fdmprinter.def.json.po 171 KB

  1. msgid ""
  2. msgstr ""
  3. "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
  4. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://github.com/ultimaker/uranium\n"
  5. "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 17:27+0000\n"
  6. "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-12 10:53+0900\n"
  7. "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
  8. "Language-Team: none\n"
  9. "Language: ja\n"
  10. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  11. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  12. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  13. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
  14. "X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
  15. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  16. msgctxt "machine_settings label"
  17. msgid "Machine"
  18. msgstr "Machine"
  19. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  20. msgctxt "machine_settings description"
  21. msgid "Machine specific settings"
  22. msgstr "マシーン固有設定"
  23. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  24. msgctxt "machine_name label"
  25. msgid "Machine Type"
  26. msgstr "Machine Type"
  27. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  28. msgctxt "machine_name description"
  29. msgid "The name of your 3D printer model."
  30. msgstr "3Dプリンタのモデル"
  31. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  32. msgctxt "machine_show_variants label"
  33. msgid "Show machine variants"
  34. msgstr "Show machine variants"
  35. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  36. msgctxt "machine_show_variants description"
  37. msgid "Whether to show the different variants of this machine, which are described in separate json files."
  38. msgstr "このマシーンの形式を表示するかどうかは、別のjsonファイルに記述されています。"
  39. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  40. msgctxt "machine_start_gcode label"
  41. msgid "Start GCode"
  42. msgstr "Start GCode"
  43. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  44. msgctxt "machine_start_gcode description"
  45. msgid ""
  46. "Gcode commands to be executed at the very start - separated by \n"
  47. "."
  48. msgstr "開始時に実行されるGcodeのコマンドは −で区切られています。"
  49. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  50. msgctxt "machine_end_gcode label"
  51. msgid "End GCode"
  52. msgstr "End GCode"
  53. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  54. msgctxt "machine_end_gcode description"
  55. msgid ""
  56. "Gcode commands to be executed at the very end - separated by \n"
  57. "."
  58. msgstr ""
  59. "開始時に実行されるGcodeのコマンドは \n"
  60. "で区切られています。"
  61. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  62. msgctxt "material_guid label"
  63. msgid "Material GUID"
  64. msgstr "Material GUID"
  65. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  66. msgctxt "material_guid description"
  67. msgid "GUID of the material. This is set automatically. "
  68. msgstr "マテリアルのGUID。これは自動的に設定されます。"
  69. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  70. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait label"
  71. msgid "Wait for build plate heatup"
  72. msgstr "Wait for build plate heatup"
  73. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  74. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait description"
  75. msgid "Whether to insert a command to wait until the build plate temperature is reached at the start."
  76. msgstr "開始時にビルドプレートが温度に達するまで待つコマンドを挿入するかどうか。"
  77. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  78. msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait label"
  79. msgid "Wait for nozzle heatup"
  80. msgstr "Wait for nozzle heatup"
  81. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  82. msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait description"
  83. msgid "Whether to wait until the nozzle temperature is reached at the start."
  84. msgstr "開始時にノズルの温度が達するまで待つかどうか。"
  85. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  86. msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend label"
  87. msgid "Include material temperatures"
  88. msgstr "Include material temperatures"
  89. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  90. msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend description"
  91. msgid "Whether to include nozzle temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains nozzle temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
  92. msgstr "gcodeの開始時にノズル温度設定を含めるかどうか。 既に最初のgcodeにノズル温度設定が含まれている場合、Curaフロントエンドは自動的にこの設定を無効にします。"
  93. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  94. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend label"
  95. msgid "Include build plate temperature"
  96. msgstr "Include build plate temperature"
  97. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  98. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend description"
  99. msgid "Whether to include build plate temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains build plate temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
  100. msgstr "gcodeの開始時にビルドプレート温度設定を含めるかどうか。 既に最初のgcodeにビルドプレート温度設定が含まれている場合、Curaフロントエンドは自動的にこの設定を無効にします。"
  101. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  102. msgctxt "machine_width label"
  103. msgid "Machine width"
  104. msgstr "Machine width"
  105. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  106. msgctxt "machine_width description"
  107. msgid "The width (X-direction) of the printable area."
  108. msgstr "造形可能領域の幅(X方向)。"
  109. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  110. msgctxt "machine_depth label"
  111. msgid "Machine depth"
  112. msgstr "Machine depth"
  113. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  114. msgctxt "machine_depth description"
  115. msgid "The depth (Y-direction) of the printable area."
  116. msgstr "造形可能領域の幅(X方向)。"
  117. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  118. msgctxt "machine_shape label"
  119. msgid "Build plate shape"
  120. msgstr "Build plate shape"
  121. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  122. msgctxt "machine_shape description"
  123. msgid "The shape of the build plate without taking unprintable areas into account."
  124. msgstr "造形不能領域を考慮しないビルドプレートの形状。"
  125. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  126. msgctxt "machine_shape option rectangular"
  127. msgid "Rectangular"
  128. msgstr "Rectangular"
  129. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  130. msgctxt "machine_shape option elliptic"
  131. msgid "Elliptic"
  132. msgstr "Elliptic"
  133. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  134. msgctxt "machine_height label"
  135. msgid "Machine height"
  136. msgstr "Machine height"
  137. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  138. msgctxt "machine_height description"
  139. msgid "The height (Z-direction) of the printable area."
  140. msgstr "造形可能領域の幅(X方向)。"
  141. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  142. msgctxt "machine_heated_bed label"
  143. msgid "Has heated build plate"
  144. msgstr "Has heated build plate"
  145. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  146. msgctxt "machine_heated_bed description"
  147. msgid "Whether the machine has a heated build plate present."
  148. msgstr "マシーンに加熱式ビルドプレートが付属しているかどうか。"
  149. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  150. msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero label"
  151. msgid "Is center origin"
  152. msgstr "Is center origin"
  153. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  154. msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero description"
  155. msgid "Whether the X/Y coordinates of the zero position of the printer is at the center of the printable area."
  156. msgstr "プリンタのゼロポジションのX / Y座標が印刷可能領域の中心にあるかどうか。"
  157. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  158. msgctxt "machine_extruder_count label"
  159. msgid "Number of Extruders"
  160. msgstr "Number of Extruders"
  161. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  162. msgctxt "machine_extruder_count description"
  163. msgid "Number of extruder trains. An extruder train is the combination of a feeder, bowden tube, and nozzle."
  164. msgstr "エクストルーダーの数。エクストルーダーの数は、フィーダー、ボーデンチューブ、およびノズルの組合せである。"
  165. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  166. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter label"
  167. msgid "Outer nozzle diameter"
  168. msgstr "Outer nozzle diameter"
  169. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  170. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter description"
  171. msgid "The outer diameter of the tip of the nozzle."
  172. msgstr "ノズルの外径。"
  173. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  174. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance label"
  175. msgid "Nozzle length"
  176. msgstr "Nozzle length"
  177. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  178. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance description"
  179. msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the lowest part of the print head."
  180. msgstr "ノズル先端とプリントヘッドの最下部との高さの差。"
  181. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  182. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle label"
  183. msgid "Nozzle angle"
  184. msgstr "Nozzle angle"
  185. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  186. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle description"
  187. msgid "The angle between the horizontal plane and the conical part right above the tip of the nozzle."
  188. msgstr "水平面とノズルの真上の円錐部分との間の角度。"
  189. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  190. msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length label"
  191. msgid "Heat zone length"
  192. msgstr "Heat zone length"
  193. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  194. msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length description"
  195. msgid "The distance from the tip of the nozzle in which heat from the nozzle is transferred to the filament."
  196. msgstr "ノズルからの熱がフィラメントに伝達される距離。"
  197. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  198. msgctxt "machine_filament_park_distance label"
  199. msgid "Filament Park Distance"
  200. msgstr "Filament Park Distance"
  201. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  202. msgctxt "machine_filament_park_distance description"
  203. msgid "The distance from the tip of the nozzle where to park the filament when an extruder is no longer used."
  204. msgstr "エクストルーダーが使用していない時、フィラメントを留めている場所からノズルまでの距離。"
  205. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  206. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled label"
  207. msgid "Enable Nozzle Temperature Control"
  208. msgstr "Enable Nozzle Temperature Control"
  209. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  210. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled description"
  211. msgid "Whether to control temperature from Cura. Turn this off to control nozzle temperature from outside of Cura."
  212. msgstr "Curaから温度を制御するかどうか。これをオフにして、Cura外からノズル温度を制御することで無効化。"
  213. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  214. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed label"
  215. msgid "Heat up speed"
  216. msgstr "Heat up speed"
  217. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  218. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed description"
  219. msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle heats up averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
  220. msgstr "ノズルが加熱する速度(℃/ s)は、通常の印刷時温度とスタンバイ時温度にて平均化されています。"
  221. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  222. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed label"
  223. msgid "Cool down speed"
  224. msgstr "Cool down speed"
  225. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  226. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed description"
  227. msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle cools down averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
  228. msgstr "ノズルが冷却される速度(℃/ s)は、通常の印刷温度とスタンバイ温度のウィンドウにわたって平均化されています。"
  229. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  230. msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window label"
  231. msgid "Minimal Time Standby Temperature"
  232. msgstr "Minimal Time Standby Temperature"
  233. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  234. msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window description"
  235. msgid "The minimal time an extruder has to be inactive before the nozzle is cooled. Only when an extruder is not used for longer than this time will it be allowed to cool down to the standby temperature."
  236. msgstr "ノズルが冷却される前にエクストルーダーが静止しなければならない最短時間。この時間より長時間エクストルーダーを使用しない場合にのみ、スタンバイ温度に冷却することができます。"
  237. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  238. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor label"
  239. msgid "Gcode flavour"
  240. msgstr "Gcode flavour"
  241. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  242. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor description"
  243. msgid "The type of gcode to be generated."
  244. msgstr "生成するGコードの種類"
  245. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  246. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
  247. msgid "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
  248. msgstr "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
  249. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  250. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Volumatric)"
  251. msgid "RepRap (Volumetric)"
  252. msgstr "RepRap (Volumetric)"
  253. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  254. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option UltiGCode"
  255. msgid "Ultimaker 2"
  256. msgstr "Ultimaker 2"
  257. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  258. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Griffin"
  259. msgid "Griffin"
  260. msgstr "Griffin"
  261. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  262. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Makerbot"
  263. msgid "Makerbot"
  264. msgstr "Makerbot"
  265. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  266. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option BFB"
  267. msgid "Bits from Bytes"
  268. msgstr "Bits from Bytes"
  269. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  270. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option MACH3"
  271. msgid "Mach3"
  272. msgstr "Mach3"
  273. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  274. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Repetier"
  275. msgid "Repetier"
  276. msgstr "Repetier"
  277. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  278. msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas label"
  279. msgid "Disallowed areas"
  280. msgstr "Disallowed areas"
  281. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  282. msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas description"
  283. msgid "A list of polygons with areas the print head is not allowed to enter."
  284. msgstr "プリントヘッドの領域を持つポリゴンのリストは入力できません。"
  285. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  286. msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas label"
  287. msgid "Nozzle Disallowed Areas"
  288. msgstr "Nozzle Disallowed Areas"
  289. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  290. msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas description"
  291. msgid "A list of polygons with areas the nozzle is not allowed to enter."
  292. msgstr "ノズルが入ることができない領域を持つポリゴンのリスト。"
  293. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  294. msgctxt "machine_head_polygon label"
  295. msgid "Machine head polygon"
  296. msgstr "Machine head polygon"
  297. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  298. msgctxt "machine_head_polygon description"
  299. msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps excluded)."
  300. msgstr "プリントヘッドの2Dシルエット(ファンキャップは除く)。"
  301. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  302. msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon label"
  303. msgid "Machine head & Fan polygon"
  304. msgstr "Machine head & Fan polygon"
  305. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  306. msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
  307. msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps included)."
  308. msgstr "プリントヘッドの2Dシルエット(ファンキャップが含まれています)。"
  309. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  310. msgctxt "gantry_height label"
  311. msgid "Gantry height"
  312. msgstr "Gantry height"
  313. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  314. msgctxt "gantry_height description"
  315. msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the gantry system (X and Y axes)."
  316. msgstr "ノズルの先端とガントリーシステムの高さの差(X軸とY軸)。"
  317. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  318. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
  319. msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
  320. msgstr "Nozzle Diameter"
  321. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  322. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
  323. msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
  324. msgstr "ノズルの内径。標準以外のノズルを使用する場合は、この設定を変更してください。"
  325. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  326. msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords label"
  327. msgid "Offset With Extruder"
  328. msgstr "Offset With Extruder"
  329. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  330. msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords description"
  331. msgid "Apply the extruder offset to the coordinate system."
  332. msgstr "エクストルーダーのオフセットを座標システムに適用します。"
  333. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  334. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z label"
  335. msgid "Extruder Prime Z Position"
  336. msgstr "Extruder Prime Z Position"
  337. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  338. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z description"
  339. msgid "The Z coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
  340. msgstr "印刷開始時にノズルがポジションを確認するZ座標。"
  341. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  342. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs label"
  343. msgid "Absolute Extruder Prime Position"
  344. msgstr "Absolute Extruder Prime Position"
  345. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  346. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs description"
  347. msgid "Make the extruder prime position absolute rather than relative to the last-known location of the head."
  348. msgstr "最後のヘッドの既知位置からではなく、エクストルーダー現在位置を絶対位置にします。"
  349. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  350. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x label"
  351. msgid "Maximum Speed X"
  352. msgstr "Maximum Speed X"
  353. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  354. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x description"
  355. msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the X-direction."
  356. msgstr "X方向のモーターの最大速度。"
  357. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  358. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y label"
  359. msgid "Maximum Speed Y"
  360. msgstr "Maximum Speed Y"
  361. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  362. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y description"
  363. msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Y-direction."
  364. msgstr "Y方向のモーターの最大速度。"
  365. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  366. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z label"
  367. msgid "Maximum Speed Z"
  368. msgstr "Maximum Speed Z"
  369. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  370. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z description"
  371. msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Z-direction."
  372. msgstr "Z方向のモーターの最大速度。"
  373. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  374. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e label"
  375. msgid "Maximum Feedrate"
  376. msgstr "Maximum Feedrate"
  377. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  378. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e description"
  379. msgid "The maximum speed of the filament."
  380. msgstr "フィラメントの最大速度。"
  381. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  382. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x label"
  383. msgid "Maximum Acceleration X"
  384. msgstr "Maximum Acceleration X"
  385. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  386. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x description"
  387. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the X-direction"
  388. msgstr "X方向のモーターの最大速度。"
  389. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  390. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y label"
  391. msgid "Maximum Acceleration Y"
  392. msgstr "Maximum Acceleration Y"
  393. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  394. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y description"
  395. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Y-direction."
  396. msgstr "Y方向のモーターの最大加速度。"
  397. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  398. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z label"
  399. msgid "Maximum Acceleration Z"
  400. msgstr "Maximum Acceleration Z"
  401. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  402. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z description"
  403. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Z-direction."
  404. msgstr "Z方向のモーターの最大加速度。"
  405. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  406. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e label"
  407. msgid "Maximum Filament Acceleration"
  408. msgstr "Maximum Filament Acceleration"
  409. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  410. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e description"
  411. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the filament."
  412. msgstr "フィラメントのモーターの最大加速度。"
  413. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  414. msgctxt "machine_acceleration label"
  415. msgid "Default Acceleration"
  416. msgstr "Default Acceleration"
  417. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  418. msgctxt "machine_acceleration description"
  419. msgid "The default acceleration of print head movement."
  420. msgstr "プリントヘッド移動のデフォルトの加速度。"
  421. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  422. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy label"
  423. msgid "Default X-Y Jerk"
  424. msgstr "Default X-Y Jerk"
  425. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  426. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy description"
  427. msgid "Default jerk for movement in the horizontal plane."
  428. msgstr "水平面内での移動のデフォルトジャーク。"
  429. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  430. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z label"
  431. msgid "Default Z Jerk"
  432. msgstr "Default Z Jerk"
  433. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  434. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z description"
  435. msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the Z-direction."
  436. msgstr "Z方向のモーターのデフォルトジャーク。"
  437. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  438. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e label"
  439. msgid "Default Filament Jerk"
  440. msgstr "Default Filament Jerk"
  441. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  442. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e description"
  443. msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the filament."
  444. msgstr "フィラメントのモーターのデフォルトジャーク。"
  445. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  446. msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate label"
  447. msgid "Minimum Feedrate"
  448. msgstr "Minimum Feedrate"
  449. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  450. msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate description"
  451. msgid "The minimal movement speed of the print head."
  452. msgstr "プリントヘッドの最小移動速度。"
  453. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  454. msgctxt "resolution label"
  455. msgid "Quality"
  456. msgstr "Quality"
  457. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  458. msgctxt "resolution description"
  459. msgid "All settings that influence the resolution of the print. These settings have a large impact on the quality (and print time)"
  460. msgstr "プリントの解像度に影響を与えるすべての設定。これらの設定は、品質(および印刷時間)に大きな影響を与えます。"
  461. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  462. msgctxt "layer_height label"
  463. msgid "Layer Height"
  464. msgstr "Layer Height"
  465. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  466. msgctxt "layer_height description"
  467. msgid "The height of each layer in mm. Higher values produce faster prints in lower resolution, lower values produce slower prints in higher resolution."
  468. msgstr "各レイヤーの高さ(mm)。値を大きくすると早く印刷しますが荒くなり、小さくすると印刷が遅くなりますが造形が綺麗になります。"
  469. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  470. msgctxt "layer_height_0 label"
  471. msgid "Initial Layer Height"
  472. msgstr "Initial Layer Height"
  473. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  474. msgctxt "layer_height_0 description"
  475. msgid "The height of the initial layer in mm. A thicker initial layer makes adhesion to the build plate easier."
  476. msgstr "初期レイヤーの高さ(mm)。厚い初期層はビルドプレートへの接着を容易にする。"
  477. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  478. msgctxt "line_width label"
  479. msgid "Line Width"
  480. msgstr "Line Width"
  481. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  482. msgctxt "line_width description"
  483. msgid "Width of a single line. Generally, the width of each line should correspond to the width of the nozzle. However, slightly reducing this value could produce better prints."
  484. msgstr "1ラインの幅。一般に、各ラインの幅は、ノズルの幅に対応する必要があります。ただし、この値を少し小さくすると、より良い造形が得られます。"
  485. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  486. msgctxt "wall_line_width label"
  487. msgid "Wall Line Width"
  488. msgstr "Wall Line Width"
  489. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  490. msgctxt "wall_line_width description"
  491. msgid "Width of a single wall line."
