extruder, and profiles for the Key3D Tyro.
  351. - Prusa i3 MK3/MK3S printer. has contributed the latest definition for Prusa i3 MK3/MK3s made by Prusa Research with a minor modification to fit in Prusa folder under "add printer".
  352. - Hellbot printer. has contributed a machine profile for the Hellbot printer.
  353. - HMS434 update by
  354. - Add CR-10 MAX and Ender-5 plus by
  355. - Modify Cubicon device profile by
  356. - Add Cubicon printer definitions by
  357. * Bug fixes
  358. - Re-calculating retraction-safe area with every wall by
  359. - Fix Normals after Mirror Operation
  360. - Crash when loading PJ with creality
  361. - Per-object setting stacks checked for errors even if they are empty by
  362. - getAngleLeft gives wrong results when lines are colinear
  363. - Lots of qml warnings regarding MaterialsTypeSelection.qml
  364. - PR: Avoid unwanted travel with ironing by
  365. - PR: Remove all travel moves < 5um by
  366. - AMF files are mirrored
  367. - Changes to Material diameter do not get applied
  368. - Long string of text on profile names goes through borders
  369. - CURA 4.3 - Crash when connecting networked Ultimaker S5
  370. - Layer slider falls behind action panel, on low resolution displays only by
  371. - Deleting profiles will not update the size of the drop-down menu
  372. - Create / Update / Discard options are enabled when they should be greyed out
  373. - Scroll bar for profile dropdown
  374. - Can't change printhead X/Y Min/Max
  375. - Syncing to a printer that has both nozzles disabled causes Cura to crash
  376. - Project file open behavior preference is ignored when opening from command line.
  377. - Create CFFF printer and change nozzle diameter will cause a crash
  378. - Pause At Height resumes with wrong speed
  379. - One-at-a-time ordering wrong
  380. - Fix license extraction from CuraPackage
  381. - Invalid firmware for UM2 update continues forever
  382. - Infill inset too much with connected lines and thicker infill by
  383. - Reworked line polygon crossings by
  384. [4.3.0]
  385. *Ultimaker S3.
  386. This release includes a new profile for our latest S-line of 3D printers: the Ultimaker S3. Eagle-eyed beta testers may have noticed this extra printer profile in the beta release, too. Well done to those who spotted it. Learn more about the Ultimaker S3 by reading the blog on
  387. *Even more 3D file formats.
  388. This version is compatible with even more 3D file formats out-of-the-box, so you can integrate CAD software, 3D scanning software, and 3D modeling software into your workflow with ease. Natively open Collada, GLTF, OpenCTM, and PLY formats, to name a few. And don’t forget, downloading plugins from the Ultimaker Marketplace brings in support for many more.
  389. *Align faces to the build plate.
  390. Orienting your models with the rotation tool or the lay flat tool can be a hassle with complex geometries. This new time-saving feature lets you select a face of your model to rest on the build plate, so you can get the orientation you need quickly and easily. Please note this is disabled in compatibility mode (and if your machine is running OpenGL 3.2 or lower).
  391. *Support infill/interface line directions.
  392. Improve reliability with more precise control over certain aspects of your print. Choose the angle that support-infill and interfaces print at, thanks to a contribution from vgribinchuck. Input a set of angles you want lines generated at, and these will be placed sequentially throughout your 3D print.
  393. *Randomize infill start.
  394. Randomize which infill line is printed first. This distributes strength across the model, preventing one segment becoming the weakest link, at the cost of an additional travel move.
  395. *Print small features slower.
  396. Smartavionics has contributed a setting which recognizes small perimeters and reduces print speed in order to boost the reliability and accuracy of small printed features. This is especially useful for small perimeters such as printed holes, as they tend to get ripped away from the build plate easily due to their low contact area.
  397. *Easy selector for Z seam positions.
  398. Z seams are now easier to position on your model, thanks to a contribution by trouch. A drop down selection box has been added to custom mode, giving you a list of presets to place the z seam on your model.
  399. *Colorblind assist theme.
  400. Nubnubbud has added a new theme for colorblind users which makes more distinction between colors, such as the yellow/green line colors in the layer view.
  401. *DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD script.
  402. Some improvements for this post processing script from the community. N95JPL has contributed updates to offer a wider range of optional information. Adecastilho has contributed updates so that the layer count is displayed before the filename to prevent the layer number getting truncated in the event of long filename, as well as an option to start layer count at either 0 or 1. The ':' in the display string has also been removed as it is a GCODE command that splits the line into two different commands.
  403. *Peripheral information for output devices.
  404. Architectural changes in Ultimaker Cura to allow display information about peripherals in the printer output device, so that I can use it to later on show that information in the Monitor stage plugin.
  405. *Quality changes on import.
  406. Users can now import profiles that have been created on a different machine other than the active one.
  407. *Remove prime after coasting.
  408. Reduce the visibility of the z seam when printing with coasting by preventing nozzle priming.
  409. *Map Material Station slot data.
  410. The available configurations drop down will display information about a Ultimaker S5 Material Station if connected. Read more about the Ultimaker S5 Material Station on
  411. *Manage Printer link.
  412. Added a “Manage Printer” link in the monitor tab which takes you to Ultimaker Connect.
  413. *Improvement in code quality.
  414. Improved code quality resulting in improved stability.
  415. * Bug fixes
  416. - Uninstall in silent mode. Fixed an issue where a dialog displays when uninstalling in silent mode.
  417. - Build Interface if Support is Present. In some cases, support could be pushed away by large support XY distance, but interfaces could be left on overhangs which leads to situation when interface is generated without support. This has been fixed.
  418. - Install in silent mode. The bundled Arduino driver is signed by a certificate that's not trusted on Windows by default, so there was no way to suppress the prompt or to have the installer skip driver installation. This has been fixed.
  419. - 3MF project printer connection not included. When loading a project file that was saved while a network connection was active, the network connection is not re-established. This has been fixed.
  420. - Thin Walls broken. Fixed an error with thin walls being broken.
  421. - Tray icon remaining. Fixed a bug where the tray icon would remain after closing the application.
  422. - Marketplace text. Fixed an issue where Marketplace text is blurry on some screens
  423. - Unsupported profile imports. Fixed an issue where exported profiles could not be reimported.
  424. - Loading file message. Added visual feedback when loading files such as STLs
  425. - Loading GCODE on disabled extruders. Fixed an issue where GCODE imported using multi-extrusion fails to load if an extruder is disabled.
  426. - Support brim with concentric support pattern. Fixed an issue where support would be in mid-air.
  427. - Reduced cloud logging. Logging has been reduced for cloud connections on unstable connections.
  428. - Application menu extruder menu. Fixed an issue where changing the extruder via the application menu didn’t work.
  429. - Tool handles move when rotating. Fixed an issue where rotate tool handles would change location when rotating.
  430. - F5 reload. Fixed an issue where F5 doesn't reload GCODE.
  431. - Application not starting before the splash screen. Fixed an issue where the application wouldn’t start before the splash window.
  432. - Qt 5.13 crashes. Fixed an issue where the ShaderEffect crashes using Qt 5.13
  433. - Can’t select other materials in print setting tab. Fixed an issue where other materials couldn’t be selected using the print settings tab.
  434. - Drop down to buildplate after resize. Models don’t drop down to the build plate if they are scaled down from ‘too large to fit’.
  435. - Unsupported quality profiles. Fixed unsupported quality profiles appearing for 0.25 + 0.8 print core combinations.
  436. - 'Arrange all models' for groups. Fixed an issue where arrange all models hangs for grouped models.
  437. - Update Checker not working. Fixed this so that updates are visible if using a legacy version.
  438. - Missing support brim. Fixed an issue where support brim was missing if platform adhesion set to ‘None’.
  439. - Multiply non-normal mesh doesn't work. Fixed instances where processes stopped and messages would hang.
  440. - Settings not updating in GUI with inheritance. Fixed settings not updating GUI with inheritance.
  441. - Prevent 'generic'-part in name of specific materials. Introduced checks for ‘generic’ material types to help material categorization.
  442. - Hide temperature settings. The "Default Print Temperature" setting is currently editable, but editing this setting can cause problems with temperatures later especially when you have it in your custom profile. We decided to hide this setting so users can no longer edit it in the later releases to avoid confusion. The "Default Build Plate Temperature" has also been hidden because it causes a similar issue.
  443. - Add machine_heated_build_volume. Introduced a new machine_heated_build_volume machine-setting, which is set it to false by default, and only set it to true for the Ultimaker S5. Users can alter their own definition if they do have a heated build volume.
  444. - Z-hops on first layer. First move other start GCODE not z-hopped. Contributed by sailorgreg.
  445. - Preserve extruder-only moves in post stretch script. Contributed by sgtnoodle.
  446. - “Print via Cloud” is no longer possible without an Internet connection
  447. - Monitor tab no longer sometimes shows incorrect printer name or type
  448. - Long print job names are no longer overlapping other text in the monitor tab
  449. - “Connected to Cloud” pop-up now only displays when the currently selected printer is connected to Ultimaker cloud.
  450. - Monitor tab is no longer greyed out when idle.
  451. *Third-party printer definitions
  452. New machine definitions added for:
  453. - IMADE3D Jellybox. Contributed by filipgoc for IMADE3D Jellybox printers, which adds JellyBOX 2 printer and revises settings of JellyBOX Original.
  454. - Vertex Nano. Contributed by velbn
  455. - Felix Pro 2. Contributed by pnks
  456. - JGAurora A35. Contributed by pinchies.
  457. - eMotionTech Strateo3D. Contributed by KOUBeMT.
  458. - NWA3D A31. Contributed by DragonJe.
  459. [4.2.0]
  460. *Orthographic view.
  461. When preparing prints, professional users wanted more control over the 3D view type, so this version introduces an orthographic view, which is the same view type used by most professional CAD software packages. Find the orthographic view in View > Camera view > Orthographic, and compare the dimensions of your model to your CAD design with ease.
  462. *Object list.
  463. Easily identify corresponding filenames and models with this new popup list. Click a model in the viewport and its filename will highlight, or click a filename in the list and the corresponding model will highlight. The open or hidden state of the list will persist between sessions. How convenient.
  464. *Print previews.
  465. Some improvements have been made to print previews displayed in the monitor tab, Ultimaker Connect, or the Ultimaker S5 interface. In some instances, previews were clipped at the bottom or side, and sometimes models outside of the build plate area were visible. This is all fixed now.
  466. *AMF file compatibility.
  467. Ultimaker Cura now supports AMF (Additive manufacturing file format) files out-of-the-box, thanks to an AMF file reader contributed by fieldOfView.
  468. *Slice button delay.
  469. After clicking ‘Slice’, a lack of response could lead to frustrated buttonclicking. This version changes the button text to read ‘Processing’ during any pre-slicing delay.
  470. *Layer view line type.
  471. The line type color scheme in the layer view has been tweaked with new colors for infill and support interfaces so that they can be distinguished better.
  472. *Nozzle switch prime distance.
  473. Certain materials “ooze” more than others during retraction and long moves. Vgribinchuk has contributed a new setting that lets you finetune the restart distance, so that the full extrusion width is achieved when resuming a print.
  474. *Smart Z seam.
  475. A new option to increase the aesthetic quality of your prints has been added to custom mode, under Z seam settings. Smart Z seam works by analyzing your model’s geometry and automatically choosing when to hide or expose the seam, so that visible seams on outer walls are kept to a minimum.
  476. *Separate Z axis movements.
  477. Z axis movement handling has been improved to reduce the chance of print head collisions with prints.
  478. *Flow per feature.
  479. You can now adjust material flow for specific features of your print, such as walls, infill, support, prime towers, and adhesion. This allows line spacing to be controlled separately from flow settings.
  480. *Merge infill lines.
  481. We did some finetuning of the CuraEngine to improve print quality by filling thin infill areas more precisely and efficiently, and reducing movements that caused excessive gantry vibration.
  482. *Z hop speed.
  483. The Z hop speed for printers with no specific speed value would default to ‘299792458000’ (light speed!) The new Z hop speed setting ensures that all Z hops are performed at a more sensible speed, which you can control.
  484. *Support tower diameter.
  485. The ‘Minimum diameter’ setting for support towers has been renamed to ‘Maximum Tower-Supported Diameter’, which is more accurate and more specific because it mentions towers.
