62 KB

  1. # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
  2. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
  3. #Type hinting.
  4. from typing import Union, List, Dict
  5. from UM.Signal import Signal
  6. from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtProperty, pyqtSignal, QTimer
  7. from UM.FlameProfiler import pyqtSlot
  8. from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
  9. from UM import Util
  10. from UM.Application import Application
  11. from UM.Preferences import Preferences
  12. from UM.Logger import Logger
  13. from UM.Message import Message
  14. from UM.Decorators import deprecated
  15. from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
  16. from UM.Settings.ContainerStack import ContainerStack
  17. from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
  18. from UM.Settings.SettingFunction import SettingFunction
  19. from UM.Signal import postponeSignals, CompressTechnique
  20. import UM.FlameProfiler
  21. from cura.QualityManager import QualityManager
  22. from cura.PrinterOutputDevice import PrinterOutputDevice
  23. from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
  24. from .CuraStackBuilder import CuraStackBuilder
  25. from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
  26. catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
  27. from cura.Settings.ProfilesModel import ProfilesModel
  28. from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
  30. from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
  31. from cura.Settings.CuraContainerStack import CuraContainerStack
  32. from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
  33. class MachineManager(QObject):
  34. def __init__(self, parent = None):
  35. super().__init__(parent)
  36. self._active_container_stack = None # type: CuraContainerStack
  37. self._global_container_stack = None # type: GlobalStack
  38. # Used to store the new containers until after confirming the dialog
  39. self._new_variant_container = None
  40. self._new_material_container = None
  41. self._new_quality_containers = []
  42. self._error_check_timer = QTimer()
  43. self._error_check_timer.setInterval(250)
  44. self._error_check_timer.setSingleShot(True)
  45. self._error_check_timer.timeout.connect(self._updateStacksHaveErrors)
  46. self._instance_container_timer = QTimer()
  47. self._instance_container_timer.setInterval(250)
  48. self._instance_container_timer.setSingleShot(True)
  49. self._instance_container_timer.timeout.connect(self.__emitChangedSignals)
  50. Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self._onGlobalContainerChanged)
  51. Application.getInstance().getContainerRegistry().containerLoadComplete.connect(self._onInstanceContainersChanged)
  52. self._connected_to_profiles_model = False
  53. ## When the global container is changed, active material probably needs to be updated.
  54. self.globalContainerChanged.connect(self.activeMaterialChanged)
  55. self.globalContainerChanged.connect(self.activeVariantChanged)
  56. self.globalContainerChanged.connect(self.activeQualityChanged)
  57. self._stacks_have_errors = None
  58. self._empty_variant_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(id = "empty_variant")[0]
  59. self._empty_material_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(id = "empty_material")[0]
  60. self._empty_quality_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(id = "empty_quality")[0]
  61. self._empty_quality_changes_container = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(id = "empty_quality_changes")[0]
  62. self._onGlobalContainerChanged()
  63. ExtruderManager.getInstance().activeExtruderChanged.connect(self._onActiveExtruderStackChanged)
  64. self._onActiveExtruderStackChanged()
  65. ExtruderManager.getInstance().activeExtruderChanged.connect(self.activeMaterialChanged)
  66. ExtruderManager.getInstance().activeExtruderChanged.connect(self.activeVariantChanged)
  67. ExtruderManager.getInstance().activeExtruderChanged.connect(self.activeQualityChanged)
  68. self.globalContainerChanged.connect(self.activeStackChanged)
  69. self.globalValueChanged.connect(self.activeStackValueChanged)
  70. ExtruderManager.getInstance().activeExtruderChanged.connect(self.activeStackChanged)
  71. self.activeStackChanged.connect(self.activeStackValueChanged)
  72. # when a user closed dialog check if any delayed material or variant changes need to be applied
  73. Application.getInstance().onDiscardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed.connect(self._executeDelayedActiveContainerStackChanges)
  74. Preferences.getInstance().addPreference("cura/active_machine", "")
  75. self._global_event_keys = set()
  76. active_machine_id = Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/active_machine")
  77. self._printer_output_devices = []
  78. Application.getInstance().getOutputDeviceManager().outputDevicesChanged.connect(self._onOutputDevicesChanged)
  79. # There might already be some output devices by the time the signal is connected
  80. self._onOutputDevicesChanged()
  81. if active_machine_id != "" and ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacksMetadata(id = active_machine_id):
  82. # An active machine was saved, so restore it.
  83. self.setActiveMachine(active_machine_id)
  84. # Make sure _active_container_stack is properly initiated
  85. ExtruderManager.getInstance().setActiveExtruderIndex(0)
  86. self._auto_materials_changed = {}
  87. self._auto_hotends_changed = {}
  88. self._material_incompatible_message = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status",
  89. "The selected material is incompatible with the selected machine or configuration."),
  90. title = catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Incompatible Material"))
  91. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = self.activeMaterialId)
  92. if containers:
  93. containers[0].nameChanged.connect(self._onMaterialNameChanged)
  94. globalContainerChanged = pyqtSignal() # Emitted whenever the global stack is changed (ie: when changing between printers, changing a global profile, but not when changing a value)
  95. activeMaterialChanged = pyqtSignal()
  96. activeVariantChanged = pyqtSignal()
  97. activeQualityChanged = pyqtSignal()
  98. activeStackChanged = pyqtSignal() # Emitted whenever the active stack is changed (ie: when changing between extruders, changing a profile, but not when changing a value)
  99. globalValueChanged = pyqtSignal() # Emitted whenever a value inside global container is changed.
  100. activeStackValueChanged = pyqtSignal() # Emitted whenever a value inside the active stack is changed.