  492. msgstr "ウォールラインの幅。"
  493. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  494. msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 label"
  495. msgid "Outer Wall Line Width"
  496. msgstr "Outer Wall Line Width"
  497. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  498. msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 description"
  499. msgid "Width of the outermost wall line. By lowering this value, higher levels of detail can be printed."
  500. msgstr "最も外側のウォールラインの幅。この値を下げると、より詳細な印刷できます。"
  501. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  502. msgctxt "wall_line_width_x label"
  503. msgid "Inner Wall(s) Line Width"
  504. msgstr "Inner Wall(s) Line Width"
  505. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  506. msgctxt "wall_line_width_x description"
  507. msgid "Width of a single wall line for all wall lines except the outermost one."
  508. msgstr "一番外側のウォールラインを除くすべてのウォールラインのラインの幅。"
  509. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  510. msgctxt "skin_line_width label"
  511. msgid "Top/Bottom Line Width"
  512. msgstr "Top/Bottom Line Width"
  513. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  514. msgctxt "skin_line_width description"
  515. msgid "Width of a single top/bottom line."
  516. msgstr "上辺/底辺線のライン幅。"
  517. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  518. msgctxt "infill_line_width label"
  519. msgid "Infill Line Width"
  520. msgstr "Infill Line Width"
  521. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  522. msgctxt "infill_line_width description"
  523. msgid "Width of a single infill line."
  524. msgstr "インフィル線の幅。"
  525. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  526. msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width label"
  527. msgid "Skirt/Brim Line Width"
  528. msgstr "Skirt/Brim Line Width"
  529. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  530. msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width description"
  531. msgid "Width of a single skirt or brim line."
  532. msgstr "単一のスカートまたはブリムラインの幅。"
  533. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  534. msgctxt "support_line_width label"
  535. msgid "Support Line Width"
  536. msgstr "Support Line Width"
  537. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  538. msgctxt "support_line_width description"
  539. msgid "Width of a single support structure line."
  540. msgstr "単一のサポート構造のライン幅。"
  541. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  542. msgctxt "support_interface_line_width label"
  543. msgid "Support Interface Line Width"
  544. msgstr "Support Interface Line Width"
  545. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  546. msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
  547. msgid "Width of a single support interface line."
  548. msgstr "単一のサポートインタフェースラインの幅。"
  549. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  550. msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
  551. msgid "Prime Tower Line Width"
  552. msgstr "Prime Tower Line Width"
  553. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  554. msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width description"
  555. msgid "Width of a single prime tower line."
  556. msgstr "単一のプライムタワーラインの幅。"
  557. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  558. msgctxt "shell label"
  559. msgid "Shell"
  560. msgstr "Shell"
  561. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  562. msgctxt "shell description"
  563. msgid "Shell"
  564. msgstr "外郭"
  565. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  566. msgctxt "wall_thickness label"
  567. msgid "Wall Thickness"
  568. msgstr "Wall Thickness"
  569. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  570. msgctxt "wall_thickness description"
  571. msgid "The thickness of the outside walls in the horizontal direction. This value divided by the wall line width defines the number of walls."
  572. msgstr "水平方向の外壁厚さ この値をウォールライン幅で割ることで、ウォール数を定義します。"
  573. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  574. msgctxt "wall_line_count label"
  575. msgid "Wall Line Count"
  576. msgstr "Wall Line Count"
  577. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  578. msgctxt "wall_line_count description"
  579. msgid "The number of walls. When calculated by the wall thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  580. msgstr "ウォールの数。厚さから計算された場合、この値は整数になります。"
  581. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  582. msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist label"
  583. msgid "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
  584. msgstr "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
  585. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  586. msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist description"
  587. msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after the outer wall, to hide the Z seam better."
  588. msgstr "外壁の後に挿入された移動の距離はZシームをよりよく隠します。"
  589. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  590. msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness label"
  591. msgid "Top/Bottom Thickness"
  592. msgstr "Top/Bottom Thickness"
  593. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  594. msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness description"
  595. msgid "The thickness of the top/bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top/bottom layers."
  596. msgstr "プリント時の最上面、最底面の厚み。これを積層ピッチで割った値で最上面、最低面のレイヤーの数を定義します。"
  597. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  598. msgctxt "top_thickness label"
  599. msgid "Top Thickness"
  600. msgstr "Top Thickness"
  601. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  602. msgctxt "top_thickness description"
  603. msgid "The thickness of the top layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top layers."
  604. msgstr "プリント時の最上面の厚み。これを積層ピッチで割った値で最上面のレイヤーの数を定義します。"
  605. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  606. msgctxt "top_layers label"
  607. msgid "Top Layers"
  608. msgstr "Top Layers"
  609. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  610. msgctxt "top_layers description"
  611. msgid "The number of top layers. When calculated by the top thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  612. msgstr "最上面のレイヤー数。トップの厚さを計算する場合、この値は整数になります。"
  613. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  614. msgctxt "bottom_thickness label"
  615. msgid "Bottom Thickness"
  616. msgstr "Bottom Thickness"
  617. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  618. msgctxt "bottom_thickness description"
  619. msgid "The thickness of the bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of bottom layers."
  620. msgstr "プリント時の最底面の厚み。これを積層ピッチで割った値で最低面のレイヤーの数を定義します。"
  621. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  622. msgctxt "bottom_layers label"
  623. msgid "Bottom Layers"
  624. msgstr "Bottom Layers"
  625. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  626. msgctxt "bottom_layers description"
  627. msgid "The number of bottom layers. When calculated by the bottom thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  628. msgstr "最底面のレイヤー数。下の厚さで計算すると、この値は整数に変換されます。"
  629. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  630. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern label"
  631. msgid "Top/Bottom Pattern"
  632. msgstr "Top/Bottom Pattern"
  633. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  634. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern description"
  635. msgid "The pattern of the top/bottom layers."
  636. msgstr "上層/底層のパターン。"
  637. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  638. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option lines"
  639. msgid "Lines"
  640. msgstr "Lines"
  641. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  642. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option concentric"
  643. msgid "Concentric"
  644. msgstr "Concentric"
  645. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  646. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
  647. msgid "Zig Zag"
  648. msgstr "Zig Zag"
  649. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  650. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 label"
  651. msgid "Bottom Pattern Initial Layer"
  652. msgstr "Bottom Pattern Initial Layer"
  653. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  654. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 description"
  655. msgid "The pattern on the bottom of the print on the first layer."
  656. msgstr "第1層のプリントの底部のパターン。"
  657. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  658. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option lines"
  659. msgid "Lines"
  660. msgstr "Lines"
  661. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  662. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option concentric"
  663. msgid "Concentric"
  664. msgstr "Concentric"
  665. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  666. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option zigzag"
  667. msgid "Zig Zag"
  668. msgstr "Zig Zag"
  669. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  670. msgctxt "skin_angles label"
  671. msgid "Top/Bottom Line Directions"
  672. msgstr "Top/Bottom Line Directions"
  673. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  674. msgctxt "skin_angles description"
  675. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use when the top/bottom layers use the lines or zig zag pattern. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees)."
  676. msgstr "上/下のレイヤーが線またはジグザグパターンを使う際の整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、層が進行するにつれて順番に使用され、リストの終わりに達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは、従来のデフォルト角度(45度と135度)を使用する空のリストです。"
  677. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  678. msgctxt "wall_0_inset label"
  679. msgid "Outer Wall Inset"
  680. msgstr "Outer Wall Inset"
  681. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  682. msgctxt "wall_0_inset description"
  683. msgid "Inset applied to the path of the outer wall. If the outer wall is smaller than the nozzle, and printed after the inner walls, use this offset to get the hole in the nozzle to overlap with the inner walls instead of the outside of the model."
  684. msgstr "外壁の経路にはめ込む。外壁がノズルよりも小さく、内壁の後に造形されている場合は、オフセットを使用して、ノズルの穴をモデルの外側ではなく内壁と重なるようにします。"
  685. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  686. msgctxt "outer_inset_first label"
  687. msgid "Outer Before Inner Walls"
  688. msgstr "Outer Before Inner Walls"
  689. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  690. msgctxt "outer_inset_first description"
  691. msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
  692. msgstr "有効にすると、壁は外側から内側に順番に印刷します。これは、ABSのような高粘度のプラスチックを使用する際、XとYの寸法精度を改善するのに役立ちます。しかし、特にオーバーハング時に、外面の印刷品質を低下させる可能性があります。"
  693. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  694. msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter label"
  695. msgid "Alternate Extra Wall"
  696. msgstr "Alternate Extra Wall"
  697. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  698. msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter description"
  699. msgid "Prints an extra wall at every other layer. This way infill gets caught between these extra walls, resulting in stronger prints."
  700. msgstr "すべてのレイヤーごとに予備の壁を印刷します。このようにして、インフィルは余分な壁の間に挟まれ、より強い印刷物が得られる。"
  701. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  702. msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled label"
  703. msgid "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
  704. msgstr "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
  705. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  706. msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled description"
  707. msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of a wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
  708. msgstr "すでに壁が設置されている部品の壁の流れを補正します。"
  709. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  710. msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled label"
  711. msgid "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
  712. msgstr "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
  713. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  714. msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled description"
  715. msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an outer wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
  716. msgstr "すでに壁が設置されている場所にプリントされている外壁の部分の流れを補う。"
  717. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  718. msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled label"
  719. msgid "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
  720. msgstr "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
  721. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  722. msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled description"
  723. msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an inner wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
  724. msgstr "すでに壁が設置されている場所にプリントされている内壁の部分の流れを補正します。"
  725. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  726. msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps label"
  727. msgid "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
  728. msgstr "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
  729. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  730. msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps description"
  731. msgid "Fills the gaps between walls where no walls fit."
  732. msgstr "壁が入らない壁の隙間を埋める。"
  733. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  734. msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option nowhere"
  735. msgid "Nowhere"
  736. msgstr "Nowhere"
  737. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  738. msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option everywhere"
  739. msgid "Everywhere"
  740. msgstr "Everywhere"
  741. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  742. msgctxt "xy_offset label"
  743. msgid "Horizontal Expansion"
  744. msgstr "Horizontal Expansion"
  745. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  746. msgctxt "xy_offset description"
  747. msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
  748. msgstr "各レイヤーのすべてのポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値は大きすぎる穴を補うことができます。負の値は小さすぎる穴を補うことができます。"
  749. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  750. msgctxt "z_seam_type label"
  751. msgid "Z Seam Alignment"
  752. msgstr "Z Seam Alignment"
  753. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  754. msgctxt "z_seam_type description"
  755. msgid "Starting point of each path in a layer. When paths in consecutive layers start at the same point a vertical seam may show on the print. When aligning these near a user specified location, the seam is easiest to remove. When placed randomly the inaccuracies at the paths' start will be less noticeable. When taking the shortest path the print will be quicker."
  756. msgstr "レイヤーの経路始点。連続するレイヤー経路が同じポイントで開始すると、縦のシームが印刷に表示されることがあります。ユーザーが指定した場所の近くでこれらを整列させる場合、継ぎ目は最も簡単に取り除くことができます。無作為に配置すると、経路開始時の粗さが目立たなくなります。最短経路をとると、印刷が速くなります。"
  757. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  758. msgctxt "z_seam_type option back"
  759. msgid "User Specified"
  760. msgstr "User Specified"
  761. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  762. msgctxt "z_seam_type option shortest"
  763. msgid "Shortest"
  764. msgstr "Shortest"
  765. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  766. msgctxt "z_seam_type option random"
  767. msgid "Random"
  768. msgstr "Random"
  769. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  770. msgctxt "z_seam_x label"
  771. msgid "Z Seam X"
  772. msgstr "Z Seam X"
  773. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  774. msgctxt "z_seam_x description"
  775. msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
  776. msgstr ""
  777. "レイヤー内の各印刷を開始するX座\n"
  778. "標の位置。"
  779. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  780. msgctxt "z_seam_y label"
  781. msgid "Z Seam Y"
  782. msgstr "Z Seam Y"
  783. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  784. msgctxt "z_seam_y description"
  785. msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
  786. msgstr "The Y coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
  787. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  788. msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic label"
  789. msgid "Ignore Small Z Gaps"
  790. msgstr "Ignore Small Z Gaps"
  791. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  792. msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic description"
  793. msgid "When the model has small vertical gaps, about 5% extra computation time can be spent on generating top and bottom skin in these narrow spaces. In such case, disable the setting."
  794. msgstr "モデルに垂直方向のギャップが小さくある場合、これらの狭いスペースにおいて上部および下部スキンを生成するために、約5%の計算時間が追加されます。そのような場合は、設定を無効にしてください。"
  795. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  796. msgctxt "infill label"
  797. msgid "Infill"
  798. msgstr "Infill"
  799. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  800. msgctxt "infill description"
  801. msgid "Infill"
  802. msgstr "インフィル"
  803. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  804. msgctxt "infill_sparse_density label"
  805. msgid "Infill Density"
  806. msgstr "Infill Density"
  807. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  808. msgctxt "infill_sparse_density description"
  809. msgid "Adjusts the density of infill of the print."
  810. msgstr "プリントのインフィルの密度を調整します。"
  811. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  812. msgctxt "infill_line_distance label"
  813. msgid "Infill Line Distance"
  814. msgstr "Infill Line Distance"
  815. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  816. msgctxt "infill_line_distance description"
  817. msgid "Distance between the printed infill lines. This setting is calculated by the infill density and the infill line width."
  818. msgstr "造形されたインフィルラインの距離。この設定は、インフィル密度およびライン幅によって計算される。"
  819. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  820. msgctxt "infill_pattern label"
  821. msgid "Infill Pattern"
  822. msgstr "Infill Pattern"
  823. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  824. msgctxt "infill_pattern description"
  825. msgid "The pattern of the infill material of the print. The line and zig zag infill swap direction on alternate layers, reducing material cost. The grid, triangle, cubic, tetrahedral and concentric patterns are fully printed every layer. Cubic and tetrahedral infill change with every layer to provide a more equal distribution of strength over each direction."
  826. msgstr "印刷物のインフィルのパターン。ラインとジグザグのインフィルは交互のレイヤー方向をずらし、材料費を削減します。グリッド、三角形、キュービック、四面体、同心円のパターンは、各レイヤーに完全に印刷されます。立方体および四面体のインフィルは各層ごとに変化し、各方向に沿ってより均等な強度分布を提供する。"
  827. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  828. msgctxt "infill_pattern option grid"
  829. msgid "Grid"
  830. msgstr "Grid"
  831. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  832. msgctxt "infill_pattern option lines"
  833. msgid "Lines"
  834. msgstr "Lines"
  835. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  836. msgctxt "infill_pattern option triangles"
  837. msgid "Triangles"
  838. msgstr "Triangles"
  839. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  840. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubic"
  841. msgid "Cubic"
  842. msgstr "Cubic"
  843. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  844. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubicsubdiv"
  845. msgid "Cubic Subdivision"
  846. msgstr "Cubic Subdivision"
  847. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  848. msgctxt "infill_pattern option tetrahedral"
  849. msgid "Tetrahedral"
  850. msgstr "Tetrahedral"
  851. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  852. msgctxt "infill_pattern option concentric"
  853. msgid "Concentric"
  854. msgstr "Concentric"
  855. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  856. msgctxt "infill_pattern option concentric_3d"
  857. msgid "Concentric 3D"
  858. msgstr "Concentric 3D"
  859. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  860. msgctxt "infill_pattern option zigzag"
  861. msgid "Zig Zag"
  862. msgstr "Zig Zag"
  863. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  864. msgctxt "infill_angles label"
  865. msgid "Infill Line Directions"
  866. msgstr "Infill Line Directions"
  867. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  868. msgctxt "infill_angles description"
  869. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees for the lines and zig zag patterns and 45 degrees for all other patterns)."
  870. msgstr "使用する整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、レイヤの層に合わせて順番に使用され、リストの末尾に達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは空のリストです。これは、従来のデフォルト角度(線とジグザグのパターンでは45と135度、他のすべてのパターンでは45度)を使用することを意味します。"
  871. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  872. msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult label"
  873. msgid "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
  874. msgstr "Cubic Subdivision Radius"
  875. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  876. msgctxt "sub_div_rad_mult description"
  877. msgid "A multiplier on the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to more subdivisions, i.e. more small cubes."
  878. msgstr "各立方体の中心からの半径上の乗数で、モデルの境界をチェックし、この立方体を細分するかどうかを決定します。値を大きくすると細分化が増えます。つまり、より小さなキューブになります。"
  879. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  880. msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
  881. msgid "Cubic Subdivision Shell"
  882. msgstr "Cubic Subdivision Shell"
  883. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  884. msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add description"
  885. msgid "An addition to the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to a thicker shell of small cubes near the boundary of the model."
  886. msgstr "この立方体を細分するかどうかを決定するために、各立方体の中心から半径に加えてモデルの境界を調べます。値を大きくすると、モデルの境界付近に小さな立方体のより厚いシェルができます。"
  887. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  888. msgctxt "infill_overlap label"
  889. msgid "Infill Overlap Percentage"
  890. msgstr "Infill Overlap Percentage"
  891. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  892. msgctxt "infill_overlap description"
  893. msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
  894. msgstr "インフィルと壁が交差する量、わずかな交差によって壁がインフィルにしっかりつながります。"
  895. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  896. msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm label"
  897. msgid "Infill Overlap"
  898. msgstr "Infill Overlap"
  899. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  900. msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm description"
  901. msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
  902. msgstr "インフィルと壁が交差する量、わずかな交差によって壁がインフィルにしっかりつながります。"
  903. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  904. msgctxt "skin_overlap label"
  905. msgid "Skin Overlap Percentage"
  906. msgstr "Skin Overlap Percentage"
  907. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  908. msgctxt "skin_overlap description"
  909. msgid "The amount of overlap between the skin and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin."
  910. msgstr "スキンと壁の間のオーバーラップ量 わずかなオーバーラップによって壁がスキンにしっかりつながります。"
  911. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  912. msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm label"
  913. msgid "Skin Overlap"
  914. msgstr "Skin Overlap"
  915. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  916. msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm description"
  917. msgid "The amount of overlap between the skin and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin."
  918. msgstr "スキンと壁の間の交差した量 わずかなオーバーラップによって壁がスキンにしっかりつながります。"
  919. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  920. msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist label"
  921. msgid "Infill Wipe Distance"
  922. msgstr "Infill Wipe Distance"
  923. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  924. msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist description"
  925. msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after every infill line, to make the infill stick to the walls better. This option is similar to infill overlap, but without extrusion and only on one end of the infill line."
  926. msgstr "インフィルラインごとに挿入された移動距離は壁のインフィルへの接着をより良くします。このオプションは、インフィルオーバーラップに似ていますが、押出なく、インフィルラインの片側にのみあります。"
  927. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  928. msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness label"
  929. msgid "Infill Layer Thickness"
  930. msgstr "Infill Layer Thickness"
  931. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  932. msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness description"
  933. msgid "The thickness per layer of infill material. This value should always be a multiple of the layer height and is otherwise rounded."