  486. *Square prime towers.
  487. Circular prime towers are now the default option. Square prime towers have been eradicated forever.
  488. *Third-party printer order.
  489. The ‘add printer’ menu now includes third-party printers that are ordered by manufacturer, so that specific machines can be found easily. Printer definitions. New machine definitions added for:
  490. - Anet A6 contributed by markbernard
  491. - Stereotech ST320 and START contributed by frylock34
  492. - Erzay3D contributed by Robokinetics
  493. - FL Sun QQ contributed by curso007
  494. - GeeTech A30 contributed by curso007
  495. *Creawsome mod.
  496. This version has pulled the Creawsome mod, made by trouch, which adds a lot of print profiles for Creality printers. It includes definitions for Creality CR10 Mini, CR10s, CR10s Pro, CR20, CR20 Pro, Ender 2, Ender 4 and Ender 5, and updates the definitions for CR10, CR10s4, CR10s5 and Ender3. The CRX is untouched. Pull requests are now submitted that merge the mod into mainline Cura.
  497. * Bug fixes
  498. - Noto Sans. Noto Sans was introduced as the default font in Ultimaker Cura some versions ago, but until now it wouldn’t render properly in the application unless already installed on your computer. This release forces the application to render Noto Sans even when it’s not installed as a font on your computer. Fun fact: Ultimaker recently rebranded, and we made Noto Sans our corporate font as well.
  499. - Reslice with per-model settings. When slicing a model with per-model settings, a change of one of the per model settings would not trigger a reslice. This has been fixed. Serial port interruptions. This version adds a way to stop serial connections if you add command line parameters.
  500. - Print one-at-a-time blob. In print-one-at-a-time mode, prime blobs could cause obstructions and cause prints to fail. This has been fixed.
  501. - Prime tower brim overlap fix. Fixed an issue where models on the build plate could overlap with brims of other models.
  502. - Wrong printer name. Fixed an issue where Ultimaker 3D printers that are synchronized over the network would display ‘Extruder 1’ in place of the printer’s hostname.
  503. - Unnecessary travel at print start. Fixed an issue where printing without a prime blob would cause the print head to make a 10 mm travel move for no reason.
  504. - Stair step height. This version fixes support stair step height, which influences the adhesion between the model and support printed on top (supports everywhere). For now, this bug has had no influence on PVA supported prints.
  505. [4.1.0]
  506. *Draggable settings panels
  507. There was a lot of feedback from the 4.0 release about the collapsible settings panels. Based on this feedback, we decided to make them completely draggable. The print settings panel (prepare stage) and the color scheme panel (preview stage) can now be dragged and positioned anywhere in the 3D viewer. A double click of the header will reset each to their default position.
  508. *Updated onboarding flow.
  509. The onboarding flow on first startup has been updated with a look and feel more in line with the new interface. A series of setup steps will be shown, including Welcome, User agreement, Change log, the option to add a (networked) printer, and the option to sign up/sign in with an Ultimaker account.
  510. *Add printer menu.
  511. Various updates in the ‘Add printer menu’. The machine settings menu has been updated in line with the new look and feel of the interface, and it's now possible to directly add machines from discovered network printers.
  512. *Expert settings visibility.
  513. Previously, new settings weren't displayed in the expert preset even though they were expert-level settings. The latest features (e.g. Prime tower brim) are now included in the expert preset, for easy access.
  514. *Experimental print profile indicator.
  515. When an experimental print profile is activated, the settings panel header will now display an "Experimental" tag.
  516. *Printing guidelines.
  517. More information about how to print advanced materials can be quickly and easily accessed via the interface. When a material is chosen in the configuration selector, an icon will appear next to it, which when clicked will direct the user to a 'Printing Guidelines' page specified by the print profile supplier.
  518. *Increased rendering speed.
  519. Rendering speed improvements that should be quite noticeable with multiple objects on the build plate.
  520. *Layer change script.
  521. This new post-processing script injects custom Gcode on a layer change, so that manual commands can be defined, e.g. park the print head. Contributed by wporter82.
  522. *Prime tower brim.
  523. Prime towers might need the extra adhesion of a brim even when the model doesn’t, so an option for a prime tower to print with a brim independently of the model has been added. This setting is available when the adhesion type is set to 'None', 'Skirt' or 'Brim', and the prime tower is enabled. Currently this option doesn’t work with rafts.
  524. *Prime tower Gcode comments.
  525. Gcode now contains comments to indicate when a prime tower is printed, like so: {code};TYPE:PRIME-TOWER{code}
  526. *Maximum deviation setting.
  527. Previously, the maximum deviation was hard-coded in CuraEngine to be half of the maximum resolution. A new setting has been added that sets the maximum allowed deviation from the original polygon when reducing model resolution. If line segments are shorter than the maximum resolution, they are removed, unless this introduces a deviation greater than the maximum deviation.
  528. *Gyroid support.
  529. Smartavionics has contributed a new option for a gyroid support pattern, similar to his gyroid infill contribution. A gyroid pattern is relatively efficient with material, so gyroid patterns permeable to water can dissolve faster. It’s also easier to pull gyroid structures off your model with pliers compared to some other support patterns.
  530. *Purchase materials.
  531. The Marketplace now includes a direct link to a site where users can buy specific materials to work with the corresponding print profile. The link is specified by the print profile supplier through the contributor portal.
  532. *Marketplace notifications.
  533. When a plugin or print profile in the Marketplace has updates, a badge notification will appear over the Marketplace button and installed packages tab, prompting you to update.
  534. * New third-party definitions:
  535. - NWA3D A5. Contributed by DragonJe.
  536. - Anycubic Chiron. Contributed by BluefireXD.
  537. - Alfawise u30. Contributed by NicolasNSSM.
  538. - Cubicon. Contributed by Hyvision.
  539. - Wanhao Duplicator 9. Contributed by matshch.
  540. - Creality 3D-X. Contributed by steverc1572
  541. - Z-Bolt. Contributed by alexkv.
  542. - TiZYX Evy. Contributed by ValentinPitre.
  543. - FLSUN QQ. Contributed by ranfahrer.
  544. - Structur3D Silicone. Contributed by afinkle.
  545. - TiZYX Evy Dual. Contributed by ValentinPitre.
  546. *Bug fixes:
  547. - Fixed an issue where the application crashed when opening the Ultimaker Marketplace after being logged in for more than 10 minutes. This was due to an expired token when checking network requests.
  548. - For PLA-PLA support combinations, the horizontal expansion value has changed from 0.2 to 0 by default. This fixes an issue where unnecessary support is generated. The default value for PVA remains the same.
  549. - Fixed an issue where choosing to "Update Existing" profile during project file loading did not overwrite the current settings with what was in the project file.
  550. - Removed the GFF and CFF materials from this version onwards. These materials are intended only for testing and are incompatible with the Ultimaker 2+
  551. - Fixed an issue where the maximum resolution setting removed more vertices than necessary.
  552. - Improved gyroid infill to stop very small (less than 10 uM) line segments being created when the gyroid infill lines are connected, increasing print consistency and reliability. Contributed by smartavionics
  553. - Previously, disabling build plate adhesion would also disable support brim settings. A support brim can now be enabled independently of build plate adhesion.
  554. - Improved combing moves over thin model areas. Contributed by smartavionics
  555. - Fixed an issue where the printer selector panel text would exceed the boundaries of popups in languages other than English.
  556. - Removed the ability to create print profiles with duplicate names in the print profile manager. Print profiles with the equal names would eventually lead to crashes or undefined behavior.
  557. - Fixed an issue where the application would not remember the previous save path after saving again in the same session.
  558. - Older machines running Mac OS X don't always support OpenGL 4.0+. For better performance the software can now detect if a machine doesn’t support it, and use OpenGL 2.0 instead. Contributed by fieldOfview.
  559. - Fixed an issue where the application would crash when selecting the support eraser tool.
  560. - Fixed an issue where Z seams didn’t snap to the sharpest corner.
  561. - Fixed issues where prints would have imperfections and on vertical surfaces.
  562. [4.0.0]
  563. *Updated user interface
  564. Ultimaker Cura is a very powerful tool with many features to support users’ needs. In the new UI, we present these features in a better, more intuitive way based on the workflow of our users. The Marketplace and user account control have been integrated into the main interface to easily access material profiles and plugins. Three stages are shown in the header to give a clear guidance of the flow. The stage menu is populated with collapsible panels that allow users to focus on the 3D view when needed, while still showing important information at the same time, such as slicing configuration and settings. Users can now easily go to the preview stage to examine the layer view after slicing the model, which previously was less obvious or hidden. The new UI also creates more distinction between recommended and custom mode. Novice users or users who are not interested in all the settings can easily prepare a file, relying on the strength of expert-configured print profiles. Experienced users who want greater control can configure over 300 settings to their needs.
  565. *Redesigned "Add Printer" dialog
  566. Updated one of the first dialogs a new user is presented with. The layout is loosely modeled on the layout of the Ultimaker 3/Ultimaker S5 "Connect to Network" dialog, and adds some instructions and intention to the dialog. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  567. *Updated custom mode panel
  568. Based on feedback from 4.0 beta, the custom mode panel is now resizable to make more settings visible. The set position will persist between sessions.
  569. *Monitor tab
  570. Updated the monitor tab interface for better alignment with Cura Connect interface.
  571. *Remote printing
  572. Use your Ultimaker S5 printer with an Ultimaker account to send and monitor print jobs from outside your local network. Requires firmware 5.2 (coming soon).
  573. *User ratings for plugins
  574. With an Ultimaker account, users can now give feedback on their experience by rating their favourite plugins.
  575. *Integrated backups
  576. ‘Cura backups’ has been integrated into Ultimaker Cura and can be found in the ‘extensions’ menu. With this feature, users can use their Ultimaker account to backup their Ultimaker Cura configurations to the cloud for easy, convenient retrieval.
  577. *Plugin versioning
  578. Newer plug-ins can't load in older versions if they use newer features, while old plug-ins may still load in newer versions.
  579. *LAN and cloud printer icons
  580. Users can now quickly see if their printer is network or cloud enabled with new icons.
  581. *Improved UI speed
  582. This version switches faster between extruders and printers. Your mileage may vary depending on your system specifications.
  583. *Floats precision
  584. No settings in Ultimaker Cura require more than three digits of precision, so floats in setting input fields have been limited to three digits only. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  585. *Minimum support area
  586. This feature allows set minimum area size for support and support interface polygons. Polygons which area are smaller than set value will not be generated. Contributed by vgribinchuk/Desktop Metal.
  587. *Lazy Tree Support calculation
  588. In previous versions, 95% of Tree Support’s computation time was used to calculate the collision volumes to make sure that the branches avoid collisions with the meshes. Now it calculates these volumes only when necessary, reducing the computation time. Contributed by bjude.
  589. *CPE and CPE+ comb retractions
  590. Changed all CPE and CPE+ profiles to travel up to 50 mm without retraction, decreasing blobs caused by combing long distances.
  591. *Marketplace improvements
  592. Added optimizations to show a support site instead of an email address, increased the number of lines that are shown for the description, and show a 'website' link so people can order material directly.
  593. *Arduino drivers silent install
  594. Previous versions stopped silent installation because the Arduino drivers packaged with Cura are not signed. Arduino drivers are now skipped when performing a silent install.
  595. *New third-party definitions
  596. - Wanhao. Updated printer profiles to use new travel_speed macro (Contributed by forkineye).
  597. - JGAurora A1, A5 and Z-603S (Contributed by pinchies).
  598. - Alfawise U20 (Contributed by pinchies).
  599. - Cocoon Create ModelMaker (Contributed by pinchies).
  600. - Ender-3. Updates to the printer definition (Contributed by stelgenhof).
  601. *Bug fixes
  602. - Fixed an issue which prevented slicing when per extruder settings were changed with a disabled extruder.
  603. - Improved handling of non-Ultimaker network connected printers within Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by fieldOfView
  604. - Fixed an issue where printing with the second extruder only would retract material unnecessarily.
  605. - Fixed an issue where outdated plugins remained partially activated.
  606. - Fixed an issue where combing was not working when tweaking Retraction minimum travel.
  607. - Fixed an oversized print head collision zone when using print one-at-a-time mode.
