123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383 |
- import json
- from json import JSONDecodeError
- import re
- from time import time
- from typing import List, Any, Optional, Union, Type, Tuple, Dict, cast, TypeVar, Callable
- from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkReply, QNetworkRequest
- from UM.Logger import Logger
- from UM.TaskManagement.HttpRequestManager import HttpRequestManager
- from UM.TaskManagement.HttpRequestScope import JsonDecoratorScope
- from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
- from cura.UltimakerCloud import UltimakerCloudConstants
- from cura.UltimakerCloud.UltimakerCloudScope import UltimakerCloudScope
- from .DFPrintJobUploadResponse import DFPrintJobUploadResponse
- from .BaseModel import BaseModel
- from .CloudError import CloudError
- from .DFFileUploader import DFFileUploader
- from .DFLibraryFileUploadRequest import DFLibraryFileUploadRequest
- from .DFLibraryFileUploadResponse import DFLibraryFileUploadResponse
- from .DFPrintJobUploadRequest import DFPrintJobUploadRequest
- from .DigitalFactoryFeatureBudgetResponse import DigitalFactoryFeatureBudgetResponse
- from .DigitalFactoryFileResponse import DigitalFactoryFileResponse
- from .DigitalFactoryProjectResponse import DigitalFactoryProjectResponse
- from .PaginationLinks import PaginationLinks
- from .PaginationManager import PaginationManager
- CloudApiClientModel = TypeVar("CloudApiClientModel", bound=BaseModel)
- """The generic type variable used to document the methods below."""
- class DigitalFactoryApiClient:
- ROOT_PATH = UltimakerCloudConstants.CuraCloudAPIRoot
- CURA_API_ROOT = "{}/cura/v1".format(ROOT_PATH)
- _anti_gc_callbacks = []
- def __init__(self, application: CuraApplication, on_error: Callable[[List[CloudError]], None], projects_limit_per_page: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
- """Initializes a new digital factory API client.
- :param application:
- :param on_error: The callback to be called whenever we receive errors from the server.
- """
- super().__init__()
- self._application = application
- self._account = application.getCuraAPI().account
- self._scope = JsonDecoratorScope(UltimakerCloudScope(application))
- self._http = HttpRequestManager.getInstance()
- self._on_error = on_error
- self._file_uploader = None
- self._library_max_private_projects: Optional[int] = None
- self._projects_pagination_mgr = PaginationManager(limit = projects_limit_per_page) if projects_limit_per_page else None
- def checkUserHasAccess(self, callback: Callable) -> None:
- """Checks if the user has any sort of access to the digital library.
- A user is considered to have access if the max-# of private projects is greater then 0 (or -1 for unlimited).
- """
- def callbackWrap(response: Optional[Any] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
- if (response is not None and isinstance(response, DigitalFactoryFeatureBudgetResponse) and
- response.library_max_private_projects is not None):
- has_access = response.library_max_private_projects == -1 or response.library_max_private_projects > 0
- callback(has_access)
- self._library_max_private_projects = response.library_max_private_projects
- self._account.updateAdditionalRight(df_access = has_access)
- else:
- Logger.warning(f"Digital Factory: Response is not a feature budget, likely an error: {str(response)}")
- callback(False)
- self._http.get(f"{self.CURA_API_ROOT}/feature_budgets",
- scope = self._scope,
- callback = self._parseCallback(callbackWrap, DigitalFactoryFeatureBudgetResponse, callbackWrap),
- error_callback = callbackWrap,
- def checkUserCanCreateNewLibraryProject(self, callback: Callable) -> None:
- """
- Checks if the user is allowed to create new library projects.
- A user is allowed to create new library projects if the haven't reached their maximum allowed private projects.