  101. activeStackValidationChanged = pyqtSignal() # Emitted whenever a validation inside active container is changed
  102. stacksValidationChanged = pyqtSignal() # Emitted whenever a validation is changed
  103. blurSettings = pyqtSignal() # Emitted to force fields in the advanced sidebar to un-focus, so they update properly
  104. outputDevicesChanged = pyqtSignal()
  105. def _onOutputDevicesChanged(self) -> None:
  106. for printer_output_device in self._printer_output_devices:
  107. printer_output_device.hotendIdChanged.disconnect(self._onHotendIdChanged)
  108. printer_output_device.materialIdChanged.disconnect(self._onMaterialIdChanged)
  109. self._printer_output_devices.clear()
  110. for printer_output_device in Application.getInstance().getOutputDeviceManager().getOutputDevices():
  111. if isinstance(printer_output_device, PrinterOutputDevice):
  112. self._printer_output_devices.append(printer_output_device)
  113. printer_output_device.hotendIdChanged.connect(self._onHotendIdChanged)
  114. printer_output_device.materialIdChanged.connect(self._onMaterialIdChanged)
  115. self.outputDevicesChanged.emit()
  116. @property
  117. def newVariant(self):
  118. return self._new_variant_container
  119. @property
  120. def newMaterial(self):
  121. return self._new_material_container
  122. @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = outputDevicesChanged)
  123. def printerOutputDevices(self):
  124. return self._printer_output_devices
  125. @pyqtProperty(int, constant=True)
  126. def totalNumberOfSettings(self) -> int:
  127. return len(ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id = "fdmprinter")[0].getAllKeys())
  128. def _onHotendIdChanged(self, index: Union[str, int], hotend_id: str) -> None:
  129. if not self._global_container_stack:
  130. return
  131. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(type = "variant", definition = self._global_container_stack.definition.getId(), name = hotend_id)
  132. if containers: # New material ID is known
  133. extruder_manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
  134. machine_id = self.activeMachineId
  135. extruders = extruder_manager.getMachineExtruders(machine_id)
  136. matching_extruder = None
  137. for extruder in extruders:
  138. if str(index) == extruder.getMetaDataEntry("position"):
  139. matching_extruder = extruder
  140. break
  141. if matching_extruder and matching_extruder.variant.getName() != hotend_id:
  142. # Save the material that needs to be changed. Multiple changes will be handled by the callback.
  143. self._auto_hotends_changed[str(index)] = containers[0]["id"]
  144. self._printer_output_devices[0].materialHotendChangedMessage(self._materialHotendChangedCallback)
  145. else:
  146. Logger.log("w", "No variant found for printer definition %s with id %s" % (self._global_container_stack.definition.getId(), hotend_id))
  147. def _onMaterialIdChanged(self, index: Union[str, int], material_id: str):
  148. if not self._global_container_stack:
  149. return
  150. definition_id = "fdmprinter"
  151. if self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials", False):
  152. definition_id = self.activeQualityDefinitionId
  153. extruder_manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
  154. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(type = "material", definition = definition_id, GUID = material_id)
  155. if containers: # New material ID is known
  156. extruders = list(extruder_manager.getMachineExtruders(self.activeMachineId))
  157. matching_extruder = None
  158. for extruder in extruders:
  159. if str(index) == extruder.getMetaDataEntry("position"):
  160. matching_extruder = extruder
  161. break
  162. if matching_extruder and matching_extruder.material.getMetaDataEntry("GUID") != material_id:
  163. # Save the material that needs to be changed. Multiple changes will be handled by the callback.
  164. if self._global_container_stack.definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants") and matching_extruder.variant:
  165. variant_id = self.getQualityVariantId(self._global_container_stack.definition, matching_extruder.variant)
  166. for container in containers:
  167. if container.get("variant") == variant_id:
  168. self._auto_materials_changed[str(index)] = container["id"]
  169. break
  170. else:
  171. # Just use the first result we found.
  172. self._auto_materials_changed[str(index)] = containers[0]["id"]
  173. self._printer_output_devices[0].materialHotendChangedMessage(self._materialHotendChangedCallback)
  174. else:
  175. Logger.log("w", "No material definition found for printer definition %s and GUID %s" % (definition_id, material_id))
  176. def _materialHotendChangedCallback(self, button):
  177. if button == QMessageBox.No:
  178. self._auto_materials_changed = {}
  179. self._auto_hotends_changed = {}
  180. return
  181. self._autoUpdateMaterials()
  182. self._autoUpdateHotends()
  183. def _autoUpdateMaterials(self):
  184. extruder_manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
  185. for position in self._auto_materials_changed:
  186. material_id = self._auto_materials_changed[position]
  187. old_index = extruder_manager.activeExtruderIndex
  188. if old_index != int(position):
  189. extruder_manager.setActiveExtruderIndex(int(position))
  190. else:
  191. old_index = None
  192. Logger.log("d", "Setting material of hotend %s to %s" % (position, material_id))
  193. self.setActiveMaterial(material_id)
  194. if old_index is not None:
  195. extruder_manager.setActiveExtruderIndex(old_index)
  196. self._auto_materials_changed = {} #Processed all of them now.
  197. def _autoUpdateHotends(self):
  198. extruder_manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
  199. for position in self._auto_hotends_changed:
  200. hotend_id = self._auto_hotends_changed[position]
  201. old_index = extruder_manager.activeExtruderIndex
  202. if old_index != int(position):
  203. extruder_manager.setActiveExtruderIndex(int(position))
  204. else:
  205. old_index = None
  206. Logger.log("d", "Setting hotend variant of hotend %s to %s" % (position, hotend_id))
  207. self.setActiveVariant(hotend_id)
  208. if old_index is not None:
  209. extruder_manager.setActiveExtruderIndex(old_index)
  210. self._auto_hotends_changed = {} # Processed all of them now.
  211. def _onGlobalContainerChanged(self):
  212. if self._global_container_stack:
  213. try:
  214. self._global_container_stack.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onMachineNameChanged)
  215. except TypeError: # pyQtSignal gives a TypeError when disconnecting from something that was already disconnected.
  216. pass
  217. try:
  218. self._global_container_stack.containersChanged.disconnect(self._onInstanceContainersChanged)
  219. except TypeError:
  220. pass
  221. try:
  222. self._global_container_stack.propertyChanged.disconnect(self._onPropertyChanged)
  223. except TypeError:
  224. pass
  225. for extruder_stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks():
  226. extruder_stack.propertyChanged.disconnect(self._onPropertyChanged)
  227. extruder_stack.containersChanged.disconnect(self._onInstanceContainersChanged)
  228. # update the local global container stack reference
  229. self._global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
  230. self.globalContainerChanged.emit()
  231. # after switching the global stack we reconnect all the signals and set the variant and material references
  232. if self._global_container_stack:
  233. Preferences.getInstance().setValue("cura/active_machine", self._global_container_stack.getId())
  234. self._global_container_stack.nameChanged.connect(self._onMachineNameChanged)
  235. self._global_container_stack.containersChanged.connect(self._onInstanceContainersChanged)
  236. self._global_container_stack.propertyChanged.connect(self._onPropertyChanged)
  237. # set the global variant to empty as we now use the extruder stack at all times - CURA-4482
  238. global_variant = self._global_container_stack.variant
  239. if global_variant != self._empty_variant_container:
  240. self._global_container_stack.setVariant(self._empty_variant_container)
  241. # set the global material to empty as we now use the extruder stack at all times - CURA-4482
  242. global_material = self._global_container_stack.material
  243. if global_material != self._empty_material_container:
  244. self._global_container_stack.setMaterial(self._empty_material_container)
  245. # Listen for changes on all extruder stacks
  246. for extruder_stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks():
  247. extruder_stack.propertyChanged.connect(self._onPropertyChanged)
  248. extruder_stack.containersChanged.connect(self._onInstanceContainersChanged)
  249. self._error_check_timer.start()
  250. ## Update self._stacks_valid according to _checkStacksForErrors and emit if change.