  608. - Due to inaccuracy of floats in very large prints, the position is reset again several times using "G92 E0" commands.
  609. - Improved update checker text for better readability.
  610. - Updated the implementation of 3MF in Ultimaker Cura for better consistency with 3MF consortium specifications.
  611. - Removed all final and initial print temperature offsets, and increased first layer print temperature to fix under-extrusion problems.
  612. - Holding shift and rotating a model on its axis for fine-grained rotations would sometimes pan the camera. This has now been fixed.
  613. - Added file type associations for .gcode and .g extensions.
  614. - Marked some more profiles as experimental.
  615. - Fixed an issue where duplicated PLA with a different label would replace the original PLA entry.
  616. - Updated which profile new materials are based when you create a brand new material. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  617. - Fixed adhesion type errors on startup.
  618. - Fixed an issue where system tray icons would remain when Ultimaker Cura is closed until mouse-over.
  619. - Added extra tooltip to give extra information about start/end g-codes.
  620. - Fixed an issue where clicking 'Create Account' would go to login instead of sign-up.
  621. - Fixed an issue where the legacy profile importer would generate corrupt profiles.
  622. - Fixed an issue where Ultimaker Cura could crash on start-up during the upgrading of your configuration to the newest version for some people.
  623. - Fixed an issue where Ultimaker Cura would crash after downloading plugin from Marketplace.
  624. - Ignores plugins folder when checking files for version upgrade. Start-up is now much faster if you've installed a lot of plugins or have used many versions of Ultimaker Cura.
  625. - Fixed an issue where the firmware checker shows up when there is no internet connection.
  626. - Fixed an issue where settings could not be made visible again after hiding all settings.
  627. - Fixed false configuration error for CC Red 0.6 core after a version upgrade.
  628. - Fixed an issue where a warning is issued when selecting a printer with no material loaded. The extruder will now be disabled instead.
  629. [3.6.0]
  630. *Gyroid infill
  631. New infill pattern with enhanced strength properties. Gyroid infill is one of the strongest infill types for a given weight, has isotropic properties, and prints relatively fast with reduced material use and a fully connected part interior. Note: Slicing time can increase up to 40 seconds or more, depending on the model. Contributed by smartavionics.
  632. *Support brim
  633. New setting that integrates the first layer of support material with the brim’s geometry. This significantly improves adhesion when printing with support material. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  634. *Cooling fan number
  635. It is now possible to specify the cooling fan to use if your printer has multiple fans. This is implemented under Machine settings in the Extruder tab. Contributed by smartavionics.
  636. *Settings refactor
  637. The CuraEngine has been refactored to create a more testable, future-proof way of storing and representing settings. This makes slicing faster, and future development easier.
  638. *Print core CC 0.6
  639. The new print core CC 0.6 is selectable when the Ultimaker S5 profile is active. This print core is optimized for use with abrasive materials and composites.
  640. *File name and layer display
  641. Added M117 commands to GCODE to give real-time information about the print job file name and layer number shown on the printer’s display when printing via USB. Contributed by adecastilho.
  642. *Firmware checker/Ultimaker S5
  643. The update checker code has been improved and tested for more reliable firmware update notifications in Ultimaker Cura. The Ultimaker S5 is now included.
  644. *Fullscreen mode shortcuts
  645. Fullscreen mode can be toggled using the View menu or with the keyboard shortcuts: Command + Control + F (macOS), or F11 (Windows and Linux). Contributed by KangDroid.
  646. *Configuration error message
  647. In previous versions, Ultimaker Cura would display an error dialog explaining when something happened to user configuration files, including the option to reset to factory defaults. This would not warn about losing the current printer and print profile settings, so this information has been added.
  648. *Rename Toolbox to Marketplace
  649. The entry points to the Toolbox are now renamed to Marketplace.
  650. *Materials in the Marketplace
  651. A new tab has been added to the Marketplace that includes downloadable material profiles, to quickly and easily prepare models for a range of third-party materials.
  652. *New third-party definitions
  653. New profiles added for Anycube 4MAx and Tizyx K25. Contributed by jscurtu and ValentinPitre respectively.
  654. *Improved definitions for Ender-3
  655. The Ender-3 build plate size has been adjusted to the correct size of 235 x 235 mm, corrected the start-up sequence, and the printhead position has been adjusted when prints are purged or completed. Contributed by stelgenhof.
  656. *Add mesh names to slicing message
  657. Added comment generation to indicate which mesh the GCODE after this comment is constructing. Contributed by paukstelis.
  658. *Bug fixes
  659. - The active material is highlighted in Ultimaker Cura’s material manager list. This behavior is now consistent with the profile and machine manager.
  660. - The option to use 1.75 mm diameter filament with third-party 3D printers is now fixed and does not revert back to 2.85 mm. This fix also applies the appropriate a Z-axis speed change for 1.75 mm filament printers. Contributed by kaleidoscopeit.
  661. - A fix was created to handle OSX version 10.10, but due to the QT upgrade, users with older versions won’t be able to run Ultimaker Cura on their system without a system update. This applies to OSX version 10.09 and 10.08.
  662. - Fixed a memory leak when leaving the “Monitor” page open.
  663. - Added performance improvements to the PolygonConnector to efficiently connect polygons that are close to each other. This also reduces the chances of the print head collide with previously printed things. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  664. - Fixed a bug where the GCODE reader didn’t show retractions.
  665. - Changes the USBPrinting update thread to prevent flooding the printer with M105 temperature update requests. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  666. - Fix the behavior of the "manage visible settings" button, when pressing the "cog" icon of a particular category. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  667. - Add a new post processing script that pauses the print at a certain height that works with RepRap printers. Contributed by Kriechi.
  668. - Fix updates to the print monitor temperatures while preheating. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  669. - Fixed a bug where material cost is not shown unless weight is changed.
  670. - Fixed bugs crashing the CuraEngine when TreeSupport is enabled.
  671. - Fixed a bug where Ultimaker Cura would upload the wrong firmware after switching printers in the UI.
  672. - Fixed a bug where the layer view was missing if the first layer was empty.
  673. - Fixed a bug where erroneous combing movements were taking place.
  674. - Fixed a bug where the initial layer temperature is set correctly for the first object but then never again.
  675. - Fixed a bug where clicking the fx icon didn’t respond.
  676. [3.5.1]
  677. *Bug fixes
  678. - Fixed M104 temperature commands giving inaccurate results.
  679. - Fixed crashes caused by loading files from USB stick on Windows platforms.
  680. - Fixed several issues with configuration files that missed the type in the metadata.
  681. - Fixed issues caused by skin/infill optimization.
  682. - Fixed several issues related to missing definition files for third-party printers.
  683. - Fixed an issue where combing path generation cuts corners.
  684. - Fixed a range of crashes caused by lock files.
  685. - Fixed issues with remembering save directories on MacOS.
  686. - Fixed an issue where CuraEngine uses incorrect material settings.
  687. - Fixed an issue where some support layers don't have support infill.
  688. [3.5.0]
  689. *Monitor page
  690. The monitor page of Ultimaker Cura has been remodeled for better consistency with the Cura Connect ‘Print jobs’ interface. This means less switching between interfaces, and more control from within Ultimaker Cura.
  691. *Open recent projects
  692. Project files can now be found in the ‘Open Recent’ menu.
  693. *New tool hotkeys
  694. New hotkeys have been assigned for quick toggling between the translate (T), scale (S), rotate (R) and mirror (M) tools.
  695. *Project files use 3MF only
  696. A 3MF extension is now used for project files. The ‘.curaproject’ extension is no longer used.
  697. *Camera maximum zoom
  698. The maximum zoom has been adjusted to scale with the size of the selected printer. This fixes third-party printers with huge build volumes to be correctly visible.
  699. *Corrected width of layer number box
  700. The layer number indicator in the layer view now displays numbers above 999 correctly.
  701. *Materials preferences
  702. This screen has been redesigned to improve user experience. Materials can now be set as a favorites, so they can be easily accessed in the material selection panel at the top-right of the screen.
  703. *Installed packages checkmark
  704. Packages that are already installed in the Toolbox are now have a checkmark for easy reference.
  705. *Mac OSX save dialog
  706. The save dialog has been restored to its native behavior and bugs have been fixed.
  707. *Removed .gz extension
  708. Saving compressed g-code files from the save dialog has been removed because of incompatibility with MacOS. If sending jobs over Wi-Fi, g-code is still compressed.
  709. *Updates to Chinese translations
  710. Improved and updated Chinese translations. Contributed by MarmaladeForMeat.
  711. *Save project
  712. Saving the project no longer triggers the project to reslice.
  713. *File menu
  714. The Save option in the file menu now saves project files. The export option now saves other types of files, such as STL.
  715. *Improved processing of overhang walls
  716. Overhang walls are detected and printed with different speeds. It will not start a perimeter on an overhanging wall. The quality of overhanging walls may be improved by printing those at a different speed. Contributed by smartavionics.
  717. *Prime tower reliability
  718. The prime tower has been improved for better reliability. This is especially useful when printing with two materials that do not adhere well.
  719. *Support infill line direction
  720. The support infill lines can now be rotated to increase the supporting capabilities and reduce artifacts on the model. This setting rotates existing patterns, like triangle support infill. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  721. *Minimum polygon circumference
  722. Polygons in sliced layers that have a circumference smaller than the setting value will be filtered out. Lower values lead to higher resolution meshes at the cost of increased slicing time. This setting is ideal for very tiny prints with a lot of detail, or for SLA printers. Contributed by cubiq.
  723. *Initial layer support line distance
  724. This setting enables the user to reduce or increase the density of the support initial layer in order to increase or reduce adhesion to the build plate and the overall strength.
  725. *Extra infill wall line count
  726. Adds extra walls around infill. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  727. *Multiply infill
  728. Creates multiple infill lines on the same pattern for sturdier infill. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  729. *Connected infill polygons
  730. Connecting infill lines now also works with concentric and cross infill patterns. The benefit would be stronger infill and more consistent material flow/saving retractions. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  731. *Fan speed override
  732. New setting to modify the fan speed of supported areas. This setting can be found in Support settings > Fan Speed Override when support is enabled. Contributed by smartavionics.
  733. *Minimum wall flow
  734. New setting to define a minimum flow for thin printed walls. Contributed by smartavionics.
  735. *Custom support plugin
  736. A tool downloadable from the toolbox, similar to the support blocker, that adds cubes of support to the model manually by clicking parts of it. Contributed by Lokster.
  737. *Quickly toggle autoslicing
  738. Adds a pause/play button to the progress bar to quickly toggle autoslicing. Contributed by fieldOfview.
  739. *Cura-DuetRRFPlugin
  740. Adds output devices for a Duet RepRapFirmware printer: "Print", "Simulate", and "Upload". Contributed by Kriechi.
  741. *Dremel 3D20
  742. This plugin adds the Dremel printer to Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by Kriechi.
  743. *Bug fixes
  744. - Removed extra M109 commands. Older versions would generate superfluous M109 commands. This has been fixed for better temperature stability when printing.
  745. - Fixed minor mesh handling bugs. A few combinations of modifier meshes now lead to expected behavior.
  746. - Removed unnecessary travels. Connected infill lines are now always printed completely connected, without unnecessary travel moves.
  747. - Removed concentric 3D infill. This infill type has been removed due to lack of reliability.
  748. - Extra skin wall count. Fixed an issue that caused extra print moves with this setting enabled.
  749. - Concentric skin. Small gaps in concentric skin are now filled correctly.
  750. - Order of printed models. The order of a large batch of printed models is now more consistent, instead of random.
  751. *Third party printers
  752. - TiZYX
  753. - Winbo
  754. - Tevo Tornado
  755. - Creality CR-10S
  756. - Wanhao Duplicator
  757. - Deltacomb (update)
  758. - Dacoma (update)
  759. [3.4.1]
  760. *Bug fixes
  761. - Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause an unnecessary extra skin wall to be printed, which increased print time.
  762. - Fixed an issue in which supports were not generated on the initial layer, because the engine expected a brim to be in place.
  763. - Conical and tree supports are now limited within the build plate volume.
  764. - Fixed various startup crashes, including: copying of the version folder, errors while deleting packages, storing the old files, and losing data on install.
  765. [3.4.0]
  766. *Toolbox
  767. The plugin browser has been remodeled into the Toolbox. Navigation now involves graphical elements such as tiles, which can be clicked for further details.