  934. msgstr "インフィルマテリアルの層ごとの厚さ。この値は常にレイヤーの高さの倍数でなければなりません。"
  935. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  936. msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps label"
  937. msgid "Gradual Infill Steps"
  938. msgstr "Gradual Infill Steps"
  939. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  940. msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps description"
  941. msgid "Number of times to reduce the infill density by half when getting further below top surfaces. Areas which are closer to top surfaces get a higher density, up to the Infill Density."
  942. msgstr "天井面の表面に近づく際にインフィル密度が半減する回数。天井面に近い領域ほど高い密度となり、インフィル密度まで達します。"
  943. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  944. msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height label"
  945. msgid "Gradual Infill Step Height"
  946. msgstr "Gradual Infill Step Height"
  947. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  948. msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height description"
  949. msgid "The height of infill of a given density before switching to half the density."
  950. msgstr "密度が半分に切り替える前の所定のインフィルの高さ。"
  951. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  952. msgctxt "infill_before_walls label"
  953. msgid "Infill Before Walls"
  954. msgstr "Infill Before Walls"
  955. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  956. msgctxt "infill_before_walls description"
  957. msgid "Print the infill before printing the walls. Printing the walls first may lead to more accurate walls, but overhangs print worse. Printing the infill first leads to sturdier walls, but the infill pattern might sometimes show through the surface."
  958. msgstr ""
  959. "壁より前にインフィルをプリントします はじめに壁をプリントするとより精密な壁になりますが、オーバーハングのプリントは悪化します\n"
  960. "はじめにインフィルをプリントすると丈夫な壁になりますが、インフィルの模様が時折表面から透けて表れます"
  961. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  962. msgctxt "min_infill_area label"
  963. msgid "Minimum Infill Area"
  964. msgstr "Minimum Infill Area"
  965. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  966. msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
  967. msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
  968. msgstr "これより小さいインフィルの領域を生成しないでください (代わりにスキンを使用してください)。"
  969. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  970. msgctxt "expand_skins_into_infill label"
  971. msgid "Expand Skins Into Infill"
  972. msgstr "Expand Skins Into Infill"
  973. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  974. msgctxt "expand_skins_into_infill description"
  975. msgid "Expand skin areas of top and/or bottom skin of flat surfaces. By default, skins stop under the wall lines that surround infill but this can lead to holes appearing when the infill density is low. This setting extends the skins beyond the wall lines so that the infill on the next layer rests on skin."
  976. msgstr "平らな面の上部または底部のスキン部の及びその領域を展開します。既定では、スキンインフィルの周りの壁の線で停止しますが、これはインフィル密度が低いときに現れる穴につながることがあります。この設定は、次の層の面材が皮膚にかかっているので、壁の線を超えてスキンを拡張します。"
  977. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  978. msgctxt "expand_upper_skins label"
  979. msgid "Expand Upper Skins"
  980. msgstr "Expand Upper Skins"
  981. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  982. msgctxt "expand_upper_skins description"
  983. msgid "Expand upper skin areas (areas with air above) so that they support infill above."
  984. msgstr "上部のインフィルをサポートするので、スキン面 (上記の空気を含んだ領域) を展開します。"
  985. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  986. msgctxt "expand_lower_skins label"
  987. msgid "Expand Lower Skins"
  988. msgstr "Expand Lower Skins"
  989. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  990. msgctxt "expand_lower_skins description"
  991. msgid "Expand lower skin areas (areas with air below) so that they are anchored by the infill layers above and below."
  992. msgstr "彼らは上と下の面材のレイヤーによって固定されますので、低い肌の部分 (空気を含んだ領域) を展開します。"
  993. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  994. msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance label"
  995. msgid "Skin Expand Distance"
  996. msgstr "Skin Expand Distance"
  997. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  998. msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance description"
  999. msgid "The distance the skins are expanded into the infill. The default distance is enough to bridge the gap between the infill lines and will stop holes appearing in the skin where it meets the wall when the infill density is low. A smaller distance will often be sufficient."
  1000. msgstr "スキンがインフィルに展開される距離。デフォルトの距離は、インフィルの密度が低いときにスキンに現れる穴とインフィルの行間とギャップを埋めるのにに十分です。大抵の場合、距離は小さくても問題ありません。"
  1001. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1002. msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion label"
  1003. msgid "Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion"
  1004. msgstr "Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion"
  1005. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1006. msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion description"
  1007. msgid "Top and/or bottom surfaces of your object with an angle larger than this setting, won't have their top/bottom skin expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a near vertical slope. An angle of 0° is horizontal, while an angle of 90° is vertical."
  1008. msgstr "この設定より大きい角を持つオブジェクトの上部または底部の表面、その表面のスキンはを拡大しません。これは、モデルのサーフェスに近い垂直斜面がある場合に作成される狭いスキン領域の拡大を回避します。0 ° の角度は水平方向、90 ° の角度が垂直方向です。"
  1009. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1010. msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion label"
  1011. msgid "Minimum Skin Width for Expansion"
  1012. msgstr "Minimum Skin Width for Expansion"
  1013. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1014. msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion description"
  1015. msgid "Skin areas narrower than this are not expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a slope close to the vertical."
  1016. msgstr "これより狭いスキン領域は展開されません。モデル表面に、垂直に近い斜面がある場合に作成される狭いスキン領域の拡大を回避するためです。"
  1017. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1018. msgctxt "material label"
  1019. msgid "Material"
  1020. msgstr "Material"
  1021. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1022. msgctxt "material description"
  1023. msgid "Material"
  1024. msgstr "マテリアル"
  1025. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1026. msgctxt "material_flow_dependent_temperature label"
  1027. msgid "Auto Temperature"
  1028. msgstr "Auto Temperature"
  1029. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1030. msgctxt "material_flow_dependent_temperature description"
  1031. msgid "Change the temperature for each layer automatically with the average flow speed of that layer."
  1032. msgstr "その画層の平均流速で自動的にレイヤーごとに温度を変更します。"
  1033. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1034. msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature label"
  1035. msgid "Default Printing Temperature"
  1036. msgstr "Default Printing Temperature"
  1037. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1038. msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature description"
  1039. msgid "The default temperature used for printing. This should be the \"base\" temperature of a material. All other print temperatures should use offsets based on this value"
  1040. msgstr "印刷中のデフォルトの温度。これはマテリアルの基本温度となります。他のすべての造形温度はこの値に基づいてオフセットする必要があります。"
  1041. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1042. msgctxt "material_print_temperature label"
  1043. msgid "Printing Temperature"
  1044. msgstr "Printing Temperature"
  1045. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1046. msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
  1047. msgid "The temperature used for printing."
  1048. msgstr "印刷中の温度。"
  1049. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1050. msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 label"
  1051. msgid "Printing Temperature Initial Layer"
  1052. msgstr "Printing Temperature Initial Layer"
  1053. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1054. msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 description"
  1055. msgid "The temperature used for printing the first layer. Set at 0 to disable special handling of the initial layer."
  1056. msgstr "最初のレイヤーを印刷する温度。初期レイヤーのみ特別設定が必要ない場合は 0 に設定します。"
  1057. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1058. msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature label"
  1059. msgid "Initial Printing Temperature"
  1060. msgstr "Initial Printing Temperature"
  1061. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1062. msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature description"
  1063. msgid "The minimal temperature while heating up to the Printing Temperature at which printing can already start."
  1064. msgstr "加熱中、印刷を開始することができる最低の温度。"
  1065. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1066. msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature label"
  1067. msgid "Final Printing Temperature"
  1068. msgstr "Final Printing Temperature"
  1069. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1070. msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature description"
  1071. msgid "The temperature to which to already start cooling down just before the end of printing."
  1072. msgstr "印刷終了直前に冷却を開始する温度。"
  1073. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1074. msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph label"
  1075. msgid "Flow Temperature Graph"
  1076. msgstr "Flow Temperature Graph"
  1077. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1078. msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph description"
  1079. msgid "Data linking material flow (in mm3 per second) to temperature (degrees Celsius)."
  1080. msgstr "マテリアルフロー(毎秒 3mm) と温度 (° c) をリンクします。"
  1081. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1082. msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed label"
  1083. msgid "Extrusion Cool Down Speed Modifier"
  1084. msgstr "Extrusion Cool Down Speed Modifier"
  1085. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1086. msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed description"
  1087. msgid "The extra speed by which the nozzle cools while extruding. The same value is used to signify the heat up speed lost when heating up while extruding."
  1088. msgstr "印刷中にノズルが冷える際の速度。同じ値が、加熱する際の加熱速度に割当られます。"
  1089. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1090. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature label"
  1091. msgid "Build Plate Temperature"
  1092. msgstr "Build Plate Temperature"
  1093. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1094. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature description"
  1095. msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate. If this is 0, the bed will not heat up for this print."
  1096. msgstr "加熱式ビルドプレート温度。これが 0 の場合、ベッドは加熱しません。"
  1097. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1098. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 label"
  1099. msgid "Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer"
  1100. msgstr "Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer"
  1101. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1102. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 description"
  1103. msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate at the first layer."
  1104. msgstr "最初のレイヤー印刷時のビルドプレートの温度。"
  1105. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1106. msgctxt "material_diameter label"
  1107. msgid "Diameter"
  1108. msgstr "Diameter"
  1109. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1110. msgctxt "material_diameter description"
  1111. msgid "Adjusts the diameter of the filament used. Match this value with the diameter of the used filament."
  1112. msgstr "使用するフィラメントの太さの調整 この値を使用するフィラメントの太さと一致させてください。"
  1113. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1114. msgctxt "material_flow label"
  1115. msgid "Flow"
  1116. msgstr "Flow"
  1117. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1118. msgctxt "material_flow description"
  1119. msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  1120. msgstr "流れの補修: 押出されるマテリアルの量は、この値から乗算されます。"
  1121. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1122. msgctxt "retraction_enable label"
  1123. msgid "Enable Retraction"
  1124. msgstr "Enable Retraction"
  1125. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1126. msgctxt "retraction_enable description"
  1127. msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area. "
  1128. msgstr "ノズルが印刷しないで良い領域を移動する際にフィラメントを引き戻す。"
  1129. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1130. msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change label"
  1131. msgid "Retract at Layer Change"
  1132. msgstr "Retract at Layer Change"
  1133. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1134. msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change description"
  1135. msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving to the next layer."
  1136. msgstr "ノズルは次の層に移動するときフィラメントを引き戻します。"
  1137. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1138. msgctxt "retraction_amount label"
  1139. msgid "Retraction Distance"
  1140. msgstr "Retraction Distance"
  1141. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1142. msgctxt "retraction_amount description"
  1143. msgid "The length of material retracted during a retraction move."
  1144. msgstr "引き戻されるマテリアルの長さ"
  1145. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1146. msgctxt "retraction_speed label"
  1147. msgid "Retraction Speed"
  1148. msgstr "Retraction Speed"
  1149. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1150. #, fuzzy
  1151. msgctxt "retraction_speed description"
  1152. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted and primed during a retraction move."
  1153. msgstr "フィラメントが引き戻される時のスピード"
  1154. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1155. msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed label"
  1156. msgid "Retraction Retract Speed"
  1157. msgstr "Retraction Retract Speed"
  1158. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1159. #, fuzzy
  1160. msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed description"
  1161. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a retraction move."
  1162. msgstr "フィラメントが引き戻される時のスピード"
  1163. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1164. msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed label"
  1165. msgid "Retraction Prime Speed"
  1166. msgstr "Retraction Prime Speed"
  1167. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1168. #, fuzzy
  1169. msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed description"
  1170. msgid "The speed at which the filament is primed during a retraction move."
  1171. msgstr "フィラメントが引き戻される時のスピード"
  1172. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1173. msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount label"
  1174. msgid "Retraction Extra Prime Amount"
  1175. msgstr "Retraction Extra Prime Amount"
  1176. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1177. msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount description"
  1178. msgid "Some material can ooze away during a travel move, which can be compensated for here."
  1179. msgstr "マテリアルによっては、移動中に滲み出てきてしまうときがあり、ここで調整することができます。"
  1180. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1181. msgctxt "retraction_min_travel label"
  1182. msgid "Retraction Minimum Travel"
  1183. msgstr "Retraction Minimum Travel"
  1184. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1185. msgctxt "retraction_min_travel description"
  1186. msgid "The minimum distance of travel needed for a retraction to happen at all. This helps to get fewer retractions in a small area."
  1187. msgstr "フィラメントを引き戻す際に必要な最小移動距離。これは、短い距離内での引き戻しの回数を減らすために役立ちます。"
  1188. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1189. msgctxt "retraction_count_max label"
  1190. msgid "Maximum Retraction Count"
  1191. msgstr "Maximum Retraction Count"
  1192. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1193. msgctxt "retraction_count_max description"
  1194. msgid "This setting limits the number of retractions occurring within the minimum extrusion distance window. Further retractions within this window will be ignored. This avoids retracting repeatedly on the same piece of filament, as that can flatten the filament and cause grinding issues."
  1195. msgstr "この設定は、決められた距離の中で起こる引き戻しの回数を制限します。制限数以上の引き戻しは無視されます。これによりフィーダーでフィラメントを誤って削ってしまう問題を軽減させます。"
  1196. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1197. msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window label"
  1198. msgid "Minimum Extrusion Distance Window"
  1199. msgstr "Minimum Extrusion Distance Window"
  1200. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1201. msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window description"
  1202. msgid "The window in which the maximum retraction count is enforced. This value should be approximately the same as the retraction distance, so that effectively the number of times a retraction passes the same patch of material is limited."
  1203. msgstr "最大の引き戻し回数。この値は引き戻す距離と同じであることで、引き戻しが効果的に行われます。"
  1204. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1205. msgctxt "material_standby_temperature label"
  1206. msgid "Standby Temperature"
  1207. msgstr "Standby Temperature"
  1208. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1209. msgctxt "material_standby_temperature description"
  1210. msgid "The temperature of the nozzle when another nozzle is currently used for printing."
  1211. msgstr "印刷していないノズルの温度(もう一方のノズルが印刷中)"
  1212. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1213. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount label"
  1214. msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance"
  1215. msgstr "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance"
  1216. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1217. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount description"
  1218. msgid "The amount of retraction: Set at 0 for no retraction at all. This should generally be the same as the length of the heat zone."
  1219. msgstr "引き込み量:引き込みを行わない場合は0に設定します。これは通常、ヒートゾーンの長さと同じに設定します。"
  1220. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1221. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds label"
  1222. msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed"
  1223. msgstr "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed"
  1224. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1225. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds description"
  1226. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding."
  1227. msgstr "フィラメントを引き戻す速度。速度が早い程良いが早すぎるとフィラメントを削ってしまう可能性があります。"
  1228. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1229. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed label"
  1230. msgid "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed"
  1231. msgstr "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed"
  1232. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1233. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed description"
  1234. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a nozzle switch retract."
  1235. msgstr "ノズル切り替え中のフィラメントの引き込み速度。"
  1236. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1237. msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed label"
  1238. msgid "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed"
  1239. msgstr "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed"
  1240. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1241. msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed description"
  1242. msgid "The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction."
  1243. msgstr "ノズル スイッチ後にフィラメントが押し戻される速度。"
  1244. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1245. msgctxt "speed label"
  1246. msgid "Speed"
  1247. msgstr "Speed"
  1248. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1249. msgctxt "speed description"
  1250. msgid "Speed"
  1251. msgstr "スピード"
  1252. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1253. msgctxt "speed_print label"
  1254. msgid "Print Speed"
  1255. msgstr "Print Speed"
  1256. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1257. msgctxt "speed_print description"
  1258. msgid "The speed at which printing happens."
  1259. msgstr "印刷スピード"
  1260. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1261. msgctxt "speed_infill label"
  1262. msgid "Infill Speed"
  1263. msgstr "Infill Speed"
  1264. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1265. msgctxt "speed_infill description"
  1266. msgid "The speed at which infill is printed."
  1267. msgstr "インフィルを印刷する速度"
  1268. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1269. msgctxt "speed_wall label"
  1270. msgid "Wall Speed"
  1271. msgstr "Wall Speed"
  1272. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1273. msgctxt "speed_wall description"
  1274. msgid "The speed at which the walls are printed."
  1275. msgstr "ウォールを印刷する速度"
  1276. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1277. msgctxt "speed_wall_0 label"
  1278. msgid "Outer Wall Speed"
  1279. msgstr "Outer Wall Speed"
  1280. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1281. msgctxt "speed_wall_0 description"
  1282. msgid "The speed at which the outermost walls are printed. Printing the outer wall at a lower speed improves the final skin quality. However, having a large difference between the inner wall speed and the outer wall speed will affect quality in a negative way."
  1283. msgstr "最も外側のウォールをプリントする速度。外側の壁を低速でプリントすると表面の質が改善しますが、内壁と外壁のプリント速度の差が大きすぎると、印刷の質が悪化します。"
  1284. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1285. msgctxt "speed_wall_x label"
  1286. msgid "Inner Wall Speed"
  1287. msgstr "Inner Wall Speed"
  1288. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1289. msgctxt "speed_wall_x description"
  1290. msgid "The speed at which all inner walls are printed. Printing the inner wall faster than the outer wall will reduce printing time. It works well to set this in between the outer wall speed and the infill speed."
  1291. msgstr "内側のウォールをプリントする速度 外壁より内壁を高速でプリントすると、印刷時間の短縮になります。外壁のプリント速度とインフィルのプリント速度の中間に設定するのが適切です。"
  1292. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1293. msgctxt "speed_topbottom label"
  1294. msgid "Top/Bottom Speed"
  1295. msgstr "Top/Bottom Speed"
  1296. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1297. msgctxt "speed_topbottom description"
  1298. msgid "The speed at which top/bottom layers are printed."
  1299. msgstr "トップ/ボトムのレイヤーのプリント速度"
  1300. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1301. msgctxt "speed_support label"
  1302. msgid "Support Speed"
  1303. msgstr "Support Speed"
  1304. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1305. msgctxt "speed_support description"
  1306. msgid "The speed at which the support structure is printed. Printing support at higher speeds can greatly reduce printing time. The surface quality of the support structure is not important since it is removed after printing."
  1307. msgstr "サポート材をプリントする速度です。高速でサポートをプリントすると、印刷時間を大幅に短縮できます。サポート材は印刷後に削除されますので、サポート構造の品質はそれほど重要ではありません。"
  1308. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1309. msgctxt "speed_support_infill label"
  1310. msgid "Support Infill Speed"
  1311. msgstr "Support Infill Speed"
  1312. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1313. msgctxt "speed_support_infill description"
  1314. msgid "The speed at which the infill of support is printed. Printing the infill at lower speeds improves stability."