  251. def _updateStacksHaveErrors(self):
  252. old_stacks_have_errors = self._stacks_have_errors
  253. self._stacks_have_errors = self._checkStacksHaveErrors()
  254. if old_stacks_have_errors != self._stacks_have_errors:
  255. self.stacksValidationChanged.emit()
  256. Application.getInstance().stacksValidationFinished.emit()
  257. def _onActiveExtruderStackChanged(self):
  258. self.blurSettings.emit() # Ensure no-one has focus.
  259. old_active_container_stack = self._active_container_stack
  260. self._active_container_stack = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStack()
  261. self._error_check_timer.start()
  262. if old_active_container_stack != self._active_container_stack:
  263. # Many methods and properties related to the active quality actually depend
  264. # on _active_container_stack. If it changes, then the properties change.
  265. self.activeQualityChanged.emit()
  266. def __emitChangedSignals(self):
  267. self.activeQualityChanged.emit()
  268. self.activeVariantChanged.emit()
  269. self.activeMaterialChanged.emit()
  270. self._updateStacksHaveErrors() # Prevents unwanted re-slices after changing machine
  271. self._error_check_timer.start()
  272. def _onProfilesModelChanged(self, *args):
  273. self.__emitChangedSignals()
  274. def _onInstanceContainersChanged(self, container):
  275. # This should not trigger the ProfilesModel to be created, or there will be an infinite recursion
  276. if not self._connected_to_profiles_model and ProfilesModel.hasInstance():
  277. # This triggers updating the qualityModel in SidebarSimple whenever ProfilesModel is updated
  278. Logger.log("d", "Connecting profiles model...")
  279. ProfilesModel.getInstance().itemsChanged.connect(self._onProfilesModelChanged)
  280. self._connected_to_profiles_model = True
  281. self._instance_container_timer.start()
  282. def _onPropertyChanged(self, key: str, property_name: str):
  283. if property_name == "value":
  284. # Notify UI items, such as the "changed" star in profile pull down menu.
  285. self.activeStackValueChanged.emit()
  286. elif property_name == "validationState":
  287. self._error_check_timer.start()
  288. @pyqtSlot(str)
  289. def setActiveMachine(self, stack_id: str) -> None:
  290. self.blurSettings.emit() # Ensure no-one has focus.
  291. self._cancelDelayedActiveContainerStackChanges()
  292. container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
  293. containers = container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = stack_id)
  294. if containers:
  295. Application.getInstance().setGlobalContainerStack(containers[0])
  296. self.__emitChangedSignals()
  297. @pyqtSlot(str, str)
  298. def addMachine(self, name: str, definition_id: str) -> None:
  299. new_stack = CuraStackBuilder.createMachine(name, definition_id)
  300. if new_stack:
  301. # Instead of setting the global container stack here, we set the active machine and so the signals are emitted
  302. self.setActiveMachine(new_stack.getId())
  303. else:
  304. Logger.log("w", "Failed creating a new machine!")
  305. def _checkStacksHaveErrors(self) -> bool:
  306. if self._global_container_stack is None: #No active machine.
  307. return False
  308. if self._global_container_stack.hasErrors():
  309. return True
  310. for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(self._global_container_stack.getId()):
  311. if stack.hasErrors():
  312. return True
  313. return False
  314. ## Remove all instances from the top instanceContainer (effectively removing all user-changed settings)
  315. @pyqtSlot()
  316. def clearUserSettings(self):
  317. if not self._active_container_stack:
  318. return
  319. self.blurSettings.emit()
  320. user_settings = self._active_container_stack.getTop()
  321. user_settings.clear()
  322. ## Check if the global_container has instances in the user container
  323. @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = activeStackValueChanged)
  324. def hasUserSettings(self) -> bool:
  325. if not self._global_container_stack:
  326. return False
  327. if self._global_container_stack.getTop().findInstances():
  328. return True
  329. stacks = list(ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(self._global_container_stack.getId()))
  330. for stack in stacks:
  331. if stack.getTop().findInstances():
  332. return True
  333. return False
  334. @pyqtProperty(int, notify = activeStackValueChanged)
  335. def numUserSettings(self) -> int:
  336. if not self._global_container_stack:
  337. return 0
  338. num_user_settings = 0
  339. num_user_settings += len(self._global_container_stack.getTop().findInstances())
  340. stacks = list(ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(self._global_container_stack.getId()))
  341. for stack in stacks:
  342. num_user_settings += len(stack.getTop().findInstances())
  343. return num_user_settings
  344. ## Delete a user setting from the global stack and all extruder stacks.