  768. *Upgradable bundled resources
  769. It is now possible to have multiple versions of bundled resources installed: the bundled version and the downloaded upgrade. If an upgrade in the form of a package is present, the bundled version will not be loaded. If it's not present, Ultimaker Cura will revert to the bundled version.
  770. *Package manager recognizes bundled resources
  771. Bundled packages are now made visible to the CuraPackageMangager. This means the resources are included by default, as well as the "wrapping" of a package, (e.g. package.json) so that the CuraPackageManger and Toolbox recognize them as being installed.
  772. *Retraction combing max distance
  773. New setting for maximum combing travel distance. Combing travel moves longer than this value will use retraction. Contributed by smartavionics.
  774. *Infill support
  775. When enabled, infill will be generated only where it is needed using a specialized support generation algorithm for the internal support structures of a part. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  776. *Print outside perimeter before holes
  777. This prioritizes outside perimeters before printing holes. By printing holes as late as possible, there is a reduced risk of travel moves dislodging them from the build plate. This setting should only have an effect if printing outer before inner walls. Contributed by smartavionics.
  778. *Disable omitting retractions in support
  779. Previous versions had no option to disable omitting retraction moves when printing supports, which could cause issues with third-party machines or materials. An option has been added to disable this. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  780. *Support wall line count
  781. Added setting to configure how many walls to print around supports. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  782. *Maximum combing resolution
  783. Combing travel moves are kept at least 1.5 mm long to prevent buffer underruns.
  784. *Avoid supports when traveling
  785. Added setting to avoid supports when performing travel moves. This minimizes the risk of the print head hitting support material.
  786. *Rewrite cross infill
  787. Experimental setting that allows you to input a path to an image to manipulate the cross infill density. This will overlay that image on your model. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  788. *Backup and restore
  789. Added functionality to backup and restore settings and profiles to cloud using the Cura Backups plugin.
  790. *Auto-select model after import
  791. User can now set preferences for the behavior of selecting a newly imported model or not.
  792. *Settings filter timeout
  793. The settings filter is triggered on enter or after a 500ms timeout when typing a setting to filter.
  794. *Event measurements
  795. Added time measurement to logs for occurrences, including startup time, file load time, number of items on the build plate when slicing, slicing time, and time and performance when moving items on the build plate, for benchmarking purposes.
  796. *Send anonymous data
  797. Disable button on the ‘Send anonymous data’ popup has changed to a ‘more info’ button, with further options to enable/disable anonymous data messages.
  798. *Configuration error assistant
  799. Detect and show potential configuration file errors to users, e.g. incorrect files and duplicate files in material or quality profiles, there are several places to check. Information is stored and communicated to the user to prevent crashing in future.
  800. *Disable ensure models are kept apart
  801. Disable "Ensure models are kept apart" by default due to to a change in preference files.
  802. *Prepare and monitor QML files
  803. Created two separate QML files for the Prepare and Monitor stages.
  804. *Hide bed temperature
  805. Option to hide bed temperature when no heated bed is present. Contributed by ngraziano.
  806. *Reprap/Marlin GCODE flavor
  807. RepRap firmware now lists values for all extruders in the "Filament used" GCODE comment. Contributed by smartavionics.
  808. *AutoDesk Inventor integration
  809. Open AutoDesk inventor files (parts, assemblies, drawings) directly into Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by thopiekar.
  810. *Blender integration
  811. Open Blender files directly into Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by thopiekar.
  812. *OpenSCAD integration
  813. Open OpenSCAD files directly into Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by thopiekar.
  814. *FreeCAD integration
  815. Open FreeCAD files directly into Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by thopiekar.
  816. *OctoPrint plugin
  817. New version of the OctoPrint plugin for Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  818. *Cura Backups
  819. Backup and restore your configuration, including settings, materials and plugins, for use across different systems.
  820. *MakePrintable
  821. New version of the MakePrintable plugin.
  822. *Compact Prepare sidebar
  823. Plugin that replaces the sidebar with a more compact variation of the original sidebar. Nozzle and material dropdowns are combined into a single line, the “Check compatibility” link is removed, extruder selection buttons are downsized, recommended and custom mode selection buttons are moved to a combobox at the top, and margins are tweaked. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  824. *PauseAtHeight plugin
  825. Bug fixes and improvements for PauseAtHeight plugin. Plugin now accounts for raft layers when choosing “Pause of layer no.” Now positions the nozzle at x and y values of the next layer when resuming. Contributed by JPFrancoia.
  826. *Bug fixes
  827. - Prime tower purge fix. Prime tower purge now starts away from the center, minimizing the chance of overextrusion and nozzle obstructions. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  828. - Extruder 2 temp via USB. Fixed a bug where temperatures can’t be read for a second extruder via USB. Contributed by kirilledelman.
  829. - Move to next object position before bed heat. Print one at a time mode caused waiting for the bed temperature to reach the first layer temperature while the nozzle was still positioned on the top of the last part. This has been fixed so that the nozzle moves to the location of the next part before waiting for heat up. Contributed by smartavionics.
  830. - Non-GCODE USB. Fixed a bug where the USB port doesn’t open if printer doesn't support GCODE. Contributed by ohrn.
  831. - Improved wall overlap compensation. Minimizes unexpected behavior on overlap lines, providing smoother results. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  832. - Configuration/sync. Fixes minor issues with the configuration/sync menu, such as text rendering on some OSX systems and untranslatable text. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  833. - Print job name reslice. Fixed behavior where print job name changes back to origin when reslicing.
  834. - Discard/keep. Customized settings don't give an 'discard or keep' dialog when changing material.
  835. - Message box styling. Fixed bugs related to message box styling, such as the progress bar overlapping the button in the ‘Sending Data’ popup.
  836. - Curaproject naming. Fixed bug related to two "curaprojects" in the file name when saving a project.
  837. - No support on first layers. Fixed a bug related to no support generated causing failed prints when model is floating above build plate.
  838. - False incompatible configuration. Fixed a bug where PrintCore and materials were flagged even though the configurations are compatible.
  839. - Spiralize contour overlaps. Fixed a bug related to spiralize contour overlaps.
  840. - Model saved outside build volume. Fixed a bug that would saved a model to file (GCODE) outside the build volume.
  841. - Filament diameter line width. Adjust filament diameter to calculate line width in the GCODE parser.
  842. - Holes in model surfaces. Fixed a bug where illogical travel moves leave holes in the model surface.
  843. - Nozzle legacy file variant. Fixed crashes caused by loading legacy nozzle variant files.
  844. - Brim wall order. Fixed a bug related to brim wall order. Contributed by smartavionics.
  845. - GCODE reader gaps. Fixed a GCODE reader bug that can create a gap at the start of a spiralized layer.
  846. - Korean translation. Fixed some typos in Korean translation.
  847. - ARM/Mali systems. Graphics pipeline for ARM/Mali fixed. Contributed by jwalt.
  848. - NGC Writer. Fixed missing author for NGC Writer plugin.
  849. - Support blocker legacy GPU. Fixes depth picking on older GPUs that do not support the 4.1 shading model which caused the support blocker to put cubes in unexpected locations. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  850. *Third-party printers
  851. - Felix Tec4 printer. Updated definitions for Felix Tec4. Contributed by kerog777.
  852. - Deltacomb. Updated definitions for Deltacomb. Contributed by kaleidoscopeit.
  853. - Rigid3D Mucit. Added definitions for Rigid3D Mucit. Contributed by Rigid3D.
  854. [3.3.0]
  855. *Profile for the Ultimaker S5
  856. New printer profile for the Ultimaker S5, our latest 3D printer.
  857. *Profile for Tough PLA
  858. New material profile for Tough PLA, a material that prints with the convenience of PLA but with toughness and impact strength similar to ABS.
  859. *Configuration/sync button
  860. Configuration and synchronization button now available for Ultimaker network-connected printers to easily synchronize all possible available configurations in your Cura Connect group. The name of the group host is automatically pulled from the API, and network printers and local printers are separated in the list for clarity.
  861. *Setting visibility preset
  862. Presets guide you to find the most important settings incrementally. A small menu is located next to the search bar to easily access these new setting visibility presets. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  863. *Print/save hotkey
  864. Send a print to the queue using Ctrl + P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + P (Mac). If no printer is present on the network, it will save to file instead.
  865. *3D model assistant
  866. Models sliced to print with ABS, PC, PP or CPE+ that have a larger footprint than 150 x 150 x 150 mm will notify the user with an icon and popup of how they can achieve the best possible print quality and reliability.
  867. *Refactored machine manager
  868. Refactored machine manager resulted in less manager classes. Changing settings, materials, variants and machines is now clearer. This results in an overall speed up when making changes.
  869. *Multiply models faster
  870. Significant speed increase when multiplying models.
  871. *Auto slicing disabled by default
  872. The auto slice tool is now disabled by default. Users can still enable the feature in the user preferences dialog.
  873. *Updated fonts
  874. Default font changed to NotoSans to increase readability and consistency with Cura Connect.
  875. *Plugin browser look and feel
  876. The plugin browser has been updated with a better look and feel to bring it in line with other UI elements. The author name is clickable, which opens email for support. Plugins can now be uninstalled with an uninstall button.
  877. *Show tooltip for unavailable profile
  878. Tooltips have been added to incompatible settings, to give explanations why they are incompatible.
  879. *Empty material slots Ultimaker 3
  880. When a material is not loaded in the Ultimaker 3, it is now displayed as ‘Empty’ rather than ‘Unknown’.
  881. *Send over network confirmation
  882. When a print job is sent to a networked printer, a popup will confirm the job was sent, with a button to redirect the user to the monitor in Cura Connect.
  883. *Post processing scripts
  884. Fixed an issue where post processing scripts could be lost between sessions. Post processing scripts are now persistent between sessions.
  885. *Single extrusion mode
  886. Disable an extruder on a dual extrusion printer, so you are not limited by the other extruder’s parameters. To disable an extruder, right click it in the right panel, and select ‘Disable extruder’ to disable it. Re-enable by right clicking and selecting ‘enable extruder’. Printing profiles are optimized for the active extruder, as well as global settings, such as build plate temperature, to achieve better print quality. Using single extrusion mode also makes the ‘print one at a time’ feature available for the Ultimaker 3 and Ultimaker S5.
  887. *New UFP extension
  888. UFP (Ultimaker format package) is a new file extension that contains compressed gcode and a preview thumbnail. Using this extension enables a model preview (similar to the solid view) on the Ultimaker S5 touchscreen and in Cura Connect.
  889. *Compressed Gcode
  890. Gcode saved from Ultimaker Cura using the Ultimaker 3 profile is compressed (using gzip) to save space on printers.
  891. *Circular prime tower
  892. Prime towers are now circular, resulting in a less jerky print head action, a more robust structure, better layer adhesion, and better build plate adhesion compared to square prime towers, reducing the chance of prime tower failure mid-print.
  893. *Connected infill lines
  894. Grid and triangular infill patterns now have connected lines for a more constant flow, better model rigidity, and reduced impact on the quality of the outer wall.
  895. *Support blocker - fieldOfView
  896. Generate a cube mesh to prevent support material generation in specific areas of a model. Each cube can be scaled, rotated, and moved with the standard adjustment tools to fit your requirements. When the support blocker tool is selected, single click in the area you want to block support to generate a mesh. If it is positioned by accident, click it again to remove it.
  897. *Real bridging - smartavionics
  898. New experimental feature that detects bridges, adjusting the print speed, slow and fan speed to enhance print quality on bridging parts.
  899. *Updated CuraEngine executable - thopiekar & Ultimaker B.V.
  900. The CuraEngine executable contains a dedicated icon, author and license info on Windows now. The icon has been designed by Ultimaker B.V.
  901. *Use RapidJSON and ClipperLib from system libraries
  902. Application updated to use verified copies of libraries, reducing maintenance time keeping them up to date (the operating system is now responsible), as well as reducing the amount of code shipped (as necessary code is already on the user’s system).
  903. *Initial layer flow
  904. New setting in the ‘material’ category where the initial layer flow can be adjusted.
  905. *Initial travel move retraction - smartavionics
  906. Retraction has been added to the initial travel move, reducing the chance of prime blobs getting dragged into parts before brim/skirts are printed.