- """
- def callbackWrap(response: Optional[Any] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
- if response is not None:
- if isinstance(response, DigitalFactoryProjectResponse):
- callback(True)
- elif isinstance(response, list) and all(isinstance(r, DigitalFactoryProjectResponse) for r in response):
- callback(len(response) < cast(int, self._library_max_private_projects))
- else:
- Logger.warning(f"Digital Factory: Incorrect response type received when requesting private projects: {str(response)}")
- callback(False)
- else:
- Logger.warning(f"Digital Factory: Response is empty, likely an error: {str(response)}")
- callback(False)
- if self._library_max_private_projects is not None and self._library_max_private_projects > 0:
- url = f"{self.CURA_API_ROOT}/projects?shared=false&limit={self._library_max_private_projects}"
- self._http.get(url,
- scope = self._scope,
- callback = self._parseCallback(callbackWrap, DigitalFactoryProjectResponse, callbackWrap, pagination_manager = None),
- error_callback = callbackWrap,
- else:
- callback(self._library_max_private_projects == -1)
- def getProject(self, library_project_id: str, on_finished: Callable[[DigitalFactoryProjectResponse], Any], failed: Callable) -> None:
- """
- Retrieves a digital factory project by its library project id.
- :param library_project_id: The id of the library project
- :param on_finished: The function to be called after the result is parsed.
- :param failed: The function to be called if the request fails.
- """
- url = "{}/projects/{}".format(self.CURA_API_ROOT, library_project_id)
- self._http.get(url,
- scope = self._scope,
- callback = self._parseCallback(on_finished, DigitalFactoryProjectResponse, failed),
- error_callback = failed,
- def getProjectsFirstPage(self, search_filter: str, on_finished: Callable[[List[DigitalFactoryProjectResponse]], Any], failed: Callable) -> None:
- """
- Retrieves digital factory projects for the user that is currently logged in.
- If a projects pagination manager exists, then it attempts to get the first page of the paginated projects list,
- according to the limit set in the pagination manager. If there is no projects pagination manager, this function
- leaves the project limit to the default set on the server side (999999).
- :param search_filter: Text to filter the search results. If given an empty string, results are not filtered.
- :param on_finished: The function to be called after the result is parsed.
- :param failed: The function to be called if the request fails.
- """
- url = f"{self.CURA_API_ROOT}/projects"
- query_character = "?"
- if self._projects_pagination_mgr:
- self._projects_pagination_mgr.reset()
- url += f"{query_character}limit={self._projects_pagination_mgr.limit}"
- query_character = "&"
- if search_filter != "":
- url += f"{query_character}search={search_filter}"
- self._http.get(url,
- scope = self._scope,
- callback = self._parseCallback(on_finished, DigitalFactoryProjectResponse, failed, pagination_manager = self._projects_pagination_mgr),
- error_callback = failed,
- def getMoreProjects(self,
- on_finished: Callable[[List[DigitalFactoryProjectResponse]], Any],
- failed: Callable) -> None:
- """Retrieves the next page of the paginated projects list from the API, provided that there is any.
- :param on_finished: The function to be called after the result is parsed.
- :param failed: The function to be called if the request fails.
- """
- if self.hasMoreProjectsToLoad():
- url = cast(PaginationLinks, cast(PaginationManager, self._projects_pagination_mgr).links).next_page
- self._http.get(url,
- scope = self._scope,
- callback = self._parseCallback(on_finished, DigitalFactoryProjectResponse, failed, pagination_manager = self._projects_pagination_mgr),
- error_callback = failed,
- else:
- Logger.log("d", "There are no more projects to load.")
- def hasMoreProjectsToLoad(self) -> bool:
- """
- Determines whether the client can get more pages of projects list from the API.
- :return: Whether there are more pages in the projects list available to be retrieved from the API.
- """
- return self._projects_pagination_mgr is not None and self._projects_pagination_mgr.links is not None and self._projects_pagination_mgr.links.next_page is not None
- def getListOfFilesInProject(self, library_project_id: str, on_finished: Callable[[List[DigitalFactoryFileResponse]], Any], failed: Callable) -> None:
- """Retrieves the list of files contained in the project with library_project_id from the Digital Factory Library.