  1315. msgstr "サポート材のインフィルをプリントする速度 低速でプリントすると安定性が向上します。"
  1316. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1317. msgctxt "speed_support_interface label"
  1318. msgid "Support Interface Speed"
  1319. msgstr "Support Interface Speed"
  1320. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1321. msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
  1322. msgid "The speed at which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing the them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
  1323. msgstr "天井と底面のサポート材をプリントする速度 これらを低速でプリントするとオーバーハング部分の品質を向上できます。"
  1324. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1325. msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
  1326. msgid "Prime Tower Speed"
  1327. msgstr "Prime Tower Speed"
  1328. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1329. msgctxt "speed_prime_tower description"
  1330. msgid "The speed at which the prime tower is printed. Printing the prime tower slower can make it more stable when the adhesion between the different filaments is suboptimal."
  1331. msgstr "プライムタワーをプリントする速度です。異なるフィラメントの印刷で密着性が最適ではない場合、低速にてプライム タワーをプリントすることでより安定させることができます。"
  1332. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1333. msgctxt "speed_travel label"
  1334. msgid "Travel Speed"
  1335. msgstr "Travel Speed"
  1336. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1337. msgctxt "speed_travel description"
  1338. msgid "The speed at which travel moves are made."
  1339. msgstr "移動中のスピード"
  1340. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1341. msgctxt "speed_layer_0 label"
  1342. msgid "Initial Layer Speed"
  1343. msgstr "Initial Layer Speed"
  1344. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1345. msgctxt "speed_layer_0 description"
  1346. msgid "The speed for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate."
  1347. msgstr "一層目での速度。ビルトプレートへの接着を向上するため低速を推奨します"
  1348. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1349. msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 label"
  1350. msgid "Initial Layer Print Speed"
  1351. msgstr "Initial Layer Print Speed"
  1352. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1353. msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 description"
  1354. msgid "The speed of printing for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate."
  1355. msgstr "一層目をプリントする速度 ビルトプレートへの接着を向上するため低速を推奨します"
  1356. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1357. msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 label"
  1358. msgid "Initial Layer Travel Speed"
  1359. msgstr "Initial Layer Travel Speed"
  1360. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1361. msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 description"
  1362. msgid "The speed of travel moves in the initial layer. A lower value is advised to prevent pulling previously printed parts away from the build plate. The value of this setting can automatically be calculated from the ratio between the Travel Speed and the Print Speed."
  1363. msgstr "最初のレイヤーを印刷する際のトラベルスピード。低速の方が、ビルドプレート剥がれるリスクを軽減することができます。この設定の値は、移動速度と印刷速度の比から自動的に計算されます。"
  1364. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1365. msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed label"
  1366. msgid "Skirt/Brim Speed"
  1367. msgstr "Skirt/Brim Speed"
  1368. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1369. msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed description"
  1370. msgid "The speed at which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done at the initial layer speed, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different speed."
  1371. msgstr "スカートとブリムのプリント速度 通常は一層目のスピードと同じですが、異なる速度でスカートやブリムをプリントしたい場合に設定してください。"
  1372. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1373. msgctxt "max_feedrate_z_override label"
  1374. msgid "Maximum Z Speed"
  1375. msgstr "Maximum Z Speed"
  1376. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1377. msgctxt "max_feedrate_z_override description"
  1378. msgid "The maximum speed with which the build plate is moved. Setting this to zero causes the print to use the firmware defaults for the maximum z speed."
  1379. msgstr "ビルトプレートが移動する最高速度 この値を0に設定すると、ファームウェアのデフォルト値のZの最高速度が適用されます。"
  1380. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1381. msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers label"
  1382. msgid "Number of Slower Layers"
  1383. msgstr "Number of Slower Layers"
  1384. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1385. msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers description"
  1386. msgid "The first few layers are printed slower than the rest of the model, to get better adhesion to the build plate and improve the overall success rate of prints. The speed is gradually increased over these layers."
  1387. msgstr "最初の数層は印刷失敗の可能性を軽減させるために、設定した印刷スピードよりも遅く印刷されます。"
  1388. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1389. msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled label"
  1390. msgid "Equalize Filament Flow"
  1391. msgstr "Equalize Filament Flow"
  1392. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1393. msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled description"
  1394. msgid "Print thinner than normal lines faster so that the amount of material extruded per second remains the same. Thin pieces in your model might require lines printed with smaller line width than provided in the settings. This setting controls the speed changes for such lines."
  1395. msgstr "通常より細いラインを高速プリントするので、時間当たりのフィラメント押出量は同じです。薄いモデル部品は、設定よりも細い線幅でプリントすることが要求される場合があり、本設定はそのような線の速度を変更します。"
  1396. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1397. msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max label"
  1398. msgid "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
  1399. msgstr "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
  1400. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1401. msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max description"
  1402. msgid "Maximum print speed when adjusting the print speed in order to equalize flow."
  1403. msgstr "吐出を均一にするための調整時の最高スピード"
  1404. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1405. msgctxt "acceleration_enabled label"
  1406. msgid "Enable Acceleration Control"
  1407. msgstr "Enable Acceleration Control"
  1408. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1409. msgctxt "acceleration_enabled description"
  1410. msgid "Enables adjusting the print head acceleration. Increasing the accelerations can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
  1411. msgstr "プリントヘッドのスピード調整の有効化 加速度の増加は印刷時間を短縮しますが印刷の質を損ねます。"
  1412. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1413. msgctxt "acceleration_print label"
  1414. msgid "Print Acceleration"
  1415. msgstr "Print Acceleration"
  1416. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1417. msgctxt "acceleration_print description"
  1418. msgid "The acceleration with which printing happens."
  1419. msgstr "印刷の加速スピードです。"
  1420. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1421. msgctxt "acceleration_infill label"
  1422. msgid "Infill Acceleration"
  1423. msgstr "Infill Acceleration"
  1424. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1425. msgctxt "acceleration_infill description"
  1426. msgid "The acceleration with which infill is printed."
  1427. msgstr "インフィルの印刷の加速スピード。"
  1428. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1429. msgctxt "acceleration_wall label"
  1430. msgid "Wall Acceleration"
  1431. msgstr "Wall Acceleration"
  1432. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1433. msgctxt "acceleration_wall description"
  1434. msgid "The acceleration with which the walls are printed."
  1435. msgstr "ウォールをプリントする際の加速度。"
  1436. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1437. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 label"
  1438. msgid "Outer Wall Acceleration"
  1439. msgstr "Outer Wall Acceleration"
  1440. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1441. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 description"
  1442. msgid "The acceleration with which the outermost walls are printed."
  1443. msgstr "最も外側の壁をプリントする際の加速度"
  1444. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1445. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x label"
  1446. msgid "Inner Wall Acceleration"
  1447. msgstr "Inner Wall Acceleration"
  1448. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1449. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x description"
  1450. msgid "The acceleration with which all inner walls are printed."
  1451. msgstr "内側のウォールがが出力される際のスピード。"
  1452. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1453. msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom label"
  1454. msgid "Top/Bottom Acceleration"
  1455. msgstr "Top/Bottom Acceleration"
  1456. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1457. msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom description"
  1458. msgid "The acceleration with which top/bottom layers are printed."
  1459. msgstr "トップとボトムのレイヤーの印刷加速度。"
  1460. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1461. msgctxt "acceleration_support label"
  1462. msgid "Support Acceleration"
  1463. msgstr "Support Acceleration"
  1464. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1465. msgctxt "acceleration_support description"
  1466. msgid "The acceleration with which the support structure is printed."
  1467. msgstr "サポート材プリント時の加速スピード"
  1468. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1469. msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill label"
  1470. msgid "Support Infill Acceleration"
  1471. msgstr "Support Infill Acceleration"
  1472. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1473. msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill description"
  1474. msgid "The acceleration with which the infill of support is printed."
  1475. msgstr "インフィルのサポート材のプリント時の加速度。"
  1476. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1477. msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface label"
  1478. msgid "Support Interface Acceleration"
  1479. msgstr "Support Interface Acceleration"
  1480. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1481. msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
  1482. msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed. Printing them at lower accelerations can improve overhang quality."
  1483. msgstr "サポート材の上面と底面が印刷されるスピード 低速度で印刷するとオーバーハングの品質が向上します。"
  1484. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1485. msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
  1486. msgid "Prime Tower Acceleration"
  1487. msgstr "Prime Tower Acceleration"
  1488. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1489. msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower description"
  1490. msgid "The acceleration with which the prime tower is printed."
  1491. msgstr "プライムタワーの印刷時のスピード。"
  1492. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1493. msgctxt "acceleration_travel label"
  1494. msgid "Travel Acceleration"
  1495. msgstr "Travel Acceleration"
  1496. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1497. msgctxt "acceleration_travel description"
  1498. msgid "The acceleration with which travel moves are made."
  1499. msgstr "移動中の加速度。"
  1500. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1501. msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 label"
  1502. msgid "Initial Layer Acceleration"
  1503. msgstr "Initial Layer Acceleration"
  1504. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1505. msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 description"
  1506. msgid "The acceleration for the initial layer."
  1507. msgstr "初期レイヤーの加速度。"
  1508. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1509. msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 label"
  1510. msgid "Initial Layer Print Acceleration"
  1511. msgstr "Initial Layer Print Acceleration"
  1512. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1513. msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 description"
  1514. msgid "The acceleration during the printing of the initial layer."
  1515. msgstr "初期レイヤーの印刷中の加速度。"
  1516. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1517. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 label"
  1518. msgid "Initial Layer Travel Acceleration"
  1519. msgstr "Initial Layer Travel Acceleration"
  1520. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1521. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 description"
  1522. msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
  1523. msgstr "最初のレイヤー時の加速度"
  1524. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1525. msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim label"
  1526. msgid "Skirt/Brim Acceleration"
  1527. msgstr "Skirt/Brim Acceleration"
  1528. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1529. msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim description"
  1530. msgid "The acceleration with which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done with the initial layer acceleration, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different acceleration."
  1531. msgstr "スカートとブリム印刷時の加速度。通常、初期レイヤーの印刷スピードにて適用されるが、異なる速度でスカートやブリムを印刷したい場合使用できる。"
  1532. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1533. msgctxt "jerk_enabled label"
  1534. msgid "Enable Jerk Control"
  1535. msgstr "Enable Jerk Control"
  1536. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1537. msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
  1538. msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
  1539. msgstr "X または Y 軸の速度が変更する際、プリントヘッドのジャークを調整することができます。ジャークを増やすことは、印刷時間を短縮できますがプリントの質を損ねます。"
  1540. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1541. msgctxt "jerk_print label"
  1542. msgid "Print Jerk"
  1543. msgstr "Print Jerk"
  1544. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1545. msgctxt "jerk_print description"
  1546. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change of the print head."
  1547. msgstr "プリントヘッドの最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  1548. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1549. msgctxt "jerk_infill label"
  1550. msgid "Infill Jerk"
  1551. msgstr "Infill Jerk"
  1552. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1553. msgctxt "jerk_infill description"
  1554. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which infill is printed."
  1555. msgstr "インフィルの印刷時の瞬間速度の変更。"
  1556. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1557. msgctxt "jerk_wall label"
  1558. msgid "Wall Jerk"
  1559. msgstr "Wall Jerk"
  1560. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1561. msgctxt "jerk_wall description"
  1562. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the walls are printed."
  1563. msgstr "ウォールのプリント時の最大瞬間速度を変更。"
  1564. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1565. msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 label"
  1566. msgid "Outer Wall Jerk"
  1567. msgstr "Outer Wall Jerk"
  1568. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1569. msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 description"
  1570. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the outermost walls are printed."
  1571. msgstr "外側のウォールが出力される際の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  1572. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1573. msgctxt "jerk_wall_x label"
  1574. msgid "Inner Wall Jerk"
  1575. msgstr "Inner Wall Jerk"
  1576. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1577. msgctxt "jerk_wall_x description"
  1578. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which all inner walls are printed."
  1579. msgstr "内側のウォールがプリントされれう際の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  1580. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1581. msgctxt "jerk_topbottom label"
  1582. msgid "Top/Bottom Jerk"
  1583. msgstr "Top/Bottom Jerk"
  1584. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1585. msgctxt "jerk_topbottom description"
  1586. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which top/bottom layers are printed."
  1587. msgstr "トップとボトムのレイヤーを印刷する際の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  1588. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1589. msgctxt "jerk_support label"
  1590. msgid "Support Jerk"
  1591. msgstr "Support Jerk"
  1592. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1593. msgctxt "jerk_support description"
  1594. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the support structure is printed."
  1595. msgstr "サポート材の印刷時の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  1596. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1597. msgctxt "jerk_support_infill label"
  1598. msgid "Support Infill Jerk"
  1599. msgstr "Support Infill Jerk"
  1600. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1601. msgctxt "jerk_support_infill description"
  1602. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the infill of support is printed."
  1603. msgstr "サポート材の印刷時、最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  1604. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1605. msgctxt "jerk_support_interface label"
  1606. msgid "Support Interface Jerk"
  1607. msgstr "Support Interface Jerk"
  1608. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1609. msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
  1610. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and bottoms of support are printed."
  1611. msgstr "サポート材の屋根とボトムのプリント時、最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  1612. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1613. msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
  1614. msgid "Prime Tower Jerk"
  1615. msgstr "Prime Tower Jerk"
  1616. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1617. msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower description"
  1618. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the prime tower is printed."
  1619. msgstr "プライムタワーがプリントされる際の最大瞬間速度を変更します。"
  1620. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1621. msgctxt "jerk_travel label"
  1622. msgid "Travel Jerk"
  1623. msgstr "Travel Jerk"
  1624. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1625. msgctxt "jerk_travel description"
  1626. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which travel moves are made."
  1627. msgstr "移動する際の最大瞬時速度の変更。"
  1628. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1629. msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 label"
  1630. msgid "Initial Layer Jerk"
  1631. msgstr "Initial Layer Jerk"
  1632. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1633. msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 description"
  1634. msgid "The print maximum instantaneous velocity change for the initial layer."
  1635. msgstr "初期レイヤーの最大瞬時速度の変更。"
  1636. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1637. msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 label"
  1638. msgid "Initial Layer Print Jerk"
  1639. msgstr "Initial Layer Print Jerk"
  1640. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1641. msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 description"
  1642. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change during the printing of the initial layer."
  1643. msgstr "初期レイヤー印刷中の最大瞬時速度の変化。"
  1644. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1645. msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 label"
  1646. msgid "Initial Layer Travel Jerk"
  1647. msgstr "Initial Layer Travel Jerk"
  1648. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1649. msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 description"
  1650. msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
  1651. msgstr "移動加速度は最初のレイヤーに適用されます。"
  1652. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1653. msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim label"
  1654. msgid "Skirt/Brim Jerk"
  1655. msgstr "Skirt/Brim Jerk"
  1656. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1657. msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim description"
  1658. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the skirt and brim are printed."
  1659. msgstr "スカートとブリムがプリントされる最大瞬時速度の変更。"
  1660. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1661. msgctxt "travel label"
  1662. msgid "Travel"
  1663. msgstr "Travel"
  1664. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1665. msgctxt "travel description"
  1666. msgid "travel"
  1667. msgstr "移動"
  1668. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1669. msgctxt "retraction_combing label"
  1670. msgid "Combing Mode"
  1671. msgstr "Combing Mode"
  1672. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1673. msgctxt "retraction_combing description"
  1674. msgid "Combing keeps the nozzle within already printed areas when traveling. This results in slightly longer travel moves but reduces the need for retractions. If combing is off, the material will retract and the nozzle moves in a straight line to the next point. It is also possible to avoid combing over top/bottom skin areas by combing within the infill only."
  1675. msgstr "コーミングは、走行時にすでに印刷された領域内にノズルを保ちます。その結果、移動距離はわずかに長くなりますが、引き込みの必要性は減ります。コーミングがオフの場合、フィラメントの引き戻しを行い、ノズルは次のポイントまで直線移動します。また、インフィルのみにてコーミングすることにより、トップとボトムのスキン領域上での櫛通りを回避します。"
  1676. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1677. msgctxt "retraction_combing option off"
  1678. msgid "Off"
  1679. msgstr "Off"
  1680. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1681. msgctxt "retraction_combing option all"
  1682. msgid "All"
  1683. msgstr "All"
  1684. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1685. msgctxt "retraction_combing option noskin"
  1686. msgid "No Skin"
  1687. msgstr "No Skin"
  1688. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1689. msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
  1690. msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
  1691. msgstr "Retract Before Outer Wall"
  1692. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1693. msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
  1694. msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
  1695. msgstr "移動して外側のウォールをプリントする際、毎回引き戻しをします。"
  1696. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1697. msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts label"
  1698. msgid "Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling"
  1699. msgstr "Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling"
  1700. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1701. msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts description"
  1702. msgid "The nozzle avoids already printed parts when traveling. This option is only available when combing is enabled."
  1703. msgstr "ノズルは、移動時に既に印刷されたパーツを避けます。このオプションは、コーミングが有効な場合にのみ使用できます。"
  1704. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1705. msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance label"
  1706. msgid "Travel Avoid Distance"
  1707. msgstr "Travel Avoid Distance"
  1708. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1709. msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance description"
  1710. msgid "The distance between the nozzle and already printed parts when avoiding during travel moves."
  1711. msgstr "ノズルが既に印刷された部分を移動する際の間隔"
  1712. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1713. msgctxt "start_layers_at_same_position label"
  1714. msgid "Start Layers with the Same Part"
  1715. msgstr "Start Layers with the Same Part"
  1716. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1717. #, fuzzy
  1718. msgctxt "start_layers_at_same_position description"
  1719. msgid "In each layer start with printing the object near the same point, so that we don't start a new layer with printing the piece which the previous layer ended with. This makes for better overhangs and small parts, but increases printing time."
  1720. msgstr "各レイヤーの印刷は決まった場所近い距離のポイントにて印刷を始めます。そのため、前のレイヤーが終わった部分から新しいレイヤーのプリントを開始しません。これによりオーバーハングや小さなパーツの印刷改善されますが、その代わり印刷時間が長くなります。"
  1721. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1722. msgctxt "layer_start_x label"
  1723. msgid "Layer Start X"
  1724. msgstr "Layer Start X"
  1725. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1726. msgctxt "layer_start_x description"
  1727. msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
  1728. msgstr "各レイヤーのプリントを開始する部分をしめすX座標。"
  1729. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1730. msgctxt "layer_start_y label"
  1731. msgid "Layer Start Y"
  1732. msgstr "Layer Start Y"
  1733. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1734. msgctxt "layer_start_y description"
  1735. msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
  1736. msgstr "各レイヤーのプリントを開始する部分をしめすY座標。"
  1737. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1738. msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled label"
  1739. msgid "Z Hop When Retracted"
  1740. msgstr "Z Hop When Retracted"
  1741. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1742. msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled description"
  1743. msgid "Whenever a retraction is done, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. It prevents the nozzle from hitting the print during travel moves, reducing the chance to knock the print from the build plate."