  907. *Unnecessary retractions in spiralize - smartavionics
  908. Removes retractions on layer change in spiralize mode, improving model quality.
  909. *Faster travel paths - smartavionics
  910. Until now, the path order optimizer worked on the basis that the shortest possible route could be taken from any one point to another. When combing is used, any route may longer, due to the need to route around obstacles. Now, it can use the combed distances to give more consistent results.
  911. *New plugins - Pheneeny
  912. Three new plugins have been added to Ultimaker Cura: Scalable extra prime, Print temperature offset, and Enclosure fan.
  913. *Pre-heat extruders - fieldOfView
  914. This new feature allows to preheat the extruders in the printer monitor.
  915. *Renamed TweakAtZ to ‘ChangeAtZ’
  916. This script has been renamed to be more consistent with other scripts.
  917. *Import XML material profile checks
  918. XML material profile files are now checked before import in Ultimaker Cura to avoid potential issues. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  919. *Bug fixes
  920. - Slice engine crash default temperature 0. Fixed an issue where the slicing engine could crash when slicing with a material at 0°C.
  921. - Network printer reconnect. Fixed an issue where the user could not connect to the printer after losing connection.
  922. - Pause at height ‘redo layers’ broken. Fixed an issue where setting ‘pause at height redo layers’ to 1 or more would cause failed prints.
  923. - Reset icon fix. Fixed an issue where manually reverting a default print profile value instead of using the reset button would cause the reset icon to remain.
  924. - Infill density for all extruders. The infill density in the recommended mode now applies to all extruders instead of extruder 1.
  925. - Polypropylene 0.25mm print profile. Fixed the maximum number of allowed extrusions for all 0.25mm Polypropylene profile prints.
  926. - SolidWorks plugin. Replaced comtypes module with win32com to fix issues.
  927. - Font rendering issues. Fixed font rendering issues on Max OSX.
  928. - Slice engine avoids broken wall segments. Fixed an issue where narrow walls created broken line segments by testing for such situations and using slightly narrow lines in those cases.
  929. *Third party printers
  930. - FABtotum TPU profiles. Added third-party material profiles for TPU. Contributed by krios-fabteam.
  931. - Dagoma profiles. Updated printer profiles contributed by dagoma3d.
  932. - uBuild profile. Updated printer profiles contributed by uBuild-3D.
  933. - Cartesio printer updates. Updated profiles contributed by maukcc.
  934. - Printrbot Simple Maker's Kit 1405. Profiles contributed by timur-tabi.
  935. - Added SeeMeCNC. Profiles contributed by pouncingiguana.
  936. - Velleman Vertex. Updated printer and quality profiles contributed by velbn.
  937. - gMax 1.5. Profiles contributed by gordo3di.
  938. [3.2.1]
  939. *Bug fixes
  940. - Fixed issues where Cura crashes on startup and loading profiles
  941. - Updated translations
  942. - Fixed an issue where the text would not render properly
  943. [3.2.0]
  944. *Tree support
  945. Experimental tree-like support structure that uses ‘branches’ to support prints. Branches ‘grow’ and multiply towards the model, with fewer contact points than alternative support methods. This results in better surface finishes for organic-shaped prints.
  946. *Adaptive layers
  947. Prints with a variable layer thickness which adapts to the angle of the model’s surfaces. The result is high-quality surface finishes with a marginally increased print time. This setting can be found under the experimental category.
  948. *Faster startup
  949. Printer definitions are now loaded when adding a printer, instead of loading all available printers on startup.
  950. *Backface culling in layer view
  951. Doubled frame rate by only rendering visible surfaces of the model in the layer view, instead of rendering the entire model. Good for lower spec GPUs as it is less resource-intensive.
  952. *Multi build plate
  953. Experimental feature that creates separate build plates with shared settings in a single session, eliminating the need to clear the build plate multiple times. Multiple build plates can be sliced and sent to a printer or printer group in Cura Connect. This feature must be enabled manually in the preferences ‘general’ tab.
  954. *Improved mesh type selection
  955. New button in the left toolbar to edit per model settings, giving the user more control over where to place support. Objects can be used as meshes, with a drop down list where ‘Print as support’, ‘Don't overlap support with other models’, ‘Modify settings for overlap with other models’, or ‘Modify settings for infill of other models’ can be specified. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  956. *View optimization
  957. Quick camera controls introduced in version 3.1 have been revised to create more accurate isometric, front, left, and right views.
  958. *Updated sidebar to QtQuick 2.0
  959. Application framework updated to increase speed, achieve a better width and style fit, and gives users dropdown menus that are styled to fit the enabled Ultimaker Cura theme, instead of the operating system’s theme.
  960. *Hide sidebar
  961. The sidebar can now be hidden/shown by selecting View > Expand/Collapse Sidebar, or with the hotkey CMD + E (Mac) or CTRL + E (PC and Linux).
  962. *Disable ‘Send slice information’
  963. A shortcut to disable ‘Send slice information’ has been added to the first launch to make it easier for privacy-conscious users to keep slice information private.
  964. *Signed binaries (Windows)
  965. For security-conscious users, the Windows installer and Windows binaries have been digitally signed to prevent “Unknown application” warnings and virus scanner false-positives.
  966. *Start/end gcode script per extruder
  967. Variables from both extruders in the start and end gcode snippets can now be accessed and edited, creating uniformity between profiles in different slicing environments. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  968. *OctoPrint plugin added to plugin browser
  969. This plugin enables printers managed with OctoPrint to print via Ultimaker Cura interface (version 3.2 or later).
  970. *Bugfixes
  971. - Fixed a bug where the mirror tool and center model options when used together would reset the model transformations
  972. - Updated config file path to fix crashes caused by user config files that are located on remote drives
  973. - Updated Arduino drivers to fix triggering errors during OTA updates in shared environments. This also fixes an issue when upgrading the firmware of the Ultimaker Original.
  974. - Fixed an issue where arranging small models would fail, due to conflict with small model files combined with the “Ensure models are kept apart” option
  975. [3.1.0]
  976. *Profile added for 0.25 mm print core
  977. This new print core gives extra fine line widths which gives prints extra definition and surface quality.
  978. *Profile added for Breakaway material
  979. New material profile for Breakaway material, a new dry post processing support material, which can be used for models with flat surface area overhangs.
  980. *Layer view
  981. The existing Layer View has been updated in order to see a live simulation of all the paths within a layer.
  982. *Quick camera controls
  983. New buttons have been added to the interface that can quickly reposition the camera view of the buildplate.
  984. *Lock model on platform
  985. The move tool has a new option to lock a selected model to the platform.
  986. *Faster profile switching speed
  987. Duplicating and removing a profile could take Ultimaker Cura quite some time, it now happens instantly.
  988. *Faster printer selection
  989. Removing a printer from the library is now instant. No more unresponsive screens.
  990. *Faster processing speed
  991. A 5 - 10 % speed increase when calculating normals, loading models, and slicing.
  992. *Feedrate visualization
  993. Feedrate visualization has been added to the Layer view. Using this gives the user an idea of the print speeds per model part, allowing for better control over prints.
  994. *Jogging
  995. It allows the printhead to be moved with on-screen controls. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  996. *Large model loading
  997. A new feature has been added which unloads the layer view when switching to solid mode, speeding Ultimaker Cura back up without losing your G-code/layer view information.
  998. *Scripts folder
  999. A scripts folder is now available in the Ultimaker Cura configuration folder. This folder can be loaded with post processing plugins scripts, which will automatically show in Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by fieldOfView.
  1000. *Optimized workflow for crash reporting
  1001. Crash reports are automatically generated and allow the user, in case of a crash, to easily send their report with a description to developers.
  1002. *Floating models enabled
  1003. In previous releases, models were dropped to the build plate when support was disabled. Models now float when the setting is enabled (even if creates an impossible-to-print situation). This can be used to stack separate models on top of each other.
  1004. *Slicing tolerance
  1005. A new setting that affects the intersect point to influence the dimensional accuracy for diagonal surfaces. The user can select the behaviour: ‘Inclusive’ makes gaps narrower, ‘Exclusive’ makes gaps wider, and ‘Middle’ is the fastest to process. This can be used to create better tolerances for printed screw holes. Contributed by BagelOrb.
  1006. *Optimized zig zag patterns
  1007. Zig zag patterns now print more consistently. Lines now have a 5 micron tolerance in which they are printed any way, resulting in longer connected lines. Contributed by smartavionics.
  1008. *Aligned z-seam inner wall moves
  1009. Inner wall travel moves are aligned with the z-seam. This reduces the number of travel moves and reduces the chance of more unwanted seams.
  1010. *Relative positioning of infill patterns
  1011. Infill patterns are now positioned relative to the center of loaded models and an offset can be applied to control the infill more precisely and adjust it to preference or strength. Contributed by smartavionics.
  1012. *Line resolution
  1013. Enables the user to specify the minimum allowed distance value between two points in G-code to create lower or higher resolution polygons.
  1014. *Custom mode changes
  1015. If profile settings have been modified in recommended mode under custom mode, a reset icon will appear to notify the user. Click the icon to show the changes that have been made, and revert back to the default profile settings.
  1016. *Bugfixes
  1017. - Fix for layer numbers being displayed incorrectly when switching between solid and layer mode
  1018. - Fix for Ultimaker Cura engine crashes on certain models
  1019. - Fix for Uninstalling previous versions of Cura on Windows platforms
  1020. - Fix for displaying visible settings
  1021. - Fix for importing legacy .ini files
  1022. - Prevent skipping user agreement dialog by pressing escape
  1023. [3.0.4]
  1024. *Bug fixes
  1025. - Fixed OpenGL issue that prevents Cura from starting.
  1026. *License agreement on the first startup has been added
  1027. [3.0.3]
  1028. *Bug fixes
  1029. - Add missing libraries for the MakePrintable plugin.
  1030. [3.0.0]
  1031. *Faster start-up
  1032. Start-up speed has been cut in half compared to the previous version.
  1033. *New color scheme
  1034. Color scheme has been updated to reflect Ultimaker Cura rebrand.
  1035. *Updated UX design
  1036. The Ultimaker Cura logo has moved from the bottom to the top of the interface. Print status icons have been updated and repositioned.
  1037. *Redesigned splash screen
  1038. A new splash screen on Ultimaker Cura startup has been added.
  1039. *Top navigation bar improvements
  1040. The width of tab functionality changes accordingly to the word space (multilingual).
  1041. *Print quality slider
  1042. A slider can now be used to control the quality profile in recommended mode.
  1043. *Infill slider
  1044. Model infill can now be changed using a slider in recommended mode.
  1045. *Changed layer view
  1046. Layer view icon, panel and slider have moved to top-right of interface.
  1047. *Rasterized build plate
  1048. The build plate now shows graduations of 10 mm and 1 mm for easy model positioning.
  1049. *Changed row of extruder buttons
  1050. Extruder tabs have become buttons and icons have been updated.
  1051. *Add an "Export to Cura" button in SOLIDWORKS
  1052. A macro can be added to your SOLIDWORKS installation that loads your model into Ultimaker Cura.
  1053. *Siemens NX macro
  1054. When a user updates models in Siemens NX and clicks the button, the updated models replace the models opened in Ultimaker Cura.
  1055. *Skin removal width
  1056. Remove thin strips of skin from a model to prevent print head zigzagging, in turn preventing vibrations.
  1057. *Skin expand distance
  1058. Cutting away skins on steep overhangs makes prints less sturdy. By expanding skins with the thickness of walls, features will be better supported. In addition, features such as towers on top of infill will be stronger.
  1059. *Extra skin wall count
  1060. Printing extra skin directly on top of infill can lead to gaps, curling and pillowing. This is reduced by printing a wall around the skin first, and also improves the printing speed.
  1061. *Minimum extrusion for skin
  1062. Will prevent filling small gaps that are probably filled already, resulting in less strings, better top details and faster prints.
  1063. *PVA retractions
  1064. PVA (switch) retraction length is increased, minimum travel distance for retraction is decreased and max count is slightly increased, this reduces stringing by a lot at the cost of slightly increased print time.
  1065. *Z seam options
  1066. Gives the user control over where to place the seam - hide it in convex corners or in easy to remove locations such as concave corners. Don’t let corner angles influence the seam position.