  345. # \param key \type{str} the name of the key to delete
  346. @pyqtSlot(str)
  347. def clearUserSettingAllCurrentStacks(self, key: str):
  348. if not self._global_container_stack:
  349. return
  350. send_emits_containers = []
  351. top_container = self._global_container_stack.getTop()
  352. top_container.removeInstance(key, postpone_emit=True)
  353. send_emits_containers.append(top_container)
  354. linked = not self._global_container_stack.getProperty(key, "settable_per_extruder") or \
  355. self._global_container_stack.getProperty(key, "limit_to_extruder") != "-1"
  356. if not linked:
  357. stack = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStack()
  358. stacks = [stack]
  359. else:
  360. stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(self._global_container_stack.getId())
  361. for stack in stacks:
  362. if stack is not None:
  363. container = stack.getTop()
  364. container.removeInstance(key, postpone_emit=True)
  365. send_emits_containers.append(container)
  366. for container in send_emits_containers:
  367. container.sendPostponedEmits()
  368. ## Check if none of the stacks contain error states
  369. # Note that the _stacks_have_errors is cached due to performance issues
  370. # Calling _checkStack(s)ForErrors on every change is simply too expensive
  371. @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = stacksValidationChanged)
  372. def stacksHaveErrors(self) -> bool:
  373. return bool(self._stacks_have_errors)
  374. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeStackChanged)
  375. def activeUserProfileId(self) -> str:
  376. if self._active_container_stack:
  377. return self._active_container_stack.getTop().getId()
  378. return ""
  379. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  380. def activeMachineName(self) -> str:
  381. if self._global_container_stack:
  382. return self._global_container_stack.getName()
  383. return ""
  384. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  385. def activeMachineId(self) -> str:
  386. if self._global_container_stack:
  387. return self._global_container_stack.getId()
  388. return ""
  389. @pyqtProperty(QObject, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  390. def activeMachine(self) -> Optional["GlobalStack"]:
  391. return self._global_container_stack
  392. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeStackChanged)
  393. def activeStackId(self) -> str:
  394. if self._active_container_stack:
  395. return self._active_container_stack.getId()
  396. return ""
  397. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeMaterialChanged)
  398. def activeMaterialName(self) -> str:
  399. if self._active_container_stack:
  400. material = self._active_container_stack.material
  401. if material:
  402. return material.getName()
  403. return ""
  404. @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify=activeVariantChanged)
  405. def activeVariantNames(self) -> List[str]:
  406. result = []
  407. active_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks()
  408. if active_stacks is not None:
  409. for stack in active_stacks:
  410. variant_container = stack.variant
  411. if variant_container and variant_container != self._empty_variant_container:
  412. result.append(variant_container.getName())
  413. return result
  414. @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = activeMaterialChanged)
  415. def activeMaterialNames(self) -> List[str]:
  416. result = []
  417. active_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveGlobalAndExtruderStacks()
  418. if active_stacks is not None:
  419. for stack in active_stacks:
  420. material_container = stack.material
  421. if material_container and material_container != self._empty_material_container:
  422. result.append(material_container.getName())
  423. return result
  424. @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeMaterialChanged)
  425. def activeMaterialId(self) -> str:
  426. if self._active_container_stack:
  427. material = self._active_container_stack.material
  428. if material:
  429. return material.getId()
  430. return ""
  431. @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap", notify = activeVariantChanged)
  432. def allActiveVariantIds(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
  433. result = {}
  434. active_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks()
  435. if active_stacks is not None: #If we have a global stack.
  436. for stack in active_stacks:
  437. variant_container = stack.variant
  438. if not variant_container:
  439. continue
  440. result[stack.getId()] = variant_container.getId()
  441. return result
  442. ## Gets a dict with the active materials ids set in all extruder stacks and the global stack
  443. # (when there is one extruder, the material is set in the global stack)
  444. #
  445. # \return The material ids in all stacks
  446. @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap", notify = activeMaterialChanged)
  447. def allActiveMaterialIds(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
  448. result = {}
  449. active_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks()
  450. if active_stacks is not None: # If we have extruder stacks
  451. for stack in active_stacks:
  452. material_container = stack.material
  453. if not material_container:
  454. continue
  455. result[stack.getId()] = material_container.getId()
  456. return result
  457. ## Gets the layer height of the currently active quality profile.
  458. #
  459. # This is indicated together with the name of the active quality profile.
  460. #
  461. # \return The layer height of the currently active quality profile. If
  462. # there is no quality profile, this returns 0.
  463. @pyqtProperty(float, notify=activeQualityChanged)
  464. def activeQualityLayerHeight(self) -> float:
  465. if not self._global_container_stack:
  466. return 0
  467. quality_changes = self._global_container_stack.qualityChanges
  468. if quality_changes:
  469. value = self._global_container_stack.getRawProperty("layer_height", "value", skip_until_container = quality_changes.getId())
  470. if isinstance(value, SettingFunction):
  471. value = value(self._global_container_stack)
  472. return value
  473. quality = self._global_container_stack.quality
  474. if quality:
  475. value = self._global_container_stack.getRawProperty("layer_height", "value", skip_until_container = quality.getId())
  476. if isinstance(value, SettingFunction):
  477. value = value(self._global_container_stack)
  478. return value
  479. return 0 # No quality profile.
  480. ## Get the Material ID associated with the currently active material
  481. # \returns MaterialID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
  482. @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeQualityChanged)
  483. def activeQualityMaterialId(self) -> str:
  484. if self._active_container_stack:
  485. quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
  486. if quality:
  487. material_id = quality.getMetaDataEntry("material")
  488. if material_id:
  489. # if the currently active machine inherits its qualities from a different machine
  490. # definition, make sure to return a material that is relevant to that machine definition
  491. definition_id = self.activeDefinitionId
  492. quality_definition_id = self.activeQualityDefinitionId
  493. if definition_id != quality_definition_id:
  494. material_id = material_id.replace(definition_id, quality_definition_id, 1)
  495. return material_id
  496. return ""
  497. @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeQualityChanged)
  498. def activeQualityName(self) -> str:
  499. if self._active_container_stack and self._global_container_stack:
  500. quality = self._global_container_stack.qualityChanges
  501. if quality and not isinstance(quality, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
  502. return quality.getName()
  503. quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
  504. if quality:
  505. return quality.getName()
  506. return ""
  507. @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeQualityChanged)
  508. def activeQualityId(self) -> str:
  509. if self._active_container_stack:
  510. quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
  511. if isinstance(quality, type(self._empty_quality_container)):
  512. return ""
  513. quality_changes = self._active_container_stack.qualityChanges
  514. if quality and quality_changes:
  515. if isinstance(quality_changes, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
  516. # It's a built-in profile
  517. return quality.getId()
  518. else:
  519. # Custom profile
  520. return quality_changes.getId()
  521. return ""
  522. @pyqtProperty(str, notify=activeQualityChanged)
  523. def globalQualityId(self) -> str:
  524. if self._global_container_stack:
  525. quality = self._global_container_stack.qualityChanges
  526. if quality and not isinstance(quality, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
  527. return quality.getId()
  528. quality = self._global_container_stack.quality
  529. if quality:
  530. return quality.getId()
  531. return ""
  532. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeQualityChanged)
  533. def activeQualityType(self) -> str:
  534. if self._active_container_stack:
  535. quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
  536. if quality:
  537. return quality.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type")
  538. return ""
  539. @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = activeQualityChanged)
  540. def isActiveQualitySupported(self) -> bool:
  541. if self._active_container_stack:
  542. quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
  543. if quality:
  544. return Util.parseBool(quality.getMetaDataEntry("supported", True))
  545. return False
  546. ## Returns whether there is anything unsupported in the current set-up.