  1744. msgstr "引き戻しが完了すると、ビルドプレートが下降してノズルとプリントの間に隙間ができます。ノズルの走行中に造形物に当たるのを防ぎ、造形物をビルドプレートから剥がしてしまう現象を減らします。"
  1745. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1746. msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides label"
  1747. msgid "Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts"
  1748. msgstr "Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts"
  1749. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1750. msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides description"
  1751. msgid "Only perform a Z Hop when moving over printed parts which cannot be avoided by horizontal motion by Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling."
  1752. msgstr "走行時に印刷部品への衝突を避けるため、水平移動で回避できない造形物上を移動するときは、Zホップを実行します。"
  1753. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1754. msgctxt "retraction_hop label"
  1755. msgid "Z Hop Height"
  1756. msgstr "Z Hop Height"
  1757. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1758. msgctxt "retraction_hop description"
  1759. msgid "The height difference when performing a Z Hop."
  1760. msgstr "Zホップを実行するときの高さ。"
  1761. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1762. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch label"
  1763. msgid "Z Hop After Extruder Switch"
  1764. msgstr "Z Hop After Extruder Switch"
  1765. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1766. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch description"
  1767. msgid "After the machine switched from one extruder to the other, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. This prevents the nozzle from leaving oozed material on the outside of a print."
  1768. msgstr "マシーンが1つのエクストルーダーからもう一つのエクストルーダーに切り替えられた際、ビルドプレートが下降して、ノズルと印刷物との間に隙間が形成される。これによりノズルが造形物の外側にはみ出たマテリアルを残さないためである。"
  1769. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1770. msgctxt "cooling label"
  1771. msgid "Cooling"
  1772. msgstr "Cooling"
  1773. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1774. msgctxt "cooling description"
  1775. msgid "Cooling"
  1776. msgstr "冷却"
  1777. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1778. msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled label"
  1779. msgid "Enable Print Cooling"
  1780. msgstr "Enable Print Cooling"
  1781. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1782. msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled description"
  1783. msgid "Enables the print cooling fans while printing. The fans improve print quality on layers with short layer times and bridging / overhangs."
  1784. msgstr "印刷中の冷却ファンを有効にします。ファンは、短いレイヤープリントやブリッジ/オーバーハングのレイヤーがある印刷物の品質を向上させます。"
  1785. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1786. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed label"
  1787. msgid "Fan Speed"
  1788. msgstr "Fan Speed"
  1789. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1790. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed description"
  1791. msgid "The speed at which the print cooling fans spin."
  1792. msgstr "冷却ファンが回転する速度。"
  1793. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1794. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min label"
  1795. msgid "Regular Fan Speed"
  1796. msgstr "Regular Fan Speed"
  1797. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1798. #, fuzzy
  1799. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min description"
  1800. msgid "The speed at which the fans spin before hitting the threshold. When a layer prints faster than the threshold, the fan speed gradually inclines towards the maximum fan speed."
  1801. msgstr "しきい値に達する前のファンの回転スピード。プリント速度がしきい値より速くなると、ファンの速度は上がっていきます。"
  1802. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1803. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max label"
  1804. msgid "Maximum Fan Speed"
  1805. msgstr "Maximum Fan Speed"
  1806. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1807. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max description"
  1808. msgid "The speed at which the fans spin on the minimum layer time. The fan speed gradually increases between the regular fan speed and maximum fan speed when the threshold is hit."
  1809. msgstr "最小積層時間でファンが回転する速度。しきい値に達すると、通常のファンの速度と最速の間でファン速度が徐々に加速しはじめます。"
  1810. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1811. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max label"
  1812. msgid "Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold"
  1813. msgstr "Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold"
  1814. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1815. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max description"
  1816. msgid "The layer time which sets the threshold between regular fan speed and maximum fan speed. Layers that print slower than this time use regular fan speed. For faster layers the fan speed gradually increases towards the maximum fan speed."
  1817. msgstr "通常速度と最速の間でしきい値を設定する積層時間。この時間よりも遅く印刷する積層は、通常速度を使用します。より速い層の場合、ファンは最高速度に向かって徐々に加速します。"
  1818. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1819. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 label"
  1820. msgid "Initial Fan Speed"
  1821. msgstr "Initial Fan Speed"
  1822. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1823. #, fuzzy
  1824. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 description"
  1825. msgid "The speed at which the fans spin at the start of the print. In subsequent layers the fan speed is gradually increased up to the layer corresponding to Regular Fan Speed at Height."
  1826. msgstr "プリント開始時にファンが回転する速度。後続のレイヤーでは、ファン速度は、高さに応じて早くなります。"
  1827. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1828. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height label"
  1829. msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Height"
  1830. msgstr "Regular Fan Speed at Height"
  1831. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1832. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height description"
  1833. msgid "The height at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. At the layers below the fan speed gradually increases from Initial Fan Speed to Regular Fan Speed."
  1834. msgstr "通常速度でファンが回転するときの高さ。ここより下層レイヤーでは初期ファンのスピードから通常の速度まで徐々に増加します。"
  1835. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1836. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer label"
  1837. msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Layer"
  1838. msgstr "Regular Fan Speed at Layer"
  1839. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1840. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer description"
  1841. msgid "The layer at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. If regular fan speed at height is set, this value is calculated and rounded to a whole number."
  1842. msgstr "ファンが通常の速度で回転する時のレイヤー。通常速度のファンの高さが設定されている場合、この値が計算され、整数に変換されます。"
  1843. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1844. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time label"
  1845. msgid "Minimum Layer Time"
  1846. msgstr "Minimum Layer Time"
  1847. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1848. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time description"
  1849. msgid "The minimum time spent in a layer. This forces the printer to slow down, to at least spend the time set here in one layer. This allows the printed material to cool down properly before printing the next layer. Layers may still take shorter than the minimal layer time if Lift Head is disabled and if the Minimum Speed would otherwise be violated."
  1850. msgstr "一つのレイヤーに最低限費やす時間。1つの層に必ず設定された時間を費やすため、場合によってはプリントに遅れが生じます。しかしこれにより、次の層をプリントする前に造形物を適切に冷却することができます。 Lift Headが無効になっていて、最小速度を下回った場合、最小レイヤー時間よりも短くなる場合があります。"
  1851. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1852. msgctxt "cool_min_speed label"
  1853. msgid "Minimum Speed"
  1854. msgstr "Minimum Speed"
  1855. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1856. msgctxt "cool_min_speed description"
  1857. msgid "The minimum print speed, despite slowing down due to the minimum layer time. When the printer would slow down too much, the pressure in the nozzle would be too low and result in bad print quality."
  1858. msgstr "最遅印刷速度。印刷の速度が遅すぎると、ノズル内の圧力が低すぎて印刷品質が低下します。"
  1859. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1860. msgctxt "cool_lift_head label"
  1861. msgid "Lift Head"
  1862. msgstr "Lift Head"
  1863. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1864. msgctxt "cool_lift_head description"
  1865. msgid "When the minimum speed is hit because of minimum layer time, lift the head away from the print and wait the extra time until the minimum layer time is reached."
  1866. msgstr "レイヤーの最小プリント時間より早く印刷が終わった場合、ヘッド部分を持ち上げてレイヤーの最小プリント時間に到達するまで待機します"
  1867. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1868. msgctxt "support label"
  1869. msgid "Support"
  1870. msgstr "Support"
  1871. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1872. msgctxt "support description"
  1873. msgid "Support"
  1874. msgstr "サポート"
  1875. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1876. msgctxt "support_enable label"
  1877. msgid "Enable Support"
  1878. msgstr "Enable Support"
  1879. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1880. msgctxt "support_enable description"
  1881. msgid "Enable support structures. These structures support parts of the model with severe overhangs."
  1882. msgstr "サポート材を印刷可能にします。これは、モデル上のオーバーハング部分にサポート材を構築します。"
  1883. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1884. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
  1885. msgid "Support Extruder"
  1886. msgstr "Support Extruder"
  1887. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1888. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr description"
  1889. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  1890. msgstr "サポート材を印刷するためのエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  1891. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1892. msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr label"
  1893. msgid "Support Infill Extruder"
  1894. msgstr "Support Infill Extruder"
  1895. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1896. msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr description"
  1897. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the infill of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  1898. msgstr "サポート材のインフィルを印刷に使用するためのエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  1899. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1900. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 label"
  1901. msgid "First Layer Support Extruder"
  1902. msgstr "First Layer Support Extruder"
  1903. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1904. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 description"
  1905. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of support infill. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  1906. msgstr "サポートのインフィルの最初の層を印刷に使用するエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  1907. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1908. msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr label"
  1909. msgid "Support Interface Extruder"
  1910. msgstr "Support Interface Extruder"
  1911. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1912. msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
  1913. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and bottoms of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  1914. msgstr "サポートの天井とボトム部分を印刷する際のエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用される。"
  1915. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1916. msgctxt "support_type label"
  1917. msgid "Support Placement"
  1918. msgstr "Support Placement"
  1919. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1920. msgctxt "support_type description"
  1921. msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
  1922. msgstr "サポート材の配置を調整します。配置はTouching BuildplateまたはEveryWhereに設定することができます。EveryWhereに設定した場合、サポート材がモデルの上にもプリントされます。"
  1923. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1924. msgctxt "support_type option buildplate"
  1925. msgid "Touching Buildplate"
  1926. msgstr "Touching Buildplate"
  1927. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1928. msgctxt "support_type option everywhere"
  1929. msgid "Everywhere"
  1930. msgstr "Everywhere"
  1931. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1932. msgctxt "support_angle label"
  1933. msgid "Support Overhang Angle"
  1934. msgstr "Support Overhang Angle"
  1935. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1936. msgctxt "support_angle description"
  1937. msgid "The minimum angle of overhangs for which support is added. At a value of 0° all overhangs are supported, 90° will not provide any support."
  1938. msgstr "サポート材がつくオーバーハングの最小角度。0° のときはすべてのオーバーハングにサポートが生成され、90° ではサポートが生成されません。"
  1939. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1940. msgctxt "support_pattern label"
  1941. msgid "Support Pattern"
  1942. msgstr "Support Pattern"
  1943. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1944. msgctxt "support_pattern description"
  1945. msgid "The pattern of the support structures of the print. The different options available result in sturdy or easy to remove support."
  1946. msgstr "サポート材の形。サポート材の除去の方法を頑丈または容易にする設定が可能です。"
  1947. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1948. msgctxt "support_pattern option lines"
  1949. msgid "Lines"
  1950. msgstr "Lines"
  1951. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1952. msgctxt "support_pattern option grid"
  1953. msgid "Grid"
  1954. msgstr "Grid"
  1955. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1956. msgctxt "support_pattern option triangles"
  1957. msgid "Triangles"
  1958. msgstr "Triangles"
  1959. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1960. msgctxt "support_pattern option concentric"
  1961. msgid "Concentric"
  1962. msgstr "Concentric"
  1963. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1964. msgctxt "support_pattern option concentric_3d"
  1965. msgid "Concentric 3D"
  1966. msgstr "Concentric 3D"
  1967. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1968. msgctxt "support_pattern option zigzag"
  1969. msgid "Zig Zag"
  1970. msgstr "Zig Zag"
  1971. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1972. msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags label"
  1973. msgid "Connect Support ZigZags"
  1974. msgstr "Connect Support ZigZags"
  1975. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1976. msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags description"
  1977. msgid "Connect the ZigZags. This will increase the strength of the zig zag support structure."
  1978. msgstr "ジグザグを接続します。ジグザグ形のサポート材の強度が上がります。"
  1979. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1980. msgctxt "support_infill_rate label"
  1981. msgid "Support Density"
  1982. msgstr "Support Density"
  1983. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1984. msgctxt "support_infill_rate description"
  1985. msgid "Adjusts the density of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
  1986. msgstr "サポート材の密度を調整します。大きな値ではオーバーハングが良くなりますが、サポート材が除去しにくくなります。"
  1987. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1988. msgctxt "support_line_distance label"
  1989. msgid "Support Line Distance"
  1990. msgstr "Support Line Distance"
  1991. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1992. msgctxt "support_line_distance description"
  1993. msgid "Distance between the printed support structure lines. This setting is calculated by the support density."
  1994. msgstr "印刷されたサポート材の間隔。この設定は、サポート材の密度によって算出されます。"
  1995. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1996. msgctxt "support_z_distance label"
  1997. msgid "Support Z Distance"
  1998. msgstr "Support Z Distance"
  1999. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2000. msgctxt "support_z_distance description"
  2001. msgid "Distance from the top/bottom of the support structure to the print. This gap provides clearance to remove the supports after the model is printed. This value is rounded up to a multiple of the layer height."
  2002. msgstr "サポート材のトップ/ボトム部分と印刷物との距離。この幅がプリント後のサポート材を除去する隙間を作ります。値は積層ピッチの倍数にて計算されます。"
  2003. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2004. msgctxt "support_top_distance label"
  2005. msgid "Support Top Distance"
  2006. msgstr "Support Top Distance"
  2007. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2008. msgctxt "support_top_distance description"
  2009. msgid "Distance from the top of the support to the print."
  2010. msgstr "サポートの上部から印刷物までの距離。"
  2011. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2012. msgctxt "support_bottom_distance label"
  2013. msgid "Support Bottom Distance"
  2014. msgstr "Support Bottom Distance"
  2015. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2016. msgctxt "support_bottom_distance description"
  2017. msgid "Distance from the print to the bottom of the support."
  2018. msgstr "印刷物とサポート材底部までの距離。"
  2019. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2020. msgctxt "support_xy_distance label"
  2021. msgid "Support X/Y Distance"
  2022. msgstr "Support X/Y Distance"
  2023. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2024. msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
  2025. msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
  2026. msgstr "印刷物からX/Y方向へのサポート材との距離"
  2027. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2028. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z label"
  2029. msgid "Support Distance Priority"
  2030. msgstr "Support Distance Priority"
  2031. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2032. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z description"
  2033. msgid "Whether the Support X/Y Distance overrides the Support Z Distance or vice versa. When X/Y overrides Z the X/Y distance can push away the support from the model, influencing the actual Z distance to the overhang. We can disable this by not applying the X/Y distance around overhangs."
  2034. msgstr "X /Y方向のサポートの距離がZ方向のサポートの距離を上書きしようとする時やまたその逆も同様。X または Y がZを上書きする際、X Y 方向の距離は印刷物からオーバーハングする Z 方向の距離に影響を及ぼしながらサポートを押しのけようとします。オーバー ハング周りのX Yの距離を無効にすることで、無効にできる。"
  2035. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2036. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option xy_overrides_z"
  2037. msgid "X/Y overrides Z"
  2038. msgstr "X/Y overrides Z"
  2039. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2040. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option z_overrides_xy"
  2041. msgid "Z overrides X/Y"
  2042. msgstr "Z overrides X/Y"
  2043. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2044. msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang label"
  2045. msgid "Minimum Support X/Y Distance"
  2046. msgstr "Minimum Support X/Y Distance"
  2047. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2048. msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang description"
  2049. msgid "Distance of the support structure from the overhang in the X/Y directions. "
  2050. msgstr "X/Y方向におけるオーバーハングからサポートまでの距離"
  2051. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2052. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height label"
  2053. msgid "Support Stair Step Height"
  2054. msgstr "Support Stair Step Height"
  2055. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2056. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
  2057. msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
  2058. msgstr "モデルにかかる階段形サポートの下部の高さです。低い値のサポートの除去は難しく、高すぎる値は不安定なサポート構造につながります。"
  2059. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2060. msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
  2061. msgid "Support Join Distance"
  2062. msgstr "Support Join Distance"
  2063. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2064. msgctxt "support_join_distance description"
  2065. msgid "The maximum distance between support structures in the X/Y directions. When seperate structures are closer together than this value, the structures merge into one."
  2066. msgstr "X/Y方向のサポート構造間の最大距離。別の構造がこの値より近づいた場合、構造は 1 つにマージします。"
  2067. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2068. msgctxt "support_offset label"
  2069. msgid "Support Horizontal Expansion"
  2070. msgstr "Support Horizontal Expansion"
  2071. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2072. msgctxt "support_offset description"
  2073. msgid "Amount of offset applied to all support polygons in each layer. Positive values can smooth out the support areas and result in more sturdy support."
  2074. msgstr "各レイヤーのサポート用ポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値はサポート領域を円滑にし、より丈夫なサポートにつながります。"
  2075. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2076. msgctxt "support_interface_enable label"
  2077. msgid "Enable Support Interface"
  2078. msgstr "Enable Support Interface"
  2079. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2080. msgctxt "support_interface_enable description"
  2081. msgid "Generate a dense interface between the model and the support. This will create a skin at the top of the support on which the model is printed and at the bottom of the support, where it rests on the model."
  2082. msgstr "モデルとサポートの間に密なインターフェースを生成します。これにより、モデルが印刷されているサポートの上部、モデル上のサポートの下部にスキンが作成されます。"
  2083. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2084. msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
  2085. msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
  2086. msgstr "Support Interface Thickness"
  2087. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2088. msgctxt "support_interface_height description"
  2089. msgid "The thickness of the interface of the support where it touches with the model on the bottom or the top."
  2090. msgstr "底面または上部のモデルと接触するサポートのインターフェイスの厚さ。"
  2091. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2092. msgctxt "support_roof_height label"
  2093. msgid "Support Roof Thickness"
  2094. msgstr "Support Roof Thickness"
  2095. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2096. msgctxt "support_roof_height description"
  2097. msgid "The thickness of the support roofs. This controls the amount of dense layers at the top of the support on which the model rests."