  1067. *Quarter cubic infill
  1068. Similar to tetrahedral (octet) infill, but half of the lines are shifted half of the period up. This pattern sacrifices some rigidity of octet infill for greater toughness.
  1069. *Cross infill
  1070. A fractal pattern infill that requires fewer retractions than other infill types. This is useful for flexible materials as it causes less material elongation. The internal structure given by this infill also assists flexible models having more resistance, while retaining ‘soft’ properties in all directions.
  1071. *Layer start negative position
  1072. Layer start X/Y values can be less than 0 when the machine centre is zero.
  1073. *PostProcessing stretch script
  1074. This new script performs "post stretch" algorithm to fix the problem of insufficient inner and outer diameters. Thanks to electrocbd for contributing.
  1075. *Ironing speed settings
  1076. Ironing speed settings have been moved to experimental category.
  1077. *Doodle3D plugin
  1078. Update Doodle3D plugin to connect with printers. Thanks to mith for contributing.
  1079. *Bug fixes
  1080. - Customized profiles are not sent when connecting to a printer
  1081. - Sync z-hop with layer changes, thanks to smartavionics for contributing
  1082. - Memory leaks on MacOS
  1083. - Printer name not loaded when project file is opened
  1084. - Doodle3D Wifi box was selected by default on non-UM3 printers
  1085. [2.7.0]
  1086. *Top surface skin
  1087. Specify print settings of the top-most layers separately in order to improve print duration and achieve higher quality top surfaces.
  1088. *Print thin walls
  1089. An experimental function that enables features to be printed up to two times smaller than the nozzle size.
  1090. *Ironing (a.k.a. Neosanding)
  1091. An experimental function that enables the heated nozzle to travel over printed top layers without extrusion to create a smooth finish. Made after an idea by Neotko.
  1092. *Gradual support infill
  1093. Supports will print faster and with less material while improving overhang quality.
  1094. *Support infill layer thickness
  1095. Users are able to configure “Support infill layer thickness” for thicker support layers.
  1096. *Relative Z seam
  1097. A function that positions the Z seam relative to the bounding box of the model, so that the seam stays at the same location no matter what the position of the object is.
  1098. *Prime tower purge
  1099. In order to prevent under extrusion when printing a prime tower, and to prevent a prime tower failing half way through a job, a feature has been added to wipe off oozed/purged material in the middle of a hollow prime tower before starting to print the next layer of it. The amount of material to purge can be specified in the “Prime Tower Purge Volume” setting.
  1100. *First layer line width
  1101. A multiplier setting for the line width of the first layer of a print. Multiplying line width gives fewer lines but with greater width, which improves build plate adhesion.
  1102. *Pause standby and resume temperature
  1103. Turn off the nozzle when printing with extended pauses to prevent burned filament and nozzle clogging. At the end of a pause, the nozzle will reach printing temperature before resuming a print.
  1104. *Extruder per feature
  1105. Assign specific print features (walls, infill, skin, etc.) to a specific nozzle. A possible application of this would be to print an outer shell of an object with a fine nozzle at a greater level of detail while using a larger second nozzle to print infill faster.
  1106. *Dark theme
  1107. A dark theme for Cura. Select this theme to reduce eyestrain when working in dark environments. Activate it by selecting “Preferences > Themes > Dark".
  1108. *Top navigation bar redesign
  1109. The top bar user interface been improved so that “Prepare” and “Print” have moved from the right side of the interface to the left side.
  1110. *New keyboard shortcuts
  1111. Models can now be manipulated on the build plate using hotkeys Q, A, Z, W, and tab keys. Q selects “move”, A selects “scale”, Z selects “rotate”, and W selects “mirror”. Use the tab key to navigate between settings.
  1112. *Plugin browser
  1113. Easily download and install plugins using an integrated plugin browser. Go to “Extensions > Plugin Browser > Browse plugins” to select it.
  1114. *Import SolidWorks files as STL
  1115. A new plugin that enables SolidWorks compatible .SLDPRT files to be imported directly into Cura, where they are automatically converted to .STL format. This plugin can be found in the plugin browser.
  1116. *Zoom towards mouse cursor position
  1117. Cura preferences now include an option to zoom towards the cursor position on screen.
  1118. *Increased scroll speed in setting lists
  1119. The scroll speed in the setting lists is now three times faster than previous versions.
  1120. *Extra tooltips
  1121. Extra tooltips have been added to clarify the machine settings.
  1122. *Polish now supported
  1123. Polish language support added. This can be selected in the preferences menu.
  1124. *Chinese now supported
  1125. Chinese language support added. This can be selected in the preferences menu.
  1126. *Bug fixes
  1127. - Cura project Mac extensions
  1128. - Crashes when adding printers
  1129. - Jerk fixes
  1130. - Z-hop over-extrusion
  1131. - Material diameter in machine settings
  1132. *3rd party printers
  1133. - Peopoly Moai
  1134. - DiscoEasy200
  1135. - Cartesio
  1136. - EasyArt Ares
  1137. - 3Dator
  1138. - Rigid3D
  1139. - Type A Series 1
  1140. - HelloBEEPrusa
  1141. [2.6.2]
  1142. *Bug fixes
  1143. - Fixed an issue with Cura crashing on older versions of MacOS.
  1144. [2.6.1]
  1145. *New profiles
  1146. The Polypropylene material is added and supported with the Ultimaker 3. Support for CPE+ and PC with 0.8mm nozzles is added as well.
  1147. [2.6.0]
  1148. *Cura versions
  1149. Cura 2.6 has local version folders, which means the new version won’t overwrite the existing configuration and profiles from older versions, but can create a new folder instead. You can now safely check out new beta versions and, if necessary, start up an older version without the danger of losing your profiles.
  1150. *Better support adhesion
  1151. We’ve added extra support settings to allow the creation of improved support profiles with better PVA/PLA adhesion. The Support Interface settings, such as speed and density, are now split up into Support Roof and Support Floor settings.
  1152. *Multi-extrusion support for custom FDM printers
  1153. Custom third-party printers and Ultimaker modifications now have multi-extrusion support. Thanks to Aldo Hoeben for this feature.
  1154. *Model auto-arrange
  1155. We’ve improved placing multiple models or multiplying the same ones, making it easier to arrange your build plate. If there’s not enough build plate space or the model is placed beyond the build plate, you can rectify this by selecting ‘Arrange all models’ in the context menu or by pressing Command+R (MacOS) or Ctrl+R (Windows and Linux). Cura 2.6 will then find a better solution for model positioning.
  1156. *Gradual infill
  1157. You can now find the Gradual Infill button in Recommended mode. This setting makes the infill concentrated near the top of the model – so that we can save time and material for the lower parts of the model. This functionality is especially useful when printing with flexible materials.
  1158. *Support meshes
  1159. It’s now possible to load an extra model that will be used as a support structure.
  1160. *Mold
  1161. This is a bit of an experimental improvement. Users can use it to print a mold from a 3D model, which can be cast afterwards with the material that you would like your model to have.
  1162. *Towers for tiny overhangs
  1163. We’ve added a new support option allowing users to achieve more reliable results by creating towers to support even the smallest overhangs.
  1164. *Cutting meshes
  1165. Easily transform any model into a dual-extrusion print by applying a pattern for the second extruder. All areas of the original model, which also fall inside the pattern model, will be printed by the extruder selected for the pattern.
  1166. *Extruder per model selection via the context menu or extruder buttons
  1167. You can now select the necessary extruder in the right-click menu or extruder buttons. This is a quicker and more user-friendly process. The material color for each extruder will also be represented in the extruder icons.
  1168. *Custom toggle
  1169. We have made the interface a little bit cleaner and more user-friendly for switching from Recommended to Custom mode.
  1170. *Plugin installer
  1171. It used to be fairly tricky to install new plugins. We have now added a button to select and install new plugins with ease – you will find it in Preferences.
  1172. *Project-based menu
  1173. It’s a lot simpler to save and open files, and Cura will know if it’s a project, model, or gcode.
  1174. *Theme picker
  1175. If you have a custom theme, you can now apply it more easily in the preferences screen.
  1176. *Time estimates per feature
  1177. You can hover over the print time estimate in the lower right corner to see how the printing time is divided over the printing features (walls, infill, etc.). Thanks to 14bitVoid for this feature.
  1178. *Invert the direction of camera zoom
  1179. We’ve added an option to invert mouse direction for a better user experience.
  1180. *Olsson block upgrade
  1181. Ultimaker 2 users can now specify if they have the Olsson block installed on their machine. Thanks to Aldo Hoeben for this feature.
  1182. *OctoPrint plugin
  1183. Cura 2.6 allows users to send prints to OctoPrint. Thanks to Aldo Hoeben for this feature.
  1184. *Bug fixes
  1185. - Post Processing plugin
  1186. - Font rendering
  1187. - Progress bar
  1188. - Support Bottom Distance issues
  1189. *3rd party printers
  1190. - MAKEIT
  1191. - Alya
  1192. - Peopoly Moai
  1193. - Rigid3D Zero
  1194. - 3D maker
  1195. [2.5.0]
  1196. *Improved speed
  1197. We’ve made changing printers, profiles, materials, and print cores even faster. 3MF processing is also much faster now. Opening a 3MF file now takes one tenth of the time.
  1198. *Speedup engine – Multithreading
  1199. Cura can process multiple operations at the same time during slicing. Supported by Windows and Linux operating systems only.
  1200. *Preheat the build plate (with a connected printer)
  1201. Users can now set the Ultimaker 3 to preheat the build plate, which reduces the downtime, allowing to manually speed up the printing workflow.
  1202. *Better layout for 3D layer view options
  1203. An improved layer view has been implemented for computers that support OpenGL 4.1. For OpenGL 2.0 to 4.0, we will automatically switch to the old layer view.
  1204. *Disable automatic slicing
  1205. An option to disable auto-slicing has been added for the better user experience.
  1206. *Auto-scale off by default
  1207. This change speaks for itself.
  1208. *Print cost calculation
  1209. The latest version of Cura now contains code to help users calculate the cost of their prints. To do so, users need to enter a cost per spool and an amount of materials per spool. It is also possible to set the cost per material and gain better control of the expenses. Thanks to our community member Aldo Hoeben for adding this feature.
  1210. *G-code reader
  1211. The g-code reader has been reintroduced, which means users can load g-code from file and display it in layer view. Users can also print saved g-code files with Cura, share and re-use them, as well as preview the printed object via the g-code viewer. Thanks to AlephObjects for this feature.
  1212. *Discard or Keep Changes popup
  1213. We’ve changed the popup that appears when a user changes a printing profile after setting custom printing settings. It is now more informative and helpful.
  1214. *Bug fixes
  1215. - Window overflow: On some configurations (OS and screen dependant), an overflow on the General (Preferences) panel and the credits list on the About window occurred. This is now fixed.
  1216. - “Center camera when the item is selected”: This is now set to ‘off’ by default.
  1217. - Removal of file extension: When users save a file or project (without changing the file type), no file extension is added to the name. It’s only when users change to another file type that the extension is added.
  1218. - Ultimaker 3 Extended connectivity. Selecting Ultimaker 3 Extended in Cura let you connect and print with Ultimaker 3, without any warning. This now has been fixed.
  1219. - Different Y / Z colors: Y and Z colors in the tool menu are now similar to the colors on the build plate.
  1220. - No collision areas: No collision areas used to be generated for some models when "keep models apart" was activated. This is now fixed.
  1221. - Perimeter gaps: Perimeter gaps are not filled often enough; we’ve now amended this.
  1222. - File location after restart: The old version of Cura didn’t remember the last opened file location after it’s been restarted. Now it has been fixed.
  1223. - Project name: The project name changes after the project is opened. This now has been fixed.
  1224. - Slicing when error value is given (print core 2): When a support is printed with the Extruder 2 (PVA), some support settings will trigger a slice when an error value is given. We’ve now sorted this out.
  1225. - Support Towers: Support Towers can now be disabled.
  1226. - Support bottoms: When putting one object on top of another with some space in between, and selecting support with support bottom interface, no support bottom is printed. This has now been resolved.
  1227. - Summary box size: We’ve enlarged the summary box when saving the project.
  1228. - Cubic subdivision infill: In the past, the cubic subdivision infill sometimes didn’t produce the infill (WIN) – this has now been addressed.