  547. #
  548. # The current set-up signifies the global stack and all extruder stacks,
  549. # so this indicates whether there is any container in any of the container
  550. # stacks that is not marked as supported.
  551. @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = activeQualityChanged)
  552. def isCurrentSetupSupported(self) -> bool:
  553. if not self._global_container_stack:
  554. return False
  555. for stack in [self._global_container_stack] + list(self._global_container_stack.extruders.values()):
  556. for container in stack.getContainers():
  557. if not container:
  558. return False
  559. if not Util.parseBool(container.getMetaDataEntry("supported", True)):
  560. return False
  561. return True
  562. ## Get the Quality ID associated with the currently active extruder
  563. # Note that this only returns the "quality", not the "quality_changes"
  564. # \returns QualityID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
  565. # \sa activeQualityId()
  566. # \todo Ideally, this method would be named activeQualityId(), and the other one
  567. # would be named something like activeQualityOrQualityChanges() for consistency
  568. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeQualityChanged)
  569. def activeQualityContainerId(self) -> str:
  570. # We're using the active stack instead of the global stack in case the list of qualities differs per extruder
  571. if self._global_container_stack:
  572. quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
  573. if quality:
  574. return quality.getId()
  575. return ""
  576. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeQualityChanged)
  577. def activeQualityChangesId(self) -> str:
  578. if self._active_container_stack:
  579. quality_changes = self._active_container_stack.qualityChanges
  580. if quality_changes and not isinstance(quality_changes, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
  581. return quality_changes.getId()
  582. return ""
  583. ## Check if a container is read_only
  584. @pyqtSlot(str, result = bool)
  585. def isReadOnly(self, container_id: str) -> bool:
  586. return ContainerRegistry.getInstance().isReadOnly(container_id)
  587. ## Copy the value of the setting of the current extruder to all other extruders as well as the global container.
  588. @pyqtSlot(str)
  589. def copyValueToExtruders(self, key: str):
  590. new_value = self._active_container_stack.getProperty(key, "value")
  591. extruder_stacks = [stack for stack in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getMachineExtruders(self._global_container_stack.getId())]
  592. # check in which stack the value has to be replaced
  593. for extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
  594. if extruder_stack != self._active_container_stack and extruder_stack.getProperty(key, "value") != new_value:
  595. extruder_stack.userChanges.setProperty(key, "value", new_value) # TODO: nested property access, should be improved
  596. ## Set the active material by switching out a container
  597. # Depending on from/to material+current variant, a quality profile is chosen and set.
  598. @pyqtSlot(str)
  599. def setActiveMaterial(self, material_id: str):
  600. with postponeSignals(*self._getContainerChangedSignals(), compress = CompressTechnique.CompressPerParameterValue):
  601. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = material_id)
  602. if not containers or not self._active_container_stack:
  603. return
  604. material_container = containers[0]
  605. Logger.log("d", "Attempting to change the active material to %s", material_id)
  606. old_material = self._active_container_stack.material
  607. old_quality = self._active_container_stack.quality
  608. old_quality_type = None
  609. if old_quality and old_quality.getId() != self._empty_quality_container.getId():
  610. old_quality_type = old_quality.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type")
  611. old_quality_changes = self._active_container_stack.qualityChanges
  612. if not old_material:
  613. Logger.log("w", "While trying to set the active material, no material was found to replace it.")
  614. return
  615. if old_quality_changes and isinstance(old_quality_changes, type(self._empty_quality_changes_container)):
  616. old_quality_changes = None
  617. self.blurSettings.emit()
  618. old_material.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onMaterialNameChanged)
  619. self._new_material_container = material_container # self._active_container_stack will be updated with a delay
  620. Logger.log("d", "Active material changed")
  621. material_container.nameChanged.connect(self._onMaterialNameChanged)
  622. if material_container.getMetaDataEntry("compatible") == False:
  624. else:
  625. self._material_incompatible_message.hide()
  626. quality_type = None
  627. new_quality_id = None
  628. if old_quality:
  629. new_quality_id = old_quality.getId()
  630. quality_type = old_quality.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type")
  631. if old_quality_changes:
  632. quality_type = old_quality_changes.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type")
  633. new_quality_id = old_quality_changes.getId()
  634. global_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
  635. if global_stack:
  636. quality_manager = QualityManager.getInstance()
  637. candidate_quality = None
  638. if quality_type:
  639. candidate_quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type,
  640. quality_manager.getWholeMachineDefinition(global_stack.definition),
  641. [material_container.getMetaData()])
  642. if not candidate_quality or candidate_quality.getId() == self._empty_quality_changes_container:
  643. Logger.log("d", "Attempting to find fallback quality")
  644. # Fall back to a quality (which must be compatible with all other extruders)
  645. new_qualities = quality_manager.findAllUsableQualitiesForMachineAndExtruders(
  646. self._global_container_stack, ExtruderManager.getInstance().getExtruderStacks())
  647. quality_types = sorted([q.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") for q in new_qualities], reverse = True)
  648. quality_type_to_use = None
  649. if quality_types:
  650. # try to use the same quality as before, otherwise the first one in the quality_types
  651. quality_type_to_use = quality_types[0]
  652. if old_quality_type is not None and old_quality_type in quality_type_to_use:
  653. quality_type_to_use = old_quality_type
  654. new_quality = None
  655. for q in new_qualities:
  656. if quality_type_to_use is not None and q.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") == quality_type_to_use:
  657. new_quality = q
  658. break
  659. if new_quality is not None:
  660. new_quality_id = new_quality.getId() # Just pick the first available one
  661. else:
  662. Logger.log("w", "No quality profile found that matches the current machine and extruders.")
  663. else:
  664. if not old_quality_changes:
  665. new_quality_id = candidate_quality.getId()
  666. self.setActiveQuality(new_quality_id)
  667. @pyqtSlot(str)
  668. def setActiveVariant(self, variant_id: str):
  669. with postponeSignals(*self._getContainerChangedSignals(), compress = CompressTechnique.CompressPerParameterValue):
  670. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = variant_id)
  671. if not containers or not self._active_container_stack:
  672. return
  673. Logger.log("d", "Attempting to change the active variant to %s", variant_id)
  674. old_variant = self._active_container_stack.variant
  675. old_material = self._active_container_stack.material
  676. if old_variant:
  677. self.blurSettings.emit()
  678. self._new_variant_container = containers[0] # self._active_container_stack will be updated with a delay
  679. Logger.log("d", "Active variant changed to {active_variant_id}".format(active_variant_id = containers[0].getId()))
  680. preferred_material_name = None
  681. if old_material:
  682. preferred_material_name = old_material.getName()
  683. preferred_material_id = self._updateMaterialContainer(self._global_container_stack.definition, self._global_container_stack, containers[0], preferred_material_name).id
  684. self.setActiveMaterial(preferred_material_id)
  685. else:
  686. Logger.log("w", "While trying to set the active variant, no variant was found to replace.")
  687. ## set the active quality
  688. # \param quality_id The quality_id of either a quality or a quality_changes
  689. @pyqtSlot(str)
  690. def setActiveQuality(self, quality_id: str):
  691. with postponeSignals(*self._getContainerChangedSignals(), compress = CompressTechnique.CompressPerParameterValue):
  692. self.blurSettings.emit()
  693. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(id = quality_id)
  694. if not containers or not self._global_container_stack:
  695. return
  696. # Quality profile come in two flavours: type=quality and type=quality_changes
  697. # If we found a quality_changes profile then look up its parent quality profile.
  698. container_type = containers[0].get("type")
  699. quality_name = containers[0]["name"]
  700. quality_type = containers[0].get("quality_type")
  701. # Get quality container and optionally the quality_changes container.
  702. if container_type == "quality":
  703. new_quality_settings_list = self.determineQualityAndQualityChangesForQualityType(quality_type)
  704. elif container_type == "quality_changes":
  705. new_quality_settings_list = self._determineQualityAndQualityChangesForQualityChanges(quality_name)
  706. else:
  707. Logger.log("e", "Tried to set quality to a container that is not of the right type: {container_id}".format(container_id = containers[0]["id"]))
  708. return
  709. # Check if it was at all possible to find new settings
  710. if new_quality_settings_list is None:
  711. return
  712. # check if any of the stacks have a not supported profile
  713. # if that is the case, all stacks should have a not supported state (otherwise it will show quality_type normal)
  714. has_not_supported_quality = False
  715. # check all stacks for not supported
  716. for setting_info in new_quality_settings_list:
  717. if setting_info["quality"].getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") == "not_supported":
  718. has_not_supported_quality = True
  719. break
  720. # set all stacks to not supported if that's the case
  721. if has_not_supported_quality:
  722. for setting_info in new_quality_settings_list:
  723. setting_info["quality"] = self._empty_quality_container
  724. self._new_quality_containers.clear()
  725. # store the upcoming quality profile changes per stack for later execution
  726. # this prevents re-slicing before the user has made a choice in the discard or keep dialog
  727. # (see _executeDelayedActiveContainerStackChanges)
  728. for setting_info in new_quality_settings_list:
  729. stack = setting_info["stack"]
  730. stack_quality = setting_info["quality"]
  731. stack_quality_changes = setting_info["quality_changes"]
  732. self._new_quality_containers.append({
  733. "stack": stack,
  734. "quality": stack_quality,
  735. "quality_changes": stack_quality_changes
  736. })
  737. # show the keep/discard dialog after the containers have been switched. Otherwise, the default values on
  738. # the dialog will be the those before the switching.
  739. self._executeDelayedActiveContainerStackChanges()
  740. if self.hasUserSettings and Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/active_mode") == 1:
  741. Application.getInstance().discardOrKeepProfileChanges()
  742. ## Used to update material and variant in the active container stack with a delay.
  743. # This delay prevents the stack from triggering a lot of signals (eventually resulting in slicing)
  744. # before the user decided to keep or discard any of their changes using the dialog.
  745. # The Application.onDiscardOrKeepProfileChangesClosed signal triggers this method.
  746. def _executeDelayedActiveContainerStackChanges(self):
  747. if self._new_variant_container is not None:
  748. self._active_container_stack.variant = self._new_variant_container
  749. self._new_variant_container = None
  750. if self._new_material_container is not None:
  751. self._active_container_stack.material = self._new_material_container
  752. self._new_material_container = None
  753. # apply the new quality to all stacks
  754. if self._new_quality_containers:
  755. for new_quality in self._new_quality_containers:
  756. self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(new_quality["stack"], new_quality["quality"], postpone_emit = True)
  757. self._replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(new_quality["stack"], new_quality["quality_changes"], postpone_emit = True)
  758. for new_quality in self._new_quality_containers:
  759. new_quality["stack"].nameChanged.connect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
  760. new_quality["stack"].sendPostponedEmits() # Send the signals that were postponed in _replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack
  761. self._new_quality_containers.clear()
  762. ## Cancel set changes for material and variant in the active container stack.
  763. # Used for ignoring any changes when switching between printers (setActiveMachine)
  764. def _cancelDelayedActiveContainerStackChanges(self):
  765. self._new_material_container = None
  766. self._new_variant_container = None
  767. ## Determine the quality and quality changes settings for the current machine for a quality name.
  768. #
  769. # \param quality_name \type{str} the name of the quality.
  770. # \return \type{List[Dict]} with keys "stack", "quality" and "quality_changes".
  771. @UM.FlameProfiler.profile
  772. def determineQualityAndQualityChangesForQualityType(self, quality_type: str) -> List[Dict[str, Union["CuraContainerStack", InstanceContainer]]]:
  773. quality_manager = QualityManager.getInstance()
  774. result = []
  775. empty_quality_changes = self._empty_quality_changes_container
  776. global_container_stack = self._global_container_stack
  777. if not global_container_stack:
  778. return []
  779. global_machine_definition = quality_manager.getParentMachineDefinition(global_container_stack.definition)
  780. extruder_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks()
  781. # find qualities for extruders
  782. for extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
  783. material_metadata = extruder_stack.material.getMetaData()
  784. # TODO: fix this
  785. if self._new_material_container and extruder_stack.getId() == self._active_container_stack.getId():
  786. material_metadata = self._new_material_container.getMetaData()
  787. quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type, global_machine_definition, [material_metadata])
  788. if not quality:
  789. # No quality profile is found for this quality type.