  2098. msgstr "サポートの屋根の厚さ。これは、モデルの下につくサポートの上部にある密度の量を制御します。"
  2099. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2100. msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
  2101. msgid "Support Bottom Thickness"
  2102. msgstr "Support Bottom Thickness"
  2103. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2104. msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
  2105. msgid "The thickness of the support bottoms. This controls the number of dense layers are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
  2106. msgstr "サポート材の底部の厚さ。これは、サモデルの上に印刷されるサポートの積層密度を制御します。"
  2107. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2108. msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
  2109. msgid "Support Interface Resolution"
  2110. msgstr "Support Interface Resolution"
  2111. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2112. msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
  2113. msgid "When checking where there's model above the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
  2114. msgstr "サポート上にモデルがあることを確認するときは、指定された高さのステップを実行します。値が小さいほどスライスが遅くなりますが、値が大きくなるとサポートインターフェイスが必要な場所で通常のサポートが印刷されることがあります。"
  2115. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2116. msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
  2117. msgid "Support Interface Density"
  2118. msgstr "Support Interface Density"
  2119. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2120. msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
  2121. msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and bottoms of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
  2122. msgstr "サポート材の屋根と底部の密度を調整します 大きな値ではオーバーハングでの成功率があがりますが、サポート材が除去しにくくなります"
  2123. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2124. msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance label"
  2125. msgid "Support Interface Line Distance"
  2126. msgstr "Support Interface Line Distance"
  2127. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2128. msgctxt "support_interface_line_distance description"
  2129. msgid "Distance between the printed support interface lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Interface Density, but can be adjusted separately."
  2130. msgstr "印刷されたサポートインタフェースラインの間隔。この設定はSupport Interface Densityで計算されますが、個別に調整することができます。"
  2131. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2132. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
  2133. msgid "Support Interface Pattern"
  2134. msgstr "Support Interface Pattern"
  2135. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2136. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern description"
  2137. msgid "The pattern with which the interface of the support with the model is printed."
  2138. msgstr "モデルとサポートのインタフェースが印刷されるパターン。"
  2139. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2140. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option lines"
  2141. msgid "Lines"
  2142. msgstr "Lines"
  2143. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2144. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option grid"
  2145. msgid "Grid"
  2146. msgstr "Grid"
  2147. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2148. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option triangles"
  2149. msgid "Triangles"
  2150. msgstr "Triangles"
  2151. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2152. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option concentric"
  2153. msgid "Concentric"
  2154. msgstr "Concentric"
  2155. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2156. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option concentric_3d"
  2157. msgid "Concentric 3D"
  2158. msgstr "Concentric 3D"
  2159. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2160. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option zigzag"
  2161. msgid "Zig Zag"
  2162. msgstr "Zig Zag"
  2163. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2164. msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
  2165. msgid "Use Towers"
  2166. msgstr "Use Towers"
  2167. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2168. msgctxt "support_use_towers description"
  2169. msgid "Use specialized towers to support tiny overhang areas. These towers have a larger diameter than the region they support. Near the overhang the towers' diameter decreases, forming a roof."
  2170. msgstr "特殊なタワーを使用して、小さなオーバーハングしているエリアをサポートします。これらの塔は、サポートできる領域より大きな直径を支えれます。オーバーハング付近では塔の直径が減少し、屋根を形成します。"
  2171. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2172. msgctxt "support_tower_diameter label"
  2173. msgid "Tower Diameter"
  2174. msgstr "Tower Diameter"
  2175. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2176. msgctxt "support_tower_diameter description"
  2177. msgid "The diameter of a special tower."
  2178. msgstr "特別な塔の直径。"
  2179. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2180. msgctxt "support_minimal_diameter label"
  2181. msgid "Minimum Diameter"
  2182. msgstr "Minimum Diameter"
  2183. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2184. msgctxt "support_minimal_diameter description"
  2185. msgid "Minimum diameter in the X/Y directions of a small area which is to be supported by a specialized support tower."
  2186. msgstr "特殊なサポート塔によって支持される小さな領域のX / Y方向の最小直径。"
  2187. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2188. msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle label"
  2189. msgid "Tower Roof Angle"
  2190. msgstr "Tower Roof Angle"
  2191. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2192. msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle description"
  2193. msgid "The angle of a rooftop of a tower. A higher value results in pointed tower roofs, a lower value results in flattened tower roofs."
  2194. msgstr "タワーの屋上の角度。値が高いほど尖った屋根が得られ、値が低いほど屋根が平らになります。"
  2195. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2196. msgctxt "platform_adhesion label"
  2197. msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
  2198. msgstr "Build Plate Adhesion"
  2199. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2200. msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
  2201. msgid "Adhesion"
  2202. msgstr "密着性"
  2203. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2204. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
  2205. msgid "Extruder Prime X Position"
  2206. msgstr "Extruder Prime X Position"
  2207. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2208. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x description"
  2209. msgid "The X coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
  2210. msgstr "プリント開始時のノズルの位置を表すX座標。"
  2211. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2212. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y label"
  2213. msgid "Extruder Prime Y Position"
  2214. msgstr "Extruder Prime Y Position"
  2215. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2216. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
  2217. msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
  2218. msgstr "プリント開始時にノズル位置を表すY座標。"
  2219. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2220. msgctxt "adhesion_type label"
  2221. msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Type"
  2222. msgstr "Build Plate Adhesion Type"
  2223. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2224. msgctxt "adhesion_type description"
  2225. msgid "Different options that help to improve both priming your extrusion and adhesion to the build plate. Brim adds a single layer flat area around the base of your model to prevent warping. Raft adds a thick grid with a roof below the model. Skirt is a line printed around the model, but not connected to the model."
  2226. msgstr "エクストルーダーとビルドプレートへの接着両方を改善するのに役立つさまざまなオプション。 Brimは、モデルのベースの周りに単一レイヤーを平面的に追加して、ワーピングを防止します。 Raftは、モデルの下に太いグリッドを追加します。スカートはモデルの周りに印刷されたラインですが、モデルには接続されていません。"
  2227. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2228. msgctxt "adhesion_type option skirt"
  2229. msgid "Skirt"
  2230. msgstr "Skirt"
  2231. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2232. msgctxt "adhesion_type option brim"
  2233. msgid "Brim"
  2234. msgstr "Brim"
  2235. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2236. msgctxt "adhesion_type option raft"
  2237. msgid "Raft"
  2238. msgstr "Raft"
  2239. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2240. msgctxt "adhesion_type option none"
  2241. msgid "None"
  2242. msgstr "None"
  2243. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2244. msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr label"
  2245. msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"
  2246. msgstr "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"
  2247. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2248. msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr description"
  2249. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  2250. msgstr "スカート/ブリム/ラフトをプリントする際のエクストルーダー。これはマルチエクストルージョン時に使用されます。"
  2251. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2252. msgctxt "skirt_line_count label"
  2253. msgid "Skirt Line Count"
  2254. msgstr "Skirt Line Count"
  2255. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2256. msgctxt "skirt_line_count description"
  2257. msgid "Multiple skirt lines help to prime your extrusion better for small models. Setting this to 0 will disable the skirt."
  2258. msgstr "複数のスカートラインを使用すると、小さなモデル形成時の射出をより良く行うことができます。これを0に設定するとスカートが無効になります。"
  2259. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2260. msgctxt "skirt_gap label"
  2261. msgid "Skirt Distance"
  2262. msgstr "Skirt Distance"
  2263. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2264. msgctxt "skirt_gap description"
  2265. msgid ""
  2266. "The horizontal distance between the skirt and the first layer of the print.\n"
  2267. "This is the minimum distance, multiple skirt lines will extend outwards from this distance."
  2268. msgstr "スカートとプリントの最初のレイヤーの間の水平距離。これが最小距離であり、複数のスカートラインがこの距離から外側に延びている。"
  2269. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2270. msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length label"
  2271. msgid "Skirt/Brim Minimum Length"
  2272. msgstr "Skirt/Brim Minimum Length"
  2273. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2274. msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length description"
  2275. msgid "The minimum length of the skirt or brim. If this length is not reached by all skirt or brim lines together, more skirt or brim lines will be added until the minimum length is reached. Note: If the line count is set to 0 this is ignored."
  2276. msgstr "スカートまたはブリム最短の長さ。この長さにすべてのスカートまたはブリムが達していない場合は、最小限の長さに達するまで、スカートまたはブリムラインが追加されます。注:行数が0に設定されている場合、これは無視されます。"
  2277. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2278. msgctxt "brim_width label"
  2279. msgid "Brim Width"
  2280. msgstr "Brim Width"
  2281. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2282. msgctxt "brim_width description"
  2283. msgid "The distance from the model to the outermost brim line. A larger brim enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
  2284. msgstr "モデルから最外線のブリムまでの距離。大きなブリムは、ビルドプレートへの接着を高めますが、有効な印刷面積も減少させます。"
  2285. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2286. msgctxt "brim_line_count label"
  2287. msgid "Brim Line Count"
  2288. msgstr "Brim Line Count"
  2289. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2290. msgctxt "brim_line_count description"
  2291. msgid "The number of lines used for a brim. More brim lines enhance adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
  2292. msgstr "ブリムに使用される線数。ブリムの線数は、ビルドプレートへの接着性を向上させるだけでなく、有効な印刷面積を減少させる。"
  2293. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2294. msgctxt "brim_outside_only label"
  2295. msgid "Brim Only on Outside"
  2296. msgstr "Brim Only on Outside"
  2297. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2298. msgctxt "brim_outside_only description"
  2299. msgid "Only print the brim on the outside of the model. This reduces the amount of brim you need to remove afterwards, while it doesn't reduce the bed adhesion that much."
  2300. msgstr "モデルの外側のみにブリムを印刷します。これにより、後で取り除くブリムの量が減少します。またプレートへの接着力はそれほど低下しません。"
  2301. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2302. msgctxt "raft_margin label"
  2303. msgid "Raft Extra Margin"
  2304. msgstr "Raft Extra Margin"
  2305. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2306. msgctxt "raft_margin description"
  2307. msgid "If the raft is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the model which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print."
  2308. msgstr "ラフトが有効になっている場合、モデルの周りに余分なラフト領域ができます。値を大きくするとより強力なラフトができますが、多くの材料を使用し、造形範囲は少なくなります。"
  2309. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2310. msgctxt "raft_airgap label"
  2311. msgid "Raft Air Gap"
  2312. msgstr "Raft Air Gap"
  2313. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2314. msgctxt "raft_airgap description"
  2315. msgid "The gap between the final raft layer and the first layer of the model. Only the first layer is raised by this amount to lower the bonding between the raft layer and the model. Makes it easier to peel off the raft."
  2316. msgstr "モデルの第一層のラフトと最終ラフト層の隙間。この値で第1層のみを上げることで、ラフトとモデルとの間の結合を低下させる。結果ラフトを剥がしやすくします。"
  2317. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2318. msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap label"
  2319. msgid "Initial Layer Z Overlap"
  2320. msgstr "Initial Layer Z Overlap"
  2321. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2322. msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap description"
  2323. msgid "Make the first and second layer of the model overlap in the Z direction to compensate for the filament lost in the airgap. All models above the first model layer will be shifted down by this amount."
  2324. msgstr "エアギャップ内で失われたフィラメントを補うために、モデルの第1層と第2層をZ方向にオーバーラップさせます。この値によって、最初のモデルレイヤーがシフトダウンされます。"
  2325. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2326. msgctxt "raft_surface_layers label"
  2327. msgid "Raft Top Layers"
  2328. msgstr "Raft Top Layers"
  2329. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2330. msgctxt "raft_surface_layers description"
  2331. msgid "The number of top layers on top of the 2nd raft layer. These are fully filled layers that the model sits on. 2 layers result in a smoother top surface than 1."
  2332. msgstr "第2ラフト層の上の最上層の数。これらは、モデルが置かれる完全に塗りつぶされた積層です。 2つの層は、1よりも滑らかな上面をもたらす。"
  2333. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2334. msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness label"
  2335. msgid "Raft Top Layer Thickness"
  2336. msgstr "Raft Top Layer Thickness"
  2337. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2338. msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness description"
  2339. msgid "Layer thickness of the top raft layers."
  2340. msgstr "トップラフト層の層厚。"
  2341. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2342. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width label"
  2343. msgid "Raft Top Line Width"
  2344. msgstr "Raft Top Line Width"
  2345. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2346. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width description"
  2347. msgid "Width of the lines in the top surface of the raft. These can be thin lines so that the top of the raft becomes smooth."
  2348. msgstr "ラフトの上面の線の幅。これらは細い線で、ラフトの頂部が滑らかになります。"
  2349. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2350. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing label"
  2351. msgid "Raft Top Spacing"
  2352. msgstr "Raft Top Spacing"
  2353. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2354. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing description"
  2355. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the top raft layers. The spacing should be equal to the line width, so that the surface is solid."
  2356. msgstr "上のラフト層とラフト線の間の距離。間隔は線の幅と同じにして、サーフェスがソリッドになるようにします。"
  2357. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2358. msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness label"
  2359. msgid "Raft Middle Thickness"
  2360. msgstr "Raft Middle Thickness"
  2361. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2362. msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness description"
  2363. msgid "Layer thickness of the middle raft layer."
  2364. msgstr "中間のラフト層の層の厚さ。"
  2365. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2366. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width label"
  2367. msgid "Raft Middle Line Width"
  2368. msgstr "Raft Middle Line Width"
  2369. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2370. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width description"
  2371. msgid "Width of the lines in the middle raft layer. Making the second layer extrude more causes the lines to stick to the build plate."
  2372. msgstr "中間ラフト層の線の幅。第2層をより押し出すと、ラインがビルドプレートに固着します。"
  2373. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2374. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing label"
  2375. msgid "Raft Middle Spacing"
  2376. msgstr "Raft Middle Spacing"
  2377. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2378. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing description"
  2379. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the middle raft layer. The spacing of the middle should be quite wide, while being dense enough to support the top raft layers."
  2380. msgstr "中間ラフト層とラフト線の間の距離。中央の間隔はかなり広くなければならず、トップラフト層を支えるために十分な密度でなければならない。"
  2381. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2382. msgctxt "raft_base_thickness label"
  2383. msgid "Raft Base Thickness"
  2384. msgstr "Raft Base Thickness"
  2385. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2386. msgctxt "raft_base_thickness description"
  2387. msgid "Layer thickness of the base raft layer. This should be a thick layer which sticks firmly to the printer build plate."
  2388. msgstr "ベースラフト層の層厚さ。プリンタのビルドプレートにしっかりと固着する厚い層でなければなりません。"
  2389. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2390. msgctxt "raft_base_line_width label"
  2391. msgid "Raft Base Line Width"
  2392. msgstr "Raft Base Line Width"
  2393. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2394. msgctxt "raft_base_line_width description"
  2395. msgid "Width of the lines in the base raft layer. These should be thick lines to assist in build plate adhesion."
  2396. msgstr "ベースラフト層の線幅。ビルドプレートの接着のため太い線でなければなりません。"
  2397. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2398. msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing label"
  2399. msgid "Raft Line Spacing"
  2400. msgstr "Raft Line Spacing"
  2401. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2402. msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing description"
  2403. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the base raft layer. Wide spacing makes for easy removal of the raft from the build plate."
  2404. msgstr "ベースラフト層のラフトライン間の距離。広い間隔は、ブルドプレートからのラフトの除去を容易にする。"
  2405. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2406. msgctxt "raft_speed label"
  2407. msgid "Raft Print Speed"
  2408. msgstr "Raft Print Speed"
  2409. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2410. msgctxt "raft_speed description"
  2411. msgid "The speed at which the raft is printed."
  2412. msgstr "ラフトが印刷される速度。"
  2413. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2414. msgctxt "raft_surface_speed label"
  2415. msgid "Raft Top Print Speed"
  2416. msgstr "Raft Top Print Speed"
  2417. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2418. msgctxt "raft_surface_speed description"
  2419. msgid "The speed at which the top raft layers are printed. These should be printed a bit slower, so that the nozzle can slowly smooth out adjacent surface lines."
  2420. msgstr "トップラフト層が印刷される速度。この値はノズルが隣接するサーフェスラインをゆっくりと滑らかにするために、少し遅く印刷する必要があります。"
  2421. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2422. msgctxt "raft_interface_speed label"
  2423. msgid "Raft Middle Print Speed"
  2424. msgstr "Raft Middle Print Speed"
  2425. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2426. msgctxt "raft_interface_speed description"
  2427. msgid "The speed at which the middle raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
  2428. msgstr "ミドルラフト層が印刷される速度。ノズルから出てくるマテリアルの量がかなり多いので、ゆっくりと印刷されるべきである。"
  2429. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2430. msgctxt "raft_base_speed label"
  2431. msgid "Raft Base Print Speed"
  2432. msgstr "Raft Base Print Speed"
  2433. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2434. msgctxt "raft_base_speed description"
  2435. msgid "The speed at which the base raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
  2436. msgstr "ベースラフト層が印刷される速度。これは、ノズルから出てくるマテリアルの量がかなり多いので、ゆっくりと印刷されるべきである。"
  2437. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2438. msgctxt "raft_acceleration label"
  2439. msgid "Raft Print Acceleration"
  2440. msgstr "Raft Print Acceleration"
  2441. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2442. msgctxt "raft_acceleration description"
  2443. msgid "The acceleration with which the raft is printed."
  2444. msgstr "ラフト印刷時の加速度。"
  2445. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2446. msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration label"
  2447. msgid "Raft Top Print Acceleration"
  2448. msgstr "Raft Top Print Acceleration"
  2449. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2450. msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration description"
  2451. msgid "The acceleration with which the top raft layers are printed."
  2452. msgstr "ラフトのトップ印刷時の加速度"
  2453. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2454. msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration label"
  2455. msgid "Raft Middle Print Acceleration"
  2456. msgstr "Raft Middle Print Acceleration"
  2457. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2458. msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration description"
  2459. msgid "The acceleration with which the middle raft layer is printed."
  2460. msgstr "ラフトの中間層印刷時の加速度"
  2461. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2462. msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration label"
  2463. msgid "Raft Base Print Acceleration"
  2464. msgstr "Raft Base Print Acceleration"
  2465. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2466. msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration description"
  2467. msgid "The acceleration with which the base raft layer is printed."
  2468. msgstr "ラフトの底面印刷時の加速度"
  2469. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2470. msgctxt "raft_jerk label"
  2471. msgid "Raft Print Jerk"
  2472. msgstr "Raft Print Jerk"
  2473. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2474. msgctxt "raft_jerk description"
  2475. msgid "The jerk with which the raft is printed."
  2476. msgstr "ラフトが印刷時のジャーク。"
  2477. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2478. msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk label"
  2479. msgid "Raft Top Print Jerk"
  2480. msgstr "Raft Top Print Jerk"
  2481. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2482. msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk description"
  2483. msgid "The jerk with which the top raft layers are printed."
  2484. msgstr "トップラフト層印刷時のジャーク"
  2485. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2486. msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk label"
  2487. msgid "Raft Middle Print Jerk"
  2488. msgstr "Raft Middle Print Jerk"
  2489. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2490. msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk description"
  2491. msgid "The jerk with which the middle raft layer is printed."
  2492. msgstr "ミドルラフト層印刷時のジャーク"
  2493. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2494. msgctxt "raft_base_jerk label"
  2495. msgid "Raft Base Print Jerk"
  2496. msgstr "Raft Base Print Jerk"
  2497. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2498. msgctxt "raft_base_jerk description"
  2499. msgid "The jerk with which the base raft layer is printed."