  1229. - Spiralize outer contour and fill small gaps: When combining Fill Gaps Between Walls with Spiralize Outer Contour, the model gets a massive infill.
  1230. - Experimental post-processing plugin: Since the TweakAtZ post-processing plugin is not officially supported, we added the ‘Experimental’ tag.
  1231. *3rd party printers (bug fixes)
  1232. - Folgertech printer definition has been added.
  1233. - Hello BEE Prusa printer definition has been added.
  1234. - Velleman Vertex K8400 printer definitions have been added for both single-extrusion and dual-extrusion versions.
  1235. - Material profiles for Cartesio printers have been updated.
  1236. [2.4.0]
  1237. *Project saving & opening
  1238. You can now save your build plate configuration - with all your active machine’s meshes and settings. When you reopen the project file, you’ll find that the build plate configuration and all settings will be exactly as you last left them when you saved the project.
  1239. *Setting search
  1240. You can now search the custom settings directly from the side panel, which means you can easily locate the setting you need to tweak. Thanks to community member Aldo Hoeben & LulzBot for this feature.
  1241. *Editing start g-code and end g-code
  1242. Aldo Hoeben also added this feature, enabling you to alter both start and end code g-code settings for single extrusion machines.
  1243. *Multiply object function
  1244. By right-clicking on an object, you can multiply it by a variable amount, rather than duplicating multiple times. Thanks again to Aldo Hoeben for this feature.
  1245. *Ultimaker 3 single extrusion prints
  1246. Dual extrusion printers now allow for single extrusion prints in a larger printable area.
  1247. *Streaming printer monitor view
  1248. Ultimaker 3’s camera views no longer only show snapshots. They now show a live stream.
  1249. *Explain why slicing is disabled
  1250. When slicing is blocked by settings with error values, a message now appears, clearly indicating which settings need to be changed.
  1251. *Ultimaker 3 print profiles
  1252. The initial and final printing temperatures reduce the amount of oozing during PLA-PLA, PLA-PVA and Nylon-PVA prints. This means printing a prime tower is now optional (except for CPE and ABS at the moment). The new Ultimaker 3 printing profiles ensure increased reliability and shorter print time.
  1253. *Initial Layer Printing Temperature
  1254. Initial and final printing temperature settings have been tuned for higher quality results. For all materials the initial print temperature is 5 degrees above the default value.
  1255. *Printing temperature of the materials
  1256. The printing temperature of the materials in the material profiles is now the same as the printing temperature for the Fine profile.
  1257. *Improved PLA-PVA layer adhesion
  1258. The PVA jerk and acceleration have been optimized to improve the layer adhesion between PVA and PLA.
  1259. *Default build plate adhesion type for Nylon
  1260. The default build plate adhesion type for Nylon prints has been changed from raft to brim.
  1261. *Support Interface Thickness
  1262. The Support Roof Thickness is now 0.8 mm and PVA support infill has been slightly decreased to lower the printing time.
  1263. *Ultimaker 2+ PC prints
  1264. In the polycarbonate profiles, the raft settings for the 0.25 mm and 0.4 mm nozzles are tweaked for less warping.
  1265. *Hollow prime tower
  1266. Print the prime tower hollow to minimize material use while maintaining stability. Wiping the oozed material on the prime tower is now done from the inside, which means the excess material is contained within the prime tower.
  1267. *Precooling and prewarming
  1268. Printing now starts at a lower temperature, before increasing swiftly to the normal printing temperature. Cooling also starts earlier than the last extrusion (with that print core). This minimizes the material’s heat absorption, which decreases the amount of degradation of the PVA material. This reduces the risk of clogging your nozzles.
  1269. *Remove Mesh Intersection
  1270. You are now able to turn off resolving of overlapping meshes. Models can now overlap, so you can perform build plate color mixing, by placing meshes over one another and lowering their flow.
  1271. *Alternate Mesh Removal
  1272. For areas where two models overlap, let each layer of the overlapping volume alternate (depending on which object the overlapping area of that layer belongs to). This improves the bonding between dual color models and allows for more controlled build plate color mixing.
  1273. *Hollow Object
  1274. Remove the infill from a mesh and treat internal cavities as overhangs, so as to create support in the model’s interior. This experimental setting greatly reduces the amount of material needed on the inside of the print.
  1275. *Fill Gaps Between Walls
  1276. Fill up small gaps between consecutive walls, making thin pieces in your model dense, rather than hollow. This feature makes the thin pieces stronger.
  1277. *Cubic subdivision infill
  1278. This experimental new infill pattern is similar to cubic infill, but generates bigger cubes farther inside the mesh. This greatly reduces print times and material use, while maintaining structural integrity. Thanks to community members Martin Boerwinckle and Nicholas Seward for this feature.
  1279. *Concentric 3D infill
  1280. This new infill pattern is similar to concentric infill, but touches the shell every X layers, creating better support for the top layers.
  1281. * Printing Temperature Initial Layer
  1282. Nozzle temperature to be used during the first layer.
  1283. *Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer
  1284. Bed temperature to be used during the first layer.
  1285. *Initial Fan Speed
  1286. Fan speed to be used during the first layer.
  1287. *Retract at Layer Change
  1288. Retract each time the printer progresses to the next layer.
  1289. *Outer Wall Wipe Distance
  1290. Wipe the nozzle after printing the outer wall.
  1291. *Set X-Y coordinate of z-seam
  1292. Select where to place the Z seam.
  1293. *Start Layers with the Same Part
  1294. Start each layer with the part closest to a given location.
  1295. *Turn off nozzle after last use
  1296. Turn off the nozzle after its last use, while other nozzles are still in use.
  1297. *Option for no build plate adhesion
  1298. Select not to print any build plate adhesion helper parts.
  1299. *Anti-overhang and support meshes
  1300. Use a mesh to specify a volume within which to classify nothing as overhang for support or specify a volume within which to print support.
  1301. *Delta printer support
  1302. This release adds support for printers with elliptic buildplates. This feature has not been extensively tested so please let us know if it works or get involved in improving it.
  1303. *AppImage for Linux
  1304. The Linux distribution is now in AppImage format, which makes Cura easier to install.
  1305. *Bugfixes
  1306. The user is now notified when a new version of Cura is available.
  1307. When searching in the setting visibility preferences, the category for each setting is always displayed.
  1308. 3MF files are now saved and loaded correctly.
  1309. Dragging a profile onto Cura now loads it automatically.
  1310. You can now view which print cores and materials are currently in your Ultimaker 3, via the machine manager.
  1311. You can now add the heated bed upgrade etc. from the machine manager.
  1312. Print core and material is now arranged under extruder tabs.
  1313. Cura now remembers all printers and profiles when you open just after closing it.
  1314. You can now duplicate the standard profiles.
  1315. Layer view now doesn’t use as much RAM.
  1316. It’s now quicker to change the value of the Support Enable setting.
  1317. Changing a setting updates all dependent settings more quickly.
  1318. Having errors in your setting values now always blocks slicing.
  1319. Selecting a model with any active tool no longer causes a reslice.
  1320. The prime poop now introduces a separate area where you cannot print.
  1321. Support Extruder setting is now near the support settings.
  1322. Build Plate Adhesion Extruder setting is now near the build plate adhesion settings.
  1323. Z hop settings have been moved to the Travel category.
  1324. Inactive nozzle wiping on the prime tower is re-enabled.
  1325. There are no more unnecessary retractions in support.
  1326. Each layer now has less extruder switches than the machine has extruders.
  1327. Concentric infill doesn’t generate the first infill perimeter next to the walls.
  1328. Extruder priming now always happens on the first layer.
  1329. Raising the build plate of the Ultimaker 2 now has the proper speed again.
  1330. Changing material while the Ultimaker 2 is paused works again.
  1331. [2.3.1]
  1332. *Layer Height in Profile Selection
  1333. Added the layer height to the profile selection menu.
  1334. *Bug fixes
  1335. Fixed the option to import g-code from related machines as a profile
  1336. Fixed a bug where editing material settings has no effect on 3D prints
  1337. Fixed an issue with automatic profile importing on Cura 2.1 on Mac OSX
  1338. Fixed an inheritance issue for dual extrusion
  1339. Fixed an issue with "i" symbol updates
  1340. Fixed a freeze that can occur while printing via Wi-Fi
  1341. [2.3.0]
  1342. *Multi Extrusion Support
  1343. Machines with multiple extruders are now supported. Ultimaker 3 printers and Ultimaker Original printers with dual extrusion upgrade kit are currently supported.
  1344. *Network Printing for Ultimaker 3
  1345. Sending a print to an Ultimaker 3 remotely via the network is now possible. Requires Wi-Fi or LAN to connect to the printer.
  1346. *Print Monitoring for Ultimaker 3
  1347. You can monitor your print on an Ultimaker 3 with a live camera feed. Requires Wi-Fi or LAN to connect to the printer.
  1348. *Material and Print Core Synchronization
  1349. Connecting to an Ultimaker 3 now gives you the option to synchronize the materials in Cura with what is loaded in the printer.
  1350. *Speed improvements
  1351. The first thing you will notice is the speed. STL loading is now 10 to 20 times faster, layer view is significantly faster and slicing speed is slightly improved.
  1352. *Improved Position Tool
  1353. Place objects precisely where you want them by manually entering the values for the position.
  1354. *Custom Machine Support
  1355. It’s now much easier to use Cura with custom machines. You can edit the machine settings when you load a new custom machine.
  1356. *Improved Grouping
  1357. It's now possible to transform objects that are already grouped.
  1358. Select an individual item in a group or merged object and edit as usual. Just Ctrl + Click and edit away.
  1359. *Enhanced Profile Management
  1360. Profile management is improved. You can now easily see and track changes made to your profiles.
  1361. *Improved Setting Visibility
  1362. Make multiple settings visible at the same time with a checkbox. The Visibility Overview setting indicates why a setting is not shown in the sidebar even if it is enabled.
  1363. *Improved time estimation
  1364. Time estimations are more accurate. Based on our test time estimations should be within 5% accuracy for Ultimaker printers.
  1365. *Optional G-code Machine Prefix
  1366. Disable the g-code prefix in Preferences. No more UM2_ on your printer display!
  1367. *Print Weight Estimates
  1368. Cura now estimates print weight as well as length.
  1369. *Automatic Import Configuration
  1370. Configurations from older installations of Cura 2.1 are automatically imported into the newest installation.
  1371. *Slicing features
  1372. *Infill Types
  1373. Two new infill types are now introduced: Tetrahedral and Cubic. They change along with the Z-axis for more uniform strength in all directions. There are now seven infill types to choose from.
  1374. *Gradual Infill
  1375. Gradual infill lets users adjust infill density, based on the distance from the top layers. This offers faster printing and reduced material requirements, whilst maintaining surface quality.
  1376. *Set Acceleration and Jerk by Feature
  1377. You can now set Jerk and Acceleration by feature-type (infill, walls, top/bottom, etc), for more precision.
  1378. *Outer Wall Offset
  1379. If your outer wall line width is smaller than your nozzle size, move the nozzle a bit inward when printing the outer wall, to improve surface quality.
  1380. *Enhanced Combing
  1381. The “No Skin” option allows you to comb over infill only to avoid scars on top surfaces.
  1382. *Z Hop
  1383. Can’t avoid previously printed parts by horizontal moves? The Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts gives you the ability to Z Hop to avoid collisions for better surface quality.
  1384. *Skin and Wall Overlap
  1385. The Skin Overlap setting allows you to overlap the skin lines with the walls for better adhesion.
  1386. *Adjust Initial Layer Travel Speed
  1387. Set the travel speed of the initial layer(s) to reduce risk of extruder pulling the print from the bed.
  1388. *Support Interface
  1389. It is now possible to print a support bottom as well as a support roof. Support bottoms are placed where the support rests on the model. Printing the support interface with PVA leads to improved surface quality.