- :param library_project_id: The id of the digital factory library project in which the files are included
- :param on_finished: The function to be called after the result is parsed.
- :param failed: The function to be called if the request fails.
- """
- url = "{}/projects/{}/files".format(self.CURA_API_ROOT, library_project_id)
- self._http.get(url,
- scope = self._scope,
- callback = self._parseCallback(on_finished, DigitalFactoryFileResponse, failed),
- error_callback = failed,
- def _parseCallback(self,
- on_finished: Union[Callable[[CloudApiClientModel], Any],
- Callable[[List[CloudApiClientModel]], Any]],
- model: Type[CloudApiClientModel],
- on_error: Optional[Callable] = None,
- pagination_manager: Optional[PaginationManager] = None) -> Callable[[QNetworkReply], None]:
- """
- Creates a callback function so that it includes the parsing of the response into the correct model.
- The callback is added to the 'finished' signal of the reply. If a paginated request was made and a pagination
- manager is given, the pagination metadata will be held there.
- :param on_finished: The callback in case the response is successful. Depending on the endpoint it will be either
- a list or a single item.
- :param model: The type of the model to convert the response to.
- :param on_error: The callback in case the response is ... less successful.
- :param pagination_manager: Holds the pagination links and metadata contained in paginated responses.
- If no pagination manager is provided, the pagination metadata is ignored.
- """
- def parse(reply: QNetworkReply) -> None:
- self._anti_gc_callbacks.remove(parse)
- if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) is None:
- if on_error is not None:
- on_error()
- return
- status_code, response = self._parseReply(reply)
- if status_code >= 300 and on_error is not None:
- on_error()
- else:
- self._parseModels(response, on_finished, model, pagination_manager = pagination_manager)
- self._anti_gc_callbacks.append(parse)
- return parse
- @staticmethod
- def _parseReply(reply: QNetworkReply) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]:
- """Parses the given JSON network reply into a status code and a dictionary, handling unexpected errors as well.
- :param reply: The reply from the server.
- :return: A tuple with a status code and a dictionary.
- """
- status_code = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute)
- try:
- response = bytes(reply.readAll()).decode()
- return status_code, json.loads(response)
- except (UnicodeDecodeError, JSONDecodeError, ValueError) as err:
- error = CloudError(code = type(err).__name__, title = str(err), http_code = str(status_code),
- id = str(time()), http_status = "500")
- Logger.logException("e", "Could not parse the stardust response: %s", error.toDict())
- return status_code, {"errors": [error.toDict()]}
- def _parseModels(self,
- response: Dict[str, Any],
- on_finished: Union[Callable[[CloudApiClientModel], Any],
- Callable[[List[CloudApiClientModel]], Any]],
- model_class: Type[CloudApiClientModel],
- pagination_manager: Optional[PaginationManager] = None) -> None:
- """Parses the given models and calls the correct callback depending on the result.
- :param response: The response from the server, after being converted to a dict.
- :param on_finished: The callback in case the response is successful.
- :param model_class: The type of the model to convert the response to. It may either be a single record or a list.
- :param pagination_manager: Holds the pagination links and metadata contained in paginated responses.
- If no pagination manager is provided, the pagination metadata is ignored.
- """
- if "data" in response:
- data = response["data"]
- if "meta" in response and pagination_manager:
- pagination_manager.setResponseMeta(response["meta"])
- if "links" in response and pagination_manager:
- pagination_manager.setLinks(response["links"])
- if isinstance(data, list):
- results = [model_class(**c) for c in data]
- on_finished_list = cast(Callable[[List[CloudApiClientModel]], Any], on_finished)
- on_finished_list(results)
- else:
- result = model_class(**data)
- on_finished_item = cast(Callable[[CloudApiClientModel], Any], on_finished)
- on_finished_item(result)
- elif "errors" in response:
- self._on_error([CloudError(**error) for error in response["errors"]])
- else:
- Logger.log("e", "Cannot find data or errors in the cloud response: %s", response)
- def requestUpload3MF(self, request: DFLibraryFileUploadRequest,
- on_finished: Callable[[DFLibraryFileUploadResponse], Any],
- on_error: Optional[Callable[["QNetworkReply", "QNetworkReply.NetworkError"], None]] = None) -> None:
- """Requests the Digital Factory to register the upload of a file in a library project.