  2500. msgstr "ベースラフト層印刷時のジャーク"
  2501. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2502. msgctxt "raft_fan_speed label"
  2503. msgid "Raft Fan Speed"
  2504. msgstr "Raft Fan Speed"
  2505. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2506. msgctxt "raft_fan_speed description"
  2507. msgid "The fan speed for the raft."
  2508. msgstr "ラフト印刷時のファンの速度。"
  2509. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2510. msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed label"
  2511. msgid "Raft Top Fan Speed"
  2512. msgstr "Raft Top Fan Speed"
  2513. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2514. msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed description"
  2515. msgid "The fan speed for the top raft layers."
  2516. msgstr "トップラフト印刷時のファンの速度。"
  2517. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2518. msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed label"
  2519. msgid "Raft Middle Fan Speed"
  2520. msgstr "Raft Middle Fan Speed"
  2521. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2522. msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed description"
  2523. msgid "The fan speed for the middle raft layer."
  2524. msgstr "ミドルラフト印刷時のファンの速度。"
  2525. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2526. msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed label"
  2527. msgid "Raft Base Fan Speed"
  2528. msgstr "Raft Base Fan Speed"
  2529. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2530. msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed description"
  2531. msgid "The fan speed for the base raft layer."
  2532. msgstr "ベースラフト層印刷時のファン速度"
  2533. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2534. msgctxt "dual label"
  2535. msgid "Dual Extrusion"
  2536. msgstr "Dual Extrusion"
  2537. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2538. msgctxt "dual description"
  2539. msgid "Settings used for printing with multiple extruders."
  2540. msgstr "デュアルエクストルーダーで印刷するための設定"
  2541. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2542. msgctxt "prime_tower_enable label"
  2543. msgid "Enable Prime Tower"
  2544. msgstr "Enable Prime Tower"
  2545. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2546. msgctxt "prime_tower_enable description"
  2547. msgid "Print a tower next to the print which serves to prime the material after each nozzle switch."
  2548. msgstr "印刷物の横にタワーを造形して、ノズル交換後にフィラメントの調整をします"
  2549. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2550. msgctxt "prime_tower_size label"
  2551. msgid "Prime Tower Size"
  2552. msgstr "Prime Tower Size"
  2553. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2554. msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
  2555. msgid "The width of the prime tower."
  2556. msgstr "プライムタワーの幅。"
  2557. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2558. msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume label"
  2559. msgid "Prime Tower Minimum Volume"
  2560. msgstr "Prime Tower Minimum Volume"
  2561. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2562. msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume description"
  2563. msgid "The minimum volume for each layer of the prime tower in order to purge enough material."
  2564. msgstr "プライムタワーの各層の最小容積"
  2565. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2566. msgctxt "prime_tower_wall_thickness label"
  2567. msgid "Prime Tower Thickness"
  2568. msgstr "Prime Tower Thickness"
  2569. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2570. msgctxt "prime_tower_wall_thickness description"
  2571. msgid "The thickness of the hollow prime tower. A thickness larger than half the Prime Tower Minimum Volume will result in a dense prime tower."
  2572. msgstr "中空プライムタワーの厚さ。プライムタワーの半分を超える厚さは、密集したプライムタワーになります。"
  2573. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2574. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x label"
  2575. msgid "Prime Tower X Position"
  2576. msgstr "Prime Tower X Position"
  2577. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2578. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x description"
  2579. msgid "The x coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
  2580. msgstr "プライムタワーの位置のx座標。"
  2581. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2582. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y label"
  2583. msgid "Prime Tower Y Position"
  2584. msgstr "Prime Tower Y Position"
  2585. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2586. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y description"
  2587. msgid "The y coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
  2588. msgstr "プライムタワーの位置のy座標。"
  2589. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2590. msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
  2591. msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
  2592. msgstr "Prime Tower Flow"
  2593. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2594. msgctxt "prime_tower_flow description"
  2595. msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  2596. msgstr "吐出量: マテリアルの吐出量はこの値の乗算で計算されます"
  2597. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2598. msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled label"
  2599. msgid "Wipe Inactive Nozzle on Prime Tower"
  2600. msgstr "Wipe Inactive Nozzle on Prime Tower"
  2601. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2602. msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled description"
  2603. msgid "After printing the prime tower with one nozzle, wipe the oozed material from the other nozzle off on the prime tower."
  2604. msgstr "1本のノズルでプライムタワーを印刷した後、もう片方のノズルから滲み出した材料をプライムタワーが拭き取ります。"
  2605. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2606. msgctxt "dual_pre_wipe label"
  2607. msgid "Wipe Nozzle After Switch"
  2608. msgstr "Wipe Nozzle After Switch"
  2609. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2610. msgctxt "dual_pre_wipe description"
  2611. msgid "After switching extruder, wipe the oozed material off of the nozzle on the first thing printed. This performs a safe slow wipe move at a place where the oozed material causes least harm to the surface quality of your print."
  2612. msgstr "エクストルーダーを切り替えた後、最初に印刷したものの上にあるノズルから滲み出したマテリアルを拭き取ってください。余分に出たマテリアルがプリントの表面品質に与える影響が最も少ない場所で、ゆっくりと払拭を行います。"
  2613. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2614. msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled label"
  2615. msgid "Enable Ooze Shield"
  2616. msgstr "Enable Ooze Shield"
  2617. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2618. msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
  2619. msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
  2620. msgstr "モデルの周りに壁(ooze shield)を作る。これを生成することで、一つ目のノズルの高さと2つ目のノズルが同じ高さであったとき、2つ目のノズルを綺麗にします。"
  2621. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2622. msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle label"
  2623. msgid "Ooze Shield Angle"
  2624. msgstr "Ooze Shield Angle"
  2625. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2626. msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle description"
  2627. msgid "The maximum angle a part in the ooze shield will have. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller angle leads to less failed ooze shields, but more material."
  2628. msgstr "壁(ooze shield)作成時の最大の角度。 0度は垂直であり、90度は水平である。角度を小さくすると、壁が少なくなりますが、より多くの材料が使用されます。"
  2629. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2630. msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist label"
  2631. msgid "Ooze Shield Distance"
  2632. msgstr "Ooze Shield Distance"
  2633. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2634. msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist description"
  2635. msgid "Distance of the ooze shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
  2636. msgstr "壁(ooze shield)の造形物からの距離"
  2637. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2638. msgctxt "meshfix label"
  2639. msgid "Mesh Fixes"
  2640. msgstr "Mesh Fixes"
  2641. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2642. msgctxt "meshfix description"
  2643. msgid "category_fixes"
  2644. msgstr "category_fixes"
  2645. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2646. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all label"
  2647. msgid "Union Overlapping Volumes"
  2648. msgstr "Union Overlapping Volumes"
  2649. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2650. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all description"
  2651. msgid "Ignore the internal geometry arising from overlapping volumes within a mesh and print the volumes as one. This may cause unintended internal cavities to disappear."
  2652. msgstr "メッシュ内の重なり合うボリュームから生じる内部ジオメトリを無視し、ボリュームを1つとして印刷します。これにより、意図しない内部空洞が消えることがあります。"
  2653. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2654. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes label"
  2655. msgid "Remove All Holes"
  2656. msgstr "Remove All Holes"
  2657. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2658. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes description"
  2659. msgid "Remove the holes in each layer and keep only the outside shape. This will ignore any invisible internal geometry. However, it also ignores layer holes which can be viewed from above or below."
  2660. msgstr "各レイヤーの穴を消し、外形のみを保持します。これにより、見えない部分の不要な部分が無視されますが、表面上にある穴も全て造形されなくなります。"
  2661. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2662. msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching label"
  2663. msgid "Extensive Stitching"
  2664. msgstr "Extensive Stitching"
  2665. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2666. msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching description"
  2667. msgid "Extensive stitching tries to stitch up open holes in the mesh by closing the hole with touching polygons. This option can introduce a lot of processing time."
  2668. msgstr "強めのスティッチングは、穴をメッシュで塞いでデータを作成します。このオプションは、長い処理時間が必要となります。"
  2669. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2670. msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons label"
  2671. msgid "Keep Disconnected Faces"
  2672. msgstr "Keep Disconnected Faces"
  2673. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2674. msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons description"
  2675. msgid "Normally Cura tries to stitch up small holes in the mesh and remove parts of a layer with big holes. Enabling this option keeps those parts which cannot be stitched. This option should be used as a last resort option when everything else fails to produce proper GCode."
  2676. msgstr "通常、Curaはメッシュ内の小さな穴をスティッチし、大きな穴のあるレイヤーの部分を削除しようとします。このオプションを有効にすると、スティッチできない部分が保持されます。このオプションは、他のすべてが適切なGCodeを生成できない場合の最後の手段として使用する必要があります。"
  2677. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2678. msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap label"
  2679. msgid "Merged Meshes Overlap"
  2680. msgstr "Merged Meshes Overlap"
  2681. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2682. msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap description"
  2683. msgid "Make meshes which are touching each other overlap a bit. This makes them bond together better."
  2684. msgstr "触れているメッシュを少し重ねてください。これによって、より良い接着をします。"
  2685. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2686. msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes label"
  2687. msgid "Remove Mesh Intersection"
  2688. msgstr "Remove Mesh Intersection"
  2689. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2690. msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes description"
  2691. msgid "Remove areas where multiple meshes are overlapping with each other. This may be used if merged dual material objects overlap with each other."
  2692. msgstr "複数のメッシュが重なっている領域を削除します。これは、結合された2つのマテリアルのオブジェクトが互いに重なっている場合に使用されます。"
  2693. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2694. msgctxt "alternate_carve_order label"
  2695. msgid "Alternate Mesh Removal"
  2696. msgstr "Alternate Mesh Removal"
  2697. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2698. msgctxt "alternate_carve_order description"
  2699. msgid "Switch to which mesh intersecting volumes will belong with every layer, so that the overlapping meshes become interwoven. Turning this setting off will cause one of the meshes to obtain all of the volume in the overlap, while it is removed from the other meshes."
  2700. msgstr "交差するメッシュがどのレイヤーに属しているかを切り替えることで、オーバーラップしているメッシュを絡み合うようにします。この設定をオフにすると、一方のメッシュはオーバーラップ内のすべてのボリュームを取得し、他方のメッシュは他から削除されます。"
  2701. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2702. msgctxt "blackmagic label"
  2703. msgid "Special Modes"
  2704. msgstr "Special Modes"
  2705. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2706. msgctxt "blackmagic description"
  2707. msgid "category_blackmagic"
  2708. msgstr "category_blackmagic"
  2709. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2710. msgctxt "print_sequence label"
  2711. msgid "Print Sequence"
  2712. msgstr "Print Sequence"
  2713. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2714. msgctxt "print_sequence description"
  2715. msgid "Whether to print all models one layer at a time or to wait for one model to finish, before moving on to the next. One at a time mode is only possible if all models are separated in such a way that the whole print head can move in between and all models are lower than the distance between the nozzle and the X/Y axes."
  2716. msgstr "すべてのモデルをレイヤーごとに印刷するか、1つのモデルがプリント完了するのを待ち次のモデルに移動するかどうか。造形物の間にヘッドが通るだけのスペースがある場合のみ、一つずつ印刷する事が出来ます。"
  2717. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2718. msgctxt "print_sequence option all_at_once"
  2719. msgid "All at Once"
  2720. msgstr "All at Once"
  2721. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2722. msgctxt "print_sequence option one_at_a_time"
  2723. msgid "One at a Time"
  2724. msgstr "One at a Time"
  2725. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2726. msgctxt "infill_mesh label"
  2727. msgid "Infill Mesh"
  2728. msgstr "Infill Mesh"
  2729. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2730. msgctxt "infill_mesh description"
  2731. msgid "Use this mesh to modify the infill of other meshes with which it overlaps. Replaces infill regions of other meshes with regions for this mesh. It's suggested to only print one Wall and no Top/Bottom Skin for this mesh."
  2732. msgstr "このメッシュを使用して、重なる他のメッシュのインフィルを変更します。他のメッシュのインフィル領域を改なメッシュに置き換えます。これを利用する場合、1つのWallだけを印刷しTop / Bottom Skinは使用しないことをお勧めします。"
  2733. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2734. msgctxt "infill_mesh_order label"
  2735. msgid "Infill Mesh Order"
  2736. msgstr "Infill Mesh Order"
  2737. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2738. msgctxt "infill_mesh_order description"
  2739. msgid "Determines which infill mesh is inside the infill of another infill mesh. An infill mesh with a higher order will modify the infill of infill meshes with lower order and normal meshes."
  2740. msgstr "他のインフィルメッシュのインフィル内にあるインフィルメッシュを決定します。優先度の高いのインフィルメッシュは、低いメッシュと通常のメッシュのインフィルを変更します"
  2741. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2742. msgctxt "support_mesh label"
  2743. msgid "Support Mesh"
  2744. msgstr "Support Mesh"
  2745. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2746. msgctxt "support_mesh description"
  2747. msgid "Use this mesh to specify support areas. This can be used to generate support structure."
  2748. msgstr "このメッシュを使用してサポート領域を指定します。これは、サポート構造を生成するために使用できます。"
  2749. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2750. msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
  2751. msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
  2752. msgstr "Anti Overhang Mesh"
  2753. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2754. msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh description"
  2755. msgid "Use this mesh to specify where no part of the model should be detected as overhang. This can be used to remove unwanted support structure."
  2756. msgstr "このメッシュを使用して、モデルのどの部分をオーバーハングとして検出する必要がないかを指定します。これは、不要なサポート構造を削除するために使用できます。"
  2757. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2758. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode label"
  2759. msgid "Surface Mode"
  2760. msgstr "Surface Mode"
  2761. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2762. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode description"
  2763. msgid "Treat the model as a surface only, a volume, or volumes with loose surfaces. The normal print mode only prints enclosed volumes. \"Surface\" prints a single wall tracing the mesh surface with no infill and no top/bottom skin. \"Both\" prints enclosed volumes like normal and any remaining polygons as surfaces."
  2764. msgstr "モデルを表面のみ、ボリューム、または緩い表面のボリュームとして扱います。通常の印刷モードでは、囲まれた内部が印刷されます。 「Surface」は表面のみ印刷をして、インフィルもトップもボトムも印刷しません。 \"Both\"は通常と同様に囲まれた内部を印刷し残りのポリゴンをサーフェスとして印刷します。"
  2765. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2766. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option normal"
  2767. msgid "Normal"
  2768. msgstr "Normal"
  2769. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2770. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option surface"
  2771. msgid "Surface"
  2772. msgstr "Surface"
  2773. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2774. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option both"
  2775. msgid "Both"
  2776. msgstr "Both"
  2777. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2778. msgctxt "magic_spiralize label"
  2779. msgid "Spiralize Outer Contour"
  2780. msgstr "Spiralize Outer Contour"
  2781. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2782. msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
  2783. msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature used to be called Joris in older versions."
  2784. msgstr "Spiralizeは外縁のZ移動を平滑化します。これにより、プリント全体にわたって安定したZ値が得られます。この機能は、ソリッドモデルを単一のウォールプリントに変換し、底面と側面のみ印刷します。この機能は以前のバージョンではJorisと呼ばれていました。"
  2785. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2786. msgctxt "experimental label"
  2787. msgid "Experimental"
  2788. msgstr "Experimental"
  2789. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2790. msgctxt "experimental description"
  2791. msgid "experimental!"
  2792. msgstr "実験的"
  2793. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2794. msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
  2795. msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
  2796. msgstr "Enable Draft Shield"
  2797. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2798. msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled description"
  2799. msgid "This will create a wall around the model, which traps (hot) air and shields against exterior airflow. Especially useful for materials which warp easily."
  2800. msgstr "これにより、モデルの周囲に壁ができ、熱を閉じ込め、外気の流れを遮蔽します。特に反りやすい材料に有効です。"
  2801. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2802. msgctxt "draft_shield_dist label"
  2803. msgid "Draft Shield X/Y Distance"
  2804. msgstr "Draft Shield X/Y Distance"
  2805. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2806. msgctxt "draft_shield_dist description"
  2807. msgid "Distance of the draft shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
  2808. msgstr "ドラフトシールドと造形物のX / Y方向の距離"
  2809. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2810. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation label"
  2811. msgid "Draft Shield Limitation"
  2812. msgstr "Draft Shield Limitation"
  2813. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2814. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation description"
  2815. msgid "Set the height of the draft shield. Choose to print the draft shield at the full height of the model or at a limited height."
  2816. msgstr "ドラフトシールドの高さを設定します。ドラフトシールドは、モデルの全高、または限られた高さで印刷するように選択します。"
  2817. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2818. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option full"
  2819. msgid "Full"
  2820. msgstr "Full"
  2821. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2822. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option limited"
  2823. msgid "Limited"
  2824. msgstr "Limited"
  2825. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2826. msgctxt "draft_shield_height label"
  2827. msgid "Draft Shield Height"
  2828. msgstr "Draft Shield Height"
  2829. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2830. msgctxt "draft_shield_height description"
  2831. msgid "Height limitation of the draft shield. Above this height no draft shield will be printed."
  2832. msgstr "ドラフトシールドの高さ制限。この高さを超えるとドラフトシールドが印刷されません。"
  2833. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2834. msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled label"
  2835. msgid "Make Overhang Printable"
  2836. msgstr "Make Overhang Printable"
  2837. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2838. msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled description"
  2839. msgid "Change the geometry of the printed model such that minimal support is required. Steep overhangs will become shallow overhangs. Overhanging areas will drop down to become more vertical."
  2840. msgstr "最小限のサポートが必要となるように印刷モデルのジオメトリを変更します。急なオーバーハングは浅いオーバーハングになります。オーバーハングした領域は、より垂直になるように下がります。"
  2841. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2842. msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle label"
  2843. msgid "Maximum Model Angle"
  2844. msgstr "Maximum Model Angle"
  2845. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2846. msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
  2847. msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
  2848. msgstr "印刷可能になったオーバーハングの最大角度。 0°の値では、すべてのオーバーハングがビルドプレートに接続されたモデルの一部に置き換えられます。90°では、モデルは決して変更されません。"
  2849. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2850. msgctxt "coasting_enable label"
  2851. msgid "Enable Coasting"
  2852. msgstr "Enable Coasting"
  2853. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2854. msgctxt "coasting_enable description"
  2855. msgid "Coasting replaces the last part of an extrusion path with a travel path. The oozed material is used to print the last piece of the extrusion path in order to reduce stringing."