  790. quality = self._empty_quality_container
  791. result.append({
  792. "stack": extruder_stack,
  793. "quality": quality,
  794. "quality_changes": empty_quality_changes
  795. })
  796. # also find a global quality for the machine
  797. global_quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type, global_machine_definition, [], global_quality = "True")
  798. # if there is not global quality but we're using a single extrusion machine, copy the quality of the first extruder - CURA-4482
  799. if not global_quality and len(extruder_stacks) == 1:
  800. global_quality = result[0]["quality"]
  801. # if there is still no global quality, set it to empty (not supported)
  802. if not global_quality:
  803. global_quality = self._empty_quality_container
  804. result.append({
  805. "stack": global_container_stack,
  806. "quality": global_quality,
  807. "quality_changes": empty_quality_changes
  808. })
  809. return result
  810. ## Determine the quality and quality changes settings for the current machine for a quality changes name.
  811. #
  812. # \param quality_changes_name \type{str} the name of the quality changes.
  813. # \return \type{List[Dict]} with keys "stack", "quality" and "quality_changes".
  814. def _determineQualityAndQualityChangesForQualityChanges(self, quality_changes_name: str) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, Union["CuraContainerStack", InstanceContainer]]]]:
  815. result = []
  816. quality_manager = QualityManager.getInstance()
  817. global_container_stack = self._global_container_stack
  818. global_machine_definition = quality_manager.getParentMachineDefinition(global_container_stack.definition)
  819. quality_changes_profiles = quality_manager.findQualityChangesByName(quality_changes_name, global_machine_definition)
  820. global_quality_changes = [qcp for qcp in quality_changes_profiles if qcp.getMetaDataEntry("extruder") is None]
  821. if global_quality_changes:
  822. global_quality_changes = global_quality_changes[0]
  823. else:
  824. Logger.log("e", "Could not find the global quality changes container with name %s", quality_changes_name)
  825. return None
  826. # For the global stack, find a quality which matches the quality_type in
  827. # the quality changes profile and also satisfies any material constraints.
  828. quality_type = global_quality_changes.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type")
  829. extruder_stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks()
  830. # append the extruder quality changes
  831. for extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
  832. extruder_definition = quality_manager.getParentMachineDefinition(extruder_stack.definition)
  833. quality_changes_list = [qcp for qcp in quality_changes_profiles if qcp.getMetaDataEntry("extruder") == extruder_definition.getId()]
  834. if quality_changes_list:
  835. quality_changes = quality_changes_list[0]
  836. else:
  837. quality_changes = global_quality_changes
  838. if not quality_changes:
  839. quality_changes = self._empty_quality_changes_container
  840. material_metadata = extruder_stack.material.getMetaData()
  841. if self._new_material_container and self._active_container_stack.getId() == extruder_stack.getId():
  842. material_metadata = self._new_material_container.getMetaData()
  843. quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type, global_machine_definition, [material_metadata])
  844. if not quality:
  845. # No quality profile found for this quality type.
  846. quality = self._empty_quality_container
  847. result.append({
  848. "stack": extruder_stack,
  849. "quality": quality,
  850. "quality_changes": quality_changes
  851. })
  852. # append the global quality changes
  853. global_quality = quality_manager.findQualityByQualityType(quality_type, global_machine_definition, global_quality = "True")
  854. # if there is not global quality but we're using a single extrusion machine, copy the quality of the first extruder - CURA-4482
  855. if not global_quality and len(extruder_stacks) == 1:
  856. global_quality = result[0]["quality"]
  857. # if still no global quality changes are found we set it to empty (not supported)
  858. if not global_quality:
  859. global_quality = self._empty_quality_container
  860. result.append({
  861. "stack": global_container_stack,
  862. "quality": global_quality,
  863. "quality_changes": global_quality_changes
  864. })
  865. return result
  866. def _replaceQualityOrQualityChangesInStack(self, stack: "CuraContainerStack", container: "InstanceContainer", postpone_emit = False):
  867. # Disconnect the signal handling from the old container.
  868. container_type = container.getMetaDataEntry("type")
  869. if container_type == "quality":
  870. stack.quality.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
  871. stack.setQuality(container, postpone_emit = postpone_emit)
  872. stack.quality.nameChanged.connect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
  873. elif container_type == "quality_changes" or container_type is None:
  874. # If the container is an empty container, we need to change the quality_changes.
  875. # Quality can never be set to empty.
  876. stack.qualityChanges.nameChanged.disconnect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
  877. stack.setQualityChanges(container, postpone_emit = postpone_emit)
  878. stack.qualityChanges.nameChanged.connect(self._onQualityNameChanged)
  879. self._onQualityNameChanged()
  880. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeVariantChanged)
  881. def activeVariantName(self) -> str:
  882. if self._active_container_stack:
  883. variant = self._active_container_stack.variant
  884. if variant:
  885. return variant.getName()
  886. return ""
  887. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeVariantChanged)
  888. def activeVariantId(self) -> str:
  889. if self._active_container_stack:
  890. variant = self._active_container_stack.variant
  891. if variant:
  892. return variant.getId()
  893. return ""
  894. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  895. def activeDefinitionId(self) -> str:
  896. if self._global_container_stack:
  897. return
  898. return ""
  899. @pyqtProperty(str, notify=globalContainerChanged)
  900. def activeDefinitionName(self) -> str:
  901. if self._global_container_stack:
  902. return self._global_container_stack.definition.getName()
  903. return ""
  904. ## Get the Definition ID to use to select quality profiles for the currently active machine
  905. # \returns DefinitionID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
  906. # \sa getQualityDefinitionId
  907. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  908. def activeQualityDefinitionId(self) -> str:
  909. if self._global_container_stack:
  910. return self.getQualityDefinitionId(self._global_container_stack.definition)
  911. return ""
  912. ## Get the Definition ID to use to select quality profiles for machines of the specified definition
  913. # This is normally the id of the definition itself, but machines can specify a different definition to inherit qualities from
  914. # \param definition (DefinitionContainer) machine definition
  915. # \returns DefinitionID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
  916. def getQualityDefinitionId(self, definition: "DefinitionContainer") -> str:
  917. return QualityManager.getInstance().getParentMachineDefinition(definition).getId()
  918. ## Get the Variant ID to use to select quality profiles for the currently active variant
  919. # \returns VariantID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
  920. # \sa getQualityVariantId
  921. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = activeVariantChanged)