  1390. *Bug fixes
  1391. Deleting grouped objects
  1392. Duplicating groups
  1393. Bridging
  1394. Drag and drop (first Windows run)
  1395. Unretraction speeds
  1396. Bottom layer in Spiralize mode
  1397. Overlap Compensation
  1398. Raft retractions
  1399. Retractions now occur after each object printed in one-at-a-time mode
  1400. Rafts are no longer printed outside of build area
  1401. Spiralize no longer limited to the first printed segment only
  1402. Line distance is now the actual line distance
  1403. Enabling raft doesn’t influence at which height the model is sliced any more
  1404. Brim is now always printed just once
  1405. Support roofs now only occur just below overhang
  1406. *Minor changes
  1407. Message display time increased to 30 seconds
  1408. Notification if you try to save to a locked SD card
  1409. Engine log now included in the application log
  1410. Undo and Redo now function with multiple operations
  1411. The last used folder is now remembered rather than defaulting to home folder
  1412. Import X3D files
  1413. Made it possible to add multiple Per Model Settings at once
  1414. Bed Level and Checkup procedures for UMO+ can be performed without re-adding machine
  1415. Combing applied in more cases and results in better paths
  1416. Infill thickness now supports Grid infill also for even multiples of the layer height
  1417. Support is no longer removed by unprintable thin parts of the model
  1418. Support generated on each appropriate layer
  1419. Support no longer goes outside overhang areas
  1420. Support no longer removes brim around the object
  1421. Brim is now also generated under the support
  1422. Draft and Ooze shield get their own brim or raft
  1423. Settings shared between skirt and brim now also activate when brim is selected
  1424. Compensate overlapping wall parts now also works for inner walls
  1425. Bed lowering speed can be adjusted for each layer
  1426. [2.1.3]
  1427. *Material Profiles
  1428. New material profiles for CPE+, PC, Nylon and TPU for the Ultimaker 2+ family.
  1429. [2.1.2]
  1430. Cura has been completely reengineered from the ground up for an even more seamless integration between hardware, software and materials. Together with its intuitive new user interface, it’s now also ready for any future developments. For the beginner Cura makes 3D printing incredibly easy, and for more advanced users, there are over 200 customizable settings.
  1431. *Select Multiple Objects
  1432. You now have the freedom to select and manipulate multiple objects at the same time.
  1433. *Grouping
  1434. You can now group objects together to make it easier to manipulate multiple objects.
  1435. *Undo/Redo
  1436. You can now undo and redo your actions, like moving an object or scaling.
  1437. *Setting Profiles
  1438. The new GUI allows custom profiles to load easily and intuitively, directly from Cura.
  1439. *3MF File Loading Support
  1440. We’re happy to report we now support loading 3MF files. This is a new file format similar to AMF, but freely available.
  1441. *Intuitive Cut-Off Object Bottom
  1442. We’ve added a feature that allows you to move objects below the build plate. You can either correct a model with a rough bottom, or print only a part of an object. Please note that the implementation differs greatly from the old one when it was just a setting.
  1443. *64-bit Windows Builds
  1444. An optimized 64-bit Windows Cura version is now available. This allows you to load larger model files.
  1445. *Automatic calculations
  1446. Cura allows you to set a number of lines/layers instead of millimeters. The engine automatically calculates the right settings.
  1447. *Per-Object Settings
  1448. Per-object settings allow you to override individual profile settings per object.
  1449. *Engine Features
  1450. *Line Width
  1451. Line width settings added per feature: Global, Walls, Top/Bottom, Infill, Skirt, Support.
  1452. *Pattern Settings
  1453. Pattern settings improved per feature: Top/Bottom, Infill, Support.
  1454. *Shell
  1455. *Alternate Skin Rotation
  1456. Helps to combat the pillowing problem on top layers.
  1457. *Alternate Extra Wall
  1458. For better infill adhesion.
  1459. *Horizontal Expansion
  1460. Allows to compensate model x,y-size to get a 1:1 result.
  1461. *Travel
  1462. *Avoid Printed Parts
  1463. When moving to the next part to print, avoid collisions between the nozzle and other parts which are already printed.
  1464. *Support
  1465. *Stair Step Height
  1466. Sets the balance between sturdy and hard to remove support. By setting steps of the stair-like bottom of the support resting on the model.
  1467. *ZigZag
  1468. A new, infill type that’s easily breakable, introduced specially for support.
  1469. *Support Roofs
  1470. A new sub-feature to reduce scars the support leaves on overhangs.
  1471. *Support Towers
  1472. Specialized support for tiny overhang areas.
  1473. *Special Modes
  1474. *Surface Mode
  1475. This mode will print the surface of the mesh instead of the enclosed volume. This used to be called ‘Only follow mesh surface’. In addition to the ‘surface mode’ and ‘normal’, a ‘both’ mode has now been added. This ensures all closed volumes are printed as normal and all loose geometry as single walls.
  1476. *Experimental Features
  1477. *Conical Support
  1478. An experimental filament, cost-reduction feature, for support.
  1479. *Draft Shield
  1480. Prints a protective wall at a set distance around the object that prevents air from hitting the print, reducing warping.
  1481. *Fuzzy Skin
  1482. Prints the outer walls with a jittering motion to give your object a diffuse finish.
  1483. *Wire Printing
  1484. The object is printed with a mid-air / net-like structure, following the mesh surface. The build plate will move up and down during diagonal segments. Though not visible in layer view, you can view the result in other software, such as Repetier Host or
  1485. [15.06 Beta]
  1486. Cura 15.06 is a new release built from the ground up on a completely new
  1487. framework called Uranium. This framework has been designed to make it easier to
  1488. extend Cura with additional functionality as well as provide a cleaner UI.
  1489. [15.05.95]
  1490. * Fixed: Selection ghost remains visible after deleting an object
  1491. * Fixed: Window does not show up immediately after starting application on OSX
  1492. * Fixed: Added display of rotation angle during rotation
  1493. * Fixed: Object changes position while rotating/scaling
  1494. * Fixed: Loading improvements in the layer view
  1495. * Fixed: Added application icons
  1496. * Fixed: Improved feedback when loading models
  1497. * Fixed: Eject device on MacOSX now provides proper feedback
  1498. * Fixed: Make it possible to show retraction settings for UM2
  1499. * Fixed: Opening the machine preferences page will switch to the first available machine
  1500. * Fixed: Improved tool handle hit area size
  1501. * Fixed: Render lines with a thickness based on screen DPI
  1502. [15.05.94]
  1503. * Added Russian translations
  1504. * Fixed: Infill not displayed in layer view
  1505. * Fixed: Cannot select/scale/rotate when first activating the tool and then trying to select a model.
  1506. * Fixed: Improved font rendering on Windows
  1507. * Fixed: Help > Show Documentation crashes Cura on Windows
  1508. * Fixed: "There is no disk in the drive" repeating messages on Windows
  1509. * Fixed: Retraction settings not visible for Ultimaker2
  1510. * Fixed: Display rotation angle when rotating an object
  1511. * Fixed: Time/Quality slider values are properly rounded
  1512. * Fixed: Improved clarity of buttons and text
  1513. * Fixed: No indication that anything is happening when loading a model
  1514. * Fixed: Eject device now works on Windows
  1515. [15.05.93]
  1516. * Fixed: No shortcuts for moving up/down layers in layer view.
  1517. * Fixed: Last view layers could not be scrolled through in layer view.
  1518. * Fixed: Files provided on command line would not actually show up on the build
  1519. platform.
  1520. * Fixed: Render a ghost of the selection in Layer view to make the actual object
  1521. position clear.
  1522. * Fixed: Showing a menu would clear the selection.
  1523. * Fixed: Size and scaling factor display for scale tool.
  1524. * Fixed: Missing background for additional tool controls.
  1525. * Fixed: Loading message times out when loading large files.
  1526. * Fixed: Show recent files in the file menu.
  1527. * Fixed: Windows installer will now install MSVC 2010 redistributable, to
  1528. prevent issues with missing DLL's.
  1529. * Fixed: Collapsed/expanded state of setting categories not stored.
  1530. [15.05.91]
  1531. * There is now a working MacOSX version. Currently it supports OSX 10.7 and
  1532. higher.
  1533. * Fixed: Need to deselect before selecting a different object.
  1534. * Fixed: Object can be moved on Z axis.
  1535. * Fixed: Error values should be considered invalid values and will not trigger a
  1536. slice.
  1537. * Fixed: Text fields used a locale-aware validator while the underlying code did
  1538. not.
  1539. * Fixed: Text fields will trigger a slice on text change, not only after focus
  1540. change/enter press.
  1541. * Fixed: Rotate Tool snaps to incorrect value.
  1542. * Fixed: Object Collision would only moved objects to the right.
  1543. * Fixed: Object Collision would move the selected object when it should not.
  1544. * Fixed: Camera panning now works correctly instead of doing nothing.
  1545. * Fixed: Camera would flip around center point at maximum rotation.
  1546. * Fixed: Build platform grid blocked view from below objects.
  1547. * Fixed: Viewport on MacOSX with high-DPI screens was only taking 1/4th of the
  1548. window
  1549. [15.05.90]
  1550. * Fixed: Additional UI elements for tools and views not loading.
  1551. * Fixed: Double click needed to change setting dialog page.
  1552. * Fixed: Context menu entries (reload, center object, etc.) not working.
  1553. * Fixed: "Open With" or passing files from command line not working.
  1554. * Fixed: "Reload All" would not reload files.
  1555. In addition, a lot of work has gone into getting a usable Mac OSX version.
  1556. New Features
  1557. ------------
  1558. * Plugin based system
  1559. The Uranium framework provides us with a plugin-based system
  1560. that provides additional flexibility when extending Cura. Think
  1561. of new views, tools, file formats, etc. This is probably the
  1562. biggest new feature.
  1563. * Improved UI
  1564. The UI has received a complete overhaul.
  1565. * Time-Quality Slider
  1566. The 4 static quick print profiles have been replaced with
  1567. a slider that should make it easier to find the right spot
  1568. between print time and print quality.
  1569. * More Settings
  1570. The Advanced mode is now configurable and can show many
  1571. additional settings that were previously not available, while at
  1572. the same time not overwhelming new users with too many settings.
  1573. Custom set of visible settings can be created by the user.
  1574. * Support for high-DPI screens
  1575. The refreshed UI has been designed with high-DPI screens in
  1576. mind which should improve the experience of Cura on such
  1577. devices.
  1578. * Improved language support
  1579. (Not yet available for the Beta release.)
  1580. * Improved support structure generation
  1581. The new version of the CuraEngine now features improved
  1582. support generation algorithms and additional options for support
  1583. structure generation.
  1584. * Experimental Feature: Wire Printing
  1585. Wire Printing has been added as an experimental new feature. It
  1586. will print objects as a structure of lines. It can be enabled by
  1587. from Advanced Mode -> Fixes -> Wire Printing.
  1588. * Undo/Redo
  1589. It is now possible to undo and redo most scene operations, like
  1590. moving or rotating objects.
  1591. Features from earlier versions not (yet) in this release
  1592. --------------------------------------------------------
  1593. * The All-at-once/One-at-a-time toggle is not available.
  1594. We are working on an improved implementation of this mechanism
  1595. but it will not be available for this release.
  1596. * No dual extrusion features are available yet.
  1597. We are working on a completely new workflow for this but this
  1598. needs additional time.
  1599. * “Lay Flat” has been removed.
  1600. The existing implementation was unfortunately not salvageable.
  1601. We will be looking into an improved implementation for this
  1602. feature.
  1603. * "Split Object Into Parts" has been removed.
  1604. Due to the same reason as Lay Flat.
  1605. * Support for AMF and DAE file formats has been removed.
  1606. Both of these will be implemented as plugins in the future.
  1607. * Support for directly loading a GCode file is not yet available.
  1608. This will be implemented as a plugin in the future.
  1609. * Support for PNG, JPG and other image formats has been removed.
  1610. These can be supported by a plugin with an improved UI.
  1611. * Support for loading Minecraft levels has been removed.
  1612. This can be implemented as a plugin.
  1613. * Windows XP support has been dropped.
  1614. Microsoft is no longer supporting xp, so they no longer back
  1615. port certain features that we require.
  1616. * X-Ray view is missing.
  1617. Will be implemented as a (you might have guessed it) plugin.
  1618. * Fixes: Follow Mesh Surface
  1619. Has been removed from the engine, the same result can be
  1620. achieved using no infill or top/bottom layers.
  1621. Known Issues
  1622. ------------
  1623. * Some OBJ files are rendered as black objects due to missing
  1624. normals.
  1625. * Disabling plugins does not work correctly yet.
  1626. * Unicorn occasionally still requires feeding. Do not feed it
  1627. after midnight.