  2856. msgstr "コースティングは、それぞれの造形ラインの最後の部分をトラベルパスで置き換えます。はみ出た材料は、糸引きを減らすために造形ライン最後の部分を印刷するために使用される。"
  2857. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2858. msgctxt "coasting_volume label"
  2859. msgid "Coasting Volume"
  2860. msgstr "Coasting Volume"
  2861. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2862. msgctxt "coasting_volume description"
  2863. msgid "The volume otherwise oozed. This value should generally be close to the nozzle diameter cubed."
  2864. msgstr "はみ出るフィラメントのボリューム。この値は、一般に、ノズル直径の3乗に近い値でなければならない。"
  2865. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2866. msgctxt "coasting_min_volume label"
  2867. msgid "Minimum Volume Before Coasting"
  2868. msgstr "Minimum Volume Before Coasting"
  2869. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2870. msgctxt "coasting_min_volume description"
  2871. msgid "The smallest volume an extrusion path should have before allowing coasting. For smaller extrusion paths, less pressure has been built up in the bowden tube and so the coasted volume is scaled linearly. This value should always be larger than the Coasting Volume."
  2872. msgstr "コースティングに必要な最小の容積。より小さい押出経路の場合、ボーデンチューブにはより少ない圧力しか蓄積されないので、コースティングの容積は比例する。この値は、常に、コースティングのボリュームよりも大きな必要があります。"
  2873. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2874. msgctxt "coasting_speed label"
  2875. msgid "Coasting Speed"
  2876. msgstr "Coasting Speed"
  2877. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2878. msgctxt "coasting_speed description"
  2879. msgid "The speed by which to move during coasting, relative to the speed of the extrusion path. A value slightly under 100% is advised, since during the coasting move the pressure in the bowden tube drops."
  2880. msgstr "コースティング中の移動速度。印刷時の経路の速度設定に比例します。ボーデンチューブの圧力が低下するので、100%よりわずかに低い値が推奨される。"
  2881. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2882. msgctxt "skin_outline_count label"
  2883. msgid "Extra Skin Wall Count"
  2884. msgstr "Extra Skin Wall Count"
  2885. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2886. msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
  2887. msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
  2888. msgstr "上部/下部パターンの最も外側の部分を同心円の線で置き換えます。 1つまたは2つの線を使用すると、トップ部分の造形が改善されます。"
  2889. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2890. msgctxt "skin_alternate_rotation label"
  2891. msgid "Alternate Skin Rotation"
  2892. msgstr "Alternate Skin Rotation"
  2893. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2894. msgctxt "skin_alternate_rotation description"
  2895. msgid "Alternate the direction in which the top/bottom layers are printed. Normally they are printed diagonally only. This setting adds the X-only and Y-only directions."
  2896. msgstr "トップ/ボトムのレイヤーが印刷される方向を変更します。通常、それらは斜めに印刷されます。この設定では、X方向のみとY方向のみが追加されます。"
  2897. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2898. msgctxt "support_conical_enabled label"
  2899. msgid "Enable Conical Support"
  2900. msgstr "Enable Conical Support"
  2901. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2902. msgctxt "support_conical_enabled description"
  2903. msgid "Experimental feature: Make support areas smaller at the bottom than at the overhang."
  2904. msgstr "実験的機能:オーバーハング部分よりも底面のサポート領域を小さくする。"
  2905. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2906. msgctxt "support_conical_angle label"
  2907. msgid "Conical Support Angle"
  2908. msgstr "Conical Support Angle"
  2909. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2910. msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
  2911. msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
  2912. msgstr "円錐形のサポートの傾きの角度。 0度は垂直であり、90度は水平である。角度が小さいと、サポートはより頑丈になりますが、より多くのマテリアルが必要になります。負の角度は、サポートのベースがトップよりも広くなります。"
  2913. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2914. msgctxt "support_conical_min_width label"
  2915. msgid "Conical Support Minimum Width"
  2916. msgstr "Conical Support Minimum Width"
  2917. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2918. msgctxt "support_conical_min_width description"
  2919. msgid "Minimum width to which the base of the conical support area is reduced. Small widths can lead to unstable support structures."
  2920. msgstr "円錐形のサポート領域のベースが縮小される最小幅。幅が狭いと、サポートが不安定になる可能性があります。"
  2921. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2922. msgctxt "infill_hollow label"
  2923. msgid "Hollow Out Objects"
  2924. msgstr "Hollow Out Objects"
  2925. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2926. msgctxt "infill_hollow description"
  2927. msgid "Remove all infill and make the inside of the object eligible for support."
  2928. msgstr "すべてのインフィルを取り除き、オブジェクトの内部をサポート可能にします。"
  2929. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2930. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled label"
  2931. msgid "Fuzzy Skin"
  2932. msgstr "Fuzzy Skin"
  2933. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2934. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled description"
  2935. msgid "Randomly jitter while printing the outer wall, so that the surface has a rough and fuzzy look."
  2936. msgstr "外壁を印刷する際に振動が起こり、表面が粗くてぼやける。"
  2937. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2938. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness label"
  2939. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Thickness"
  2940. msgstr "Fuzzy Skin Thickness"
  2941. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2942. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness description"
  2943. msgid "The width within which to jitter. It's advised to keep this below the outer wall width, since the inner walls are unaltered."
  2944. msgstr "振動が起こる幅。内壁は変更されていないので、これを外壁の幅より小さく設定することをお勧めします。"
  2945. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2946. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density label"
  2947. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Density"
  2948. msgstr "Fuzzy Skin Density"
  2949. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2950. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density description"
  2951. msgid "The average density of points introduced on each polygon in a layer. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a low density results in a reduction of the resolution."
  2952. msgstr "レイヤー内の各ポリゴンに導入されたポイントの平均密度。ポリゴンの元の点は破棄されるため、密度が低いと解像度が低下します。"
  2953. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2954. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist label"
  2955. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Point Distance"
  2956. msgstr "Fuzzy Skin Point Distance"
  2957. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2958. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist description"
  2959. msgid "The average distance between the random points introduced on each line segment. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a high smoothness results in a reduction of the resolution. This value must be higher than half the Fuzzy Skin Thickness."
  2960. msgstr "各線分に導入されたランダム点間の平均距離。ポリゴンの元の点は破棄されるので、積層の値を低くすることで、なめらかな仕上がりになります。この値は、ファジースキンの厚さの半分よりも大きくなければなりません。"
  2961. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2962. msgctxt "wireframe_enabled label"
  2963. msgid "Wire Printing"
  2964. msgstr "Wire Printing"
  2965. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2966. msgctxt "wireframe_enabled description"
  2967. msgid "Print only the outside surface with a sparse webbed structure, printing 'in thin air'. This is realized by horizontally printing the contours of the model at given Z intervals which are connected via upward and diagonally downward lines."
  2968. msgstr "薄い空気中に印刷し、疎なウエブ構造で外面のみを印刷します。これは、上向きおよび斜め下向きの線を介して接続された所定のZ間隔でモデルの輪郭を水平に印刷することによって実現される。"
  2969. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2970. msgctxt "wireframe_height label"
  2971. msgid "WP Connection Height"
  2972. msgstr "WP Connection Height"
  2973. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2974. msgctxt "wireframe_height description"
  2975. msgid "The height of the upward and diagonally downward lines between two horizontal parts. This determines the overall density of the net structure. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  2976. msgstr "2つの水平なパーツ間の、上向きおよび斜め下向きの線の高さ。これは、ネット構造の全体密度を決定します。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  2977. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2978. msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset label"
  2979. msgid "WP Roof Inset Distance"
  2980. msgstr "WP Roof Inset Distance"
  2981. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2982. msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
  2983. msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  2984. msgstr "屋根から内側に輪郭を描くときの距離。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  2985. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2986. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed label"
  2987. msgid "WP Speed"
  2988. msgstr "WP Speed"
  2989. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2990. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed description"
  2991. msgid "Speed at which the nozzle moves when extruding material. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  2992. msgstr "マテリアルを押し出すときにノズルが動く速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  2993. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2994. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_bottom label"
  2995. msgid "WP Bottom Printing Speed"
  2996. msgstr "WP Bottom Printing Speed"
  2997. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2998. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_bottom description"
  2999. msgid "Speed of printing the first layer, which is the only layer touching the build platform. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3000. msgstr "ブルドプラットフォームに接触する第1層の印刷速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3001. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3002. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_up label"
  3003. msgid "WP Upward Printing Speed"
  3004. msgstr "WP Upward Printing Speed"
  3005. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3006. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_up description"
  3007. msgid "Speed of printing a line upward 'in thin air'. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3008. msgstr "薄い空気の中で上向きに線を印刷する速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3009. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3010. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_down label"
  3011. msgid "WP Downward Printing Speed"
  3012. msgstr "WP Downward Printing Speed"
  3013. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3014. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_down description"
  3015. msgid "Speed of printing a line diagonally downward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3016. msgstr "斜め下方に線を印刷する速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3017. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3018. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_flat label"
  3019. msgid "WP Horizontal Printing Speed"
  3020. msgstr "WP Horizontal Printing Speed"
  3021. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3022. msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_flat description"
  3023. msgid "Speed of printing the horizontal contours of the model. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3024. msgstr "モデルの水平輪郭を印刷する速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3025. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3026. msgctxt "wireframe_flow label"
  3027. msgid "WP Flow"
  3028. msgstr "WP Flow"
  3029. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3030. msgctxt "wireframe_flow description"
  3031. msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3032. msgstr "流れ補正:押出されたマテリアルの量はこの値の乗算になります。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3033. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3034. msgctxt "wireframe_flow_connection label"
  3035. msgid "WP Connection Flow"
  3036. msgstr "WP Connection Flow"
  3037. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3038. msgctxt "wireframe_flow_connection description"
  3039. msgid "Flow compensation when going up or down. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3040. msgstr "上下に動くときの吐出補正。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3041. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3042. msgctxt "wireframe_flow_flat label"
  3043. msgid "WP Flat Flow"
  3044. msgstr "WP Flat Flow"
  3045. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3046. msgctxt "wireframe_flow_flat description"
  3047. msgid "Flow compensation when printing flat lines. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3048. msgstr "フラットラインを印刷する際の吐出補正。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3049. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3050. msgctxt "wireframe_top_delay label"
  3051. msgid "WP Top Delay"
  3052. msgstr "WP Top Delay"
  3053. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3054. msgctxt "wireframe_top_delay description"
  3055. msgid "Delay time after an upward move, so that the upward line can harden. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3056. msgstr "上向きの線が硬くなるように、上向きの動きの後の時間を遅らせる。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3057. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3058. msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
  3059. msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
  3060. msgstr "WP Bottom Delay"
  3061. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3062. msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay description"
  3063. msgid "Delay time after a downward move. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3064. msgstr "下降後の遅延時間。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3065. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3066. msgctxt "wireframe_flat_delay label"
  3067. msgid "WP Flat Delay"
  3068. msgstr "WP Flat Delay"
  3069. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3070. msgctxt "wireframe_flat_delay description"
  3071. msgid "Delay time between two horizontal segments. Introducing such a delay can cause better adhesion to previous layers at the connection points, while too long delays cause sagging. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3072. msgstr "2つの水平セグメント間の遅延時間。このような遅延を挿入すると、前のレイヤーとの接着性が向上することがありますが、遅延が長すぎると垂れ下がりが発生します。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3073. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3074. msgctxt "wireframe_up_half_speed label"
  3075. msgid "WP Ease Upward"
  3076. msgstr "WP Ease Upward"
  3077. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3078. msgctxt "wireframe_up_half_speed description"
  3079. msgid ""
  3080. "Distance of an upward move which is extruded with half speed.\n"
  3081. "This can cause better adhesion to previous layers, while not heating the material in those layers too much. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3082. msgstr "半分の速度で押出される上方への移動距離。過度にマテリアルを加熱することなく、前の層とのより良い接着を作ります。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3083. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3084. msgctxt "wireframe_top_jump label"
  3085. msgid "WP Knot Size"
  3086. msgstr "WP Knot Size"
  3087. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3088. msgctxt "wireframe_top_jump description"
  3089. msgid "Creates a small knot at the top of an upward line, so that the consecutive horizontal layer has a better chance to connect to it. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3090. msgstr "上向きの線の上端に小さな結び目を作成し、連続する水平レイヤーを接着力を高めます。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3091. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3092. msgctxt "wireframe_fall_down label"
  3093. msgid "WP Fall Down"
  3094. msgstr "WP Fall Down"
  3095. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3096. msgctxt "wireframe_fall_down description"
  3097. msgid "Distance with which the material falls down after an upward extrusion. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3098. msgstr "上向き押出後にマテリアルが落下する距離。この距離は補正される。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3099. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3100. msgctxt "wireframe_drag_along label"
  3101. msgid "WP Drag Along"
  3102. msgstr "WP Drag Along"
  3103. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3104. msgctxt "wireframe_drag_along description"
  3105. msgid "Distance with which the material of an upward extrusion is dragged along with the diagonally downward extrusion. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3106. msgstr "斜め下方への押出に伴い上向き押出しているマテリアルが引きずられる距離。この距離は補正される。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  3107. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3108. msgctxt "wireframe_strategy label"
  3109. msgid "WP Strategy"
  3110. msgstr "WP Strategy"
  3111. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3112. msgctxt "wireframe_strategy description"
  3113. msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
  3114. msgstr "各接続ポイントで2つの連続したレイヤーが密着していることを確認するためのストラテジー。収縮すると上向きの線が正しい位置で硬化しますが、フィラメントの研削が行われる可能性があります。上向きの線の終わりに結び目をつけて接続する機会を増やし、線を冷やすことができます。ただし、印刷速度が遅くなることがあります。別の方法は、上向きの線の上端のたるみを補償することである。しかし、予測どおりにラインが必ずしも落ちるとは限りません。"
  3115. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3116. msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option compensate"
  3117. msgid "Compensate"
  3118. msgstr "Compensate"
  3119. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3120. msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option knot"
  3121. msgid "Knot"
  3122. msgstr "Knot"
  3123. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3124. msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
  3125. msgid "Retract"
  3126. msgstr "Retract"
  3127. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3128. msgctxt "wireframe_straight_before_down label"
  3129. msgid "WP Straighten Downward Lines"
  3130. msgstr "WP Straighten Downward Lines"
  3131. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3132. msgctxt "wireframe_straight_before_down description"
  3133. msgid "Percentage of a diagonally downward line which is covered by a horizontal line piece. This can prevent sagging of the top most point of upward lines. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3134. msgstr "水平方向の直線部分で覆われた斜めに下降線の割合です。これは上向きラインのほとんどのポイント、上部のたるみを防ぐことができます。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
  3135. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3136. msgctxt "wireframe_roof_fall_down label"
  3137. msgid "WP Roof Fall Down"
  3138. msgstr "WP Roof Fall Down"
  3139. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3140. msgctxt "wireframe_roof_fall_down description"
  3141. msgid "The distance which horizontal roof lines printed 'in thin air' fall down when being printed. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3142. msgstr "水平屋根が ”薄い空気”に印刷され落ちる距離。この距離は補正されています。ワイヤ印刷に適用されます。"
  3143. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3144. msgctxt "wireframe_roof_drag_along label"
  3145. msgid "WP Roof Drag Along"
  3146. msgstr "WP Roof Drag Along"
  3147. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3148. msgctxt "wireframe_roof_drag_along description"
  3149. msgid "The distance of the end piece of an inward line which gets dragged along when going back to the outer outline of the roof. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3150. msgstr "屋根の外側の輪郭に戻る際に引きずる内側ラインの終わり部分の距離。この距離は補正されていてワイヤ印刷のみ適用されます。"
  3151. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3152. msgctxt "wireframe_roof_outer_delay label"
  3153. msgid "WP Roof Outer Delay"
  3154. msgstr "WP Roof Outer Delay"
  3155. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3156. msgctxt "wireframe_roof_outer_delay description"
  3157. msgid "Time spent at the outer perimeters of hole which is to become a roof. Longer times can ensure a better connection. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3158. msgstr "トップレイヤーにある穴の外側に掛ける時間。長い時間の方はより良い密着を得られます。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
  3159. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3160. msgctxt "wireframe_nozzle_clearance label"
  3161. msgid "WP Nozzle Clearance"
  3162. msgstr "WP Nozzle Clearance"
  3163. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3164. msgctxt "wireframe_nozzle_clearance description"
  3165. msgid "Distance between the nozzle and horizontally downward lines. Larger clearance results in diagonally downward lines with a less steep angle, which in turn results in less upward connections with the next layer. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  3166. msgstr "ノズルと水平方向に下向きの線間の距離。大きな隙間がある場合、急な角度で斜め下方線となり、次の層が上方接続しずらくなる。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
  3167. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3168. msgctxt "command_line_settings label"
  3169. msgid "Command Line Settings"
  3170. msgstr "Command Line Settings"
  3171. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3172. msgctxt "command_line_settings description"
  3173. msgid "Settings which are only used if CuraEngine isn't called from the Cura frontend."
  3174. msgstr "CuraエンジンがCuraフロントエンドから呼び出されない場合のみ使用される設定。"
  3175. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3176. msgctxt "center_object label"
  3177. msgid "Center object"
  3178. msgstr "Center object"
  3179. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3180. msgctxt "center_object description"
  3181. msgid "Whether to center the object on the middle of the build platform (0,0), instead of using the coordinate system in which the object was saved."
  3182. msgstr "オブジェクトが保存された座標系を使用する代わりにビルドプラットフォームの中間(0,0)にオブジェクトを配置するかどうか。"
  3183. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3184. msgctxt "mesh_position_x label"
  3185. msgid "Mesh position x"
  3186. msgstr "Mesh position x"
  3187. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3188. msgctxt "mesh_position_x description"
  3189. msgid "Offset applied to the object in the x direction."
  3190. msgstr "オブジェクトの x 方向に適用されたオフセット。"
  3191. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3192. msgctxt "mesh_position_y label"
  3193. msgid "Mesh position y"
  3194. msgstr "Mesh position y"
  3195. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3196. msgctxt "mesh_position_y description"
  3197. msgid "Offset applied to the object in the y direction."
  3198. msgstr "オブジェクトのY 方向適用されたオフセット。"
  3199. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3200. msgctxt "mesh_position_z label"
  3201. msgid "Mesh position z"
  3202. msgstr "Mesh position z"
  3203. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3204. msgctxt "mesh_position_z description"
  3205. msgid "Offset applied to the object in the z direction. With this you can perform what was used to be called 'Object Sink'."
  3206. msgstr "オブジェクトの z 方向に適用されたオフセット。この 'オブジェクト シンク' と呼ばれていたものを再現できます。"
  3207. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3208. msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix label"
  3209. msgid "Mesh Rotation Matrix"
  3210. msgstr "Mesh Rotation Matrix"
  3211. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3212. msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
  3213. msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
  3214. msgstr "ファイルから読み込むときに、モデルに適用するトランスフォーメーションマトリックス。"