  922. def activeQualityVariantId(self) -> str:
  923. if self._active_container_stack:
  924. variant = self._active_container_stack.variant
  925. if variant:
  926. return self.getQualityVariantId(self._global_container_stack.definition, variant)
  927. return ""
  928. ## Get the Variant ID to use to select quality profiles for variants of the specified definitions
  929. # This is normally the id of the variant itself, but machines can specify a different definition
  930. # to inherit qualities from, which has consequences for the variant to use as well
  931. # \param definition (DefinitionContainer) machine definition
  932. # \param variant (InstanceContainer) variant definition
  933. # \returns VariantID (string) if found, empty string otherwise
  934. def getQualityVariantId(self, definition: "DefinitionContainer", variant: "InstanceContainer") -> str:
  935. variant_id = variant.getId()
  936. definition_id = definition.getId()
  937. quality_definition_id = self.getQualityDefinitionId(definition)
  938. if definition_id != quality_definition_id:
  939. variant_id = variant_id.replace(definition_id, quality_definition_id, 1)
  940. return variant_id
  941. ## Gets how the active definition calls variants
  942. # Caveat: per-definition-variant-title is currently not translated (though the fallback is)
  943. @pyqtProperty(str, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  944. def activeDefinitionVariantsName(self) -> str:
  945. fallback_title = catalog.i18nc("@label", "Nozzle")
  946. if self._global_container_stack:
  947. return self._global_container_stack.definition.getMetaDataEntry("variants_name", fallback_title)
  948. return fallback_title
  949. @pyqtSlot(str, str)
  950. def renameMachine(self, machine_id: str, new_name: str):
  951. container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
  952. machine_stack = container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = machine_id)
  953. if machine_stack:
  954. new_name = container_registry.createUniqueName("machine", machine_stack[0].getName(), new_name, machine_stack[0].definition.getName())
  955. machine_stack[0].setName(new_name)
  956. self.globalContainerChanged.emit()
  957. @pyqtSlot(str)
  958. def removeMachine(self, machine_id: str):
  959. # If the machine that is being removed is the currently active machine, set another machine as the active machine.
  960. activate_new_machine = (self._global_container_stack and self._global_container_stack.getId() == machine_id)
  961. # activate a new machine before removing a machine because this is safer
  962. if activate_new_machine:
  963. machine_stacks = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacksMetadata(type = "machine")
  964. other_machine_stacks = [s for s in machine_stacks if s["id"] != machine_id]
  965. if other_machine_stacks:
  966. self.setActiveMachine(other_machine_stacks[0]["id"])
  967. ExtruderManager.getInstance().removeMachineExtruders(machine_id)
  968. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainersMetadata(type = "user", machine = machine_id)
  969. for container in containers:
  970. ContainerRegistry.getInstance().removeContainer(container["id"])
  971. ContainerRegistry.getInstance().removeContainer(machine_id)
  972. @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  973. def hasMaterials(self) -> bool:
  974. if self._global_container_stack:
  975. return Util.parseBool(self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials", False))
  976. return False
  977. @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  978. def hasVariants(self) -> bool:
  979. if self._global_container_stack:
  980. return Util.parseBool(self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants", False))
  981. return False
  982. ## Property to indicate if a machine has "specialized" material profiles.
  983. # Some machines have their own material profiles that "override" the default catch all profiles.
  984. @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  985. def filterMaterialsByMachine(self) -> bool:
  986. if self._global_container_stack:
  987. return Util.parseBool(self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials", False))
  988. return False
  989. ## Property to indicate if a machine has "specialized" quality profiles.
  990. # Some machines have their own quality profiles that "override" the default catch all profiles.
  991. @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = globalContainerChanged)
  992. def filterQualityByMachine(self) -> bool:
  993. if self._global_container_stack:
  994. return Util.parseBool(self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality", False))
  995. return False
  996. ## Get the Definition ID of a machine (specified by ID)
  997. # \param machine_id string machine id to get the definition ID of
  998. # \returns DefinitionID (string) if found, None otherwise
  999. @pyqtSlot(str, result = str)
  1000. def getDefinitionByMachineId(self, machine_id: str) -> str:
  1001. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainerStacks(id = machine_id)
  1002. if containers:
  1003. return containers[0].definition.getId()
  1004. @staticmethod
  1005. def createMachineManager():
  1006. return MachineManager()
  1007. @deprecated("Use ExtruderStack.material = ... and it won't be necessary", "2.7")
  1008. def _updateMaterialContainer(self, definition: "DefinitionContainer", stack: "ContainerStack", variant_container: Optional["InstanceContainer"] = None, preferred_material_name: Optional[str] = None) -> InstanceContainer:
  1009. if not definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials"):
  1010. return self._empty_material_container
  1011. approximate_material_diameter = str(round(stack.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")))
  1012. search_criteria = { "type": "material", "approximate_diameter": approximate_material_diameter }
  1013. if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials"):
  1014. search_criteria["definition"] = self.getQualityDefinitionId(definition)
  1015. if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants") and variant_container:
  1016. search_criteria["variant"] = self.getQualityVariantId(definition, variant_container)
  1017. else:
  1018. search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
  1019. if preferred_material_name:
  1020. search_criteria["name"] = preferred_material_name
  1021. else:
  1022. preferred_material = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_material")
  1023. if preferred_material:
  1024. search_criteria["id"] = preferred_material
  1025. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
  1026. if containers:
  1027. return containers[0]
  1028. if "variant" in search_criteria or "id" in search_criteria:
  1029. # If a material by this name can not be found, try a wider set of search criteria
  1030. search_criteria.pop("variant", None)
  1031. search_criteria.pop("id", None)
  1032. containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
  1033. if containers:
  1034. return containers[0]
  1035. Logger.log("w", "Unable to find a material container with provided criteria, returning an empty one instead.")
  1036. return self._empty_material_container
  1037. def _onMachineNameChanged(self):
  1038. self.globalContainerChanged.emit()
  1039. def _onMaterialNameChanged(self):
  1040. self.activeMaterialChanged.emit()
  1041. def _onQualityNameChanged(self):
  1042. self.activeQualityChanged.emit()
  1043. def _getContainerChangedSignals(self) -> List[Signal]:
  1044. stacks = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks()
  1045. stacks.append(self._global_container_stack)
  1046. return [ s.containersChanged for s in stacks ]