- :param request: The request object.
- :param on_finished: The function to be called after the result is parsed.
- :param on_error: The callback in case the request fails.
- """
- url = "{}/files/upload".format(self.CURA_API_ROOT)
- data = json.dumps({"data": request.toDict()}).encode()
- self._http.put(url,
- scope = self._scope,
- data = data,
- callback = self._parseCallback(on_finished, DFLibraryFileUploadResponse),
- error_callback = on_error,
- def requestUploadUFP(self, request: DFPrintJobUploadRequest,
- on_finished: Callable[[DFPrintJobUploadResponse], Any],
- on_error: Optional[Callable[["QNetworkReply", "QNetworkReply.NetworkError"], None]] = None) -> None:
- """Requests the Digital Factory to register the upload of a file in a library project.
- :param request: The request object.
- :param on_finished: The function to be called after the result is parsed.
- :param on_error: The callback in case the request fails.
- """
- url = "{}/jobs/upload".format(self.CURA_API_ROOT)
- data = json.dumps({"data": request.toDict()}).encode()
- self._http.put(url,
- scope = self._scope,
- data = data,
- callback = self._parseCallback(on_finished, DFPrintJobUploadResponse),
- error_callback = on_error,
- def uploadExportedFileData(self,
- df_file_upload_response: Union[DFLibraryFileUploadResponse, DFPrintJobUploadResponse],
- mesh: bytes,
- on_finished: Callable[[str], Any],
- on_success: Callable[[str], Any],
- on_progress: Callable[[str, int], Any],
- on_error: Callable[[str, "QNetworkReply", "QNetworkReply.NetworkError"], Any]) -> None:
- """Uploads an exported file (in bytes) to the Digital Factory Library.
- :param df_file_upload_response: The response received after requesting an upload with `self.requestUpload`.
- :param mesh: The mesh data (in bytes) to be uploaded.
- :param on_finished: The function to be called after the upload has finished. Called both after on_success and on_error.
- It receives the name of the file that has finished uploading.
- :param on_success: The function to be called if the upload was successful.
- It receives the name of the file that was uploaded successfully.
- :param on_progress: A function to be called during upload progress. It receives a percentage (0-100).
- It receives the name of the file for which the upload progress should be updated.
- :param on_error: A function to be called if the upload fails.
- It receives the name of the file that produced errors during the upload process.
- """
- self._file_uploader = DFFileUploader(self._http, df_file_upload_response, mesh, on_finished, on_success, on_progress, on_error)
- self._file_uploader.start()
- def createNewProject(self, project_name: str, on_finished: Callable[[DigitalFactoryProjectResponse], Any], on_error: Callable) -> None:
- """ Create a new project in the Digital Factory.
- :param project_name: Name of the new to be created project.
- :param on_finished: The function to be called after the result is parsed.
- :param on_error: The function to be called if anything goes wrong.
- """
- Logger.log("i", "Attempt to create new DF project '{}'.".format(project_name))
- url = "{}/projects".format(self.CURA_API_ROOT)
- data = json.dumps({"data": {"display_name": project_name}}).encode()
- self._http.put(url,
- scope = self._scope,
- data = data,
- callback = self._parseCallback(on_finished, DigitalFactoryProjectResponse),
- error_callback = on_error,
- def clear(self) -> None:
- if self._projects_pagination_mgr is not None:
- self._projects_pagination_mgr.reset()